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1、2022年考博英语-外交学院考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题In some countries preschool education in nursery schools or kindergartens( )the 1st grade.问题1选项A.leadsB.forwardsC.precedesD.advances【答案】C【解析】考查近义词辨析。A选项leads“领导;通往;指引”;B选项forwards“向前地;按顺序地;迈向成功;进入显著的位置;向将来;提前”;C选项precedes“领先,在之前;优于,高于;领先,在前面”;D选项advances“提出;使

2、前进;提前”。句意:在一些国家,幼儿园或幼儿园的学前教育先于一年级。因此C选项正确。2. 单选题The shuttle Columbia was doomed in part because NASA relied on flawed computer simulations and mathematical formulas that failed to accurately predict damage to the shuttle from flying pieces of foam, documents released by the space agency and the grou

3、p investigating the accident show.Nuclear and aviation industry safety experts who are familiar with the sorts of analyses NASA used say space agency officials were wrong to rely on the simulations to gauge risks. Instead, the experts say, they should have performed tests on shuttle components to de

4、termine the damage that foam from the fuel tank might do to its wing.These simulations and formulas some done before the launch, others done during the mission often were based on erroneous assumptions about the ability of the shuttle to withstand damage. NASA managers assumed it was safe for Columb

5、ia to return to Earth even though foam had struck the wing.The foam hit the left wing 82 seconds after liftoff and broke through one of the carbon panels designed to protect the wings from the intense heat of re-entry. Columbia broke apart as it re-entered Earths atmosphere on Feb.1. All seven astro

6、nauts were killed.Today, the Columbia Accident Investigation Board Will issue its findings on what caused the accident. In addition to detailing how the blow from the foam led to the break-up, the board will document how decisions by NASA managers underestimated the peril Columbia faced and how they

7、 ignored warnings, according to previous public statements from board members.The independent boards report also is expected to find that the NASA safety office was ineffective and underfunded.Among the areas to be discussed is NASAs reliance on computer simulations and mathematical models. Before t

8、he missionand again after fuzzy photos showed the foam had hit Columbias wing-simulations and other analyses led to poor decisions by NASA managers, documents show. The simulations appear to have blinded them to danger signals about foam on earlier flights and led them to dramatically underestimate

9、the threat to Columbia. The independent boards report also is expected to find that the NASA safety office was ineffective and underfunded.In one case, during the Columbia mission, at least 75 shuttle experts with NASA and its contractors were so concerned about the poor quality of data in an analys

10、is they were preparing that they recommended taking photos of the shuttle in space, sources say. Those photos could have shown whether foam had damaged the left wing.Instead, NASA managers trusted the analysis that the experts said was so flawed. The analysis wrongly estimated where the foam hit and

11、 concluded that the shuttle had not sustained significant damage. Had NASA known the extent of the damage, the agency might have launched a rescue mission to try to save Columbias crew.Engineers connected to the analysis say they are angry and puzzled that NASA would not seek photos from satellites

12、or telescopes. NASA managers say they were not told of the limitations on computer simulations and analyses.By necessity, NASA relies heavily on computer models and other analysis tools to provide clues about what happens to the shuttle from launch until re-entry. It cannot easily recreate the extre

13、me temperatures of space in a lab. Used properly, such analyses can improve safety. Indeed, analysis techniques routinely help design safer jet wings and nuclear plants.But safety experts in high-risk industries say theyve learned the hard way mathematical formulas and computer simulations cannot fu

14、lly mimic nature. Several major aviation crashes and the Three Mile Island nuclear accident were caused by poor analyses, experts say.“You need to take into account the uncertainties” says Elizabeth Pate-Cornell, chairman of the management sciences and engineering department at Stanford University.

15、“Its the old story: garbage in, garbage out.”As Columbia orbited, engineers erroneously concluded the foam could not damage the wings carbon panels. The analysis was based on earlier tests of small ice pellets hitting the panels. But those tests could not predict whether a large chunk of foam would

16、cause damage.A computer program known as Crater, which engineers used to predict whether the foam damaged the ceramic tiles beneath Columbias wing, had not been designed to account for impacts from large pieces of foam.1. Nuclear and aviation safety experts( ).2. In the authors opinion, NASA manager

17、s( ).3. The Columbia Accident Investigation Board will issue its findings with regard to the following EXCEPT( ).4. NASA managers made poor decisions because they did NOT( ).5. Safety experts in high-risk industries indicate that computer simulations( ).问题1选项A.know very well the sorts of analyses ma

18、de by NASA managersB.indicate that space agency officials relied on the wrong analysesC.believe that space agency officials should have made more simulationsD.strongly criticize space agency officials for being unscrupulous问题2选项A.made wrong hypothesis conclusions about the safety of ColumbiaB.in fac

19、t knew clearly what kind of danger Columbia would faceC.felt it difficult to predict what might happen to Columbia as it returned to EarthD.did not realize that the left wing of Columbia was hit by the foam after liftoff问题3选项A.why the shuttle broke apart as it returned to EarthB.how the foam hitting

20、 the left wing caused the accidentC.how decisions by NASA managers were madeD.how NASA managers misunderstood danger signals问题4选项A.get all the findings of data analysesB.know the shuttle had significant damageC.get along well with shuttle expertD.trust the analysis produced by simulation问题5选项A.are n

21、ot reliable at allB.yielded poor analysesC.have severe limitationsD.should be abandoned【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。由题干可定位到文章第二段第一句话“Nuclear and aviation industry safety experts who are familiar with the sorts of analyses NASA used say space agency officials were wrong to rely on the sim

22、ulations to gauge risks.(熟悉NASA使用的分析的核能和航空安全专家说,航天局官员错误地依赖模拟来衡量风险。)”。A选项“非常了解NASA管理人员所做的各种分析”文中没有提到;B选项“指出太空总署官员依赖错误的分析”正确;C选项“认为太空总署的官员应该做更多的模拟”没有直接在文中明说;D选项“强烈批评航天局官员的肆无忌惮”文中没有提到,因此B选项正确。2.作者意图题。由题干可定位到第三段第一句话“These simulations and formulas some done before the launch, others done during the missi

23、on often were based on erroneous assumptions about the ability of the shuttle to withstand damage.(这些模拟和公式,有些是在发射前完成的,而在任务期间所做的其他模拟和公式往往是基于对航天飞机承受损害能力的错误假设。)”。A选项“对哥伦比亚号的安全性做出错误的假设结论”正确;B选项“事实上很清楚哥伦比亚将面临什么样的危险”说法错误,管理人员低估了自己的错误对哥伦比亚号造成的危险;C选项“觉得很难预测哥伦比亚号返回地球时会发生什么”说法错误,管理人员觉得哥伦比亚号能安全返回地球;D选项“没有意识到哥伦

24、比亚号的左翼在升空后被泡沫击中”说法错误,管理人员预测到了,只是他们错误地评估了航天飞机的承伤能力,因此A选项正确。3.细节事实题。由题干定位到文中第五段“Today, the Columbia Accident Investigation Board Will issue its findings on what caused the accident. In addition to detailing how the blow from the foam led to the break-up, the board will document how decisions by NASA m

25、anagers underestimated the peril Columbia faced and how they ignored warnings, according to previous public statements from board members.(今天,哥伦比亚事故调查委员会将发布事故原因的调查结果。根据此前董事会成员公开声明,除了详细说明泡沫的打击如何导致分解外,委员会还将记录NASA管理人员如何低估哥伦比亚面临的危险以及他们如何忽视警告。)”。A选项“为什么航天飞机在返回地球时分裂了”;B选项“泡沫是如何撞击左翼造成事故的”;C选项“NASA管理者是如何做出决

26、定的”都在文中提到过,只有D选项“NASA管理者如何误解危险信号”没有提到,因此D选项正确。4.判断推理题。由题干可定位到文中第八、九段。文中说到安全专家非常担心他们准备的分析数据的质量太低,他们建议在太空中给航天飞机拍照,然而管理人员相信自己的实验数据,所以引发了事故。A选项“得到所有数据分析的结果”;B选项“知道航天飞机有严重的损坏”;C选项“与航天飞机专家相处融洽”都不符合原文,D选项“相信模拟产生的分析”正确,因此D选项正确。5.判断推理题。由题干可定位到文中第十段“NASA managers say they were not told of the limitations on c

27、omputer simulations and analyses.(美国宇航局的管理人员说,他们没有被告知计算机模拟和分析的局限性。)”和第十二段“But safety experts in high-risk industries say theyve learned the hard way mathematical formulas and computer simulations cannot fully mimic nature.(但高风险行业的安全专家说,他们已经学到了数学公式和计算机模拟无法完全模拟自然的艰难方法。)”。由此可知计算机模拟无法完全模拟自然危险,因此具有局限性。A选

28、项“完全不可靠”;B选项“产生不良分析”和D选项“应该被废弃”都不正确,C选项“有严重的局限性”符合题意,因此C选项正确。3. 单选题This year is a( )year for me, for I bought my own house successfully问题1选项A.tautB.tawnyC.bannerD.bumper【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项taut“拉紧的,紧张的,整洁的”;B选项tawny“黄褐色的,茶色的”;C选项banner“旗帜,横幅,标语”;D选项bumper“丰盛的,巨大的,首尾相接的”。句意:今年对我来说是丰收的一年,因为我成功地为自己买了房子

29、。因此D选项正确。4. 单选题Packaging workers seem to go faster when they get their( )wind after a cup of coffee.问题1选项A.secondB.thirdC.sixthD.seventh【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项second“(num.)第二;居第二位的;另外的;(adj.)第二的;另外的;次要的;(n.)秒;瞬间;第二名;二等品;(v.)支持,附议;临时调派”;B选项third“(num.)第三;三分之一;(n.)三分之一;三等学位;(adj.)第三的;三分之一的”;C选项sixth“(n.

30、)第六;(比赛或竞赛的)第六名;六分之一;六年级;六度音程;六度音;(adj.)(与 the 连用)第六的,第六个的;六分之一的”;D选项seventh“(num.)第七;(n.)七分之一;(比赛或竞赛的)第七名;第七(用来引出第七个要点或原因);(音乐)七度音程,七度和弦;(adj.)第七的;七分之一的;(adv.)居第七位地;第七点(用来引出第七个要点或原因)”。根据固定搭配get ones second wind“再度恢复精力和力量”可知该题选second。get the wind up someone“使受到惊吓,使担心害怕”。句意:包装工人在喝了一杯咖啡后恢复了体力,工作速度变快了。

31、因此A选项正确。5. 单选题Even by tightening the purse strings and cutting( )spending other than( )necessities, the average Beijing resident would still need at least 25 years to buy an apartment, the latest report shows.问题1选项A.out, onB.off, onC.out, forD.down, for【答案】D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。cut out“删去,割掉,裁剪”;cut off“截止,

32、中断供应,使死亡”;cut down“削减,缩短,砍倒”。句意:最新的一份报告显示,即便是精打细算,减少生活必需品以外的支出,北京居民平均仍需要至少25年的时间才能买到一套房子。因此D选项正确。6. 单选题Have you ever received( )of what has happened to her?问题1选项A.the wordB.wordsC.wordD.the words【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项the word“这个词;某个特定的词或话”;B选项words“歌词,台词,谈话,言语”;C选项word“消息,音信,谣言,传说”;D选项the words“特指某些单词”

33、。句意:她发生了什么事情,你得到她的消息了吗?因此C选项正确。7. 单选题We know she was always as( )as her word, so we trusted her.问题1选项A.goodB.honestC.faithfulD.true【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项good“(adj.)好的;优良的;愉快的;虔诚的;(n.)好处;善行;慷慨的行为;(adv.)好”;B选项honest“诚实的,实在的;可靠的;坦率的”;C选项faithful“忠实的,忠诚的;如实的;准确可靠的”;D选项true“(adj.)真实的;正确的;(adv.)真实地;准确地;(n.

34、)真实;准确”。根据固定搭配be as good as ones word“说话算数,守信”可知本题选good。句意:我们知道她一向信守诺言,所以我们信任她。因此A选项正确。8. 单选题Questions grew over Silvio Berlusconis ability to hold his coalition together, after he only narrowly won a vote of( )in the lower house of Italys parliament.问题1选项A.confidenceB.accountC.thanksD.support【答案】D【

35、解析】考查名词辨析。A选项confidence“信心,信任,秘密”;B选项account“账户,解释,账目,账单,理由,描述”;C选项thanks“谢谢”;D选项support“支持,帮助,支撑物,支撑,扶持,物质援助,安慰”。句意:西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)在意大利议会下院仅以微弱优势赢得一票支持后,人们对他维持联盟团结的能力产生了质疑。a vote of support投票支持,因此D选项正确。9. 单选题( )sent from Florida for all the children in Cabin Six.问题1选项A.A crate of orang

36、es wereB.A crate of orange wereC.A crate of orange wasD.A crate of oranges was【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。a crate of“一箱;一筐”。谓语动词的变化要看有多少crate,多于一箱的,谓语动词用复数;被修饰的名词的变化还要看这个名词是可数还是不可数,如果是不可数,谓语动词用单数;如果可数且为单/复数,则谓语动词对应的用单/复数。题中orange“橘子”为可数名词。句意:从佛罗里达寄来了一箱橘子给6号船舱的所有孩子。因此A选项正确。10. 单选题Unenlightened authoritarian mana

37、gers rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents rift.问题1选项A.demurB.divisionC.complianceD.discern【答案】B【解析】考查近义名词辨析。A选项demur“异议;反对”;B选项division“除法;部门;分配;分裂;分割;赛区”;C选项complia

38、nce“顺从,服从;符合;屈从;可塑性”;D选项discern仅可做动词,意为“觉察出;识别;了解;隐约看见;辨别”。句意:不开明的独裁管理者很少意识到民主管理的工作团队成员之间严重冲突程度较低的一个关键原因:对异见的少量容忍往往可以防止出现裂痕。rift“裂缝;不和;裂口”,B选项与该词词意最相近,因此B选项正确。11. 单选题The German company retained a( )position in hormone research.问题1选项A.chairB.poleC.soapD.floor【答案】B【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项chair“椅子;讲座;主席位;大学教授的

39、职位”;B选项pole“杆;极点;电极”;C选项soap“肥皂;将肥皂涂在上;对拍马屁”;D选项floor“地板,地面;楼层;基底;议员席”。pole position指的是方程式赛车中的“竿位”,即决赛中排在第一位出发的选手。“竿位”由决赛前排位赛中成绩最好的车手获得。此外,pole position还可表示“跑道内圈;有利位置”。句意:这家德国公司在激素研究方面保持着有利地位。因此B选项正确。12. 单选题( )their terms, we would go bankrupt.问题1选项A.If we acceptB.If we should acceptC.If we had acce

40、ptedD.If we are to accept【答案】B【解析】考查虚拟语气。虚拟语气常见的三种形式:与过去事实相反的假设,从句用“had+过去分词”,主句用“should(would,could,might)+have+过去分词”;与现在事实相反的假设,从句的谓语动词用过去式,系动词用were,主句的谓语用“should+动词原形”;与将来事实相反的假设,从句的谓语动词用“should(were to)+动词原形”,主句用“should+动词原形”。句意:假如我们接受他们的条件的话,我们就会破产。表示的是与将来事实相反的假设,因此B选项正确。13. 单选题The( ) in Davids

41、 character has hindered him from advancing in his career.问题1选项A.weaknessB.shortcomingC.demeritD.defect【答案】D【解析】考查同义名词辨析。A选项weakness“指人性格、品行方面的弱点,或体制、组织、设计等方面的缺陷(强调弱点)”;B选项shortcoming“指某人或某事物所存在的不足或缺陷,通常用复数”;C选项demerit“是很正式的词语,表示事物的缺点”;D选项defect“指事物的缺点或人性格上的缺点,一般指较大的缺点、缺陷。”某某人的shortcoming是可以改的;但是某某人的

42、weakness是需要那个人自己去克服;shortcoming只能用来指人的缺点;weakness可以用在人以外的东西上。句意:大卫性格上的缺陷阻碍了他在事业上的发展。因此D选项正确。14. 单选题I quiz myself once in a while: How many official South African languages can I name? There are eleven-Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, and Zulubut I usuall

43、y get(1)around six or seven. I often wonder how the South African government can(2)them all. It turns out that they really cant.Many languages are regulated by some kind of authority, such as Spains Real Academia Espanola (a government body) or Frances Academie Francaise (more of an outside advisor)

44、. South Africas eleven languages are all regulated by the chronically underfunded Pan South African Language Board, a governmental department. English is in no danger, of course. Afrikaans is mostly regulated by a separate body. As a result, PanSALB concerns itself mostly(3)the nine official Bantu l

45、anguages, as well as Khoi, San and South African Sign Language.I wrote last week that literature in southern African languages is(4)before ever having a chance to be(5). Yes, there are social and historical reasons why literature development has been(6). But some blame rests(7)PanSALB, the sole inst

46、itution dedicated to these languages. It is repeatedly accused of corruption and mismanagement. During a recent inquiry, it was uncooperative. The parliaments culture committee has voted to reduce funding for PanSALB until it “got its house in(8)”, after wondering aloud in April how its budget of 56

47、m rand ($6. 9m) produced so little. Thandile Sunduza, the chairwoman of the committee, thinks it best to eliminate PanSALB altogether, saying in May “There is nothing that has been done-no program, nothing, any money. There is nothing.”To be sure, mismanagement is(9)in South Africas government. Even

48、 if PanSALB were able to produce textbooks in, say, Pedi, recent events suggest that they would never(10)it to Pedi-speaking students in Limpopo province. But for infant literatures, PanSALBs incompetence could be fatal. PanSALB is the only major funding and support lifeline for many South African l

49、anguages.问题1选项A.stuckB.caughtC./D.mad问题2选项A.keep an eye onB.keep an eye atC.keep track ofD.keep track on问题3选项A.toB.onC.withD.of问题4选项A.slowB.sickC.boomingD.decent问题5选项A.goodB.healthyC.vulgarD.popular问题6选项A.downB.goneC.slowD.developed问题7选项A.withB.toC.onD.upon问题8选项A.orderB.timeC.financeD.full问题9选项A.rar

50、eB.respectedC.dissectedD.endemic问题10选项A.makeB.bringC.takeD.seek【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:B第5题:B第6题:C第7题:A第8题:A第9题:D第10题:A【解析】1.考查动词辨析。A选项get stuck“被卡住”;B选项get caught“被抓到,被捕”;D选项get mad“变得着迷”。句意:有十一种南非语言南非荷兰语、英语,但我通常_六、七种。由此可知虽然有十一种语言,但作者不能记住全部,在6、7种的时候就卡住了,因此A选项正确。2.考查固定搭配。A选项keep an eye on“照看,留意,密切注视”

51、;B选项keep an eye at“密切关注”;C选项keep track of“记录,与保持联系”;D选项keep track on“监控”。句意:我常常想南非政府怎么能_这十一种语言。然而事实证明,他们也不能。根据句意可知该处填记录更符合文意,因此C选项正确。3.考查固定搭配。由句子可知空格处应填与concern搭配的介词,关于concern的搭配有:concern with“与有关,关心”;concern on“关注”。句意:因此,语言委员会主要关心的是九种班图官方语言,以及霍伊语、桑语和南非手语。因此C选项正确。4.考查形容词辨析。A选项slow“慢的,减速的,迟钝的”;B选项sic


53、慢的,减速的,迟钝的”;D选项developed“发达的(国家或地区),成熟的”。句意:文学语言发展_有历史和社会原因。根据上文可知该空应填的词义为“缓慢”,因此C选项正确。7.考查固定搭配。rest with“在于/取决于”。句意:但有些人要怪罪于唯一致力于这些语言的机构语言委员会。因此A选项正确。8.考查固定搭配。A选项in order“整齐,秩序井然,按顺序,状况良好”;B选项in time“及时,适时”;C选项finance“财政,财政学,金融”;D选项in full“全部,全额,充足”。文中是指该组委会应该清理干净自己的房子,即将自身腐败和管理不善的问题逐一解决。因此A选项正确。9.

54、考查形容词辨析。A选项rare“稀有的,稀薄的,半熟的”;B选项respected“受尊敬的”;C选项dissected“切开的,分开的,多裂的”;D选项endemic“地方性的,风土的”。句意:很肯定的是,管理不善这一问题是南非政府的一项地方性通病。因此D选项正确。10.考查上下文语义。上文说到语言委员会有能力为说佩迪语言的学生制作教材,但是最近的事件表明他们不会给林波波省那些说佩迪语言的学生制作学习教材。因此A选项正确。15. 单选题Olive oil has been one of the staples of the Mediterranean diet for thousands o

55、f years and its popularity is growing rapidly in other parts of the world. It is one of the most versatile oils for cooking and it enhances the taste of many foods. Olive oil is the only type of vegetable/fruit oil that can be obtained from just pressing. Most other types of popular oils (cor, canol

56、a, etc.) must be processed in other ways to obtain the oil. Another important bonus is that olive oil has proven health benefits. Three basic grades of olive oil are most often available to the consumer: extra Virgin; Virgin and Olive Oil. In addition to the basic grades, olive oil differs from one

57、country or region to another because of the types of olives that are grown, the harvesting methods, the time of the harvest, and the pressing techniques. These factors all contribute to the individual characteristics of the olive oil.Olive trees must be properly cared for in order to achieve good ec

58、onomic yields, care includes regular irrigation, pruning, fertilizing, and killing pests. Olives will survive on very poor sites with shallow soils but will grow very slowly and yield poorly. Deep soils tend to produce excessively vigorous trees, also with lower yields. The ideal site for olive oil

59、production is a clay loam soil with good internal and surface drainage. Irrigation is necessary to produce heavy crops and avoid alternate bearing. The site must be free of hard winter frosts because wood damage will occur at temperatures below 15 F and a lengthy spell of freezing weather can ruin a

60、ny chances for a decent crop. The growing season also must be warm enough so fruits mature before even light fall frosts (usually by early November) because of potential damage to the fruit and oil quality. Fortunately olive trees are very hardy in hot summer temperatures and they are drought tolera

61、nt.The best olive oils hold a certificate by an independent organization that authenticates the stone ground and cold pressed extraction process. In this process, olives are first harvested by hand at the proper stage of ripeness and maturity. Experts feel that hand harvesting, as opposed to mechani

62、cal harvesting, eliminates bruising of the fruit which causes tartness and oil acidity. The olives harvested are transferred daily to the mill. This is very important because this daily transfer minimizes the time spent between picking and pressing. Some extra virgin olive oil producers are known to

63、 transfer the olives by multi-ton trucks over long distances that expose the fragile fruit to crushing weight and the hot sun, which causes the olives to begin oxidizing and thus becoming acidic. In addition to the time lapse between harvesting and pressing, olive oil must be obtained using mechanical proces

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