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1、2022年考博英语-浙江工业大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The poet Carlos William was a New Jersey physician.问题1选项A.professorB.doctorC.physicistD.resident【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。physician“内科大夫”, A选项professor“教授”;B选项doctor“医生”;C选项physicist“物理学家”;D选项resident“居民”。句意:诗人威廉姆卡洛斯是新泽西州的一名内科大夫。只有B选项与physician含义相近。2. 单选题Sending a ch

2、ild to school in England is a step which many parents do not find easy to take. In theory, at least, the problem is that there are very many choices to make.Let us try to list some of the alternatives between which parents are forced to decide. To begin with, they may ask themselves whether they wou

3、ld like their child to go to a single-sex school or a co-educational school. They may also consider whether he should go to a school which is connected to a particular church or religious group, or whether the school should have no such connections. Another decision is whether the school should be o

4、ne of the vast majority financed by the State or one of the very small but influential minority of private schools, though this choice is, of course, only available to the small number of those who can pay. Also connected with the question of money is whether the child should go to a boarding school

5、 or live at home. Then there is the question of what the child should do at school. Should it be a school whose curriculum lays emphasis, for instance, on necessary skills, such as reading, writing and mathematics, or one which pays more attention to developing the childs personality, morally, emoti

6、onally and socially. Finally, with dissatisfaction with conventional education as great as it is in some circles in England and certainly in the USA, the question might even arise in the parents minds as to whether the child should be compelled to go to school at all. Although in practice, some pare

7、nts may not think twice about any of these choices and send their child to the only school available in the immediate neighbourhood,any parent who is interested enough can insist that as many choices as possible be made open to him, and the system is theoretically supposed to provide them.44. Parent

8、s find choosing a school hard because( ).45. According to the passage, some parents, if allowed, might let their children stay at home because they( ).46. What is implied at the very end of the passage?问题1选项A.there is a limited number of choicesB.some schools are very expensiveC.some schools are gov

9、ernment schoolsD.they are faced with a variety of offers问题2选项A.dont find conventional education satisfactoryB.dont know how to choose among different schoolsC.intend to educate their children themselvesD.find conventional education too expensive to pay for问题3选项A.Most parents are unconcerned about th

10、e choices available to them.B.Interested parents can request more school choices be open to them.C.The educational system may not provide as many choices as expected.D.Most parents usually send their children to the schools nearby.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B【解析】44.事实细节题。根据题干信息定位到第二句话In theory, at least, the

11、 problem is that there are very many choices to make.(至少在理论上,问题是需要做出很多选择。)也就是说在理论上,父母至少有很多选择,文章还列举了很多可供选择的学校模式。故父母给孩子选择一所学校很困难是因为有太多选择,D选项“他们面临各种各样的学校选择”正确;A选项“选择的数量有限”;B选项“有些学校很贵”以及C选项“有些学校是公立学校”都不是原文的观点。45.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到倒数第二句Finally, with dissatisfaction with conventional education as great as i

12、t is in some circles in England and certainly in the USA, the question might even arise in the parents minds as to whether the child should be compelled to go to school at all.(最后,由于对传统教育的不满,在英国的一些圈子,在美国也有,关于孩子是否应该被强迫去上学的问题可能出现在父母的脑海中。)也就是说由于家长对于传统教育的不满,他们可能会考虑是否让孩子去上学,因此A选项“传统教育并不令人满意”符合题意。B选项“不知道如

13、何在不同的学校中进行选择”;C选项“打算自己教育孩子”以及D选项“发现传统教育太昂贵而无法支付”并不是文章中提出的父母可能不送孩子去上学的原因。46.事实细节题。根据选项关键词定位到最后一句Although in practice, some parents may not think twice about any of these . can insist that as many choices as possible be made open to him, and the system is theoretically supposed to provide them.(虽然在实践中


15、. 单选题Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as high as two hundred miles per hour.问题1选项A.velocitiesB.impulsesC.ratiosD.atrocities【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项velocities“速度”;B选项impulses“脉冲”;C选项ratios“比率”;D选项atrocities“暴行,残忍”。句意:神经信号通过神经纤维或肌肉纤维的速度可达每小时200英里。句子中的划线部分含义 “速度”,与A选项最为接近,因此

16、A选项符合题意。4. 单选题An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to( )further research.问题1选项A.renewB.arouseC.advocateD.stimulate【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项renew“使更新;续借”;B选项arouse“引起,唤醒,激起(某种情感)”;C选项advocate“提倡,拥护”;D选项stimulate“刺激,鼓舞,促进(某一事物的开始或进一步发展)”。句意:科学理论的一个重要特性是它能够激起对某一话题的_研究。这里表示的是它能够激起某一话题的进

17、一步研究和思考,因此D选项符合题意。5. 单选题The lecture was boring and the students could hardly( )their yawns.问题1选项A.depressB.suppressC.oppressD.press【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项depress“压抑,使沮丧”;B选项suppress“抑制,镇压,忍住(某种生理现象)”;C选项oppress“压迫”;D选项press“压,按”。句意:讲座很无聊,学生们几乎不能_他们的哈欠。本句表达的是学生不能忍住打哈欠,打哈欠是一种生理现象,因此B选项符合题意。6. 单选题An import

18、ant part of the national government is the Foreign Service, a branch of the Department of State.问题1选项A.a unityB.a divisionC.an embassyD.an invasion【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项a unity“一个个体”;B选项a division“一个部门”;C选项an embassy“一个大使馆”;D选项an invasion“一次入侵”。句意:国家政府的一个重要组成部分是外交部,它是国务院的一个分支。也就是说外交部是国家政府的一个部门,因此B选项符合题

19、意。7. 单选题Cement was seldom used in building during the Middle Ages.问题1选项A.crudelyB.rarelyC.originallyD.symbolically【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项crudely“粗糙地,天然地”;B选项rarely“稀有地”;C选项originally“最初,本来”;D选项symbolically“象征性地”。句意:在中世纪,水泥很少用于建筑。B选项与划线词词义最接近,因此B选项符合题意。8. 单选题Emotions are defined as strong, relatively unc

20、ontrolled feelings that affect our behavior. Everyone experiences a wide range of emotions. Think for a moment about a recent emotional experience. What characterized this experience? All emotional experiences tend to have several elements in common.Emotions are generally triggered by environmental

21、events. Anger, joy and sadness are most frequently a response to a set of external events. However, internal processes, such as imagery, can also initiate emotional reactions.All emotions, as subjectively experienced and identified, appear to be associated with physiological changes.The emotions lab

22、eled as “joy”, “fear” and “anger” occur in conjunction with very similar physiological patterns. Current thinking leans towards accepting the primacy (首要性) of physiological changes, which are then interpreted based on environmental occurrences. For example, a sudden falling sensation will initiate p

23、hysiological changes. These changes would be interpreted on the basis of the situation in which they occur, exhilaration or excitement of bungee jumping; fear of falling from a ledge (岩脊).Another characteristic feature of an emotional experience is cognitive thought. Emotions generally, although not

24、 necessarily, are accompanied by thinking. The types of thoughts and our ability to think “rationally” vary with the type and degree of emotion. Extreme emotional responses are frequently used as an explanation for inappropriate thoughts or actions: “I was so mad I couldnt think straight.”Emotions a

25、lso have associated behaviors. While the behaviors vary between individuals and within individuals across different times and situations, there are unique behaviors characteristically associated with different emotions: fear triggers fleeing responses, anger triggers striking out, grief triggers cry

26、ing, and so on.Finally, and most importantly, emotions involve subjective feelings. In fact, it is the feeling component (成分)that is generally referred to when emotions are mentioned. Grief, joy, anger, jealousy and fear feel very different from one another. These subjectively determined feelings ar

27、e the essence of emotion.While all individuals generally evaluate emotions in a consistent manner and within individuals over time, there are some individual and situational variations. For example, few people generally want to be sad or afraid, yet we all occasionally enjoy a movie or a book that s

28、cares or saddens usor even some of the frightening ride sat theme parks(主题乐园)!If asked, we could doubtless name numerous emotions. A group of 20 or so people can generally name or describe several hundred emotions. Therefore, it is not surprising that researchers have attempted to categorize or type

29、 emotions into more manageable clusters. Plutchik lists eight basic emotional categories: fear; anger; joy; sadness; acceptance; disgust; expectancy; surprise.According to Plutchik, all other emotions are secondary emotions and represent combinations of these basic categories. For example, delight i

30、s a combination of surprise and joy, and contempt is composed of disgust and anger.61. What are the elements that produce human emotions?62. The two examples given in the third paragraph shows that( ).63. Which of the following statements about emotions is NOT TRUE?64. The passage indicates that ind

31、ividual emotions( ).65. Why do the researchers try to classify emotions?问题1选项A.Some strong uncontrolled forces which trigger emotions.B.Internal processes such as illnesses, happiness, anger, etc.C.External happenings such as deaths, divorce, promotions, etc.D.External environmental events as well a

32、s internal mental processes.问题2选项A.emotions are the results of physiological reactions based on external eventsB.excitement and fear are commonly seen human emotionsC.physiological changes determine all human actionsD.environmental occurrences are related with mental thinking问题3选项A.Emotions are acco

33、mpanied by some certain behaviors.B.Emotions are combinations of subjective feelings.C.Extreme emotional reactions are the features of emotional cognitive thought.D.Emotional occurrences are also the processes of mental thinking.问题4选项A.vary from person to personB.follow more or less the same pattern

34、sC.keep changing inconsistentlyD.are genetically inherited问题5选项A.Because they try to place their research on a manageable basis.B.Because there too many emotions to recognize.C.Because each emotion represents a different implication.D.Because there are some secondary emotions.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:D第4题:

35、D第5题:D【解析】61.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到第二段Emotions are generally triggered by environmental events . However, internal processes, such as imagery, can also initiate emotional reactions.(情绪通常是由环境事件触发的。愤怒、快乐和悲伤通常是对一系列外部事件的反应。然而,内部过程,如意象,也可以启动情感反应。)通过这句话可知情感是由外在和内在两大因素引起的。因此D选项“外部环境事件和内部心理过程”正确。A选项“一些强烈的不受控制的力量会

36、引发情绪”,是文章对emotions所下的定义,而非产生和影响emotions的因素;B选项“内在过程,如疾病、快乐、愤怒等”以及C选项“外部事件,如死亡、离婚、晋升等”只是产生情感的一个方面,不能完整概括情感产生的全部因素,因此错误。62.事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位到第三段最后For example, a sudden falling sensation will initiate physiological changes. These changes would be interpreted on the basis of the situation in which they oc

37、cur, exhilaration or excitement of bungee jumping; fear of falling from a ledge.(例如,突然的下降感觉会引发生理变化。这些变化将根据它们发生的情况加以解释。蹦极的兴奋;害怕从窗台上掉下来。)这部分举例蹦极所产生的兴奋以及从悬崖处掉下来产生的恐惧感说明了外部环境对生理产生了变化,然后表现出人类诸如兴奋和恐惧这样的结果,因此A选项“情绪是基于外部事件的生理反应的结果”正确。B选项“兴奋和恐惧是常见的人类情绪”是自然常识,同文章主题思想没有关系;C选项“生理变化决定了人类的一切行为”以及D选项“环境事件与心理思考有关”文

38、章中未提及。63.事实细节题。C选项“极端情绪反应是情绪认知思维的特征”在第四段Extreme emotional responses are frequently used as an explanation for inappropriate thoughts or actions(极端的情绪反应经常被用来解释不恰当的想法或行为)但是它是对原文的曲解,因此是不符合原文的,当选。A选项“情绪伴随着某些特定的行为”出现在第五段Emotions also have associated behaviors.(情绪也有相关的行为。)因此A选项是文章中有提及的;B选项“情感是主观感受的组合”在第六段

39、Finally, and most importantly, emotions involve subjective feelings. (最后,也是最重要的,情感包含主观感受。)也是文章提到的;D选项“情感事件也是心理思考的过程”在第四段Emotions generally, although not necessarily, are accompanied by thinking.(情感通常,虽然不一定,是伴随着思考的。)可以得出D选项是文章提到的。64.事实细节题。根据题干信息定位到第六段的第三四句话Grief, joy, anger, jealousy and fear feel ve

40、ry different from one anotherThese subjectively determined feelings are the essence of emotion.(悲伤、喜悦、愤怒、嫉妒和恐惧彼此感觉非常不同。这些主观决定的感受是情感的本质。)可以推断出虽然悲伤、欢乐、生气、嫉妒以及恐惧各有不同的感受,但是这些主观的感受都是情感的基本要素,因此B选项“或多或少遵循相同的模式”正确。A选项“因人而异”;C选项“不断改变不一致”以及D选项“基因遗传”都与原文不符。65.事实细节题。根据题干信息定位到第八段第三句话Therefore,it is not surprisin

41、g that researchers have attempted to categorize or type emotions into more manageable clusters(因此,研究人员试图将情绪分类或归类到更易于管理的集群中也就不足为奇了。)根据这句话可以得知A选项“因为他们试图把研究放在易于管理的基础上”正确。B选项“因为有太多的情感需要识别”,文章没有提到;C选项“因为每种情绪都代表着不同的含义”,文章没有提及;D选项“因为有一些次级情绪”,在最后一段 According to Plutchik, all other emotions are secondary emo

42、tions and represent combinations of these basic categories. For example, delight is a combination of surprise and joy, and contempt is composed of disgust and anger.(根据Plutchik的观点,所有其他情绪都是次级情绪,代表这些基本类别的组合。例如,喜悦是惊奇和喜悦的组合,轻蔑是厌恶和愤怒的组合。),可见所有其他情绪都是刺激情绪,因此D选项与最后一段的内容不符。9. 单选题Government health organizatio

43、ns have fostered an awareness of the dangers in certain social habits.问题1选项A.includedB.discoveredC.cultivatedD.discouraged【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项included“包括,包含”;B选项discovered“发现,找到”;C选项cultivated“培养,发展,教化”;D选项discouraged“使气馁”。句意:政府卫生组织_了对某些社会习惯的危险的认识。这里表达的是“培养人们对危险的认知”,因此C选项的意思与原文最符合,C选项正确。10. 单选题Full f

44、ace transplants are no longer science fiction fantasy, a leading surgeon has said, adding that they are technically(21)but ethically complex. Peter Butler from Londons Royal Free Hospital(22)a debate on the ethics of such an(23)made possible by new drugs which stop the bodys immune system(24)a trans

45、planted face. “It is not can we do it? but should we do it?”, he told BBC. “The(25)part is not complex, and I dont think thats going to be the very great(26). The ethical and moral debate is(27)going to have to take place (28)the first facial transplantation.”The British Association of Plastic Surge

46、ons will discuss the micro-surgical(29), which should give new skin, bone, nose, chin, lips and ears from deceased donors to patients disfigured by accidents, bums or cancer. But surgeons could have trouble finding enough(30)donors. Butler said his(31)of doctors, nurses and members of the public sho

47、wed most would(32)a face transplant but few were willing to(33)their own after dying.Despite a number of ethical(34), Christine Piff, who founded the charity Lets Face It after suffering a (35)facial cancer 25 years ago, welcomed the(36)of face transplants. She rejected the idea that the procedure w

48、ould mean people would end up(37)with a dead persons face. “There are so many people without faces, I have half a face . but we are all so much more than just a face . you dont(38)their responsibility. You are still you,” she told reporters. “If we can donate other(39)of the body then why not the fa

49、ce. I cant see anything(40)with it.”问题1选项A.acceptableB.feasibleC.predictableD.understandable问题2选项A.called upB.called onC.called forD.called in问题3选项A.answerB.optionC.operationD.approach问题4选项A.to rejectB.rejectC.rejectingD.rejected问题5选项A.technicalB.actualC.ethicalD.scientific问题6选项A.easeB.skillC.techni


51、wD.agree问题14选项A.concernsB.remarksC.commentsD.dislikes问题15选项A.frequentB.habitualC.rareD.scarce问题16选项A.difficultyB.possibilityC.customD.point问题17选项A.to liveB.livingC.liveD.lived问题18选项A.take inB.take backC.take onD.take away问题19选项A.functionsB.portionsC.sharesD.organs问题20选项A.wrongB.reasonableC.successfu


53、半句和后半句语义上相反,因此前半句表达的意思是“在技术上是可行的”,B选项符合题意。22.考查词组辨析。A选项called up“召集,打电话给”;B选项called on“拜访”;C选项called for“呼吁,要求”;D选项called in“召来”。句意:来自伦敦皇家自由医院的彼得巴特勒_对这种手术的伦理问题进行讨论。根据后面他的做法,可以看出他是在呼吁大家进行讨论,因此C选项符合题意。23.考查名词辨析。A选项answer“答案”;B选项option“选择”;C选项operation“手术,操作”;D选项approach“方法,方式”。句意:来自伦敦皇家自由医院的彼得巴特勒呼吁对这种

54、_的伦理问题进行讨论。这种手术是通过新药来阻止人体免疫系统对移植面部的排斥而成为可能的。前文说到得“脸部移植”是一种手术,因此C选项符合题意。24.考查非谓语。空格前面的谓语是stop,而stop有两种搭配:stop to do sth.(停止正在做的事,去做另一件事)以及stop doing sth.(停下来做某事)。句意:可以阻止人体免疫系统排斥移植的脸。而原文并没有提到要做另一件事,因此C选项符合题意。25.考查形容词辨析。A选项technical“工艺的,科技的”;B选项actual“真实的,实际的”;C选项ethical“伦理的,道德的”;D选项scientific“与科学相关的,系







61、point“要点,得分”。句意:她在25年前患上了一种罕见的面部癌症,现在她对面部移植的_表示欢迎。从她出资建立了相关基金会可以看出,她本人是支持面部移植,并且觉得它可行的,因此B选项符合题意。37.考查非谓语。空格前面的谓语是end up,而end up doing sth.是固定搭配,表示“以而告终”,句意:她不认为这种手术意味着人们最终会带着一张死人的脸生活。因此B选项符合题意。38.考查动词词组辨析。A选项take in“吸收,领会”;B选项take back“拿回,撤销”;C选项take on“承担,呈现”;D选项take away“带走,拿走”。句意:你不会_他们的责任。本句表达的

62、意思是“你不会因为用了他们的脸就要承担他们的责任”,因此C选项符合题意。39.考查名词辨析。A选项functions“功能”;B选项portions“部分”;C选项shares“份额,股份”;D选项organs“器官”。句意:如果我们可以捐献身体的其他_,那为什么不能捐献脸部呢?结合前文不难理解这里表达的是,如果可以捐赠其他器官,为什么不能捐赠脸部,因此D选项符合题意。40.考查形容词辨析。A选项wrong“错误的,不正确的”;B选项reasonable“合理的,公道的”;C选项successful“成功的”;D选项unlikely“不太可能的”。句意:我看不出有什么问题。这里考查了短语wrong with “不正常”,表示的是她不认为这件事不正常/有问题,因此A选项符合题意。11. 单选题Recently the car factory had to carry ou

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