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1、2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题This summit talk is thought to be instrumental in bringing about peace in this region.问题1选项A.helpfulB.uselessC.harmlessD.inappropriate【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。instrumental表示“有帮助的,乐器的”;A项helpful“有帮助的”,B项useless“无用的”,C项harmless“无害的,无恶意的”,D项inappropriate“不适当的,不相称的”。句意:人们认为

2、,这次首脑会谈有助于在该地区实现和平。根据句意可知,该题选择A项正确。2. 单选题What we see when we photograph the Sun is a huge glowing ball of gas. Underneath this hot and extremely bright photosphere lies other gas while, in the central parts of the Sun, atoms are continually being broken down and built up. In the center of the Sun it

3、 is just as if hundreds of thousands of hydrogen bombs were continually exploding, and the results of this reach the photosphere. This is why the photosphere shines so brightly and sends out x-rays and ultra-violet light. Yet sometimes dark spots appear on the photosphere and these “sunspots” are ev

4、idence of greatly increased activity below. When sunspots appear, great bursts of the longer radio waves are often received. These are a thousand times more intense than those which radio-astronomers normally receive and which comes from what is called “quiet” Sun, being radiated by the corona and t

5、he “chromospheres” that layer of not very bright gas which lies just above the photosphere.These immense bursts of radio waves are usually accompanied by an intensely bright area of “flare” near a sunspot, and it is clear that they are caused by a sudden burst of thermal radiation from below the pho

6、tosphere. The visible flare and the burst of radio waves are also accompanied by a burst of X-rays, ultra-violet rays, and atomic particles.When there are sunspots but no flares accompanying them, the radio waves emitted by the “quiet” sun do not remain constant but began to fluctuate, and the radio

7、 signals gradually become stronger. These changes do not correlate with changes in the number of sunspots, although it has been emitted by the “quiet” Sun do not remain constant but began to fluctuate, and the radio signals gradually become stronger. These changes do not correlate with changes in th

8、e number of sunspots, although it has been found that the radio waves seem to be generated in the Suns atmosphere above the sunspots and not in the sunspots themselves. The changes in radio signals do, however, correlate with the calcium areas of the Suns spectrum.Radio astronomy has helped consider

9、ably to increase our knowledge of the corona. Being visually very dim, the corona is hard to observe by optical means, even during total eclipses. During some eclipses it has been traced quite a long way from the Sun but was believed to extend no more than about two million miles at the most above t

10、he photosphere. Direct radiation of radio waves from the corona has been received during day light up to about 1.5 million miles. However, by examining a distant radio source as the Sun passes in front of it, it is possible to discover how far the corona extends by observing how the radio waves from

11、 the distant source are affected. It was in this way that Professors M. Ryle and A. Hewish at Cambridge University, England, found that the corona could be traced out to more than 6 million miles, and in the line of the Suns equator to 12 million miles or more. It has ever been suggested that the co

12、rona extends as far as the Earth itself.1. A good title for this passage would be( ).2. From the center out, the correct order of the suns layers is( ).3. The photosphere is the( ).4. The passage does not mention information dealing with the( ).5. Professor M. Ryle and A. Hewish have found that the

13、suns corona( ).问题1选项A.What Radio Astronomy Tells Us About the SuntB.Radio AstronomytC.Facts About the Suns CoronatD.The Nature of the Sunt问题2选项A.photosphere, corona, chromospherestB.spectrum, chromospheres, photosphere, coronatC.corona, photosphere, chromospherestD.photosphere, chromospheres, corona

14、t问题3选项A.part of the sun we usually seetB.layer of gas which forms the coronatC.area in the sun where atoms break down and build uptD.area of the sun which sends out radio wavest问题4选项A.nuclear activity in the center of the suntB.intensity of ultra-violet rays in the earths atmospheretC.activity of th

15、e chromospherestD.extent of the coronat问题5选项A.extends as far as the earth itselftB.can be measured by noting its effect on radio waves passing through ittC.extends not more than two million miles above the photospheretD.gives off x-rays【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:B【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。题干意思是“这篇文章最好的标题是什么?”。

16、通读文章,可知文章主要介绍太阳结构及其运行状况,以及太阳对地球无线电的影响;第一段介绍了太阳的内部结构,第二段和第三段介绍太阳黑子对无线电波的影响,最后一段介绍射电天文学对太阳日冕的研究;D项“太阳的本质”最能概括本文的内容;A项“射电天文学告诉我们关于太阳的事”、B项“射电天文学”和C项“关于太阳日冕的事实”都只是部分提及,不够全面。因此,该题选择D项正确。第2题:细节事实题。题干意思是“从中心往外看,太阳各层的正确顺序是”。文章第一段提到In the center of the Sun it is just as if hundreds of thousands of hydrogen b

17、ombs were continually exploding, and the results of this reach the photospherebeing radiated by the corona and the “chromospheres” that layer of not very bright gas which lies just above the photosphere.(在太阳的中心,就好像成千上万颗氢弹不断地爆炸,最后到达光球层被日冕层和位于光球层上方的一层不太亮的色球层辐射出来),由此可知,太阳层从内往外的顺序是光球层、色球层、日冕层;所以D项“光球、色球

18、、日冕”正确。A项“光球,日冕,色球”、B项“光谱,色球,光球,日冕”和C项“日冕,光球,色球”都是错误的。因此,该题选择D项正确。第3题:细节事实题。题干意思是“光球层是”。根据文章第一段第二句Underneath this hot and extremely bright photosphere lies other gas while, in the central parts of the Sun, atoms are continually being broken down and built up.(在这个炙热而又极其明亮的光球层下面,还存在着其他气体,而在太阳的中心部分,原子正

19、在不断地被分解和形成)可知,太阳的中心部分即光球层是用来分解和形成原子的,所以C项“太阳中原子分解和形成的区域”正确。A项“我们看到的部分太阳”,我们看到的太阳是光球层分解合成原子后所形成的太阳光,而非光球层本身;B项“形成日冕的气体层”表述错误;D项“太阳发出无线电波的区域”,这是太阳黑子发射出来的。因此,该题选择C项正确。第4题:细节事实题。题干意思是“这篇文章没有提到关于的信息”。根据第一段第三句In the center of the Sun it is just as if hundreds of thousands of hydrogen bombs were continuall

20、y exploding, and the results of this reach the photosphere.(在太阳的中心,就好像成千上万颗氢弹不断地爆炸,结果到达光球层),可知A项“太阳中心的核活动”有提及;根据第一段第四句This is why the photosphere shines so brightly and sends out x-rays and ultra-violet light.(这就是光球发出如此明亮的光并发出x射线和紫外线的原因)可知,文章只提到了紫外线产生的原因,并未提及B项“地球大气层中紫外线的强度”;根据第一段最后一句These are a tho

21、usand times more intense than those which radio-astronomers normally receive and which comes from what is called “quiet” Sun, being radiated by the corona and the “chromospheres” that layer of not very bright gas which lies just above the photosphere.(这些辐射比射电天文学家通常接收到的辐射强一千倍,它们来自于被称为“安静”的太阳,由日冕和位于光球

22、层上方的一层不太亮的色球层辐射而来)可知,C项“色球层的运动”在文中有提及;根据最后一段倒数第二句It was in this way that Professors M. Ryle and A. Hewish at Cambridge University, England, found that the corona could be traced out to more than 6 million miles, and in the line of the Suns equator to 12 million miles or more.(正是通过这种方式,英国剑桥大学的M. Ryle

23、和A. Hewish教授发现日冕可以追溯到600万英里以上,在太阳赤道线上可以追溯到1200万英里以上)可知D项“日冕范围”也有提及。因此,该题只有B项未提及,选择B项正确。第5题:细节事实题。题干意思是“M. Ryle和A. Hewish教授发现了太阳的日冕”。根据文章倒数第三句话However, by examining a distant radio source as the Sun passes in front of it, it is possible to discover how far the corona extends by observing how the radi

24、o waves from the distant source are affected.(然而,当太阳从一个遥远的射电源前面经过时,通过观察来自遥远的射电源的无线电波是如何受到影响的,就有可能发现日冕延伸了多远)可知B项“可以通过注意它对通过它的无线电波的影响来测量”正确。A项“延伸到地球本身”,文章最后一句提到It has ever been suggested that the corona extends as far as the Earth itself.(曾经有人认为日冕一直延伸到地球本身),可知这不是M. Ryle和A. Hewish教授的发现;根据文章倒数第二句It was

25、in this way that Professors M. Ryle and A. Hewish at Cambridge University, England, found that the corona could be traced out to more than 6 million miles, and in the line of the Suns equator to 12 million miles or more.(正是通过这种方式,英国剑桥大学的M. Ryle和A. Hewish教授发现日冕可以追溯到600万英里以上,在太阳赤道线上可以追溯到1200万英里以上)可知,C

26、项“在光球层上方延伸不超过200万英里”和D项“放射x射线”在这里都未提及。因此,该题选择B项正确。3. 单选题Diesel engines provide excellent mileage, but they are relatively noisy and their acceleration is sluggish.问题1选项A.unevenB.loudC.slowD.hard【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。sluggish表示“萧条的,迟钝的”;A项uneven“不均匀的,不平坦的”,B项loud“大声的,喧闹的”,C项slow“慢的,减速的”,D项hard“努力的,硬的”。句意:

27、柴油发动机提供优良的里程,但它们相对嘈杂,加速缓慢。根据句意可知,sluggish在句子中表示“缓慢的”,四个选项中只有slow符合。故该题选择C项正确。4. 单选题Experts said the amount of compensation for sick smokers would be reduced if cooler jurors prevailed.问题1选项A.resignedB.compromisedC.persistedD.dominated【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。prevail表示“盛行,流行,战胜”;A项resign“辞职,放弃”,B项compromise“妥

28、协,和解”,C项persist“坚持”,D项dominate“占主导地位,支配,控制”。句意:专家表示,如果冷酷的陪审员获胜,对生病吸烟者的赔偿金额将会减少。根据句意可知,选择D项正确。5. 单选题Despite the suspects( )to be innocent, there is compelling evidence that he was involved.问题1选项A.convictionB.assertionC.accusationD.speculation【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A项conviction“定罪,确信”,B项assertion“断言,声明”,C项ac

29、cusation“控告,指责”,D项speculation表示“投机,推测”。句意:尽管嫌疑犯声称自己是无辜的,但有令人信服的证据表明他参与了此事。因此B项正确。6. 单选题Because of( )ways of life, the couple has some difficulty getting along with each other.问题1选项A.incomprehensibleB.incomparableC.inconceivableD.incompatible【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项incomprehensible“费解的,无限的”,B项incomparable

30、“无比的,不能比较的”,C项inconceivable“不可思议的,难以置信的”,D项incompatible“不相容的,矛盾的”;根据后文“这对夫妇相处起来有些困难”可知,D项符合语境。句意:由于生活方式不相容,这对夫妇很难相处。因此,该题选择D项正确。7. 单选题The suspect( )that he had not been in the neighborhood at the time of the crime.问题1选项A.advocatedB.allegedC.addressedD.announced【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项advocate“提倡,拥护”,B项all

31、ege“宣称,断言”,C项address“设法解决,致辞”,D项announce“宣布”。根据句子意思“嫌疑犯( )说案发时他不在附近”可知,空格部分填入allege最符合句意。句意:嫌疑犯声称案发时他不在附近。因此,该题选择B项正确。8. 单选题If innovators are not financially rewarded for their innovations, the incentive for path-breaking innovation will eventually dry up.问题1选项A.investmentB.resourceC.inspirationD.st

32、imulus【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。incentive表示“动机,刺激”;A项investment“投资”,B项resource“资源”,C项inspiration“灵感,鼓舞”,D项stimulus“刺激,激励”。句意:如果创新者的创新没有得到经济上的奖励,那么对开创性创新的激励最终会枯竭。根据句意可知,选择D项正确。9. 单选题Checks have largely replaced money as a means of exchange, for they are widely accepted everywhere. Though this is very convenien

33、t for(1)buyer and seller, it(2)not be forgotten that checks are not real money: they are quite valueless(3)themselves. A shopkeeper always runs a certain(4)when he accepts a check and he is quite(5)his rights if, on occasion, he refuses to do(6).People do not always know this and are shocked if thei

34、r good faith is called(7). An old and very wealthy friend of mine told me he had an(8)unpleasant experience. He went to a famous jewelry shop which keeps a large(9)of precious stones and asked to be shown some pearl necklaces. After examining several trays, he decided to buy a particularly fine stri

35、ng of pearls and asked(10)he could pay by check. The assistant said that this was quite(11), but(12)my friend signed his name, he was invited into the managers office.The manager was very polite, but he explained that someone with exactly the same name had presented them(13)a worthless check not lon

36、g ago. My friend got very angry when he heard this and said he would buy a necklace somewhere else. When he got up to go, the manager told him that the police would arrive at any moment and he had better stay(14)he wanted to get into serious trouble.(15), the police arrived soon afterwards. They apo

37、logized to my friend for the(16), but explained that a person who had used the same name(17)his was responsible for a number of recent robberies. Then the police asked my friend to copy out a note which had been used by the thief in a number of shops. The note(18): “I have a gun in my pocket. Ask no

38、 questions and give me all the money in the safe.” Fortunately, my friends handwriting was quite unlike(19). He was not only allowed to go without further delay,(20)to take the string of pearls with him.问题1选项A.allB.someC.everyD.both问题2选项A.mayB.willC.shouldD.must问题3选项A.atB.onC.forD.in问题4选项A.dangerB.c

39、hanceC.riskD.opportunity问题5选项A.withinB.beyondC.withoutD.out of问题6选项A.itB.soC.thatD.this问题7选项A.in difficultyB.in doubtC.in earnestD.in question问题8选项A.extremelyB.largelyC.exactlyD.thoroughly问题9选项A.amountB.stockC.numberD.store问题10选项A.whatB.thatC.ifD.so long as问题11选项A.in orderB.in needC.in useD.in commo

40、n问题12选项A.the momentB.now thatC.every timeD.before问题13选项A.toB.withC.forD.by问题14选项A.whetherB.ifC.otherwiseD.unless问题15选项A.ReallyB.Sure enoughC.CertainlyD.However问题16选项A.treatmentB.mannerC.inconvenienceD.behavior问题17选项A.thatB.likeC.whichD.as问题18选项A.readB.toldC.wroteD.informed问题19选项A.the thiefB.the thie

41、fsC.the thievesD.the thieves问题20选项A.andB.orC.butD.hence【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A第6题:B第7题:D第8题:A第9题:B第10题:C第11题:A第12题:A第13题:B第14题:D第15题:B第16题:C第17题:D第18题:A第19题:B第20题:C【解析】第1题:考查固定搭配。A项all“所有的”,B项some“一些”,C项every“每个”,D项both“两者都”。根据句子Though this is very convenient for( )buyer and seller可知,bothand固定

42、搭配,表示“两者都”;句意:虽然这对买卖双方都很方便。因此,该题选择D项正确。第2题:考查情态动词。A项may“或许”,B项will“将要”,C项should“应该”,D项must“必须”。根据句子it( )not be forgotten that checks are not real money,将四个选项分别代入,只有should符合句意。句意:不应该忘记支票不是真钱。因此,该题选择C项正确。第3题:考查固定搭配。A项at“在”,B项on“在之上”,C项for“对于,因为”,D项in“在里”。根据句子they are quite valueless( )themselves可知,in

43、oneself固定用法,表示“自身,本来”。句意:它们本身毫无价值。因此,该题选择D项正确。第4题:考查固定搭配。A项danger“危险”,B项chance“机会”,C项risk“风险”,D项opportunity“机会”。根据句子A shopkeeper always runs a certain( )when he accepts a check可知,run a risk固定用法,表示“冒风险”。句意:店主接受支票总是要冒一定的风险。因此,该题选择C项正确。第5题:考查介词搭配。A项within“在之中”,B项beyond“超过”,C项without“没有”,D项out of“由于,缺乏”

44、。根据句子A shopkeeper always runs a certain risk when he accepts a check and he is quite( )his rights,将四个选项分别代入,只有within符合句意。句意:一个店主接受支票总是要冒一定的风险,而且他是在他的权利范围内的。因此,该题选择A项正确。第6题:考查词义辨析。A项it为代词,表示“它”,B项so“这样”,C项that“那个”,D项this“这个”。根据句子A shopkeeper always runs a certain risk when he accepts a check and he i

45、s quite within his rights if, on occasion, he refuses to do_, 可知,空格部分表示的内容是“接受支票”,四个选项中so最符合句意,表示“去做这件事情”。句意:一个店主在接受支票时总是要冒一定的风险,如果他有时拒绝这样做,那他是完全有权利的。因此,该题选择B项正确。第7题:考查词组辨析。A项in difficulty“处境困难”,B项in doubt“可疑的”,C项in earnest“认真的,正经的”,D项in question“讨论中的,成问题的”。根据句子People do not always know this and are

46、 shocked if their good faith is called( )(人们并不总是知道这一点,如果他们的诚信受到他们会感到震惊)可知,空格处应该表示“质疑”,call sth. in/into question是固定短语,表示“怀疑,引起怀疑”,而B项并不与call搭配,所以D项是最符合句意的。句意:人们并不总是知道这一点,如果他们的诚信受到质疑,他们会感到震惊。因此,该题选择D项正确。第8题:考查副词辨析。A项extremely“非常,极其”,B项largely“大部分地,大量地”,C项exactly“恰好地,精确地”,D项thoroughly“彻底地,完全地”。根据句子An

47、old and very wealthy friend of mine told me he had an( )unpleasant experience可知,空格前面是不定冠词an,B、D选项可排除;把A、C选项分别代入,只有A项最符合句意。句意:我的一位非常富有的老朋友告诉我,他有一段非常不愉快的经历。因此,该题选择A项正确。第9题:考查词义辨析。A项amount“数量”,a large amount of表示“大量的”;B项stock“库存”,a large stock of表示“大量的库存”;C项number“数量”,a large number of表示“大量的,很多”;D项stor

48、e“商店,储备”。根据句子He went to a famous jewelry shop which keeps a large( )of precious stones and asked to be shown some pearl necklaces.可知,D选项没有a large store of这个用法,可以排除;A、C选项表示的数量太大,只有B项最合适,表示“库存”。句意:他去了一家著名的珠宝店,这家店有大量的宝石,他要求给他看一些珍珠项链。因此,该题选择B项正确。第10题:考查宾语从句。根据句子After examining several trays, he decided

49、to buy a particularly fine string of pearls and asked( )he could pay by check.可知,ask后面应该接宾语从句,D项“so long as只要”可以排除;把A、B、C选项分别代入,只有C 项最符合句意,表示“是否”。句意:在看了几个托盘的珠宝之后,他决定买一串特别好的珍珠,并问他是否可以用支票付款。因此,该题选择C项正确。第11题:考查词组辨析和上下文语义。A项in order“符合程序,秩序井然”,B项in need“在危难中,在穷困中”,C项in use“在使用中”,D项in common“共同的,共有的”。根据句

50、子The assistant said that this was quite( ),结合上文提到“我的朋友想要用支票付款”,可知,四个选项中只有A项符合句子语境。句意:助理说这很符合规程。因此,该题选择A项正确。第12题:考查词组辨析。A项the moment“立刻,马上”,B项now that“既然,由于”,C项every time“每次”,D项before“之前”。根据句子The assistant said that this was quite in order, but( )my friend signed his name, he was invited into the man

51、agers office,把四个选项分别代入空格中,只有A项符合语境。句意:助理说这很符合规程,但我的朋友刚签完字,就被邀请进了经理的办公室。因此,该题选择A项正确。第13题:考查介词用法。A项to“对,向”,B项with“和”,C项for“对于,因为”,D项by“通过”。根据句子The manager was very polite, but he explained that someone with exactly the same name had presented them( )a worthless check not long ago可知,四个选项中只有with最合适,pres

52、ent with表示“呈现,展现”。句意:经理很有礼貌,但他解释说不久前有一个名字一模一样的人给了他们一张毫无价值的支票。因此,该题选择B项正确。第14题:考查逻辑关系。A项whether“是否”,B项if“如果”,C项otherwise“否则”,D项unless“除非”。根据句子When he got up to go, the manager told him that the police would arrive at any moment and he had better stay( )he wanted to get into serious trouble可知,空格部分表示条件

53、虚拟,A、C选项排除;空格前面有词组had better表示“最好”,所以只有unless符合语境。句意:当他起身要走时,经理告诉他警察随时都会来,除非他想惹上大麻烦,否则最好还是留下来。因此,该题选择D项正确。第15题:考查上下文语义。A项really“真正地”,B项sure enough“果然,果真”,C项certainly“当然”,D项however“然而”。上文提到经理说警察随时会来,下文提到_, the police arrived soon afterwards,根据空格后面的内容可知,空格部分表示肯定,只有B项符合语境。句意:果然,警察很快就来了。因此,该题选择B项正确。第16题

54、:考查名词辨析。A项treatment“待遇”,B项manner“方法”,C项inconvenience“不便,麻烦”,D项behavior“行为”。根据句子They apologized to my friend for the( ),结合上文提到经理怀疑我的朋友可能是骗子所以报了警,由此可知空格部分应该表示“麻烦,困扰”,四个选项中只有C项最符合。句意:他们为给我朋友带来的不便向他道歉。因此,该题选择C项正确。第17题:考查固定搭配。A项that“那样”,B项like“像,喜欢”,C项which“哪个”,D项as“和一样”。根据句子They apologized to my friend

55、for the inconvenience, but explained that a person who had used the same name( )his was responsible for a number of recent robberies可知,the sameas固定搭配,表示“和一样”。句意:他们为给我朋友带来的不便向我朋友道歉,但解释说,最近发生了多起抢劫案,都是一个和他同名的人干的。因此,该题选择D项正确。第18题:考查动词辨析。A项read“读”,B项tell“告诉,讲述”,C项write“写”,D项inform“通知”。根据句子the note( )可知,r

56、ead是习惯用法,the note read表示“纸条写道”。句意:纸条上写着:“我口袋里有把枪,什么也别问,把保险柜里的钱都给我。”因此,该题选择A项正确。第19题:考查物主代词。根据句子Fortunately, my friends handwriting was quite unlike( )可知,空格部分表示“小偷的字迹”,应该填入一个物主代词;A、C选项可以排除;上文提到的小偷只有一个人,所以用单数thief,D项排除。句意:幸运的是,我朋友的笔迹和小偷的笔迹很不一样。因此,该题选择B项正确。第20题:考查固定搭配。A项and“和”,B项or“或者”,C项but“但是”,D项henc

57、e“因此”。根据句子He was not only allowed to go without further delay,( )to take the string of pearls with him可知,not onlybut (also)固定搭配,表示“不仅而且”。句意:他们不仅立即让他走了,还让他带上那串珍珠。因此,该题选择C项正确。10. 单选题After deciding on a specific area of advanced study, prospective students must resolve whether to aim at a masters or a

58、Ph.D.(1)the accelerating complexity of what an engineer must know, many employers have(2)to regard a masters degree as minimum training. Therefore, the typical two years required to earn an M.S.(3)a useful investment of time, energy and money. Enrolling (4)doctoral programs which could(5)out for sev

59、eral years-involves a much greater(6)of time and the loss of the opportunity to earn a pay-check, not to mention considerably greater risk of unemployment. A specialty that is,(7)when a student sets off on the road toward a Ph.D. could be in(8)by the time that individual graduates. Still, earning a

60、doctorate can lead to jobs that have a research focus and require a very high level of sophistication.The doctoral degree can also offer greater professional(9), as Collin Hitchcock realizes. Hitchcock, is in a Ph.D. program in electrical, computer, and systems engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic

61、Institute in Troy, NY. His research project: studying semiconductors in solar cells. “There probably wont be a lot of jobs doing research with solar cells when I graduate, but I could shift(10)to other kinds of semiconductors.” says Hitchcock.问题1选项A.ConcerningB.RegardingC.GivenD.Including问题2选项A.insi


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