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1、2022年考博英语-西南林业大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题It is a well-documented fact that women still live longer than men. A 1998 study by Harvard Medical School geriatrician Thomas Perls offers two reasons: one is the evolutionary drive to pass on her genes; the other is the need to stay healthy enough to rear

2、 as many children as possible. A mans purpose is simply to carry genes that ensure longevity and pass them on to his children.Okay, so thats the legacy of our cave-dweller past. But what is it about a mans lifestyle that reduces his longevity? As action moviemakers know all too well, men are superch

3、arged with testosterone. Aside from forcing us to watch frenzied movies like The Matrix Reloaded, the testes-produced hormone also triggers riskier behavior and aggression, and increases levels of harmful cholesterol, raising the risk of heart disease or stroke. Meanwhile, the female hormone chops h

4、armful cholesterol and raises “good” cholesterol.As Perlss study points out: “Between ages 15 and 24, men are four to five times more likely to die than women. This time frame coincides with the onset of puberty and an increase in reckless and violent behavior in males. Researchers refer to it as a

5、“testosterone storm”. Most deaths in this male group come from motor vehicle accidents, followed by homicide, suicide.and drowning. ”While all this jumping from tall buildings may result in some accidental death, it still doesnt account for the onset of fatal illnesses at an earlier age. Statistical

6、ly, men are crippled more quickly by illnesses like heart disease, stroke and cancer. A Singapore study found that while men were diagnosed with chronic illness two years earlier than women, women were also disabled by their illnesses four years later. Men more often engage in riskier habits like dr

7、inking alcohol and using recreational drugs, as well as eating to excess. And the stereotype about men being adverse to seeing a doctor on a regular basis? Studies have shown its true.If your goal is to become the first 100-year-old man on your family tree, there are some things you can do to boost

8、your odds. One is to examine what centenarians are doing right. According to the ongoing New England Centenarian Study, the largest comprehensive study of centenarians in the world, they can fend off or even escape age-associated diseases like heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimers. N

9、inety percent of those studied were functionally independent for the vast majority of their lives up until the age of 92, and 75% were just as autonomous at an average age of 95. “Centenarians disprove the perception that the older you get, the sicker you get. Centenarians teach us that the older yo

10、u get, the healthier youve been.”1. This passage mainly discusses_.2. According to Thomas Perls, which of the following is a major factor contributing to the relative longevity of women over men?3. The author mentions “the legacy of our cave-dweller past” to _.4. According to the passage, testostero

11、ne is a hormone that_.5. Compared with women, men as a whole_.问题1选项A.why women lead a healthier life than menB.how women can live longer and stay healthyC.what keeps men from enjoying a longer life spanD.whether mens life style leads to their early death问题2选项A.Their natural urge to remain healthyB.T

12、heir greater natural drive to pass on genesC.Their need to bear healthy offspringD.Their desire to have more children问题3选项A.support the argument about womens role in rearing childrenB.summarize a possible cause of different life expectanciesC.challenge the theory about our ancestors behavior pattern

13、sD.illustrate the history of human evolution process问题4选项A.increases as men grow olderB.reduces risk factors in male behaviorC.leads to aggressive behavior and heart diseaseD.accounts for womens dislike for violent films问题5选项A.suffer from depression more oftenB.suffer from diseases later than womenC

14、.are reluctant to have physical checkupsD.are not affected by violent movies【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。根据题干,通读全文,以及定位到文章首段第一句 “It is a well-documented fact that women still live longer than men.” 中文翻译为:女人仍然比男人活得长,这是一个有据可查的事实。A选项 “为什么女性比男性生活得更健康。”文章中虽提及,但并不是文章的主要内容。C选项“是什么让男人不能享受更长的寿命呢。

15、”在文章的第二段有所体现,但这篇文章不能简单地概括为“男人不能享受更长的寿命。”D选项的意思跟C选项大体一致,也可排除。由此可知B选项符合题意。2.细节事实题。由题干关键字“Thomas Perls”可以定位到原文第一段 “one is the evolutionary drive to pass on her genes; the other is the need to stay healthy enough to rear as many children as possible.” 中文翻译为:一个是遗传基因的进化动力;另一个是需要保持足够的健康来抚养尽可能多的孩子。 因此可知B选项

16、“她们天生就有传递基因的动力”符合题意。3.作者意图题。由题干关键句“the legacy of our cave-dweller past” 可定位到原文第二段 “Okay, so thats the legacy of our cave-dweller past”,中文翻译为:好吧,这就是过去穴居人留下的遗产。根据后文转折,可以得知C选项“挑战关于我们祖先行为模式的理论”为正确答案。4.细节事实题。由题干关键词“testosterone”可定位到原文第二段“the testes-produced hormone also triggers riskier behavior and aggr

17、ession, and increases levels of harmful cholesterol, raising the risk of heart disease or stroke. ”,中文翻译为:测试产生的荷尔蒙还会引发更危险的行为和攻击性,增加有害胆固醇的水平,增加患心脏病或中风的风险。可知C选项“导致攻击性行为和心脏病”正确。5.细节事实题。通过题干可以定位到第四段最后一句 “And the stereotype about men being adverse to seeing a doctor on a regular basis? Studies have shown

18、 it true. ”中文大意:还有关于男人不喜欢经常看医生的刻板印象? 研究表明这是真的。由此可知C选项“与女性相比,男性总体上不愿意做身体检查”正确。2. 单选题The volcano gave warning that it would soon pop: small earthquakes shuddered beneath its surface on September 23.问题1选项A.sankB.sentC.eruptedD.shook【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项sank“沉陷”;B选项 sent“送,寄出”;C选项erupted “爆发;长出”;D选项 sho

19、ok “摇动”。句意:火山发出警告说它很快就会爆发:9月23日,它的地表下发生了小地震。结合此处关键词earthquakes(地震)可排除B、C选项,A选项sank(沉陷)也与地震不匹配,因此得知D选项正确。3. 单选题He tops among the best car racing of the past fifty years.问题1选项A.projectsB.showsC.displaysD.rates【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项projects“计划;设计”;B选项 shows“展示,表演”;C选项 displays“显示”;D选项 rates“比率;等级”。句意:他在

20、过去五十年最好的赛车比赛中名列前茅。结合此处关键短语the best car racing(最好的赛车比赛),B,C选项意思相近可以排除,A选项projects(设计)也可排除,D选项 rates(等级)最符合词义。4. 单选题I cant _ what has happened to the vegetables, for they were freshly picked this morning.问题1选项A.figure outB.draw outC.look outD.work out【答案】A【解析】考查词组。A选项 figure out “了解,弄清楚”;B选项 draw out

21、“拉长”;C选项look out “留神,小心”;D选项 work out “解决出,算出”。句意:我不知道这些蔬菜怎么了,因为它们是今天早上刚摘的。结合句意,A选项正确。5. 单选题That country is disturbed at the developments which seem unfavorable to its interests.问题1选项A.adverseB.adherentC.controversialD.disagreeable【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 adverse“不利的;相反的”;B选项 adherent “粘着的;遵守的”;C选项con

22、troversial“有争议的;有争论的”;D选项 disagreeable“不愉快的;厌恶的;不为人喜的”。句意:那个国家对似乎不利于其利益的事态发展感到不安。A选项adverse(不利的)最符合题意,B, C, D选项都可排除。结合句意,A选项正确。6. 单选题The examination question totally perplexed her.问题1选项A.fascinatedB.confusedC.enlightenedD.saddened【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项fascinated“着迷的;被深深吸引的”;B选项confused“困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的”;

23、C选项 enlightened“开明的;文明的;有知识的;觉悟的”;D选项 saddened“难过的;悲伤的”。句意:考题把她完全难住了。结合此处关键词 question(问题),得知B选项正确。7. 单选题My boss has always attended to the _ of important business himself.问题1选项A.transactionB.stimulationC.transitionD.solution【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 transaction “交易;事务;办理;会报,学报”;B选项 stimulation “刺激;激励,鼓舞

24、”;C选项 transition “过渡;转变;分子生物 转换;变调”;D选项 solution“解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答”。句意:我的老板总是亲自处理重要事务。A选项正确。8. 单选题He was accused of being a _ because he made promises which aroused futile hopes in his listeners.问题1选项A.spokesmanB.demagogueC.representativeD.politician【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 spokesman“发言人;代言人”;B选项 demagogue

25、“煽动者;煽动家;煽动政治家”;C选项 representative“代表;典型;众议员;销售代表”;D选项politician “政治家”。句意:他被指控为一名,因为他的承诺在听众中激起了无用的希望。由aroused futile hopes in his listeners(在他的听众中激起了无用的希望)可知B选项与其意思对应正确,结合此处语境,B选项正确。9. 单选题Although the study of animal communication has played a vital role in our understanding of human communication e

26、ver since the dawn of time, recent research in this area has revealed a number of striking similarities between animal and human communication. Researchers have discovered that animals 1 with humans a number of characteristics, including 2 associated with attraction and mating, territoriality, famil

27、iar ties, division of labor, and a number of other traits that we once 3 were uniquely “4”.For example, the 5 between squirrel monkey mothers and infants is not unlike that of human. When infants are separate from their mothers, they emit loud, easily 6, and individually recognizable sounds. 7, the

28、mother can find her child and 8 its needs. 9, mother squirrel monkeys have their own form of “motherese ”, or adult speech that is 10 in order to communicate with their infants.问题1选项A.resembleB.shareC.contrastD.differ问题2选项A.whatB.thatC.thoseD.ones问题3选项A.assumedB.guessedC.justifiedD.reasoned问题4选项A.an

29、imalsB.humaneC.humanityD.human问题5选项A.bondB.tiesC.affectionD.joint问题6选项A.simulatedB.locatedC.situatedD.detected问题7选项A.In this wayB.ThusC.Because of thisD.Therefore问题8选项A.supplyB.helpC.getD.serve问题9选项A.ConverselyB.LikelyC.LikewiseD.Comparatively问题10选项A.alteredB.modifiedC.revisedD.adapted【答案】第1题:B第2题:C

30、第3题:A第4题:D第5题:A第6题:B第7题:A第8题:A第9题:C第10题:D【解析】1.考查动词词义辨析。A选项 resemble“ 类似”;B选项 share“共用”;C选项contrast“对比;对照;显出明显的差异”;D选项differ“不同”。句意:人类交流研究人员发现,动物和人类有许多共同的特征。这里是说动物和人类有许多共同的特征,由此可知B选项正确。2.考查非限定性定语从句。A选项 “what”以及B选项 “that”不能引导非限定制性定语从句,故排除A,B选项。选项D “ones” 只能作为代词,不能引导非限定性定语从句,故排除。因此选项C为正确答案。3.考查上下文语义辨析

31、。A选项assumed“假设;(承担)责任”;B选项 guessed “猜想”;C选项justified“调整;证明正当”;D选项reasoned“说服”。上文说到研究者对动物交流的研究就在我们理解人类交流方面起着至关重要的作用,可推测此处应填研究者的推论,B选项guess指的是毫无根据仅凭个人主观臆断,可排除,由此可知A选项正确。4.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 animals “动物,动物世界;牲畜”;B选项 humane “仁慈的,人道的;高尚的”;C选项 humanity“人道;仁慈;人文学科”;D选项 human“人类”。中文翻译为:我们猜想我们是独一无二的人类,判断出此处D选项正确。5

32、.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 bond“纽带”;B选项ties “结”;C选项 affection “喜爱,感情;影响;感染”;D选项 joint“关节;接缝”。句意:松鼠猴的母亲和婴儿之间的纽带就像人类一样。判断出A项正确。6.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 simulated“ 模拟的;模仿的;仿造的”;B选项 located“ 处于,位于;坐落的”;C选项 situated“位于的;处于境遇的”;D选项 detected“检测到的”。根据下文,the mother can find her child(妈妈能找到她的孩子)。可知B选项正确。7.考查连词。A选项 In this way“这样;用

33、这种方法”;B选项 Thus “因此;从而;这样;如此”;C选项 Because of this“因为这个”;D选项 Therefore“因此”。由上文“当婴儿与母亲分开时,他们会发出响亮的、容易定位的、单独可识别的声音”的这种方式,可推测A选项正确。8.考查动词词义。A选项 supply“供给,提供;补充”;B选项help“帮助”;C选项get “使得;获得;受到;变成”;D选项serve“ 招待,供应”。根据find“找到”以及后文its needs “它的需要”, D选项“serve”所提供的服务是虚拟的,A选项“supply”所提供的服务是现实的,可知A选项正确。9.考查副词词义辨析。

34、A选项 Conversely“相反地”;B选项Likely“很可能;或许”;C选项Likewise“同样地;也”;D选项Comparatively“比较地;相当地”。联系下文mother squirrel monkeys have their own form of “motherese”.(松鼠猴妈妈有自己的妈妈语),可知C项正确。10.考查动词词义辨析。A选项 altered“改变,改动,修改”;B选项 modified“修改;更改”;C选项 revised“修改;校订;复习”;D选项adapted“ 使适应,改编”。根据上文mother squirrel monkeys have the

35、ir own form of “motherese ”(松鼠猴妈妈也有自己的妈妈语),下文in order to communicate with their infants.(以便与婴儿交流),B选项modified强调细小的变化,常含“缓和”的意味,可排除,D选项adapted(适应,改编)符合题意,D选项正确。10. 单选题I am sure that disease must propagate in such unsanitary and crowded areas.问题1选项A.eliminateB.transmitC.replaceD.isolate【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义

36、辨析。A选项 eliminate “消除;排除”;B选项 transmit “传输;传播;发射;传达;遗传”;C选项 replace “取代,代替;替换,更换;归还,偿还;把放回原处”;D选项 isolate “(使)隔离,孤立;将剔出;(某物质、细胞等)分离;区别看待(观点、问题等)”。句意:我相信疾病一定会在这样不卫生、拥挤的地方传播。结合此处关键词 propagate “传播;传送;繁殖;宣传”,得知B选项正确。11. 单选题European Union environmental officials have determined that two kinds of genetical

37、ly modified corn could harm butterflies, affect food chains and disturb life in rivers and streams, and they have proposed a ban on the sale of the seeds, which are made by DuPont Pioneer, Dow Agrosciences and SyngentA.The preliminary decisions are circulating within the European Commission, which h

38、as the final say. Some officials there are skeptical of a ban that would upset the powerful biotechnology industry and could exacerbate tensions with important trading partners like the United States. The seeds are not available on the European market for cultivation.In the decisions, the environmen

39、t commissioner, Stavros Dimas, contends that the genetically modified com, or maize could affect certain butterfly species, specifically the monarch, and other beneficial insects. For instance, research this year indicates that larvae of the monarch butterfly exposed to the genetically modified com

40、“behave differently than other larvae.” In the decision concerning the corn seeds produced by Dow and Pioneer, Mr. Dimas calls “potential damage on the environment irreversible.” In the decision on Syngentas com, he says that “the level of risk generated by the cultivation of this product for the en

41、vironment is unacceptable.”A decision by the European Union to bar cultivation of the genetically modified crops would be the first of its kind in the trade bloc, and would intensify the continuing battle over genetically modified corn. Banning the applications for corn crops also would mark a bold

42、new step for European environmental authorities, who are already aggressively pursuing regulations on emissions from cars and aircraft, setting it at odds with the United States and angering industries.“These products have been grown in the U.S. and other countries for years,” said Stephen Norton, a

43、 spokesman for the United States trade representative, “We are not aware of any other case when a product has been rejected after having been reviewed and determined safe by European food safety authorities,” he said.Barbara Helfferich, a spokeswoman for Mr. Dimas, declined to comment on the specifi

44、cs of the procedure because commissioners had not yet made a final decision. But she said that the European Union was within its rights to make decisions based on the “precautionary principle” even when scientists had found no definitive evidence proving products can cause harm. She said that the de

45、cisions by Mr. Dimas could go before the commission within a few weeks, but she said that no date had been set. In the decisions, Mr. Dimas cited recent research showing that consumption of genetically modified “com byproducts reduced growth and increased mortality of non-target stream insects” and

46、that these insects “are important prey for aquatic and riparian predators” and that this could have “unexpected ecosystem-scale consequences.”Although still preliminary, his decisions could drastically tilt the policy against future approvals of genetically modified crops, said Nathalie Moll, a spok

47、eswoman for Europabio, an industry group with 80 members including Syngenta, Pioneer and Dow. Europabio says that the crops grown using the genetically modified com are already imported into several European countries, including France and Germany, where they are used to feed animals like cows and c

48、hickens.Rob Gianfranceschi, spokesman at the United States mission to the European Union in Brussels, said it was too early to comment on a decision that had not yet been formalizeD.But he made clear that the United States remained frustrated with European policies on genetically modified crops.1. T

49、he preliminary decisions are made by _ .2. To the decisions, the European Commission officials attitudes are _.3. About the decisions, which one of the following statements is TRUE?4. Mr. Dimas cited many researches on the genetically modified corn in his decision in order to _.5. The word “tilt” in

50、 ParA.6 most probably means _.问题1选项A.Stavros DimasB.European Union environmental officialsC.European CommissionD.DuPont Pioneer, Dow Agrosciences and Syngenta问题2选项A.skepticalB.controversialC.divergentD.contradictory问题3选项A.The decisions aim to put a ban on the sale of the seeds of genetically modifie

51、d corn due to political and biological concernsB.The decisions could probably be made even if no definitive evidence proving the products harmful is foundC.The decisions are warmly embraced by all EU members but bitterly rejected by their trade partnersD.There is high possibility that the decisions

52、would be approved by the European Commission问题4选项A.dispel some officials doubt on his decisionsB.assure that they can be presented before the commission with solid evidenceC.demonstrate the latest achievement of his decisionD.enhance the strength of his decision-making问题5选项A.induceB.affectC.inclineD

53、.evoke【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。由题干关键词“preliminary decisions”(初步的决定)可定位到文中第一段第二句“The preliminary decisions are circulating within the European Commission,”(初步决定正在拥有最终决定权的欧盟委员会内部流传),故判断C选项“欧盟委员会”正确。2.细节事实题。由题干关键词“European Commission official”(欧盟委员会官员)可定位到文中第一段第三句“Some officials there a

54、re skeptical of a ban that would upset the powerful biotechnology industry and could exacerbate tensions with important trading partners like the United States.”(一些官员对这一禁令持怀疑态度,因为它将扰乱强大的生物技术产业,并可能加剧与美国等重要贸易伙伴的紧张关系)。A选项“持怀疑态度的”符合题意,因此A选项正确。B选项“有争议的”,可排除。C选项“发散的”,不符合题意,可排除。D选项“矛盾的”不符合题意,可排除。3.推理判断题。由题

55、干关键词“decisions”(决定)可定位到文中第三段“A decision by the European Union to bar cultivation of the genetically modified crops would be the first of its kind in the trade bloc, and would intensify the continuing battle over genetically modified corn”。中文翻译:欧盟禁止种植转基因作物的决定,将是欧盟首次做出此类决定,并将加剧围绕转基因作物的持续斗争。A选项“出于政治和生物

56、方面的考虑,这些决定旨在禁止销售转基因玉米种子”符合题意,因此A选项正确。B选项“即使没有确凿的证据证明产品有害,也有可能做出决定”,可排除。C选项“这些决定受到所有欧盟成员国的热烈欢迎,但遭到其贸易伙伴的强烈反对”,不符合题意,可排除。D选项“这些决定很有可能得到欧盟委员会的批准。”不符合题意,可排除。4.细节事实题。由题干关键词“Mr. Dimas”可定位到文中的第二段。A选项“打消了一些官员对他的决定的怀疑。”官员对于转基因玉米对环境的影响持肯定态度,Mr. Dimas与他们的观点一致,因此可排除A选项。B选项“确保向委员会提供确凿证据。”符合题意,B选项正确。C选项“展示他决定的最新成

57、果。”联系上下文,Mr. Dimas的观点不是为了展示他决定的最新成果,因此可排除。D选项“增强他的决策力。”也不符合题意,也可排除。因此,选项B正确。5.词义辨析题。由题干关键词可定位到文中第六段。A选项“诱导;引起”,B选项“影响”,C选项“倾向于;(使)倾向于”,D选项“引起,唤起;博得”。根据关键词“policy”(政策),可排除A、D选项,由关键词“drastically”(彻底地,激烈地)可推测这个决定的所产生的后果比较严重,因此B选项可排除。C选项与词义意思相近,因此,C选项正确。12. 单选题The Spanish team, who are not in superb for

58、m, will be doing their best next week to revenge themselves on the German team for last years defeat.问题1选项A.retaliateB.recoverC.repelD.defend【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 retaliate “报复”;B选项 recover “恢复;弥补;重新获得”;C选项 repel “击退;抵制;使厌恶;使不愉快”;D选项 defend“辩护;防护”。句意:目前状态不佳的西班牙队将在下周全力以赴,为去年的失利向德国队报仇。结合此处关键词 revenge

59、“报复;替报仇;洗雪”,得知A选项正确。13. 单选题At home their losses to farming and industry had to be made good, as far as possible, with more foreign workers and prisoners-of-war.问题1选项A.compensatedB.constructed wellC.managed properlyD.terminated【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 compensate “补偿”;B选项 construct well “构造得很好”;C选项 manag

60、e properly “妥善处理”;D选项 terminate “使终止;使结束;解雇”。句意:在国内,他们在农业和工业上的损失必须尽可能用更多的外国工人和战俘来弥补。结合此处关键词 made good “补偿”,得知A为正确答案。14. 单选题The destruction of the Earths ozone layer, for example, could contribute to the general process of impoverishment by allowing ultraviolet rays to harm plants and animals.问题1选项A.

61、sufficientB.improvementC.prosperityD.poverty【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 sufficient “足够的;充分的”;B选项 improvement “改进,改善;提高”;C选项 prosperity “繁荣,成功”;D选项 poverty “贫困;困难;缺少;低劣”。句意:例如,地球臭氧层的破坏会使紫外线伤害动植物,从而加剧贫困化的进程。结合此处关键词 impoverishment “贫穷;致使贫乏或贫瘠之事物;穷困化状况”,得知D选项正确。15. 写作题We are paying more attention to the vulne

62、rable (weak) groups of people in our society, such as the disabled, the sick elderly, the divorced mothers, and children with rural-worker parents in big cities, and etC.What is your attitude towards them? Please give your opinion. You may focus on a particular group or the vulnerable as a whole group. Write a passage about 200 words. You must show your clear point of view with sufficient supporting points. You should have your own title.【答案】略16. 单选题McDonalds, Greggs, KFC and Subway a

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