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1、2022年考博英语-东北师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题There was only a small ( )in the citys population over the last ten years.问题1选项A.intimacyB.immortalityC.incidenceD.increment【答案】D【解析】句意: 在过去十年内这个城市的人口只有一个小幅度的增加。名词辨析。Intimacy亲密,隐私; immortality永生,不朽; incidence发生率, 影响; increment增加。故D项符合句意。2. 单选题He stood there, ( )

2、a pen.问题1选项A.asking forB.ask forC.asked forD.to ask for【答案】A【解析】句意:他站在那, 想要一只笔。语法题。考查动词的-ing形式作状语。此处已有谓语动词stood,所以后面是ask的Ing 形式作伴随状语。故选A。3. 单选题All the flights ( )because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.问题1选项A.were canceledB.had been canceledC.having canceledD.having been canceled【

3、答案】D【解析】句意: 所有航班因暴风雪都被取消,我们不得不改乘火车。语法题。考查独立主格结构。题干后半句已经完整,所以前半句是独立主格结构,排除A,B。由于动作发生在 “改乘火车”之前,而且是 “被取消”,所以用having been canceled。4. 单选题Im sorry ( )so long. I forgot to tell you in advance where I had been.问题1选项A.to keep you waitB.to keep you waitingC.to keep you waitedD.to have kept you waiting【答案】D【

4、解析】句意我抱歉让你等了这么久。我忘记提前告诉你我在哪里了。语法题。考查完成时态。由句中关键词“I forgot to tell you in advance where I had been我忘记提前告诉你我在哪里了”可知“你等了这么久”这个事情发生在过去的过去,故这里应该用完成时态,由此知D项“to have kept you waiting”正确。5. 单选题The biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject. Too close a relation, and the w

5、riter may lose objectivity. Not close enough, and the writer may lack the sympathy necessary to any effort to portray a mind, a soul-the quality of life. Who should write the biography of a family, for example? Because of their closeness to the subject, family members may have special information, b

6、ut by the same token, they may not have the distance that would allow them to be fair. Similarly, a king,s servant might not be the best one to write a biography of that king. But a foreigner might not have the knowledge and sympathy necessary to write the kings biographynot for a readership from wi

7、thin the kingdom, at any rate.There is no ideal position for such a task. The biographer has to work with the position he or she has in the world, adjusting that position as necessary to deal with the subject. Every position has strengths and weaknesses: to thrive, a writer must try to become aware

8、of these, evaluate them in terms of the subject, and select a position accordingly.When their subjects are heroes or famous figures, biographers often reveal a democratic motive: they attempt to show that their subjects are only human, no better than anyone else. Other biographies are meant to chang

9、e us, to invite us to become better than we are. The biographies of Jesus found in the Bible are in this class.Biographers may claim that their account is “authentic” one. In advancing this claim, they are helped if the biography is “authorized” by the subject. This presumably allows the biographer

10、special access to private information. “Unauthorized” biographers also have their appeal, however, since they can suggest an independence of mind in the biographer. In book promotions, the “unauthorized” characterization usually suggests the prospect of juicy gossip that the subject had hoped to sup

11、press. A subject might have several biographies, even several “authentic” ones. We sense intuitively that no one is in a position to tell “the” story of a life, perhaps not even the subject, and this has been proved by the history of biography.1.According to the author, an ideal biographer would be

12、one who ( ).2.The author cites the biographies of Jesus in the Bible in order to show that( ).3.Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?4.An unauthorized biography is likely to attract more readers because( ).5.In this passage, the author focuses on( ).问题1选项A.knows the su

13、bject very well and yet maintains a proper distance from himB.is close to the subject and knows the techniques of biography writingC.is independent and knows the techniques of biography writingD.possesses special private information and is sympathetic toward the subject问题2选项A.the best biographies ar

14、e meant to transform their readersB.biographies are authentic accounts of their subjects livesC.the best biographies are those of heroes and famous figuresD.biographies can sever different purposes问题3选项A.An authentic biography seldom appeals to its readers.B.An authentic biography is one authorized

15、by the subjectC.No one can write a perfect biography.D.Authorized biographies have a wider readership.问题4选项A.it portrays the subject both faithfully and vividlyB.it contains interesting information about the subjects private lifeC.it reveals a lot of accurate details unknown to the outsidersD.it usu

16、ally gives a sympathetic description of the subjects character问题5选项A.the difficulty of a biographer in finding the proper perspective to do his jobB.the secret of a biographer to win more readersC.the techniques required of a biographer to write a good biographyD.the characteristics of different kin

17、ds of biographies【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。文章首句指出: The biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject (传记作家必须与主人公保持适当距离,并要时常调整与主人公之间的距离).故选A “既要比较了解,又要保持一定距离”。2.判断推理题。题干关键词The biographies of Jesus found in the Bible前面所在句为: When their subjects are heroe

18、s or famous figures, biographers often reveal a democratic motive (当主人公是英雄或著名人物吋,传记作者常常会流露出民主的动机)以及 Other biographies are meant to change us (其它一些传记则有意要改变我们)。可知选择D “传记可以有不同的目的”。3.细节事实题。根据第一段内容可知传记作家和主人公的关系太近太远都不好; 第二段第一句指出: There is no ideal position for such a task (要完成这一任务,没有最佳位罝);最后一段最后一句: We sen

19、se intuitively that no one is in a position to tell “the” story of a life (我们直觉地意识到没有人能够讲述完整的人生故事)。故选C “没人能写出完美传记”。4.细节事实题。最后一段指出: the “unauthorized” characterization usually suggests the prospect of juicy gossip that the subject had hoped to suppress (未经授权的传记通常意味着读者有可能从中读到主人公不希望公之于众的刺激的八卦消息), 因此选B

20、“包含有关主人公私生活的有趣的信息”。5.主旨大意题。文章指出: 传记作家在与主人公关系太近太远都不好。无论传记作者如何描述,都不能完完全全展示人物的真实生活。因此选A “传记作者很难选准最佳角度去写作”。6. 单选题Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th ( )the birth ofJesus Christ.问题1选项A.in accordance withB.in terms ofC.in favor ofD.in honor of【答案】D【解析】句意: 圣诞节是基督教祌圣的日子,通常在

21、12月25日举行庆祝,以纪念耶稣基督的诞辰。短语辨析。in accordance with 依照, 与一致; in terms of 就而言, 根据;in favor of 赞成; in honor of向 表示敬意, 为庆祝。故D符合句意。7. 单选题One of the aims of teaching science is, through learning, to enable students to develop a complete personality by creativity, honesty, eagerness to acquire knowledge, freedo

22、m of speech and thought, and critical assessment. This is an ambitious aim which we unfortunately, rarely consider. During teaching we devote our attention more to the content than to the aims. We thus see that science is one of the school subjects least favored by students.The emotional elements of

23、 music, dancing, painting, poetry and drama have a strong impact on students. For science to evoke the same feelings, it should be taught with the help of the expressive arts. Unlike traditional didactic approaches, drama also offers a synthesis of visual, kinetic and auditory experiences, apart fro

24、m the understanding of facts and figures as a result of rational and analytical perception. Drama and other artistic activities can assist in reaching the cognitive goals of the curriculum, as they are effective means of motivation. Isnt there a better chance that students who have developed a love

25、for science will learn it more easily? Science too can be aesthetic, creative and emotional.By using drama techniques, we facilitate collaboration between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, whereas traditional techniques of teaching science stress only the use of abilities found in the lef

26、t of hemispheresthat is, the analytical perception of scientific notions and phenomena. We allow students to engage in the learning process as full personalities with all their knowledge and abilities. Thus we develop not only logical and mathematical intelligence, but also a wider spectrum of the s

27、tudents abilities. Our traditional experience is largely based on a linear perception of the subject. As students, we have not been used to developing ways of creative and intuitive thinking, especially in science subjects. This is why combining expressive arts with science is accepted with difficul

28、ty by many.When using drama in teaching science, we meet paradoxes which can, on the one hand, make the use of drama unsuccessful, and on the other hand, enable knowledge of science to be integrated into society and social phenomena that is life in general. Science is taught on the basis of scientif

29、ic discoverieslaws and explanations of phenomena which are clearly defined and allow no individual or sociological interpretations. Stealing a wallet, for example, will be interpreted as something negative by the owner and something positive by the pickpocket. Drama broadens our imagination, science

30、 is said to narrow it. When observing traditional didactic forms of teaching science, we see that students are required to understand very abstract notions. The notion of the atom or the molecule is demonstrated by concrete means including symbols, various types of atom and molecule models, sketches

31、, experiments, photographs and animated films. These help students to develop their imagination and conceptions which, can, individually, be very different despite the fact that they were all taught with the same techniques and materials.These differences arise from the differences in students,perso

32、nalities. We must take into account that students have different sensory abilities. They receive information through visual, auditory and kinetic channels of perception with different intensity. They also have different intellectual abilities. Thus it is easy for some students to logically combine s

33、cientific phenomena or visualize what the latter looks like.1.The fact that students dislike science class is because science classes ( ).2.In order to motivate students in science class, should be employed( ).3.A suitable title of the passage can be( ).4.The researchers aim is to( ).5.According to

34、the text, which of the following is CORRECT?问题1选项A.develop students personality by creativityB.dont have freedom of speechC.concentrate more on knowledge than the development of personalityD.concentrate more on facts than critical assessment问题2选项A.visual experienceB.KineticC.analytical perceptionD.e

35、xpressive arts问题3选项A.Teach Science Through DramaB.Develop Students ImaginationC.Expressive Arts in the Science ClassroomD.Creative Ways of Teaching Science问题4选项A.facilitate students learning by stimulating an emotional responseB.use drama to teach scienceC.develop students knowledge and abilities th

36、rough reviewD.make it easier for students to understand some abstract concepts问题5选项A.Traditional teaching methods expect students to love abstract concepts.B.The new approach to teaching doesnt teach abstract concepts.C.The new approach addresses many different learning styles.D.Didactic methods tea

37、ch knowledge, not ability.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据文章第一段的最后两句话During teaching we devote our attention more to the content than to the aims. We thus see that science is one of the school subjects least favored by students(在进行科学知识教学吋,我们把重点放在了科学知识的内容上而不是教学目的上。因此我们可以看到科学知识课程成了最不受学生喜欢的课

38、程之一),可知学生不喜欢科学知识课程的原因是课程把重点放在了科学知识内容上而不是教学目的上,即选项C” 更多地关注知识本身而不是个性的发展”。2.细节事实题。根掘文章第二段中的The emotional elements of music, dancing, painting, poetry and drama have a strong impact on students. For science to evoke the same feelings, it should be taught with the help of the expressive arts(音乐、舞蹈、绘画、诗歌和

39、戏剧中的情感因素对学生产生了很大的影响。如科学知识课程想要产生相同的影响,则需要借助于艺术表达)以及其中的关键词with the help of the expressive arts可知答案选项为D项。3.主旨大意题。分析文章大意可知,文章首先提出了科学知识教学中学生觉得无聊的问题,后介绍了一种新的科学知识授课方法:戏剧法,其目的是培养学生学习科学知识的兴趣,戏剧教学手段是一种突破传统的创新尝试。选项A “通过戏剧教授科学知识”,文章中说的是在科学知识的教学中引用戏剧法而非直接通过戏剧教授科学知识,选项A属于偷换概念;选项B “培养学生的想象力”是教授科学知识的目的之一,不能作为文章的标题;

40、选项C“科学知识课程中的表达艺术”也只是文章的具体内容不具有概括性;选项D “新的科学知识教学方法”是对文章内容的概括,故答案选项为D。4.判断推理题。根据文章第二段中的起承上启下作用的句子Isnt there a better chance that students who have developed a love for science will learn it more easily? Science too can be aesthetic, creative and emotional. “难道没有什么办法能让已经对科学知识产生兴趣的学生更加容易地去理解掌握科学知识吗?科学知识

41、也是可以具有美学特点、具有创造性且具有情感因素的”可知研究的目的是为了让学生更加容易地去理解一些抽象的概念,故答案选项为D。5.判断推理题。选项A “传统的教学方法期望学生能够喜欢抽象的概念”没有在文章中提及;选项B “新的教学方法不教授抽象的概念”,根据文章对戏剧法的介绍可知新的教学方法是为了让学生更加容易地理解抽象的概念,故选项B错误;选项D “戏剧技巧教授的是知识而不是能力”,注重教授知识而非能力是传统科学知识教授方法的特点,故选项D错误;因此选C “新的教学方法引出了许多不同的学习模式”。8. 单选题It was shameful that the argument( )a handf

42、ight.问题1选项A.ended inB.came toC.ended upD.culminated in【答案】D【解析】句意: 争论以大打出手而告终真是可耻。短语辨析。end in 以告终; come to苏醒,发生; end up最后成了; culminate in以告终, 但强调以高潮结朿. 由题干关键信息大打出手判断D最符合。9. 单选题The manager needs an assistant that he can ( )to take care of problems in his absence.问题1选项A.count onB.count inC.count upD.c

43、ount out【答案】A【解析】句意: 经理需要一个靠得住的助手,以便当他不在吋,可以帮助处理问题。短语辨析。count on依靠,依赖; count in把.算在内; count up加起来; count out 点数。故选A。10. 单选题It was last night( ) I see the comet.问题1选项A.the timeB.whenC.thatD.whichv【答案】C【解析】句意: 我是昨天晚上看见的彗星。语法题。考查强调句型: It+be+强调部分+that(who/whom)+主谓句。11. 单选题If I ( )harder at school, I wou

44、ld be sitting in a comfortable office now.问题1选项A.workedB.were to workC.had workedD.were working【答案】C【解析】句意: 如果我上学的时候努力学习,现在我就坐在一间舒适的办公室里了。语法题。考查虚拟语气。前半句是对过去事实的一种假设, 因此应该用过去完成时。12. 单选题I ( )with the Browns during my stay in New York City.问题1选项A.put inB.put downC.put onD.put up【答案】D【解析】句意: 我在纽约市逗留期间和布朗

45、一家人过了一夜。短语辨析。Put in 度过,消磨(时间等); put down 写下,记录; put on上演,演出; put up供给住宿。因此D符合句意。13. 单选题Jogging has become the most popular individual sport in America. Many theories, even some mystical ones, have been advanced to explain the popularity of jogging. The plain truth is that jogging is a cheap, quick a

46、nd efficient way to maintain (or achieve) physical fitness.The most useful sort of exercise is exercise that develops the heart, lungs, and circulatory systems. If these systems are fit, the body is ready for almost any sport and for almost any sudden demand made by work or emergencies. One can trai

47、n more specifically, as by developing strength for weight lifting or the ability to run straight ahead for short distances with great powers in football, but running trains your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen more efficiently to all parts of your body. It is worth noting that this sort of exercis

48、e is the only kind that can reduce heart disease, the number one cause of death in America.Only one sort of equipment is neededa good pair of shoes. Physicians advise beginning joggers not to run in a tennis or gym shoe. Many design advances have been made in only the last several years that make an

49、 excellent running shoe indispensable if a runner wishes to develop as quickly as possible, with as little chance of injury as possible. A good running shoe will have a soft pad for absorbing shock, as well as a slightly built-up heel and a full heel cup that will give the knee and ankle more stabil

50、ity. A wise investment in good shoes will prevent blisters and the foot, ankle and knee injuries and will also enable the wearer to run on paved or soft surfaces.No other special equipment is needed; you can jog in any clothing, you desire, even your street clothes. Many joggers wear expensive, flas

51、hy warm-up suits, but just as many wear a simple pair of gym shoes and T-shirt; in fact, many people just jog in last years clothes. In cold weather, several layers of clothing are better than one heavy sweater or coat. If joggers are wearing several layers of clothing, they can add or subtract laye

52、rs as conditions change.It takes surprisingly little time to develop the ability to run. The American Jogging Association has a twelve-week program designed to move form a fifteen-minute walk (which almost anyone can manage who is in reasonable health) to a thirty-minute run. A measure of common sen

53、se, a physical examination, and a planned schedule are all it takes.1.They main purpose of this passage is to ( ).2.The most useful kind of exercise is exercise that( ).3.We can conclude from this passage that( ).4.The authors tone( ).5.As used in this passage, the word “mystical” means( ).问题1选项A.di

54、scuss jogging as a physical fitness programB.describe the type of clothing needed for joggingC.provide scientific evidence of the benefits of joggingD.distinguish between jogging as a common sense fitness program and a cult (崇拜)movement问题2选项A.trains the body for weight liftingB.enables a person to r

55、un straight ahead for Short distances with great powerC.is both beneficial and inexpensiveD.develops the heart, lungs, and circulatory systems问题3选项A.because of jogging, heart disease is no longer an American problemB.jogging can be harmful if the runner is not properly preparedC.warm-up suits are pr

56、eferable to gym shoes and T-shirtsD.jogging is bad for the ankles and knees问题4选项A.skepticalB.aggressiveC.approvingD.purely objective问题5选项A.awesomeB.horrifyingC.a spiritual disciplineD.vicious【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章首段提出慢跑是一种简便易行的且可以保持健康的运动方式。之后分别讨论了跑步鞋、着装、跑步能力。故选A。2.细节事实题。根据题干关键词T

57、he most useful kind of exercise定位至第二段:. The most useful sort of exercise is e0了,xercise that develops the heart, lungs, and circulatory systems(最有效的运动方式就是可以训练心脏、肺部以及整个血液循环系统的运动)。故选D。3.判断推理题。第三段指出, 对于慢跑者来说选择合理的跑步鞋的重要性。由此腿短, 如果慢跑者没有做好准备, 慢跑也可能会造成损害。故选B。4.观点态度题。文章指出慢跑简便易行而且可以保持健康,还可以减少患心脏病的几率。故选C。5.词义题

58、。“mystical”出现在第一段, 用于修饰“ones”(指代many theories)。第一段主要指出慢跑这一运动项目广受欢迎,并有助于保持身体健康。故选C。14. 单选题The research requires more money than ( ).问题1选项A.have been put inB.has been put inC.being put inD.to be put in【答案】B【解析】句意:该研究需要的经费比己经投入的经费要多。语法题。考查现在完成时态。由句中关键词“requires”为一般现在时态知“钱的被投入属于己经发生的动作”,再由“money钱”表示单数知B

59、项“has been put in(这里has前面省略了关系代词that)”正确。15. 单选题The criminal always paid( )cash so the police could not track him down.问题1选项A.onB.byC.forD.in【答案】D【解析】句意: 罪犯通常用现金支付,这样警察就没法逮捕到他。固定搭配。pay in cash 为固定用法, 表示 “用现金支付”。16. 单选题We left the meeting, there obviously( )no point in staying.问题1选项A.wereB.to beC.bei

60、ngD.having【答案】C【解析】句意: 我们离开了会议,因为留下来显然没有什么意义。语法题。考查there be句型。there is no point in doing sth.表示 “做某事没有用或没有意义”, 因此排除D。前半句已经是完整句子,因此后半句可以是非谓语充当原因状语。因此C项being正确。17. 单选题I dont smoke now, but I used( )when I was young.问题1选项A.toB.to doC.to itD.to doing it【答案】B【解析】句意: 我现在不抽烟了,但是我年轻的时候常常抽烟。固定搭配。used to do 过

61、去常常; be/get used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于。因此B符合句意。18. 单选题The boxer ( )and almost fell when his opponent hit him.问题1选项A.staggeredB.shatteredC.scatteredD.stamped【答案】A【解析】句意: 当被对手打中的时候,拳击手摇摇晃晃,差点摔倒了。动词辨析。stagger摇摇晃晃地走,蹒跚; shatter (使)破碎, 碎裂; scatter散开,驱散; stamp跺(脚),重踩。故A符合句意。19. 单选题He would have finished his college education, but he ( )to quit and find a job to support his family.问题1选项A.had hadB.hasC.hadD.would have【答案】C【解析】句意: 他本来会完成自己的大学教育,但是他却不得不放弃,然后找一份工作来养家。语法题考查一般过去吋态。由句中关键词“would have finished本来会完成”表示对过去事情的假设,因此这里表示对过去情况的描述,故C项“had (其为动词have 的过去时态)”正确。20. 单选题( ) John, I began to trust my

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