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1、2022年考博英语-浙江工业大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 翻译题如果将保护地球的自然系统视作某种道德选择的话,就完全误解了当今人们所面临的危机。当前的挑战是关乎于人类社会的未来,而不是交给某些博爱慷慨的善心人士来做一些随意的慈善。并不是要保护自然免受人类的侵害,而是为了人类而保护自然能让这样的观念深入人心才是改变思路的核心内容。要知道,我们正承受着自身所作所为带来的一系列后果。全世界都需要知道,一个健康的自然世界并不是某些偶然善举带来的,而是一系列重要物质资产的集合。如果这样的观念能够产生实际的效果,那么保护自然并不只是环境上的挑战,而必须上升为经济上的挑战。只要有一天人

2、类仍在自欺欺人一面提倡保护环境,一面却又不顾对环境的损害而急于追求经济增长,那么取得实质性的进展仍会是一件遥遥无期的事情。【答案】To see the preservation of the planets natural systems as a moral choice is to completely misunderstand the crisis we face today. The challenge now is about the future of human society, not about giving random charity to some philanthr

3、opic, generous person. Its not about protecting nature from man, its about protecting nature for mans sakeand getting that idea into peoples minds is at the heart of the change in thinking. You know, were living with the consequences of what we do. The world needs to know that a healthy natural worl

4、d is not the result of some random act of kindness, but of a collection of important material assets.If such ideas are to have any practical effect, conservation of nature must become not just an environmental challenge, but an economic one. As long as human beings continue to deceive themselves by

5、protecting the environment while pursuing economic growth without regard to environmental damage, substantial progress will remain a long way off.2. 单选题Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as high as two hundred miles per hour.问题1选项A.velocitiesB.impulsesC.ratiosD.atrocit

6、ies【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项velocities“速度”;B选项impulses“脉冲”;C选项ratios“比率”;D选项atrocities“暴行,残忍”。句意:神经信号通过神经纤维或肌肉纤维的速度可达每小时200英里。句子中的划线部分含义 “速度”,与A选项最为接近,因此A选项符合题意。3. 单选题Cement was seldom used in building during the Middle Ages.问题1选项A.crudelyB.rarelyC.originallyD.symbolically【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项crudely“粗糙地,天然

7、地”;B选项rarely“稀有地”;C选项originally“最初,本来”;D选项symbolically“象征性地”。句意:在中世纪,水泥很少用于建筑。B选项与划线词词义最接近,因此B选项符合题意。4. 单选题While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping( )to give her long and flowing hair a smooth.问题1选项A.occasionallyB.simultaneouslyC.eventuallyD.promptly【答案】A【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项occasionally“偶尔,间或”;B选项simul

8、taneously“同时”;C选项eventually“最后,终于”;D选项promptly“迅速地,立即地”。句意:海伦打字时,习惯_停下来梳理一下她那飘逸的长发。这里表示的是“偶尔停下来”,因此A选项符合题意。5. 单选题“In every known human society the males needs for achievement can be recognized. In a greater number of human societies mens sureness of their sex role is tied up with their right or abil

9、ity to practice some activity that women are not allowed to practice. Their maleness in fact has to be underwritten by preventing women from entering some field or performing some feat.”This is the conclusion of the anthropologist Margaret Mead about the way in which the roles of men and women in so

10、ciety should be distinguished.If talk and print are considered it would seem that the formal emancipation of women is far from complete. There is a flow of publications about the continuing domestic bondage of women and about the complicated system of defence which men have thrown up around their hi

11、ther to accepted advantages, taking sometimes the obvious form of exclusion from types of occupation and sociable groupings, and sometimes the more subtle form of automatic doubt of the seriousness of womens pretensions to the level of intellect and resolution that men, it is supposed, bring to the

12、business of running the world.There are a good many objective pieces of evidence for the erosion of mens status. In the first place, there is the widespread postwar phenomenon of the woman Prime Minister, in India, Sri Lanka and Israel.Secondly, there is the very large increase in the number of wome

13、n who work, especially married women and mothers of children. More diffusely there are the increasingly numerous convergences between male and female behaviour: the approximation to identical styles in dress and coiffure, the sharing of domestic tasks, and the admission of women to all sorts of hith

14、erto exclusively male leisure-time activities.Everyone carries round with him a fairly definite idea of the primitive or natural conditions of human life. It is acquired more by the study of humorous cartoons than of archaeology, but that does not matter since it is not significant as theory but onl

15、y as an expression of inwardly felt expectations of peoples sense of what is fundamentally proper in the differentiation between the roles of the two sexes. In this rudimentary natural society men go out to hunt and fish and to fight off the tribe next door while women keep the fire going. Amorous i

16、nitiative is firmly reserved to the man, who sets about courtship with a club.11. The phrase “mens sureness of their sex role” in the first paragraph suggests that they( ).12. The third paragraph( ).13. At the end of the last paragraph the author uses humorous exaggeration in order to( ).14. The usu

17、al idea of the cave man in the last paragraph( ).15. The opening quotation from Margaret Mead sums up a relationship between man and woman which the author( ).问题1选项A.are confident in their ability to charm womenB.take the initiative in courtshipC.have a clear idea of what is considered “manly”D.tend

18、 to be more immoral than women are问题2选项A.generally agrees with the first paragraphB.has no connection with the first paragraphC.repeats the argument of the second paragraphD.contradicts the last paragraph问题3选项A.show that men are stronger than womenB.carry further the ideas of the earliest paragraphC

19、.support the first sentence of the same paragraphD.disown the ideas he is expressing问题4选项A.is based on the study of archaeologyB.illustrates how people expect men to behaveC.is dismissed by the author as an irrelevant jokeD.proves that the man, not women, should be the wooer问题5选项A.approves ofB.argue

20、s is naturalC.completely rejectsD.expects to go on changing【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】11.判断推理题。根据文章关键词定位到第一段mens sureness of their sex role is tied up with their right, or ability, to practice some activity that women are not allowed to practice(男子对其性别角色的确定与他们从事某些妇女不允许从事的活动的权利或能力有关)。从此句可知,男人们很

21、清楚自己的“大男人”的角色,并且通过一些方式来把握和巩固这个地位,因此C选项“清楚地知道什么才是男子汉气概”正确。A选项“对自己吸引女性的能力有信心”,没有提及;B选项“在求爱中采取主动”,亦没有提及;D选项“往往比女人更不道德”,文章没有具体说明。12.判断推理题。第一段讲述的是男性会通过阻止妇女进入某个领域或从事某项壮举来保证他们的男子气概,而第三段说There is a flow of publications about the continuing domestic bondage of . occupation and sociable groupings. (关于妇女继续受到家庭

22、奴役和男子围绕其迄今为止公认的优势所建立的复杂的防御体系的出版物层出不穷,有时采取明显的形式,将妇女排除在各种职业和社交团体之外。)和第一段说的几乎都是同样的主题,因此A选项“大致同意第一段”正确。B选项“和第一段没有关系”;C选项“重复第二段的论点”以及D选项“与最后一段矛盾”,最后一段并没有谈到这方面的信息,都不正确。13.判断推理题。根据题干关键词定位到最后一段,在文章最后一段结尾处作者用比较夸张的方式提到,在原始社会里,男人和女人的分工,以及扮演的角色。而本段第一句话Everyone carries round with him a fairly definite idea of th

23、e primitive or natural conditions of human life.(人们都持着那种从人类最原始的状态时就有的关于男人和女人社会角色的观点。)因此最后两句话形象而具体地解释了那种观点到底是什么。因此C选项“支持同一段的第一句话”正确。A选项“表明男人比女人更强大”,并没有明确说明;B选项“进一步表达最初段落的意思”,最后一段并没有继续讲述第一段的信息;D选项“否认他所表达的观点”,不正确。14.判断推理题。根据题干关键词定位到最后一段an expression of inwardly felt expectations of peoples sense of wha

24、t is fundamentally proper in the differentiation between the roles of the two sexes(只是作为人们内心对两性角色区分的基本正确性的期望的表达。)因此B选项“说明了人们对男人的期望”正确。A选项“是基于考古学的研究”;C选项“被作者当作一个无关紧要的笑话而不予理会”以及D选项“这证明了求婚者应该是男人,而不是女人”,都不是正确的理解。15.判断推理题。根据题干和选项关键词定位到第四段There are a good many objective pieces of evidence for the erosion

25、of mens status.(有许多客观证据表明男性地位的下降。)随后又举例说明两性社会角色在发生变化,因此D选项“期望继续改变”正确。最后一段作者承认引文的观点自古就有,但他认为这种关系正在变化,因此A选项“同意”;B选项“认为是自然的”以及C选项“完全拒绝”都不正确。6. 单选题Both a persons heredity and his environment help to shape his character.问题1选项A.familyB.educationC.nationalityD.surroundings【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项family“家庭”;B选项e

26、ducation“教育”;C选项nationality“国籍”;D选项surroundings“环境”。句意:一个人的遗传和他所处的环境都有助于塑造他的性格。D选项与原文划线词词义最接近,因此D选项符合题意。7. 单选题The monopoly-capitalist group( )many smaller enterprises last year.问题1选项A.integratedB.mergedC.undertakeD.collected【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项integrated“整合”;B选项merged“合并,融合,兼并”;C选项undertake“承担,担保”;D选

27、项collected“收集,收藏”。句意:这家垄断资本集团去年_了许多较小的企业。这里表达是这个垄断公司去兼并别的小公司,因此B选项符合题意。8. 单选题In a sudden( )of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.问题1选项A.attackB.burstC.splitD.blast【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项attack“攻击,抨击”;B选项burst“爆炸,猝发,突然爆发”;C选项split“劈开,裂缝”;D选项blast“冲击波,一阵”。句意:那人_,把伸手可及的一切东西都撕碎了。这句话表达的意思是“那人勃然大怒

28、”,因此B选项符合题意。9. 单选题He spoke so( )that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.问题1选项A.franklyB.emphaticallyC.determinedlyD.convincingly【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项frankly“坦率地,老实说”;B选项emphatically“着重地,强调地”;C选项determinedly“决然地,断然地”;D选项convincingly“令人信服地;有说服力地”。句意:他讲得如此_,以至于连他的对手都被他的论点说服了。根据后半句不难判断出,前半句

29、的意思是“他讲得如此有说服力”,因此D选项符合题意。10. 单选题Jill Ker Conway, president of Smith, echoes the prevailing view of contemporary technology when she says that “anyone in todays world who doesnt understand data processing is not educated.” But she insists that the increasing emphasis on these matters leave certain g

30、aps. Says she: “The very strongly utilitarian emphasis in education, which is an effect of man-made satellites and the cold war, has really removed from this culture something that was very profound in its 18th and 19th century rots, which was a sense that literacy and learning were ends in themselv

31、es for a democratic republic.”In contrast to Platos claim for the social value of education, a quite different idea of intellectual purposes was advocated by the Renaissance humanists. Overjoyed with their rediscovery of the classical learning that was thought to have disappeared during the Dark Age

32、s, they argued that the imparting of knowledge needs no justificationreligious, social, economic, or political. Its purpose, to the extent that it has one, is to pass on from generation to generation the corpus of knowledge that constitutes civilization. “What could man acquire, by virtuous striving

33、, that is more valuable than knowledge?” asked Erasmus, perhaps the greatest scholar of the early 16thcentury. That idea has acquired a tradition of its own. “The educational process has no end beyond itself,” said John Dewey, “It is its own end.”But what exactly is the corpus of knowledge to be pas

34、sed on? In simpler times, it was all included in the medieval universities Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, musiC.and Trivium (grammar, rhetoric, logic). As recently as the last century, when less than 5% of Americans went to college at all, students in New England establishments were co

35、mpelled mainly to memorize and recite various Latin texts, and crusty professors angrily opposed the introduction of any new scientific discoveries or modern European languages. “They felt.” said regretfully Charles Francis Adams, Jr., the Union Pacific Railroad president who devoted his later years

36、 to writing history, “that a classical education was the important distinction between a man who had been to college and a man who had not been to college, and that anything that diminished the importance of this distinction was essentially revolutionary and tended to anarchy.”1. The first paragraph

37、 shows that Jill Ker Conway accepts utilitarian emphasis in education( ).2. Education for educations sake was probably opposed by( ).3. The idea that education transmits knowledge is dated back to( ).4. It can be inferred that Charles Francis Adams, Jr. ( ).5. According to the third paragraph, which

38、 of the following is true?问题1选项A.wholeheartedlyB.with reservationC.against her own willD.with contempt问题2选项A.scholars in the Renaissance periodB.Jill Ker ConwayC.scholars in the Dark AgesD.Plato问题3选项A.the Renaissance humanistsB.the medieval universitiesC.the 18th centurys American scholarsD.the cold

39、 war period问题4选项A.devoted his later years to classical educationB.was an advocate of education in historyC.was an opponent to classical educationD.regretted diminishing the importance of the distinction问题5选项A.Five percent of American college students learnt Latin texts.B.Students in New England lear

40、nt Latin texts in official organizations.C.Students were compelled to learn modern European languages.D.American college students had to learn Latin texts by reading.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.判断推理题。根据题干关键词定位到第一段第二句But she insists that the increasing emphasis on these matters leave certain g

41、aps.(但她坚持认为,对这些问题的日益重视留下了一定的差距。)我们可以知道知道,虽然吉尔克尔康维支持实用主义教育,但是她认为实用主义教育仍然有一些欠缺,因此B选项“仍然有余地”正确。A选项“全心全意地”;C选项“与她的意志相违背”以及D选项“带有目的性的”,都不正确。2.事实细节题。根据题干定位到第二段第一句和第二句In contrast to Platos claim for the social value of education, a quite different idea of intellectual purposes was advocated by the Renaissa

42、nce humanists. Overjoyed with . they argued that the imparting of knowledge needs no justificationreligious, social, economic, or political.(与柏拉图对教育的社会价值的主张相反,文艺复兴时期的人文主义者提倡一种完全不同的关于智力目的的观点。他们为重新发现被认为在黑暗时代已经消失的经典知识而欣喜若狂,他们认为知识的传授不需要任何理由宗教的,社会的,经济的或政治的。)通过这两句话我们知道,柏拉图认为教育应该具有社会价值,而文艺复兴时期的人文主义者持有与柏拉图完

43、全不同的观点,提出知识的传授不应该具有宗教、社会、经济、政治目的,由此我们可以推断出,文艺复兴时期的人文主义者建议“教育只为教育而生”即“education for educations sake”的观点,综合考虑,最有可能反对“教育的目的就是教育本身。”的是柏拉图,因此D选项“柏拉图”正确。A选项“文艺复兴时期的学者”没有提到;B选项“吉尔克尔康维”,她虽支持实用主义教育,但仍认为它有一些欠缺,因此不正确;而C选项“黑暗时代的学者”,没有提及。3.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到第三段第二句In simpler times, it was all included in the mediev

44、al universities Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, musiC.and Trivium (grammar, rhetoric, logic).(在较简单的时代,它全部被包括在中世纪大学的四科(算术、几何、天文学、音乐)和三科(语法,修辞,逻辑)中。)通过这句话我们知道,在简单时代,中世纪大学向学生传授四门学科(算术、几何、天文、音乐)和三学科(语法、修辞、逻辑)的知识,因此我们可以判断出教育传授知识的观点可以追溯至中世纪大学,因此B选项“中世纪的大学”正确。A选项“文艺复兴时期的人文主义者”;C选项“18世纪的美国学者”以及

45、D选项“冷战时期”,都不符合原文。4.判断推理题。根据题干关键词定位到最后一段 “They felt,” said regretfully Charles Francis Adams, Jr. , the Union . distinction between a man who had been to college and a man who had not been to college, and that anything that diminished the importance of this distinction was essentially revolutionary a

46、nd tended to anarchy.(“他们的感受。小查尔斯弗朗西斯亚当斯遗憾地说。“联合太平洋铁路总统晚年致力于书写历史,”一个古典教育的重要区别是一个人上大学,一个人没有上大学,任何削弱这种区别的事本质上都是革命,倾向于无政府状态。”)作者在引用这段话时用了regretfully(遗憾地)一词,从而说明Charles Francis Adams, Jr. 是反对古典教育的,因此C选项“是古典教育的反对者”正确。A选项“晚年致力于古典教育”;B选项“是历史上教育的倡导者”以及D选项“遗憾的是降低了区别的重要性”都属于抓住这一段引语中的个别词句进行发挥,都与原文不符,也无法由原文推知。5

47、.事实细节题。根据题干信息定位到第三段第三句As recently as the last century . or modern European languages (近至上个世纪,当美国上大学的人总共还不到5%的时候,新英格兰教育机构里的学生却在被迫着记忆和背诵各种拉丁文本,那些顽固的教授愤怒地反对引进任何新的科学发现或现代欧洲语言)。B选项中的official organizations是该句中establishments的改写,意思上与原文相符,因此B选项“新英格兰的学生在官方机构学习拉丁文”正确。A选项“百分之五的美国大学生学习拉丁文”;C选项“学生们被迫学习现代欧洲语言”以及D选

48、项“美国大学生必须通过阅读来学习拉丁语”都不符合原文。11. 单选题The most pressing problem any economic system faces is how to use its scarce resources.问题1选项A.urgentB.difficultC.terrifyingD.puzzling【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项urgent“紧急的,急迫的”;B选项difficult“困难的”;C选项terrifying“令人恐惧的”;D选项puzzling“令人迷惑的”。句意:任何经济体系面临的最紧迫的问题是如何利用其稀缺的资源。句中划线词的定义是

49、“紧迫的”,与A选项最为接近,因此A选项符合题意。12. 单选题Recently, the United States Fish and wildlife Service announced it would designate “critical habitat” for the endangered jaguar in the United States and take the first steps toward commanding a jaguar recovery plan. This is a policy reversal (there was precious decisi

50、on from them not to determine critical habitat for the jaguar) and, on the surface, it may appear to be a victory for the conservation community and for jaguars, the largest wild cats in the Western Hemisphere. But as someone who has studied jaguars for nearly three decades, I can tell you it is not

51、hing less than a slap in the face to good science.Designating jaguar habitat means that Fish and Wildlife must now also formulate a recovery plan for the jaguar. But jaguars have not been able to reestablish themselves naturally over the past century, the government will likely have to go to signifi

52、cant expense to attempt to bring them backespecially if the cats have to be reintroduced.So why not do everything we can at whatever cost, to bring jaguars back into the United States? To begin with, the American Southwest is, at best, marginal habitat for the animals. More importantly, there are be

53、tter ways to help jaguars. South of our border, from Mexico to Argentina, thousands of jaguars live and breed in their true critical habitat. Governments and conservation groups are already working hard to conserve jaguar populations and connect them to one another through an initiative called the J

54、aguar Corridor.The jaguars that now and then cross into the United States most likely come from the northern most population of jaguars, in Sonora, Mexico. Rather than demand jaguars return to our country, we should help Mexico and other jaguar-range countries conserve the animals true habitat.The r

55、ecent move by the Fish and wildlife Service means that the sparse federal funds devoted to protecting wild animals will be wasted on efforts that cannot help save jaguars. Most important, this also stands to weaken the Endangered Species Act, because if critical habitat is redefined as any place whe

56、re a species might ever have existed, and where you or I might want it to exist again, then the door is open for many other senseless efforts to bring back long-lost creatures.The Fish and Wildlife officials whose job is to protect the countrys wild animals need to grow a stronger backbonestick with

57、 their original, correct decision and save their money for more useful preservation work. Otherwise, when funds are needed to preserve all those small, ugly, non-attractive endangered species at the back of the line, there may be no money left.6. What can we infer from the first paragraph?7. To achi

58、eve jaguar recovery, authorities probably need to( ).8. According to the author, what measures should we take to keep jaguars number?9. What does the author concern most about the Fish and Wildlife Services new decision?10. From the passage, we can learn that the Fish and Wildlife Service( ).问题1选项A.

59、Designating critical habitat is a victory for the conservation community.B.The critical habitat designation does not follow the law of science.C.To designate critical habitat is the first step of a jaguar recovery plan.D.The critical habitat designation shows the policy reversal of animal protection

60、.问题2选项A.start a new initiative to conserve jaguars populationB.raise the number of jaguars critical habitatC.invest a substantial amount of moneyD.reverse their original policy of jaguar问题3选项A.To reintroduce jaguars into America.B.To protect jaguars true habitat.C.To construct more new habitat in Am

61、erica.D.To invest more federal funds for jaguars.问题4选项A.The governments jaguar protection efforts may be wastedB.We may lose jaguars true habitat completely in America.C.This may incur appeals to reintroduce other long-last animals.D.The definition of critical habitat may have to be rewritten.问题5选项A

62、.failed to insist on their correct decisionB.mainly focuses on jaguars conservationC.has formulated a plan for jaguars reintroductionD.spends more money to preserve jaguar than it has【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】6.判断推理题。根据题干关键词定位到第一段But as someone who has studied jaguars for nearly three decades

63、, I can tell you it is nothing less than a slap in the face to good science.(但是作为一个研究了近三十年的美洲虎的人,我可以告诉你,这不过是对好科学的一记耳光。)前面作者说到,“表面上是一个胜利”,而后一句就否定了,因此在作者看来他是不支持这个新栖息地指定的,因此B选项“关键栖息地的指定并不遵循科学规律”正确。A选项“指定关键栖息地是保护团体的胜利”,作者认为这只是表面的;C选项“确定关键栖息地是美洲豹恢复计划的第一步”,作者没有说明;D选项“关键栖息地的确定表明了动物保护政策的逆转”,这是作者的反讽。7.判断推理题。在第三段中More importantly, there are better ways to help jaguars. South of our border . connect them to one another through an initi

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