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1、2022年考博英语-沈阳药科大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Behaviors that we do not understand often become nearly invisibleeven when, in retrospect, we see how truly strange they are.When I was a psychiatric resident, we had a faculty member who was famous for his messy office: stacks of papers and old journals covere

2、d every chair and table as well as much of the floor. One day, as I walked past the open office door with one of my supervisors, he murmured mildly, “Odd duck.” And that was as far as anyone seemed to reflect on this peculiar state of affairs within an institution staffed by psychiatrists. Eventuall

3、y, the faculty member had to be given another office in which to see patients.Not surprisingly, the psychiatric diagnostic manual does not list “messy room” in the index. But it does mention a symptom: inability “to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value.” It

4、comes under the diagnosis obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, an obscure cousin of the more famous obsessive-compulsive disorder.I was barely aware of the diagnosis. Every era has mental disorders that for cultural or scientific reasons become popular. In Freuds day it was hysteria. Currently

5、, depression has moved to centre stage. But other ailments go relatively ignored, and this disorder was one.It came with a list of additional symptoms that appeared to be peculiar bedfellow: anxiety about spending money, excessive devotion to work to the exclusion of leisure activities, rigidity abo

6、ut following rules, perfectionism in doing tasksat times to the point of interfering with finishing them.In moderation, the symptoms seemed to fit right in with our workaholic cultureperhaps explaining the low profile of the diagnosis. Relentless work orientation and perfectionism may even be assets

7、 in rule-and-detail-oriented professions like accounting or law.But when the symptoms are too intense or pervasive, they become crippling. Beneath seemingly adaptive behaviors lies a central disability. People with this diagnosis have enormous difficulty making decisions. They lack the internal sens

8、e of completion that most of us experience at the end of a choice or a task, even one as simple as throwing something out or making a purchase. In obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, this feeling occurs only after endless deliberation and revision, if at all.The need to come up with the “corr

9、ect” answer, the best purchase or the perfect proposal leads to excess rumination over each decision. It can even lead to complete paralysis. For such people, rules of all kinds are a godsendthey represent pre-made decisions, open-ended assignments, like writing papers, are nightmares.For such a pat

10、ient or for a psychiatrist, understanding a cluster of diagnostic symptoms can be a revelation. The picture leaps out from the previously disorganized background. But undoubtedly, at times we can become too reductionistic, seeing patterns where none exist: sometimes a messy room is just a messy room

11、.6. Which of the following best describes peoples attitude towards the faculty member?7. The popular mental disorder of current time, according to the author, is _.8. The reason why symptoms of the “obsessive-compulsive disorder” go unnoticed is that _.9. Rules are godsend to persons with the obsess

12、ive-compulsive personality disorder because _.10. From the last paragraph we can see that the authors view is that _.问题1选项A.They disliked him, and thats why he got his separate room to see patients.B.They thought he is a little strange, but didnt pay much attention to his behavior.C.They were intere

13、sted in his behavior, as they were all psychiatrists.D.They thought he had some mental retardation.问题2选项A.hysteriaB.depressionC.messinessD.obsessive-compulsive disorder问题3选项A.they are highly thought of in according to lawB.some of the mild symptoms fit in with a workaholic cultureC.they have a low p

14、rofileD.they take a long time to become intense or pervasive问题4选项A.they do not involve decision makingB.they are open-ended assignmentsC.they lead to complete paralysisD.they are made by others问题5选项A.a messy room is just a messy roomB.a messy room is an indication of the obsessive-compulsive persona

15、lity disorderC.psychiatrists should pay attention to a messy roomD.psychiatrists should see patterns of seemingly disorganized behaviors, but shouldnt be too reductionistic【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】6. 【选项释义】Which of the following best describes peoples attitude towards the faculty member? 下列哪

16、项最好地描述了人们对那位同事的态度?A. They disliked him, and thats why he got his separate room to see patients. A. 他们不喜欢他,所以他才有单独的房间去看病。B. They thought he is a little strange, but didnt pay much attention to his behavior. B. 他们觉得他有一点儿奇怪,但是没有太注意他的行为。C. They were interested in his behavior, as they were all psychiatr

17、ists. C. 他们对他的行为感兴趣,因为他们都是精神病医生。D. They thought he had some mental retardation. D. 他们认为他有智力障碍。【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词peoples attitude towards the faculty member定位到原文第2段。本段第3句提到作者和他的一位同事“路过那个医生的房间时,这个同事说(he murmured mildly)奇怪的家伙(Odd duck)”,并且第4句说“在一个由精神科医生组成的机构里,这似乎是所有人对这种奇特状况的反映(that was as far as a

18、nyone seemed to reflect)。”由此可知,人们都觉得这个医生的行为很奇怪,但他们对这种行为的反应也仅限于说一句奇怪而已,B选项“他们觉得他有一点儿奇怪,但是没有太关注他的行为”,符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项“他们不喜欢他,所以他才有单独的房间去看病”,虽然原文第2段最后一句提到“最后,不得不另外给这名医生分配一间诊室看病(had to be given another office in which to see patients)”,但是原文并没有说之所以这么做是因为人们不喜欢他,并且原文也没有说人们不喜欢他,只是说觉得他奇怪,该选项属于过度推理;C选项“他们对他的行为

19、感兴趣,因为他们都是精神病医生”,原文提到人们的反应也不过是说一句奇怪而已,说明人们对他的行为不感兴趣,该选项属于曲解原文;D选项“他们认为他有智力障碍”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。7. 【选项释义】The popular mental disorder of current time, according to the author, is _. 据作者介绍,目前流行的精神障碍是_。A. hysteria A. 癔症B. depression B. 抑郁症C. messiness C. 混乱D. obsessive-compulsive disorder D. 强迫症【考查点】事实细

20、节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词The popular mental disorder of current time定位到原文第4段。本段第2句提到“每个时代都有因文化或科学原因而流行的精神障碍(mental disorders)。”另外,本段倒数第2句提到“目前(Currently),抑郁症(depression)已成为人们关注的焦点。”由此可知,B选项“抑郁症”符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项“癔症”,可定位到原文第4段第3句,该句提到“在弗洛伊德的时代(In Freuds day),这是癔症(hysteria)。”由此可知,癔症是弗洛伊德时代流行的精神疾病,而不是现在,该选项属于张冠李戴;

21、C选项“混乱”原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“强迫症”,虽然原文第3段提到了强迫性人格障碍(obsessive-compulsive personality disorder),但是第4段最后一句说到这是现在“被忽视的(relatively ignored)疾病之一”,因此,该选项表述错误,属于曲解原文。8. 【选项释义】The reason why symptoms of the “obsessive-compulsive disorder” go unnoticed is that _. “强迫症”的症状没有被注意到的原因是_。A. they are highly thought

22、 of in according to law A. 根据法律它们评价很高B. some of the mild symptoms fit in with a workaholic culture B. 一些轻微的症状符合工作狂的文化C. they have a low profile C. 这些症状不引人注目D. they take a long time to become intense or pervasive D. 它们需要很长时间才会变得强烈或普遍【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词obsessive-compulsive disorder和go unnoticed定位到

23、原文第4段最后一句,该句提到“强迫症在当今时代被忽略了”。接下来的第5-6段对此进行了进一步介绍。第6段第1句提到“适度地情况下(in moderation),这些症状似乎符合我们的工作狂文化(fit right in with our workaholic culture)这也许可以解释为什么该症状的诊断不那么引人注目”,由此可知,强迫症不那么引人注目可能是因为在适度的时候,符合工作狂的文化,B选项“一些轻微的症状符合工作狂的文化”表述正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“根据法律它们评价很高”,原文第6段最后一句提到“不懈的工作导向和完美主义甚至可能是会计或法律等注重规则和细节的职业(in rule

24、-and-detail-oriented professions like accounting or law)的资产。”由此可知,原文指的是在法律行业,轻度的强迫症会被认为是优势,并不是说法律要求给强迫症很高的评价,该选项属于偷换概念;C选项“这些症状不引人注目”,这是“它不受关注”的另一种说法,而不是原因;D选项“它们需要很长时间才会变得强烈或普遍”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。9. 【选项释义】Rules are godsend to persons with the obsessive-compulsive personality disorder because _. 规则是强

25、迫症患者天赐的礼物,因为_。A. they do not involve decision making A. 它们不涉及决策B. they are open-ended assignments B. 它们是开放式作业C. they lead to complete paralysis C. 它们会导致完全瘫痪D. they are made by others D. 它们是别人制定的【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词Rules are godsend定位到原文第8段最后一句,该句提到“对这些人来说,各种各样的规则都是天赐的礼物它们代表着预先做出的决定”,由此可知,规则代表着预先做

26、出的决定。第8段第1句提到“需要想出正确的答案,最好的购买或完美的建议导致对每个决定的过度思考(excess rumination over each decision)。”由此可知,强迫症患者不擅长做决定。综上所述,因为规则是已经做好的决定,所以对于不擅长做决定的人来说是天赐的礼物。因此,A选项“它们不涉及决策”表述正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“它们是开放式作业”,可定位到原文第8段最后一句,该句提到,对强迫症患者来说,“开放式作业(open-ended assignments),比如写论文,都是噩梦(nightmares)。”由此可知,首先规则并不是开放式的作业;其次,开放式的作业对强迫症患

27、者来说并不是天赐的礼物,反而是他们不擅长的,该选项属于曲解原文;C选项“它们会导致完全瘫痪”,可定位到第8段第2句,该句提到“它甚至会导致完全瘫痪。”但是联系前一句可知,“它”指的是“需要想出正确的答案,最好的购买或完美的建议”,即对完美的追求,而不是“规则”,该选项属于张冠李戴;D选项“它们是别人制定的”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。10. 【选项释义】From the last paragraph we can see that the authors view is that _. 从最后一段我们可以看出作者的观点是_。A. a messy room is just a messy

28、 room A. 凌乱的房间就是凌乱的房间B. a messy room is an indication of the obsessive-compulsive personality disorder B. 房间凌乱是强迫症的表现C. psychiatrists should pay attention to a messy room C. 精神科医生应该注意凌乱的房间D. psychiatrists should see patterns of seemingly disorganized behaviors, but shouldnt be too reductionistic D.

29、精神科医生应该看到看似混乱的行为模式,而不应该过于简单化【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词last paragraph定位到原文最后一段。本题询问的是作者的观点,应该与本文的主旨相关,本文的话题是强迫症。本段第1句提到“对于这样的病人或精神病医生来说,理解一系列诊断症状可能是一种启示。”而本段最后一句指出,“但是有时我们可能变得过于简化,看到一些不存在的模式:有时一个凌乱的房间就是一个凌乱的房间。”由此可知,作者认为,精神科医生应该“理解一系列诊断症状”,但是在这个过程中不要“过于简化”,D选项“精神科医生应该看到看似混乱的行为模式,而不应该过于简单化”符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选

30、项“凌乱的房间就是凌乱的房间”。虽然文章最后一句提到“有时一个凌乱的房间就是一个凌乱的房间”,但是该选项与文章主题无关,“凌乱的房间”只是作者用来引出话题的一个事例,也就是说它只是一个例子,该选项属于本末倒置;B选项“房间凌乱是强迫症的表现”,通读全文可知,强迫症患者的特点是有序和注重规则,“房间凌乱”不是强迫症的表现,该选项属于曲解全文;C选项“精神科医生应该注意凌乱的房间”,本文的主题是强迫症,“凌乱的房间”只是作者用来引出话题的一个事例,该选项属于本末倒置。2. 单选题According to the new report, 13% of Americans are over 65; t

31、his number is projected to reach 22% by the year 2030.问题1选项A.devisedB.thrustC.estimatedD.encountered【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. devised 设计 B. thrust 用力推C. estimated 估计 D. encountered 遇到【考查点】动词辨析【解题思路】原文指到2030年美国超过65岁的人的比例会达到22%,2030年是一个未来的年份,这个数据应该是预估的,C选项“估计”符合原文。原文be projected to“被预测”。【干扰项排除】A选项devised“设计”,

32、美国的人口构成数据应该是自然发生的,不存在说被设计成多少;B选项thrust“用力推”,不符合原句逻辑;D选项encountered“遇到”,不符合原句逻辑。【句意】根据这份新报告,13%的美国人超过65岁;预计到2030年,这一数字将达到22%。3. 单选题Facebooks top executives are eligible for twice-a-year bonuses of up to 45 percent of their base salaries.问题1选项A.optionalB.qualifiedC.desirableD.casual【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. o

33、ptional 可选择的 B. qualified 有资格的C. desirable 值得拥有的 D. casual 随意的【考查点】形容词辨析【解题思路】划线词修饰的是“Facebook的高管”,原文are eligible for词义为“有资格的”,B选项qualified 通常与介词for连用,A be qualified for B(A具备完成/拥有B的资格或能力),与原词最接近。【干扰项排除】A选项optional“可选择的”,不符合语境;C选项desirable“值得拥有的”,通常修饰“值得的或可取的东西”,在这句话中应该是“一年两次的奖金”,通常用于it is desirable

34、 that(XX是可取的。)或者it is desirable for someone to do something(做某事是值得的。)D选项casual“随意的”,不符合语境。【句意】Facebook的高管有资格获得一年两次的奖金,最高可达基本工资的45%。4. 单选题The salesman approached the house cautiously when he saw the vicious dog at the door.问题1选项A.nervouslyB.bravelyC.carefullyD.deliberately【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. nervously

35、紧张地 B. bravely 勇敢地C. carefully 小心地 D. deliberately 故意地【考查点】语义衔接与副词辨析【解题思路】后文提到“门口有一只恶狗(the vicious dog at the door)”,而“这个销售员在接近房子(approached the house)”,cautiously是用来修饰他接近房子的动作的,由此推断,因为有恶狗,所以他在靠近房子的时候非常小心,原词cautiously“谨慎地”,因此C选项carefully“小心地”与原词最接近。【干扰项排除】A选项nervously“紧张地”,与原词词义不相近;B选项bravely“勇敢地”,与

36、原词词义不相近;D选项deliberately“故意地”,不符合原文语义。【句意】当推销员看到门口的那条恶狗时,他小心翼翼地走近那所房子。5. 单选题This focus on rote memorization can be _ to cultivating strong creative thinkers or coming up with their own way of doing things.问题1选项A.detrimentalB.conduciveC.confidentialD.perceptual【答案】A【解析】考查上下文语义。A选项detrimental“不利的;有害的”;

37、B选项conducive“有益的;有助于”;C选项confidential“机密的;表示信任的”;D选项perceptual“感知的;有知觉的”。句意:专注于死记硬背,对于培养具有强大的创造性思维思考者是_的,对于形成他们自己的做事方式也是_的。想培养创造性思维不能只死记硬背,A选项detrimental“不利的;有害的”符合语境。因此,本题最佳选项为A。6. 单选题Young adults experience news fatigue from being inundated by facts and updates and have trouble accessing in-depth

38、stories, according to a study to be unveiled at a global media conference. The Context-Based Research Group, an ethnographic research firm, found that the news consumption behavior of younger readers differs profoundly from that of previous generations.The research project, commissioned by The Assoc

39、iated Press in 2007, analyzed the news consumption patterns of an ethnically diverse group of 18 men and women between the ages of 18 and 34 in six cities in the United States, Britain and India. It ultimately helped AP design a new model for news delivery to meet the needs of young adults, who are

40、driving the shift from traditional media to digital news, said Jim Kennedy, APs director of strategic planning. “The real value was that it gave us a lasting model of how news is being consumed in the digital space by young people that we can use to improve our own newsgathering and project developm

41、ent,” Kennedy said.That includes what the AP calls “1-2-3 filing”, starting with a news alert headline for breaking news, followed by a short present-tense story that is usable on the Web and by broadcasters. The third step is to add details and format stories in ways most appropriate for various ne

42、ws platforms. Editors at the Telegraph in London are following a similar approach and have seen a big jump in traffic at the newspapers website. The study said the Telegraph has adopted the mind-set of a broadcast-news operation to quickly build from headlines to short stories to complete multimedia

43、 packages online to boost readership. The studys purpose was to obtain a deeper and more holistic understanding of the news consumption behavior of younger audiences. The results were scheduled to be presented in a 71-page report to media executives and editors from around the globe at the World Edi

44、tors Forum in Goteborg, southwestern Sweden.A key finding was that participants yearned for quality, and in-depth reporting but had difficulty immediately accessing such content because they were bombarded by facts and updates in headlines and snippets of news. The study also found that participants

45、 were unable to give full attention to the news because they were almost always simultaneously engaged other activities, such as reading e-mail.That represents a shift from previous consumption models in which people sat down to watch the evening news or read the morning paper. “Our observations and

46、 analysis identified that consumers news diets are out of balance due to the over-consumption of facts and headlines,” said Robbie Blinkoff, co-founder and head anthropologist at Baltimore, Maryland-based Context-Based Research Group.To combat that, the authors recommended that news producers develo

47、p easier ways for readers to discover in-depth content and to avoid repetitious updates of breaking news. The research was conducted in six major metropolitan areas around the globe: Houston. Silicon Valley, Philadelphia and Kansas City in the United States; Brighton, Britain; and Hyderabad, India.1

48、. Young adults are found different from previous generation in _.2. Which of the following statements is true about the research project?3. The “1-2-3 filing” approach _.4. The young audiences refuse to read in-depth reporting because _.5. The suggestions of the authors are the following EXCEPT _.问题

49、1选项A.reading newsB.looking for news cluesC.analyzing in-depth storiesD.researching film问题2选项A.The project was taken by the Associated Press in 2007.B.It aimed to provide a new model for news delivery catering to the youth.C.There are 52 participants in three countries to be analyzed in the project.D

50、.The AP relies on the project to open a news platform on the web and by broadcasters.问题3选项A.is actually a three-step method in finding and editing newsB.is considered a big success in reforming news consumption modelC.is adopted by the Telegraph to attracting readers at different agesD.received a ho

51、t discussion from media executives and editors in the world问题4选项A.they are fatigued by the large number of facts and updates in headlines and short newsB.they have no interest in watching the evening news or reading the morning paperC.they are always busy in reading e-mail at the same time when surf

52、ing onlineD.they are tired of the traditional format of details of news and updates in the paper问题5选项A.to develop a news consumption model for young readersB.to avoid repetitious updates of breaking newsC.to find easy ways for readersD.to conduct similar researches【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.

53、 【选项释义】Young adults are found different from previous generation in _. 年轻人与以前的人的不同体现在_。A. reading news A. 阅读新闻B. looking for news clues B. 寻找新闻线索C. analyzing in-depth stories C. 深入分析故事D. researching film D. 研究电影【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词Young adults和different from previous generation定位到原文第1段最后一句,该句提到“

54、年轻读者的新闻消费行为(the news consumption behavior)与前几代人有很大不同”,由此可知,A选项“阅读新闻”即“新闻消费行为”,表述正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项原文并未提及,属于无中生有。2. 【选项释义】Which of the following statements is true about the research project? 关于这个研究项目,下列哪个陈述是正确的?A. The project was taken by the Associated Press in 2007. A. 该项目于2007年由美联社进行的。B. It aimed

55、to provide a new model for news delivery catering to the youth. B. 它旨在提供一种新的模式,以满足年轻人接收新闻。C. There are 52 participants in three countries to be analyzed in the project. C. 该项目将对来自三个国家的52名参与者进行分析。D. The AP relies on the project to open a news platform on the web and by broadcasters. D. 美联社依靠这一项目在网络和广

56、播上开放新闻平台。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词the research project定位到原文第2段。本段第2句提到“这最终帮助美联社设计了一种新的新闻发布模式,以满足年轻人的需求(a new model for news delivery to meet the needs of young adults)”,由此可知,B选项“它旨在提供一种新的模式,以满足年轻人接收新闻”表述正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“该项目于2007年由美联社进行的”,可定位到第2段第1句,该句说到“该项目是2007年美联社委托的(commissioned by The Associated Pre

57、ss)”,而不是美联社进行的,该选项属于偷换概念;C选项“该项目将对来自三个国家的52名参与者进行分析”,可定位到第2段第1句,该句提到“该项目分析了美国、英国和印度六个城市的18名不同种族的男性和女性(an ethnically diverse group of 18 men and women)的新闻消费模式”,由此可知,选项表述错误,不是52名参与者,而是18名;D选项“美联社依靠这一项目在网络和广播上开放新闻平台”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。3. 【选项释义】The “1-2-3 filing” approach _. “1-2-3备案”的方式_。A. is actually

58、a three-step method in finding and editing news A. 实际上是发现和编辑新闻的三步法B. is considered a big success in reforming news consumption model B. 是新闻消费模式改革的一大成功C. is adopted by the Telegraph to attracting readers at different ages C. 是电讯报用来吸引不同年龄的读者的D. received a hot discussion from media executives and edito

59、rs in the world D. 受到了来自世界各地媒体主管和编辑的热烈讨论【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词1-2-3 filing定位到原文第3段。本段第1句提到“这包括美联社所称的1-2-3备案”,根据上文第2段第2句可知,“这”指的是“一种新的新闻发布模式(a new model for news delivery)”,第2段最后一句提到“这种模式的真正价值在于它为我们了解年轻人如何在数字空间消费新闻提供了一个持久的模型”,由此可知,这是一种年轻人消费新闻的新方式。另外,第3段第3句提到“电讯报应用这种模式收获了大量流量(a big jump in traffic)”

60、,因此,B选项“是新闻消费模式改革的一大成功”表述正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“实际上是发现和编辑新闻的三步法”,可定位到第3段第1-2句,这两句介绍了这三步到底是哪三步,但是其中并不包括“发现新闻”的内容;另外,根据【解题思路】可知,这三步法实际上是“一种新的新闻发布模式”,不包括新闻发现,因此,该选项表述错误,属于无中生有;C选项“是电讯报用来吸引不同年龄的读者的”,可定位到原文第3段第3-4句,这两句提到“电讯报(the Telegraph)”采取类似的做法是为了增加读者数量(to boost readership),并未具体到不同年龄阶段,该选项属于推理过度;D选项“受到了来自世界各地媒

61、体主管和编辑的热烈讨论”,可定位到原文第3段最后一句,该句提到“调查结果将(were scheduled)在某个世界编辑论坛上,以一份71页的报告向来自全球各地的媒体高管和编辑公布”,原文并未提及是否受到了来自世界各地媒体主管和编辑的热烈讨论,该选项属于推理过度。4. 【选项释义】The young audiences refuse to read in-depth reporting because _. 年轻观众拒绝阅读深度报道的原因是_。A. they are fatigued by the large number of facts and updates in headlines a

62、nd short news A. 新闻标题和短新闻中有大量的事实和新信息让他们疲倦B. they have no interest in watching the evening news or reading the morning paper B. 他们对看晚间新闻或读晨报没有兴趣C. they are always busy in reading e-mail at the same time when surfing online C. 他们总是在上网的同时忙着阅读电子邮件D. they are tired of the traditional format of details of

63、 news and updates in the paper D. 他们厌倦了传统形式即在纸上阅读的新闻细节和最新消息【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词young audiences和read in-depth reporting定位到原文第4段。本段第1句提到“项目参与者渴望高质量和深入的报道,但很难立即访问这些内容,因为他们被新闻标题和新闻片段中的事实和最新消息(facts and updates in headlines and snippets of news)轰炸(were bombarded by)”,由此可知,因为标题和新闻片段中的事实和最新消息太多,所以人们才无法阅读有深度的报道,A选项“新闻标题和短新闻中有大量的事实和新信息让他们疲倦”表述正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“他们对看晚间新闻或读晨报没有兴趣”,可定位到原文第5段第1句,该句提到“人们坐下来看晚间新闻或阅读晨报(people sat down to watch the evening news or read the morning paper)的以往消费模式的转变(a shift from previous consumptio

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