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1、2022年考博英语-四川师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Charles Dickens, like millions of children all over the world throughout the ages, was enchanted by fairy tales. He acknowledged the deep formative impact that the wondrous figures and events of fairy tales helps children better than anything else in their most

2、 difficult, yet most important and satisfying task; achieving a more mature consciousness to tame the chaotic pressure of their unconsciousness.Fairy tales, unlike any other form of literature, direct children to discover their identity and calling. These stories hint that a good, rewarding life is

3、within ones reach despite adversity. They promise that if one dares to engage in this fearsome and taxing search, benevolent powers will come to ones aid, and that one will succeed. But fairy tales also warn that those who are too timid or narrow-minded to risk them-selves must settle for humdrum ex

4、istence.In the past, those who loved fairy tales were often subjected to the scorn of pedants. But today many of our children are deprived of the chance to know fairy stories at all. Most children now meet fairy tales, if they encounter them at all, only in prettified versions that subdue their mean

5、ing and rob them of all deeper significance. One can see such versions in films and on television, where fairy tales are tamed into empty-minded entertainment.Throughout history, the intellectual life of children largely depended on mythical and religious stories, and on fairy tales. This traditiona

6、l literature fed childrens imagination and stimulated their fantasies. At the same time, these stories were a major agent of the childs socialization. Children could learn social ideals from the material of myths, while fairy tales provide patterns of behavior modeled on these ideals. These were the

7、 images of the unconquered heroes, whose life history showed that it is not beneath the dignity of the strongest to clean the filthiest stable.1. The author cited Dickens in order to _.2. It is implied in the second paragraph that _.3. The author identified all of the following as benefits children

8、derive from fairy tales EXCEPT _.4. According to the passage, todays children seldom experience fairy tales in the original because these literary forms are _.5. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?问题1选项A.call attention to a person who began by writing fairy talesB.sup

9、port the authors scorn for those who adapt fairy tales for films and televisionC.prove the formative influence of fairy tales on writersD.provide an example of one who understands the importance of fairy tales to children问题2选项A.most fairy tales are success storiesB.children learn their moral lesson

10、from fairy talesC.most fairy tales are too difficult for children to comprehendD.children often identify themselves with the characters in fairy tales问题3选项A.expressing complex issues in language children can understandB.serving as introductions to complex questions by rewarding lifestylesC.teaching

11、children the wisdom of facing risks to achieve more fulfilling livesD.improving a childs imagination through models of vivid imagery问题4选项A.no longer availableB.not understandable to childrenC.shortened to entertainingD.no relevant to the concerns of contemporary children问题5选项A.Many of todays childre

12、n lack the important socializing influence of myths and fairy tales.B.Fairy tales provide models for human feelings and are therefore essential to the growth of children.C.The best way to tame a childs unconscious being is to allow him to experience fairy tales.D.The diminishing importance of the ro

13、le of fairy tales in child development explains todays problems.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.作者意图题。文章开头提到“Charles Dickens, like millions of children all over the world throughout the ages, was enchanted by fairy tales. He acknowledged the deep formative impact that the wondrous figures and eve

14、nts of fairy tales helps children better than anything else in their most difficult, yet most important and satisfying task.(查尔斯狄更斯,就像那个时代世界上数百万的孩子一样,为童话故事所陶醉。他承认童话故事中奇妙的人物和事件对孩子们的成长有着深刻的影响,在他们最困难、最重要、最令人满意的任务中,这些人物和事件比其他任何东西都更有帮助)”,由此可知查尔斯狄更斯是作者引用的一个用来说明童话故事对孩子们的重要性的一个例子,所以D选项“提供一个理解童话故事对孩子重要性的例子”符

15、合题意。A选项“引起对一个开始写童话故事的人的注意”;B选项“支持作者对那些把童话故事改编成电影和电视的人的蔑视”;C选项“论证童话对作家的形成影响”都不如D选项更符合题意,因此D选项正确。2.判断推理题。第二段提到“These stories hint that a good, rewarding life is within ones reach despite adversity. They promise that if one dares to engage in this fearsome and taxing search, benevolent powers will come

16、 to ones aid, and that one will succeed.(这些故事暗示,一个人即使身处逆境,也能过上美好而有意义的生活。他们承诺,如果一个人敢于进行可怕而费力的探索,仁慈的力量将会来帮助他,他就会成功。)”,由此可知童话故事大部分都是成功的故事,所以A选项“大多数童话故事都是成功的故事”符合题意。B选项“孩子们从童话中吸取道德教训”;C选项“大多数童话故事对孩子们来说太难理解了”以及D选项“孩子们常常认同童话里的人物”该段落都没有体现,因此A选项正确。3.判断推理题。根据第二段“These stories hint that a good, rewarding life

17、 is within ones reach despite adversity.(这些故事暗示,一个人即使身处逆境,也能过上美好而有意义的生活。)”可知B选项“通过奖励生活方式来介绍复杂的问题”正确;根据第一段最后一句“achieving a more mature consciousness to tame the chaotic pressure of their unconsciousness.(获得更成熟的意识来驯服他们无意识的混乱压力。)”可知C选项“教孩子们面对风险的智慧,以实现更充实的生活”正确;根据最后一段“This traditional literature fed chi

18、ldrens imagination and stimulated their fantasies.(这种传统文学丰富了孩子们的想象力,激发了他们的幻想。)”可知D选项“通过生动形象的模型来提高孩子的想象力”正确,只有A选项“用孩子们能理解的语言表达复杂的问题”文章没有提及,因此该题应选A选项。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“Most children now meet fairy tales, if they encounter them at all, only in prettified versions that subdue their meaning and rob t

19、hem of all deeper significance. One can see such versions in films and on television, where fairy tales are tamed into empty-minded entertainment.(大多数孩子现在看到的童话,如果他们能看到的话,也只是经过美化的版本,削弱了它们的意义,剥夺了它们所有更深层次的意义。人们可以在电影和电视上看到这样的版本,童话故事被驯服为空洞的娱乐消遣)”,由此可知现在的儿童很少体验到原始的童话故事是因为它们被削减美化成了娱乐消遣,所以C选项“削减为娱乐”符合题意。A选项


21、问题”都不如B选项贴合文章大意,因此B选项正确。2. 单选题The “Echo House” will demonstrate how we can live with highly efficient insulation, solar heating, energy efficient _ and organic gardening.问题1选项A.applicatorsB.applicationsC.applicantsD.appliances【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项applicators“涂药器;敷帖器;上涂装置”;B选项applications“应用;申请;应用程序;敷用

22、;(对事物、学习等)投入”;C选项applicants“申请人,申请者;请求者”;D选项appliances“器具;器械;装置;应用”。原句中有几个并列成分:highly efficient insulation,solar heating,energy efficient _,和organic gardening,根据上下文,这些都是与生存环境有关的词语,因此我们不难排除掉与此无关的选项A选项和C选项。另外,原句中的几个并列成分都是具体名词。因此可以推断B选项application“应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;(对事物、学习等)投入”与题意不符。句意:“回音屋”将向我们展示如何使用高效隔热、

23、太阳能饮食、节能电器和有机园艺来生活。因此D选项正确。3. 单选题“Very few people like to talk about how much money they makeespecially people who earn a lot of money,” wrote Salmon in his post Why Salaries Shouldnt Be Secret, in the wake of news that recentlydeparted New York Times editor Jill Abramson had started asking question

24、s about the pay discrepancy between her and her predecessor. “Since companies tend to be run by people who earn a lot of money, the result is a culture of silence and secrecy when it comes to pay.”There are several surprising reasons. “Secrecy surrounding pay is generally a bad idea for any organiza

25、tions,” Salmon wrote. “For one thing, secrecy about pay is bad for women, who are worse at asking for raises than men are. If men secretly ask for raises and secretly get then, while women dont, then that helps to explain, at least in part, why men end up earning more than women,” Salmon wrote. “Sec

26、recy around pay is also a great way to allow managers toconsciously or unconsciously play favorites with their staff.”“Weve all worked in companies, Im sure, where the only way to get a substantial raise is to confront management with a job offer from somewhere else,” he added. “Thats clearly a drea

27、dful way to run a company, since it gives all employees a huge incentive to spend a lot of time looking for work elsewhere, even if theyre happy where they are.”“If you work for a company where everybody knows what everybody else is earning, then its going to be very easy to see whats going on. Youl

28、l see who the stars are, youll see what kind of skills and talent the company rewards,” he wrote. “Youll also see whether men get paid more than women, whether managers are generally overpaid, and whether behavior like threatening to quit is rewarded with big raises. Whats more, because management k

29、nows that everybody else will see such things, theyll be much less likely to do the kind of secret deals which are all too common in most companies today.”1. What do we learn from the first paragraph?2. What is a possible reason why men usually earn more than women according to Salmon?3. The italici

30、zed phrase “play favorites with” most likely means to _.4. Another big problem secrecy about pay might cause is _.5. What does Salmon suggest might happen if there is no secrecy in pay?问题1选项A.Salmon is the first writer who put forward the question of pay discrepancy.B.Jill Abramson left New York Tim

31、es when she knew that difference in pay.C.Managers seldom talk about their pay because it is a tradition not to.D.Jill Abramson didnt get the same pay with someone who did the same job.问题2选项A.Men are more likely to get the trust of their boss.B.Managers tend to think men are more capable than women.

32、C.Men expect more pressure on the boss for pay raise than women.D.Men are more likely to make secret deal with the manager about pay.问题3选项A.make secret deals withB.treat differentlyC.show prejudice againstD.cheat问题4选项A.employees lack of full commitmentB.low productivityC.unhappy employeesD.frequent

33、confrontations问题5选项A.Managers will earn less than they do today.B.Employees will be more skilled than today.C.It will be clear who the bosss favorite is.D.The company will become a fairer place than today.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段“Since companies tend to be run by people

34、 who earn a lot of money, the result is a culture of silence and secrecy when it comes to pay.(由于公司往往是由赚大钱的人经营的,其结果是在薪酬方面形成了一种沉默和保密的文化。)”,由此可知C选项“经理们很少谈论他们的薪酬,因为这是一种传统”正确。A选项“萨尔蒙是第一个提出工资差距问题的作家”文中没有说到;B选项“吉尔艾布拉姆森知道工资的差别后离开了纽约时报”文章也没有明确说到这二者有因果关系;D选项“吉尔艾布拉姆森没有和做同样工作的人得到同样的报酬”说法错误,文中只提到吉尔艾布拉姆森质疑她和自己前辈

35、的工资差异,并没有说到他们是否是做的同样的工作,因此C选项正确。2.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“For one thing, secrecy about pay is bad for women, who are worse at asking for raises than men are. If men secretly ask for raises and secretly get then, while women dont, then that helps to explain, at least in part, why men end up earning more

36、than women.(一方面,工资保密对女性不利,因为女性比男性更不善于要求加薪。如果男人偷偷地要求加薪,然后偷偷地得到加薪,而女人却没有,那么这就有助于解释,至少在一定程度上,为什么男人最终会比女人挣得多。)”,由此可知D选项“男人更容易和经理就工资问题做秘密交易”正确。A选项“男人更容易得到老板的信任”;B选项“经理们倾向于认为男人比女人更有能力”以及C选项“男性施加给经理的加薪压力比女性更大”文章都没有提及,因此D选项正确。3.语义推测题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“Secrecy around pay is also a great way to allow managers toc

37、onsciously or unconsciously play favorites with their staff.(关于薪酬的保密也是一个很好的方法,可以让管理者有意识或无意识地与员工达成某种协议)”以及前文可知A选项“与做秘密交易”与play favorite with意思更接近。B选项“区别对待”;C选项“对有偏见”;D选项“欺骗”。因此A选项正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“Weve all worked in companies, Im sure, where the only way to get a substantial raise is to confro

38、nt management with a job offer from somewhere else,” he added. “Thats clearly a dreadful way to run a company, since it gives all employees a huge incentive to spend a lot of time looking for work elsewhere, even if theyre happy where they are.”(我敢肯定,我们都在一些公司工作过,要想获得大幅加薪,唯一的办法就是让管理层面对来自其他地方的工作邀请。这显然

39、是一种可怕的管理公司的方式,因为这给了所有员工巨大的动力,让他们花大量时间在别处找工作,即使他们在那里很开心。)”,由此可知薪酬保密导致如果员工想加薪就只有不停地去别处找工作,从而导致员工的心情变差,影响工作效率,C选项“不开心的员工”符合题意。A选项“员工缺乏充分的承诺”;B选项“生产率低”以及D选项“频繁的对抗”文章都没有提及,因此C选项正确。5.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章最后一段“Youll see who the stars are, youll see what kind of skills and talent the company rewards,” he wrote.

40、“Youll also see whether men get paid more than women, whether managers are generally overpaid, and whether behavior like threatening to quit is rewarded with big raises. Whats more, because management knows that everybody else will see such things, theyll be much less likely to do the kind of secret

41、 deals which are all too common in most companies today.”(你会看到最受老板青睐的是谁,你会看到公司奖励的是什么样的技能和才能。你还将看到,男性的薪酬是否高于女性,管理人员的薪酬是否普遍过高,以及威胁辞职等行为是否会得到大幅加薪的回报。更重要的是,因为管理层知道其他人都会看到这样的事情,所以他们不太可能做今天大多数公司都太常见的秘密交易。)”,由此可知如果薪酬不保密,公司内部的各种规则会更透明化,工资制度相对来说会更公平,D选项“公司将变得比今天更公平”符合题意。A选项“经理们的收入将比现在少”和B选项“员工们的技能会比今天更高”文章中并

42、没有直接体现;C选项“老板最喜欢谁将一目了然”虽然文章有提到,但是不符合题意,因此D选项正确。4. 单选题This movie is not _ for children to see: it contains too much violence and too many love scenes.问题1选项A.profoundB.validC.decentD.upright【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项profound“深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的”;B选项valid“有效的;有根据的;合法的;正当的”;C选项decent“正派的;得体的;相当好的”;D选项upright“正直的,诚实

43、的;垂直的,直立的;笔直的”。句意:这部电影不适合孩子们看:它包含太多的暴力和爱情场景。因此C选项正确。5. 单选题It took us only a few hours to _ the paper off all four walls.问题1选项A.shearB.scrapeC.strikeD.chip【答案】B【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项shear off“剪断;切掉”;B选项scrape off“刮掉;擦去”;C选项strike off“砍掉;勾销;击断;印刷;轻易做成”;D选项chip off“切下;削去;崩裂;拆取芯片”。句意:我们只用了几个小时就把四面墙上的纸刮掉了。因此B选项正

44、确。6. 单选题The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have _ as the amount of money borrowed.问题1选项A.as the same valueB.the same valueC.value as the sameD.the value is the same【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。句子中的空格部分做宾语从句中的宾语成分,故可排除D选项;“与相同”可用“asas”和“the same as”,无“

45、as the same as”这种表达;二者的区别为:as + adj/adv. +as ;the same (+n.) as,故可排除A选项和C选项,根据句意:消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的钱应与所贷款的价值相同。可知B选项正确。7. 单选题Music is the result of thought in the form of attitude. There is no one way of thinking, since mens values are as scattered and dissimilar as individual men themselves. If black mus

46、ic can be seen as the result of certain attitudes, certain specific ways of thinking about the world, then my basic hypothesis about music is understood. The black mans music changed as the changed, reflecting shifting attitudes or consistent attitudes within changing contexts. It is why the music c

47、hanging seems most important to me.When jazz first began to appear on the American scene during the twenties, in one form or another, it was introduced in many instances by white Americans. Yet its original conception and its most vital development were the result of certain attitudes, or experienti

48、al ideas, attributable to the Afro-American culture. Jazz as played by white musicians was not the same as that played by black musicians nor was there any reason for it to be. The music of the white jazz musician was, at its most profound, a learned art.The blues, for example, which I take to be an

49、 independent black music, was practically ignored in pre-jazz white American culture. Blues is an extremely important part of jazz. However, the way in which jazz utilizes the blues “attitude” provided a musical analogy the white musician could understand, and thus he could arrive at a style of jazz

50、 music. The white musician understood the blues first as music, but seldom as an attitude, since the attitude of the white musician was necessarily quite a different one. And in many cases, it was not consistent with the making of jazz.Thus, the trumpets (小号) of Bix Beiderbecke and Louis Armstrong w

51、ere very dissimilar. The white middle-class boy from Iowa was an inborn intellectual and had an emotional life that was based on his conscious or unconscious disapproval of most of the custom of his culture. On the other hand, Armstrong was, in terms of an emotional model, an honored priest of his c

52、ulture. He was not rebelling against anything with his music. The incredible irony of the situation was that both stood in similar places in the superstructure of American society: Beiderbecke, because of his isolation and departure from mass culture; and Armstrong, because of the socio-historical s

53、eparation of the black man from the rest of American.1. Which of the following best states the underlying idea of the passage?2. What is the relationship between blues and jazz in American culture?3. The tone of the authors discussion of the blues is _.4. The author implies that the kinds of music p

54、roduced by Beiderbecke and Armstrong differ greatly because_.5. In which of the following were Beiderbecke and Armstrong similar?问题1选项A.Due to environmental influences, the music of black and white artists must be very different.B.Due to its result of thought, Mack artists music can be learned by wh

55、ite musicians.C.Because jazz is created on inspiration, it is difficult for musicians to copy each other.D.Because music has social significance, its influence on black white relations should not be underestimated.问题2选项A.Jazz places more emphasis on Afro-American culture than does the blues.B.Jazz c

56、hanges the attitudes of white musicians toward Afro-American culture.C.Jazz is based on the blues attitude, but expressed in comprehensible manners to white musicians.D.Jazz must be understood in order to be played, whereas the blues must be learned.问题3选项A.indifferentB.appreciativeC.curiousD.uncerta

57、in问题4选项A.the attitudes of blacks and whites as reflected in their music are differentB.Beiderbeckes intellectualism held back his development as a musicianC.rebellion acted as a destructive force on Beiderbeckes performanceD.Armstrong was well established as a performer but Beiderbecke was not问题5选项A

58、.The attitudes they brought to their music.B.Their ability to reflect other cultures in their music.C.Their separation from mass music.D.The positions they came to hold in American society.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段“The black mans music changed as the changed, reflecting

59、shifting attitudes or consistent attitudes within changing contexts. It is why the music changing seems most important to me.(黑人音乐的改变反映了在变化的环境中态度的改变或态度的一致。这就是为什么音乐的变化对我来说是最重要的。)”,并且最后一段作者又对比了Bix Beiderbecke和Louis Armstrong不同的原因主要是成长环境不同,由此可知该文章主要讲的是黑人和白人艺术家的音乐由于环境的影响肯定是非常不同的,所以A选项“由于环境的影响,黑人和白人艺术家的音

60、乐肯定是非常不同的”符合题意。B选项“由于思想的结果,Mack艺术家的音乐可以被白人音乐家学习”文章没有提到;C选项“因为爵士乐是灵感创造的,所以音乐家们很难相互模仿”两个分句之间不构成因果关系;D选项“因为音乐有社会意义,它对黑人和白人关系的影响是不可低估的”文章没有提及。因此A选项正确。2.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“Blues is an extremely important part of jazz. However, the way in which jazz utilizes the blues attitude provided a musical analogy

61、the white musician could understand, and thus he could arrive at a style of jazz music.”(布鲁斯是爵士乐非常重要的一个部分,然而,爵士乐所运用的布鲁斯“态度”是白人音乐家能理解的,这样他才创造了爵士乐),所以C选项“爵士乐是基于布鲁斯的态度,但以白人音乐家可以理解的方式表达”符合题意。A选项“爵士乐比布鲁斯更强调美国黑人文化”;B选项“爵士乐改变了白人音乐家对美国黑人文化的态度”和D选项“爵士乐必须理解才能演奏,而布鲁斯必须学习”文章都没有提及。因此C选项正确。3.作者意图题。被问到作者意图题时,最好回到原

62、文查看作者在提到该事物时所使用词的感情色彩。根据题干可定位到文章第三段,作者提到布鲁斯时的词有:independent,extremely important part of 等褒义词,所以可知他对布鲁斯持赞赏态度,所以B选项“赞赏的,欣赏的”更能体现作者的态度。A选项“漠不关心的”;C选项“好奇的”;D选项“不确定的,没有信心的”均不符合题意,因此B选项正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段结尾“The white musician understood the blues first as music, but seldom as an attitude, since the a

63、ttitude of the white musician was necessarily quite a different one. And in many cases, it was not consistent with the making of jazz.(白人音乐家将布鲁斯作为音乐来理解,而很少作为一种态度来理解,因为白人的态度和黑人是不同的。在很多情况下,这与爵士乐的发展并不一致。)”,由此可知A选项“黑人和白人的态度反映在他们的音乐中是不同的”说法正确。B选项“贝德贝克的知性主义阻碍了他作为音乐家的发展”文中没有提到;C选项“叛乱对贝德贝克的表现起到了破坏性的作用”是指贝德贝克和阿姆斯特朗的不同之处,不是原因;根据文章最后一段“The incredible irony of the situation was that both stood in similar places in the superstructure of American society.(令人难以置信的讽刺之处在于他们都处在美国社会上层建筑的相似位置)”可知他们都是公认的表演者,因此D选项“阿姆斯特朗是公认的表演者,但贝德贝克不是”说法错误。因此A选项正确。5.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章最后一段“The incredible irony of the situat

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