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1、2022年考博英语-安徽大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Standing at the top of the mountain, we watched the fog( )from the valley below; it seemed that we had entered a fairyland.问题1选项A.descendB.decreaseC.ascendD.increase【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项descend“下降;遗传”;B选项decrease“减小;减少”;C选项ascend“上升;攀登”;D选项increase“增加;增大”。句意:站在山

2、顶,我们看着雾从下面的山谷,我们好像进入了一个仙境。形容云雾缭绕,雾应该是从下方升起的,故选C。2. 单选题If you have any question or want to further your reading, you can turn to the( )for the sources in this book and the reference books on the same subject.问题1选项A.bibliographyB.biographyC.catalogD.category【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项bibliography“参考书目;文献目录”;B

3、选项biography“传记;档案”;C选项catalog“目录;登记”;D选项category“种类;分类”。句意:如果你有任何问题,或想深化阅读,可以翻阅获得书中的材料的来源和相同主题的参考书。根据提示词turn to“翻到”,和后面的for the sources in this book and the reference books on the same subject“获得书中的材料的来源和相同主题的参考书”。通常文章会将所有引用过的文献记录在文献目录里。因此A选项符合题意。3. 单选题( )morbidly aggressive person, he would regard

4、even a stare as some kind of intrusion.问题1选项A.AB.BeingC.AsD.To be【答案】A【解析】考查句子成分。A选项A“一个;一位”;B选项Being“作为”引导主语从句;C选项As“作为”引导定语从句;D选项To be“成为”引导目的状语从句。主句he would regard even a stare as some kind of intrusion.(他甚至会把别人的凝视看作是一种冒犯。)句中成分完整,因此可排除B,C,D选项。句意:一个极其好斗的人,他甚至会把一个眼神注视当作一种侵犯。前面的句子用逗号隔开,可充当主语he的同位语。因

5、此A选项符合题意。4. 单选题A healthy life is frequently thought to be( )with the open countryside and homegrown food.问题1选项A.tiedB.boundC.involvedD.associated【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项tied“系”;B选项bound“弹回;限制”;C选项involved“涉及;包括”;D选项associated“联系”。句意:健康的生活往往被认为与空旷的野外和自家的食物有。A healthy life“健康的生活”与the open countryside and h

6、omegrown food“空旷的野外和自家的食物”是有关联的。A,B,C选项均不与with搭配使用,可排除。be tied to“束缚于;捆绑于”;be bound to“必定会”;be involved in“涉及;陷入”;be associated with“与有关联”;因此D选项符合题意。5. 单选题Bill Gates, the billionaire Microsoft chairman without a single earned university degree, is by his success raising new doubts about the worth of

7、 the business worlds favorite academic title; the MBA (Master of Business Administration).The MBA, a 20th-century product, always has borne the mark of lowly commerce and greed on the tree-lined campuses ruled by purer disciplines such as philosophy and literature.But even with the recession apparen

8、tly cutting into the hiring of business school graduates, about 79,000 people are expected to receive MBAs in 1993. This is nearly 16 times the number of business graduates in 1960, a testimony to the wide spread assumption that the MBA is vital for young men and women who want to run companies some

9、 day.“If you are going into the corporate world it is still a disadvantage not to have one,” said Donald Morrison, professor of marketing and management science. “But in the last five years or so, when someone says, Should I attempt to get an MBA, the answer a lot more is: It depends.”The success of

10、 Bill Gates and other non-MBAs, such as the late Sam Walton of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., has helped inspire self-conscious debates on business school campuses over the worth of a business degree and whether management skills can be taught.The Harvard Business Review printed a lively, fictional exchange

11、of letters to dramatize complaints about business degree holders.The article called MBA hires “extremely disappointing” and said “MBAs want to move up too fast, they dont understand politics and people, and they arent able to function as part of a team until their third year. But by then, theyre out

12、 looking for other jobs.”The problem, most participants in the debate acknowledge, is that the MBA has acquired an aura of future riches and power far beyond its actual importance and usefulness.Enrollment in business schools exploded in the 1970s and 1980s and created the assumption that no one who

13、 pursued a business career could do without one. The growth was fueled by a backlash against the anti-business values of the 1960s and by the womens movement.Business people who have hired or worked with MBAs say those with the degrees of ten know how to analyze systems but are not so skillful at mo

14、tivating people. “They dont get a lot of grounding in the people side of the business”, said James Shaffer, vice-president and principal of the Towers Perrin management consulting firm.38. It seems that the controversy over the value of MBA degrees had been fueled mainly by( ).39. What is the major

15、weakness of MBA holders according to the Harvard Business Review?40. From the passage we know that most MBAs( ).41. What is the passage mainly about?问题1选项A.the complaints from various employersB.the success of many non-MBAsC.the criticism from the scientists of purer disciplinesD.the poor performanc

16、e of MBAs at work问题2选项A.They are usually self-centered.B.They are aggressive and greedy.C.They keep complaining about their jobs.D.They are not good at dealing with people.问题3选项A.can climb the corporate ladder fairly quicklyB.quit their jobs once they are familiar with their workmatesC.receive salar

17、ies that do not match their professional trainingD.cherish unrealistic expectations about their future问题4选项A.Why there is an increased enrollment in MBA programs.B.The necessity of reforming MBA programs in business schools.C.Doubts about the worth of holding an MBA degree.D.A debate held recently o

18、n university campuses.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:D第4题:C【解析】38. 客观细节题。定位到第五段The success of Bill Gates and other non-MBAs, such as the late Sam Walton of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., has helped inspire self-conscious debates on business school campuses over the worth of a business degree and whether management skills

19、 can be taught.(比尔盖茨和其他非MBA毕业生如Wal-Mart连锁店的Sam Walton的成功,在商校校园里引起了有关工商学位的价值和管理技能是否可以通过教育获得等问题的自发讨论。),由此可知是由许多非MBA人士的成功促使了对MBA学位的价值的争论,因此B选项“非MBA人士的成功”正确,符合题意。A选项“来自不同雇主的投诉”,C选项“来自纯粹学科的科学家的批评”,D选项“MBA人士在工作中的糟糕表现”,均与题意不符,故选B。39. 客观细节题。定位在第七段MBAs want to move up too fast, they dont understand politics

20、and people, and they arent able to function as part of a team until their third year.(MBA 雇员太急于升职,他们不了解政治情况和人,直到第三年才能够适应团队工作。)和最后一段的but are not so skillful at motivating people.(但是并不善于激励人)因此D选项“他们不善于与人打交道”正确,符合题意。A选项“他们通常以自我为中心”,B选项“他们好斗又贪婪”,C选项“他们不断抱怨自己的工作”,信息都过于负面,与题意不符。故选D。40. 客观细节题。定位在文章的第八段The

21、problem, most participants in the debate acknowledge, is that the MBA has acquired an aura of future riches and power far beyond its actual importance and usefulness.(大部分参加辩论的人认为,问题的关键是MBA获得者得到的是超越实际重要性和作用的未来财富和权利的光环。)可知很多MBA人士对未来抱有不切实际的期望,因此D选项“对他们的未来抱有不切实际的期望”正确,符合题意。A选项“能很快地爬上公司的阶梯”,B选项“一旦和同事熟悉了就

22、辞职”,C选项“得到的工资与其专业培训不符”。A,B,C选项在文中均未提及,可排除。故选D。41. 主旨大意题。本文围绕“MBA学位的价值”展开叙述,阐述了MBA兴起和兴盛,比尔盖茨和其他非MBA毕业生的成功,在商校校园里引起了有关工商学位的价值和管理技能是否可以通过教育获得等问题的自发讨论,并且分析了MBA获得者们的问题和劣势。因此C选项“对获得MBA学位的价值的怀疑。”正确,符合题意。A选项“为什么MBA项目的注册人数增加了”,B选项“商学院MBA项目改革的必要性”,D选项“一场最近在大学校园举行的辩论”都不是文章的主要内容,故选C。6. 单选题He eyed me silently fo

23、r a long pause, as though weighing whether I could be trusted to his confidence; then spoke man-to-man that working for the Curtis Company placed( )responsibility on a young man.问题1选项A.enormousB.erroneousC.eloquentD.exterior【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项enormous“庞大的;巨大的”;B选项erroneous“错误的;不正确的”;C选项eloquent“雄辩的

24、;有说服力的”;D选项exterior“外部的;外面的”。句意:他默默地看了我许久,似乎在权衡我是否值得他信任,然后坦率地说,在柯蒂斯公司工作给了年轻人责任。根据后面的名词responsibility“责任”一般与表示大或者重的形容词搭配使用,故A选项符合题意。7. 单选题The security guard( )two men who were yelling in the courtroom.问题1选项A.expelledB.propelledC.repelledD.dispelled【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项expelled“开除;驱逐”;B选项propelled“推进;促使

25、”;C选项repelled“击退;驱逐”;D选项dispelled“消除”。句意:保安人员两名在法庭喊叫的男子。法庭不允许大声喧哗,因此空格内应填入与驱逐有关的单词。由此可以排除B选项。expel意为“赶走”;repel意为“击退,排斥,拒绝”;dispel意为“驱散(云雾等)”。因此A选项符合题意。8. 单选题We are shocked by his selfishness and( )to those who needs help.问题1选项A.inactivityB.insensitivityC.stupidityD.idleness【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项inactiv

26、ity“不活动;休止状态”;B选项insensitivity“感觉迟钝;不灵敏”;C选项stupidity“愚蠢”;D选项idleness“懒惰;闲散”。句意:他的自私、对需要帮助的人们,令我们惊讶。关键信息词selfishness“自私”,可知对他的评价是负面的。空格后to those who needs help对那些需要帮助的人,自私的人以自我为中心是不会在乎其他人的。insensitivity有麻木不仁,漠不关心的意思。因此B选项符合题意。9. 单选题Japan, whose population is aging faster than that of any other natio

27、ns, may provide a laboratory for the challenges that developed societies will increasingly face. Such challenges(51)rising pension and medical costs and greater stress(52)a shrinking number of family caretakers,(53)to a recent study published by the Population Reference Bureau. Inc, in Washington, D

28、. C.The proportion of the Japanese population(54)65 and over is expected to(55)than double between 1985 and 2025,(56)from 10% of the total population to 23%,(57)to decreasing birth and death rates.(58), Japans elderly have been considered “honorable elders” who(59)a special place in the home, accord

29、ing to Linda G. Martin, author of(60)National Academy of Sciences Committee on Population.(61)the proportion of elderly living with their children(62)from 77% in 1970 to 65% in 1985.Increased(63)of middle-aged women, the traditional caretakers(64)the elderly, means that a(65)proportion of elderly Ja

30、panese can(66)upon care by family members. The proportion of married(67)of childbearing age planning to depend on their(68)for support in old(69)decreased from 55% in 1950 to 18% in 1988.(70)where such care is provided, there is some evidence of considerable family stress and poor quality of care.问题

31、1选项A.insertB.includeC.encloseD.hide问题2选项A.toB.inC.onD.into问题3选项A.accordingB.dueC.previousD.thanks问题4选项A.ageB.agingC.agedD.ages问题5选项A.moreB.ratherC.otherD.no more问题6选项A.risingB.standingC.loweringD.enduring问题7选项A.dueB.expectedC.fittingD.suitable问题8选项A.CommonlyB.PubliclyC.TraditionallyD.Normally问题9选项A.


33、.ladies问题18选项A.babiesB.childrenC.adultsD.parents问题19选项A.ageB.agesC.lifetimeD.period问题20选项A.EvenB.StillC.TrulyD.Yet【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:A第6题:A第7题:A第8题:C第9题:A第10题:B第11题:D第12题:B第13题:C第14题:B第15题:C第16题:D第17题:C第18题:B第19题:A第20题:C【解析】51. 考查动词辨析。A选项insert“插入”;B选项include“包括”;C选项enclose“围住,随函附上”;D选项hide

34、“隐瞒;躲藏”。在本句中Such challenges这类挑战与养老金和医疗费用的上升是一种涵盖的关系,故选B。52. 考查固定搭配。句意:这些挑战包括不断上涨的养老金和医疗费用以及更大的压力落在了越来越少的家庭看护人身上。A选项to“去;到”,强调方向;B选项in“在里面”;C选项on“在之上”;D选项into“从外向内进入”。前面的关键词stress常与介词on搭配。例如:put stress on sb“给某人施加压力”,C选项符合句意和搭配,故选C。53. 考查固定搭配。空格前给了我们一个结论,后面是发布研究结果的机构,根据介词to和a recent study最新研究,accordi

35、ng to固定搭配“根据”,根据一项研究得出一个结论,故选A。54. 考查固定搭配。空格后面的65我们可以根据前段的population理解为年龄为65岁的人,单由数字无法进行断定,故使用过去分词进行诠释,表示已经65岁的人,AD选项不能使用在数字前,而B选项有其固定搭配aging fromto“年龄从几岁到几岁”,故选C。55. 考查固定搭配。A选项more than“超过”;B选项rather than“而不是”;C选项other than“除了外”;D选项no more than“至多,只不过”,后面的double两倍,比例从10%到23%是在增加的,故选A。56. 考查动词辨析。A选项

36、rise“上升”;B选项stand“站立;忍受”;C选项lower“降低”;D选项endure“忍受”,从后面的数据10%-23%我们可知这个幅度是在上升的,故选A。57. 考查句子间的关系。由前一句可知日本的老龄化越来越严重了,空格后decreasing birth and death rate“减少的出生率与死亡率”,人口老龄化和出生率和死亡率的降低存在因果关系,故选A,due to固定搭配,意为“由于,因为”。58. 考查副词词义辨析。A选项commonly“通常地”;B选项publicly“公然地”;C选项traditionally“传统上地”;D选项normally“通常地”。AD选

37、项同义故可排除,后半句Japans elderly have been considered “honorable elders”日本老年人被认为是尊敬的长者。尊老爱幼是传统美德,我们也可以从时态判断have done现在完成时,表示过去对现在的影响,综合考虑C选项更符合句意。故选C。59. 考查动词词义辨析。A选项earn“赚得,赢得”;B选项“值得”;C选项draw“画,移动”;D选项“起源于,来自”。由空格后面的名词词组a special place一个特殊的地位,结合前半句进行理解,传统意义上,日本的老人一直被认为是尊敬的长者从而在家庭中一个特殊地位。这个特殊地位并非是理所应当,是历史

38、以来沿袭从而获得的,故选A。60. 考查冠词的用法。空格后接的是一个专有名词,需使用定冠词the,表示特指,故选B。61. 考查逻辑关系。前面说到日本的老年人在家庭中有一个特殊的地位。后面却说到老年人与子女一起生活的比例从1970年的77下降到了1985年的65。与逻辑不符合,需要用But进行转折承接,同理可排除ABC选项,故选D。62. 考查动词辨析。由空格后的数据77%-65%可知这个比例是在下降的。A选项omit“省略,删掉”;B选项drop“落下,降低”;C选项fail“失败,不够”;D选项crash“碰撞,暴跌”。其中D选项的暴跌多运用于股市中。故选B。63. 考查名词辨析。A选项a

39、ssignment“作业,任务,分配”;B选项responsibility“责任,义务”;C选项employment“雇用,就业”;D选项business“业务,商业”。承接上一段老年人与子女一起生活的比例在不断降低,下一段进一步进行解释。increased增加的,之所以会减少与子女在一起生活的比例主要与中年女性增加的就业率有关。C选项符合题意逻辑,故选C。64. 考查介词辨析。本句主语是middle-aged women“中年女性”,下一句the traditional caretakers“传统的看护者”是主语的同位语,中年女性和后面的老年人属于一种照顾与被照顾的关系,对于家里的老人有赡养

40、的义务。A选项to“给;去”;B选项for“对于;为了”;C选项toward“朝向”,方向介词;D选项of“属于的”,常表示所属关系,故选B。65. 考查语义逻辑。上一段内容就已经提到了与子女一起生活的比例本就减少了,本段开头提及中年女性的就业率的增加,那么能够在家照看老人的就更少了,本句含有递进与比较,由此可以推理出能够与子女一起居住的比例还会更少。需要用比较级。只有CD选项符合要求,而D选项less只能修饰不可数名词,主语为elderly Japanese为复数形式,同样的,也考查到了固定搭配a small proportion of“一小部分”,句中含有比较所以需要使用small的比较级

41、smaller,故选C。66. 考查动词辨析。A选项go“走;去”;B选项hang“悬挂:绞死”;C选项hold“拿着;保持”;D选项rely“依靠,依赖”。年长的人需要依靠家庭成员的照顾,故选D。67. 考查名词辨析。A选项wives“妻子”;B选项partners“配偶;同伴;合伙人”;C选项women“女人”;D选项ladies“女士”。前文一直在谈论中年女人,空格前的修饰词married“已婚的”,已婚的女人意思可以更加广泛,可以涵盖所有对女人的头衔,故选C。68. 考查名词辨析。A选项babies“宝宝;婴儿”;B选项children“孩子”;C选项adults“成年人”;D选项“父

42、母”。根据句意,已婚的女人打算老了之后依靠她们的孩子(养老)。故选B。69. 考查固定搭配。句意:“已婚妇女打算在她们垂暮之年依靠自己的孩子养老。”in old age为固定搭配“垂暮之年;老年”,故选A。70. 考查逻辑关系。回顾前一句能够生育孩子的已婚妇女的比例从1950的55%减少到了1988年的18%。能够依靠子女养老的老人数量越来越少。根据后半句“there is some evidence of considerable family stress and poor quality of care.有证据表明,会有相当大的家庭压力和较差的护理质量。”后半句语气是肯定的,也是在阐述一

43、个事实,所以前半句应从实际出发,故选C。10. 单选题The personnel of organs of state must be( )by the masses.问题1选项A.stimulatedB.jeopardizedC.supervisedD.escorted【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项stimulated“促进;激发”;B选项jeopardized“危害;使受危困”;C选项supervised“监督”;D选项escorted“护送”。句意:国家机构的全体人员必须接受民众的。句中的施动者是the masses“民众”,承受者是The personnel of organs

44、 of state“国家机构的全体人员”,国家机构的全体人员接受人民监督是坚持执政为民、坚持依法行政的重要保证。因此C选项符合题意。11. 单选题That terrible day will be deeply( )in the childrens memory.问题1选项A.includedB.embracedC.embeddedD.removed【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项included“包括”;B选项embraced“包含;拥抱”;C选项embedded“使嵌入;使深留脑中”;D选项removed“去掉;移除”。句意:那可怕的一天将在孩子们的记忆中。关键点That terri

45、ble day“那可怕的一天”,可知这份记忆是深刻的而且不美好,深深烙印在孩子们的记忆里。be embedded in“嵌入;扎根于”,因此C选项符合题意。12. 单选题I asked the tailor to make a small( )to my trousers because they were too long.问题1选项A.alterationB.variationC.revisionD.change【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项alteration“修改;更改”;B选项variation“变化;变更”;C选项revision“修正;复习”;D选项change“变化;改

46、变”。alteration尤指部分的改变,可用于服装的改长短;variation一般是指(形式、位置、条件的)变化、改变、变动;revision常指文章、词典、剧本等的修改、订正;change改变,变化,可指表面的、本质的、内在的变化。句意:我要求裁缝对我的裤子稍作,因为太长了。句中指的是对trousers“长裤”的修改,因此A选项符合题意。13. 单选题( ), although he had done nothing to be proud of, John began to swell out his chest and show off.问题1选项A.FavoredB.Frustrat

47、edC.FraudedD.Flattered【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项Favored“支持;偏袒”;B选项Frustrated“挫败;阻挠”;C选项Frauded“作假”;D选项Flattered“奉承;恭维”。句意:当他被的时候,尽管并没有做出什么值得骄傲的事情,约翰仍然开始挺胸炫耀。根据关键信息nothing to be proud of“没什么值得骄傲的地方”,但他的反应却是show off“炫耀的”,由此可知,约翰是被人奉承了。因此D选项符合题意。14. 单选题While her friends were busy trying to land on a job in Wa

48、ll Street, she decided to stay in her humble little town and( )in growing organic corn.问题1选项A.specializeB.expertiseC.commercializeD.privatize【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项specialize“专门研究;专攻”;B选项expertise“专门知识;专门技能”;C选项commercialize“使商业化;使商品化”;D选项privatize“使私有化;使归私有”。句意:尽管她的朋友都忙于在华尔街找份工作,她却决定待在她的小镇上种植有机玉米。根据句意可

49、以知道她和她的朋友不一样,决定了就在小镇上专门从事有机玉米的种植。因此A选项符合题意。15. 翻译题Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET.The really critical implication of the discovery still lies with the door that geneticis

50、ts have opened on the environmental influences of our behavior, our personalities and our health, and for the critical blow it strikes the idea of biological determinism.41. For the past decade, the public has witnessed a rising epidemic of tales of discoveries of genes that dispose humanity to homo

51、sexuality, to alcoholism, to political persuasion, to running ability, and to artistic taste.But even before yesterdays revelations by Venter, scientists had stopped believing in the gay gene. Yet belief in its existence still persists among the public. 42. The assault on biological determinism that

52、 geneticists have now triggered will be timely, and human nature is a lot more complex and intriguing than determinists have given it credit for.It has become increasingly fashionable for individuals particularly in the United States to blame actions and crimes on the influence of their genes. Sever

53、al US defendants accused of violent crimes have argued that they were innocent victims of their genes. 43. In other words, genetic predestination could soon have been used to excuse murder or robberyif it had not been for this discovery that we lack the genes to thus dispose us!Kevin Davies is the a

54、uthor of “The Sequence”, a story of the human genome race. He said. 44. “There has been a recent study on perfect pitch, the ability to know the absolute pitch of a musical note, that strongly suggests that is acquired through the inheritance of a single gene.” “That may sound like a clear-cut piece

55、 of biological determinism. However, there is a crucial corollary you have to be exposed to early musical training for the ability to materialize. In other words, even in seemingly simple inherited abilities, nurture has a role to play.”And then there is the case quoted by Venter. Take the example o

56、f colon (结肠)cancer. People say there is a gene that predisposes us to the disease. And certainly it runs in families. 45. However, it is only the colon where we find all sorts of toxins and bacteria that provide the harsh circumstances that finally cause that gene to break down and for cancer to spr

57、ead.In short, it is not a colon cancer gene but a gene that affects our ability to respond to the environment. And that is what human nature is all about.【答案】41. 近十年来,有关基因发现的传闻漫天飞。这些发现称,基因与人的同性恋倾向、酗酒、政治信仰和奔跑能力、艺术鉴赏力等都息息相关。42. 遗传学家现在对生物决定论的攻击是及时的,而且人类的本性远比决定论者想象的更加复杂和迷人。43. 换句话说,如果发现缺少基因的数量可以用来证明基因不能

58、够控制我们的行为,某些人便会利用基因决定论来洗刷他们谋杀和抢劫的罪名。44. 最近有一项关于音调辨别能力的研究,即判断音符绝对音高的能力。该研究结果明显表明完美音高是通过单纯基因遗传获得的。45. 但只有在结肠部位,才能够找到构成病变环境的各种毒素和细菌,它们会导致该基因最终损坏,致使癌细胞扩散。16. 单选题In his time, he enjoyed a reputation( ).问题1选项A.as great as that of Mozarts if not greaterB.as great, or even greater, than MozartC.as great also

59、 greater than MozartD.greater, or as great as Mozart【答案】A【解析】考查比较级。比较级的常见搭配为n. + as + adj. + as sb/sth和某人/某物一样。空格前面的是名词reputation“声誉”,B,C,D选项不符合同级比较和比较级的语法习惯。句意:这次,他获得了如莫扎特一样高的声望(如果不是更高的话)。因此A选项符合题意。17. 单选题All the data sent back from the satellites suggested that an asteroid of about the size of an

60、auditorium( )on its way to our planet.问题1选项A.isB.wasC.wereD.be【答案】B【解析】考查谓语动词使用的一致性。that接在动词后面充当句中的宾语从句。主句使用的是一般过去式,宾语从句中的谓语动词,应与主句的时态保持一致。因此空格处应使用be动词的过去式was/were。从句中的主语是an asteroid“一颗小行星”为单数,所以应使用was。句意:从卫星发来的所有数据表明一颗像礼堂一样大小的行星正在向我们的星球靠近。因此B选项符合题意。18. 单选题At the age of twelve years, the human body

61、is at its most vigorous. It has yet to reach its full size and strength, and its owner his or her full intelligence, but at this age the likelihood of death is least. Earlier, we were infants and young children, and consequently more vulnerable; later, we shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigor and resistance which, though imperceptible at first, will finally become so steep that we can live no longer, however well we look after ourselves, and however well society, and our doctors, look after us.This decline in vigor with

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