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1、2022年考博英语-扬州大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Investors are being encouraged to continue ploughing their savings into the stock market after shares in London recovered all the losses incurred since September 11. The advice comes despite Americas Dow Jones industrial average tumbling on Friday after a cas

2、e of anthrax was diagnosed in New York. Consumer spending in America also slumped by more than three times economists predictions in September, pushing share prices back below pre-attack levels.The FTSE 100 index of Britains largest companies closed on Friday at 5,145 up 112 points on its September

3、10 close. The Dow in New York rallied late on to close at 9,344, down 66 points. Although most experts are predicting further volatility in the coming months, they remain cautiously optimistic that the FTSE 100 will begin a sustained, if rocky, rally towards 5,500 by the end of the year. The immedia

4、te economic outlook is still bleak. Some commentators predict that America will endure a recession lasting six months. They also expect Britain to suffer a sharp slowdown. But analysts say the market is well placed to absorb any further bad news.Sharp economic downturns can, perversely, be good for

5、the market because they force firms to be more cost-efficient. Therefore, any announcements about rising unemployment or corporate streamlining could have a positive effect on shares. Of more concern to private investors is the impact that another terrorist attack would have on shares. If this were

6、to happen, the market would almost certainly slump again. But history suggests that it would, once again, make up any lost ground within weeks.Experts are therefore urging private investors not to repeat their past mistakes, when they waited for a sustained rally before feeling confident enough to i

7、nvest. Cross said, “Its peculiar that investors feel its safer to invest after the market has risen by 25% than when it has fallen by 25%. Common sense suggests that the opposite would be more appropriate.” Mike Lenhoff of Gerrard, the stockbroker, said that if the market hit 5 500 and remained arou

8、nd that level for some weeks, it would be a sign that further, sustained gains were imminent. He said, “Getting back to 5 500 would be important, because if the index stayed at that level, the psychology of the market would change substantially. Defensive shares would become too expensive and big in

9、vestors would start moving into value stocks, which are the type of firms that do well in an economic recovery.”But private investors could be forgiven for their pessimistic mood, as nearly all Isa buyers have suffered big losses. But investors can take some comfort from the fact that the next three

10、 months are traditionally the best-performing period of the year for the stock market. David Schwartz, the stock-market historian, said the index almost always rose in the period between November and April. Since 1974, the market went up on 24 occasions between November and April, by an average of 1

11、5%, and dropped only three times. Schwartz said, “Its no guarantee for this year, but history is on our side.”1.We learn from the first paragraph that( ).2.The reason why some experts remain cautiously optimistic about the FTSE is that they believe that( ).3.In the present situation, corporate downs

12、izing may( ).4.Experts advise private investors to avoid their past mistakes by( ).5.From the last sentence of the passage, we may infer that Schwartz believes that( ).问题1选项A.FTSE 100 index fell immediately after September 11B.Dow Jones industrial index is now beginning to pick upC.Consumer spending

13、 is having a positive effect on the stock marketD.Share prices in America have risen contrary to most predictions问题2选项A.the American economy will be able to resist further downturnB.the Dow Jones index in New York will stop tumbling soonC.the market will absorb any further shock from bad newsD.the e

14、conomic situation in Britain and America will take an upturn in 6 months问题3选项A.sharp economic downturnB.produce a positive effect on sharesC.cause the market to slump againD.enable the market to regain any lost ground问题4选项A.withholding any investment until the market has risen by 25%B.investing when

15、 the FTSE rallies back to 5 500C.investing only in those firms which show signs of recoveryD.investing when the stock market shows signs of upturn问题5选项A.the market will be most likely to go up between November and AprilB.the market will drop by an average of 15% between November and AprilC.the marke

16、t will not likely go up in the next three monthsD.it is quite rational to take a pessimistic altitude towards the stock market【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。根据第一段的内容,在伦敦股市收复了9.11以来的全部损失后,投资者被鼓励继续将他们的储蓄投入股市。尽管美国道琼斯工业平均指数在纽约被诊断出炭疽病例后在周五暴跌,该建议还是出现了。九月份,美国的消费支出也下跌了超过经济学家预测的三倍,将股价推回到袭击前的水平之下。由此

17、可知,“911”事件后,英国富时100指数立即下跌,选项A符合原文。2.细节事实题。根据第二段最后两句“Some commentators predict that America will endure a recession lasting six months. They also expect Britain to suffer a sharp slowdown. But analysts say the market is well placed to absorb any further bad news. 一些评论家预测,美国将经历长达6个月的经济衰退。他们还预计英国经济将急剧放

18、缓。但分析师表示,市场已经做好准备,可以消化任何进一步的坏消息。”A选项“美国经济将能够抵御进一步的衰退”和B选项“纽约的道琼斯指数将很快停止下跌”在文中没有提及,选项D“英国和美国的经济形势将在6个月内好转”不符合原文。选项C“市场将消化任何进一步的坏消息”符合原文3.细节事实题。根据第三段第二句“any announcements about rising unemployment or corporate streamlining could have a positive effect on shares. 任何有关失业率上升或公司裁员的消息,都可能对股价产生积极影响。”所以选项B正确

19、。4.判断推理题。题干意思是“专家建议私人投资者避免过去的错误,在”。根据倒数第二段第一句Experts are therefore urging private invertors not to repeat their past mistakes, when they waited for a sustained rally before feeling confident enough to invest.(因此,专家们敦促私人投资者不要重蹈覆辙,不要等到股市持续上涨时才有足够的信心进行投资)和第四段if the market hit 5500 and remained around t

20、hat level for some weeks, it would be a sign that further, sustained gains were imminent.(如果股市达到5500点,并在这一水平附近保持数周,这将表明,进一步持续的上涨即将到来)可推断,私人投资者可以在股市好转的时候进行投资,故D项“当股票市场显示好转迹象时进行投资”正确;B项“当富时指数回升至5500点时投资”与原文不符;由Its peculiar that investors feel its safer to invest after the market has risen by 25% than

21、when it has fallen by 25%. Common sense suggests that the opposite would be more appropriate.(奇怪的是,投资者觉得在股市上涨25%后投资比下跌25%时更安全;常识告诉我们,相反的措辞会更合适)可知,市场下跌25%比股市上涨25%后投资更安全,A项“在市场上涨25%之前不做任何投资”错误;C项“只投资那些有复苏迹象的公司”原文没有提到。因此,该题选择D项正确。5.判断推理题。根据最后一段的最后一句“Schwartz said, Its no guarantee for this year, but hi

22、story is on our side. Schwartz说,今年不敢保证,但历史总是站在我们这一边。”上文提到,股票市场历史学家Schwartz 表示,股票指数在11月4月期间几乎总是上涨的。所以选项A符合原文。2. 单选题He was confronted by a vision of burning vehicles and slashed bodied, strewn on a ground( )with abandoned clothes, shoes, passports and wrecked household goods.问题1选项A.crammedB.loadedC.pe

23、rmeatedD.littered【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。litter with意为“散落着,将乱扔在处”。句意:他看到的是燃烧的车辆和被砍伤的身体,地上散落着丢弃的衣服、鞋子、护照和毁坏的家用物品。选项D符合语境。3. 翻译题B. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English. (3x5)1.我们既要绿水青山,也要金山银山。宁要绿水青山,不要金山银山。.我们绝不能以牺牲生态环境为代价换取经济的一时发展。2.国际社会也期待中美关系能够不断改善和发展。中美两国合作好了,就可以做世界稳定 的压舱石、世界和平的助推器。

24、3.我们相聚在世界经济版图持续变化和全球增长动力大转型的重要时刻。这一转变带来挑战和不确定性,同时也蕴含机遇。【答案】1.We want clear water and green mountains, and we also want prosperity and wealth. We want the former rather than the latter. .we must never sacrifice the ecological environment for the temporary economic development.2.The international comm

25、unity also expects the continuous improvement and development of China-US relations. When the US and China work together, we can be an anchor of world stability and a propeller of world peace.3.We also met at a time of continued shifts and profound transformations in the configuration of the global

26、economic landscape and dynamics for growth. With these transformations come challenges and uncertainties as well as opportunities.4. 单选题( ), I couldnt understand what is meant by that.问题1选项A.As I try hardB.Hard as I might tryC.I might try hardD.I tried hard【答案】B【解析】语法题。考查倒装。句意:尽管我很努力,我还是不明白那是什么意思。这里

27、是as(尽管)引导的倒装句结构:adj./adv.+ as +主语+其他成份,因此B选项正确。5. 单选题When you think of the tremendous technological progress we have made, its amazing how little we have developed in other respects. We may speak contemptuously of the poor old Romans because they relished the orgies of slaughter that went on in thei

28、r arenas. We may despise them because they mistook these goings on for entertainment. We may forgive them condescendingly because they lived 2000 years ago and obviously knew no better. But are our feelings of superiority really justified? Are we any less blood-thirsty? Why do boxing matches, for in

29、stance, attract such universal interest? Dont the spectators who attend them hope they will see some violence? Human beings remains as bloodthirsty as ever they were. The only difference between ourselves and the Romans is that while they were honest enough to admit that they enjoyed watching hungry

30、 lions tearing people apart and eating them alive, we find all sorts of sophisticated arguments to defend sports which should have been banned long age; sports which are quite as barbarous as, say, public hangings or bearbaiting.It really is incredible that in this day and age we should still allow

31、hunting or bull-fighting, that we should be prepared to sit back and watch two men batter each other to pulp in a boxing ring, that we should be relatively unmoved by the sight of one or a number of racing cars crashing and bursting into flames. Let us not deceive ourselves. Any talk of the sporting

32、 spirit is sheer hypocrisy. People take part in violent sports because of the high rewards they bring. Spectators are willing to pay vast sums of money to see violence. A world heavyweight championship match, for instance, is front page news. Millions of people are disappointed if a big fight is ove

33、r in two rounds instead of fifteen. They feel disappointment because they have been deprived of the exquisite pleasure of witnessing prolonged torture and violence.Why should we ban violent spoils if people enjoy them so much? You may welt ask. The answer is simple: they arc uncivilized. For centuri

34、es man has been trying to improve himself spiritually and emotionally admittedly with little success. But at least we no longer tolerate the sight madmen cooped up in cages, or public floggings of any of the countless other barbaric practices which were common in the past. Prisons are no longer the

35、grim forbidding places they used to be. Social welfare systems are in operation in many parts of the world. Big efforts are being made to distribute wealth fairly. These changes have come about not because human beings have suddenly and unaccountably improved, but because positive steps were taken t

36、o change the law. The taw is the biggest instrument of social change that we have and it may exert great civilizing influence. If we banned dangerous and violent sports, we would be moving one step further to improving mankind. We would recognize that violence is degrading and unworthy of human bein

37、gs.1. It can be inferred from the passage that the authors opinion of nowadays human beings is( ).2.The main idea of this passage is( ).3.That the author mentions the old Romans is( ).4.How many dangerous sports does the author mention in this passage?5.The purpose of the author in writing this pass

38、age is( ).问题1选项A.not very highB.high.C.contemptuous.D.critical.问题2选项A.vicious and dangerous sports should be banned by law.B.people are willing to pay vast sums money to see violence.C.to compare two different attitudes towards dangerous sports.D.people are bloodthirsty in sports.问题3选项A.to compare t

39、he old Romans with todays people.B.to give an example.C.to show human beings in the past know nothing better.D.to indicate human beings are used to bloodthirsty.问题4选项A.Three.B.Five.C.Six.D.Seven.问题5选项A.that, by banning the violent sports, we human beings can improve our selves.B.that, by banning the

40、 dangerous sports, we can improve the law.C.that we must lake positive steps to improve social welfare system.D.to show law is the main instrument of social change.【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。结合全文内容可知,作者在第一段指出:现在的我们和罗马人的区别在于,罗马人诚实的承认他们暴力且嗜血,而我们则使用各种理由来掩盖自己和罗马人一样的本性。第二段作者以暴力的体育运动为例进行阐述,但

41、在第三段指出,人们努力进行改善,比如社会福利和法律,尽管没有成功但有所改观。作者一直站在客观的角度阐述事实,并没有体现出轻蔑和批判的语气,并且对人们还抱有期望,所以作者只是对现在的人们评价不高,选项A更加恰当。2.判断推理题。根据上一题的分析可知,作者是不希望看到暴力危险的体育运动的,所以作者希望法律能够禁止暴力危险的体育运动,选项A符合原文。3.判断推理题。根据原文第一段中所提及的“Human beings remains as bloodthirsty as ever they were. 人类仍然和以前一样嗜血。”作者之所以提到罗马人,不仅仅是以此来举例或者是和现在的人进行比较,作者真正

42、的目的在于强调现在的人们和以前的罗马人一样嗜血。所以选项D更恰当。4.细节事实题。原文提到的危险体育运动有:boxing(拳击); bearbaiting(逗熊游戏); hunting(打猎); bull-fighting(斗牛); cars crashing(赛车)。所以选项B正确。5.作者意图题。根据第三段的最后两句话“If we banned dangerous and violent sports, we would be moving one step further to improving mankind. We would recognize that violence is

43、degrading and unworthy of human beings. 如果我们禁止危险和暴力的体育运动,我们就向改善人类又迈进了一步。我们将认识到暴力是人类的堕落和不值得。”由此可知,作者认为通过禁止暴力运动,人们能够改善自我。选项A符合原文。6. 单选题The mayor called together all his staff members and announced that the freshly appointed director of general affairs was( ) his ex-wifes son.问题1选项A.nobody other thanB.

44、nothing other thanC.none other thanD.not other than【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。none other than意为“不是别的而正是”。句意:市长召集了他所有的职员,宣布新任命的总干事不是别人,正是他前妻的儿子。选项C符合句意。7. 单选题Every country and culture, whether its as ancient as India or as young as the Czech Republic, has a history that will greatly affect both the market and t

45、he marketer. A market that has been heavily exploited in the past by foreigners will turn a predictably skeptical eye toward any overseas company seeking new sales territory. It may even refuse products that could greatly benefit the society. Understanding that history will enable a marketer to appr

46、oach the culture in a more subtle manner, and it will certainly cause an adjustment of schedule. On the other end, a culture that has been marked by independence for some time will have few fears of foreign operations and may find the subtle approach far too lackluster and slow.Marketers may bring t

47、heir own business to the process and should take care to separate themselves, at least emotionally, from their personal and cultural history. Oftentimes, this includes racial prejudices that are difficult to shake, earlier political disagreements that have never been fully settled, of old unhealed w

48、ar wounds. Lets look at the race issue first. Companies with Caucasian marketing personnel returning to post-apartheid South Africa are generally plagued with a feeling that they owe something to the new black majority government. Its a completely self-generated debt as the government is, in reality

49、, overjoyed that investment has returned after the long embargo. However, this joy doesnt prevent South Africa companies from taking advantage of counterparts guilt feelings when its time to cut a deal. On the political front, the relationship, between Vietnam and the United States is a prime exampl

50、e of two sets of marketers misinterpreting each others history and culture when it came time to do business. Following in the wake of the bloody two-decade war that ended in 1975, the United States and Vietnam finally reopened trade in 1994. The Vietnamese assumed that American business community wo

51、uld heap investment on them to make up for past wrong, while the American thought they would be welcomed as the saviors of Vietnams floundering economy. Most of Americas marketers sent to Vietnam were small children during the war, and the conflict had little bearing on their lives .Vietnams decisio

52、n makers on the other hand were primarily veterans of the conflict and saw it as the key element of the relationship. Neither side paid attention to the others view of history nor the results have been decidedly disappointing for almost everyone.1.The passage mainly discusses that( ).2.It is advisab

53、le for a marketer to( ).3.According to the passage, which of the following is true?4.The Caucasian example indicates that( ).5.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?问题1选项A.cultural differences force companies to adjust scheduleB.marketing success and failure are much like hist

54、oryC.developing countries are hostile to developed countriesD.the history of a country or culture influences the market问题2选项A.understand the history of a country or cultureB.exploit the market with great effortC.keep a skeptical eye on overseas companiesD.slow down foreign operations问题3选项A.Marketeer

55、s should be responsible for the burdens of the past.B.Marketeers should separate themselves from their personal and cultural history.C.Marketeers should disagree on racial prejudices.D.Marketeers should take care of the wounded in the war.问题4选项A.South Africans are plagued with a guilty feelingB.Sout

56、h Africans are overloved with the overseas investmentC.South Africans owe debts to Caucasian companyD.South African companies take advantage of their counterparts guilty feelings问题5选项A.The failure of the reopened trade between American and Vietnam should be taken as a lesson.B.The Vietnamese take it

57、 for granted that the American business community will invest money in Vietnam to make up for past wrongs.C.The relationship between Vietnam and the US is a good example of forgetting the past.D.Misinterpreting history and culture leads to business failure.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。本文

58、开头“Every country and culture, whether its as ancient as India or as young as the Czech Republic, has a history that will greatly affect both the market and the marketer. 每个国家和文化,无论是像印度一样古老还是像捷克共和国一样年轻,都有一段对市场和营销人员都有巨大影响的历史。并且文中列举了两个例子来论证一个国家的文化或历史会影响市场。故D项正确。2.细节事实题。由第一段“Understanding that history w

59、ill enable a marketer to approach the culture in a more subtle manner, and it will certainly cause an adjustment of schedule. 了解历史可以使营销人员以一种更微妙的方式接近文化,这肯定会导致对日程表的调整。”可知商人了解一个国家的文化或历史很重要。故A项正确。3.推理判断题。由第二段“Marketers may bring their own business to the process and should take care to separate themselv

60、es, at least emotionally, from their personal and cultural history. 营销人员可能会把他们自己的业务带入到这个过程中,他们应该注意把自己与他们的个人和文化历史分开,至少在情感上是这样。”可知B项“市场营销人员应该把自己与个人和文化历史分开。”正确。4.推理判断题。由第三段“However, this joy doesnt prevent South Africa companies from taking advantage of counterparts guilt feelings when its time to cut

61、a deal. 然而,这种喜悦并不能阻止南非公司在谈判时利用对手的内疚感。”可知D项“南非的公司利用了他们对手的负罪感”正确。5.推理判断题。由最后一段“On the political front, the relationship, between Vietnam and the United States is a prime example of two sets of marketers misinterpreting each others history and culture when it came time to do business. 在政治方面,越南和美国之间的关系就

62、是一个典型的例子,两国商人在做生意的时候会误解对方的历史和文化。”以及“ The Vietnamese assumed that American business community would heap investment on them to make up for past wrong, 越南人认为美国商界会向他们大量投资,以弥补过去的错误,”可知ABD三项均正确,C项“越南和美国的关系是一个忘记过去的好例子。”与原文不符,越南和美国的关系是由于双方商人对于对方的历史和文化的误解。故答案C。8. 单选题Microsoft reigned for years as the wealth

63、iest technology company primarily( ) its ownership and cultivation of Windows the universal platform for applications on the PC.问题1选项A.by force ofB.by right ofC.by dint ofD.with the assistance of【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项by force of“用的手段”;B选项by right of“凭借,由于”,多指凭借权利;C选项by dint of“用,凭借”,多指凭借某一事物;D选项with th

64、e assistance of“在的援助下”。句意:微软多年来一直是世界上最富有的科技公司,这主要是凭借其对Windows的所有权和发展。Windows是个人电脑应用程序的通用平台。这里凭借的是Windows这一事物而不是权利,所以选项C正确。9. 单选题Parents often faced the( )between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.问题1选项A.paradoxB.junct

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