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1、2022年考博英语-哈尔滨工业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题You cant buy happiness. But it looks like you can at least inherit it. British and Australian researchers said.A study of nearly 1000 pairs of identical and non-identical twins found genes control half the personality traits that make people happy while factors

2、 such as relationships, health and careers are responsible for the rest of our well-being. We found that around half the differences in happiness were genetic, said Tim Bates, a researcher at the University of Edinburgh who led the study. It is really quite surprising.*The researchers asked the volu

3、nteers-ranging in age from 25 to 75 - a series of questions about their personality, how much they worried and how satisfied they were with their lives.Because identical twins share the same genes and fraternal twins do not, the researchers could identify common genes that result in certain personal

4、ity traits and predispose people to happiness.People who are sociable, active, stable, hardworking and conscientious tend to be happier, the researchers reported in the journal Psychological Science. What this study showed was that the identical twins in a family were very similar in personality and

5、 in well-being, and by contrast, the fraternal twins were only around half as similar, Bates said, That strong implicates genes.The findings are an important piece of the puzzle for researchers trying to better understand depression and what makes different people happy or unhappy, Bates said.People

6、 with positive inherited personality traits may, in effect, also have a reserve of happiness to draw on in stressful times, he said. An important implication is that personality traits of being outgoing, calm and reliable provide a resource, we called it effective reserve that drives future happines

7、s Bates said.【答案】快乐买不到,但英国和澳大利亚的研究人员称,快乐至少可以遗传得到。一项对近千对同卵及异卵双胞胎开展的研究发现,在快乐的性格特征中,有一半是由基因控制的,而另一部分则受到人际关系、健康、职业等因素的影响。研究负责人爱丁堡大学的蒂姆贝茨说:“我们发现,研究对象在快乐方面的差异约有一半受到遗传基因的影响。这个结果实在令人惊讶。”研究人员向年龄在25岁至75岁之间的志愿者提出了一系列问题,问题涉及他们的性格特点、焦虑程度以及对目前生活的满意度。由于同卵双生的双胞胎基因完全相同,而异卵双胞胎不完全相同,所以研究人员可以分辨出决定某些性格特征及使人容易快乐的共同基因。研究报

8、告在心理科学期刊上发表。研究人员指出,善于交际、活泼、踏实、勤 奋、有责任心的人更加快乐。贝茨说:“该研究表明,同卵双胞胎的性格特征和快乐程度十分相似,然而,异卵双胞胎仅有约50%的相似度。这充分说明了基因的作用。”贝茨说,研究人员一直在努力寻找有关“人为什么会郁闷”的更为合理的解释及影响不同的人快乐与否的因素,这一发现无疑为这一难题提供了一个重要解释。他说,具有积极遗传性格特征的人实际上同时拥有一种“快乐储备”,供他们在郁闷的时候“支取”。贝茨说:“这说明了很重要的一点,外向、冷静和可靠的性格特点能形成一种“情感储备”,为将来的快乐提供保障。”2. 翻译题过去十年间,中国手机网络的发展可谓有

9、目共睹,几乎每年都会新增约八千万用户, 但据英国广播公司报道,在某种程度上,真正的通讯革命才刚刚开始。今年,中国将取代美国成为世界最大的智能手机市场。对很多中国人来说,智能手机使他们第一次拥有了通向互联网的私人路径。这对于信息技术开发商、尤其是移动手机应用程序开发商来说是非比寻常的机遇。那么,应用程序开发商是怎么在中国赚到钱的呢? 一种方法就是尝试“应用内销售” 一一他们推出免费的应用程序,一旦用户被吸引,再以较低的价格卖给他们体验增强版。 虽然中国的用户只愿意出几分钱来购买升级服务,但只要想想用户多达数百万,加在一起很快就是一大笔钱。不过,对于非游戏类应用程序开发商来说,要发展就得依靠广告收

10、益。【答案】The mobile network growth in China has been remarkable, with some 80 million new users joining every year for the past decade. But to some extent, the real communications revolution has only just begun, BBC reported.This year, China will overtake America as the worlds biggest Smartphone market

11、. For many Chinese, the Smartphone offers them their first personal access to Internet. This is an extraordinary opportunity for information technology developers, especially mobile app developers.So how then does an app developer make money in China? One way is to try in-app salesthey offer free ap

12、ps and once users are hooked, they will sell them an enhanced version of the experience at a lower price. Although users in China may be only willing to pay a few cents for the enhanced service, when youre talking millions of users, that can soon add up to a lot of money. But, for non-game app devel

13、opers, there must be advertising revenue to move forward.3. 单选题Coral reefs are one of the most fragile, biologically complex, and diverse marine ecosystem on Earth. This ecosystem is one of the fascinating paradoxes of the biosphere: how do clear and thus nutrient-poor waters support such prolific a

14、nd productive communities? Part of the answer lies within the tissues of the corals themselves. Symbiotic cells of algae known as zoozanthellae carry out photosynthesis using the metabolic wastes of the coral thereby producing food for themselves, for their corals, hosts, and even for other members

15、of the reef community. This symbiotic process allows organisms in the reef community to use sparse nutrient resource efficiently.Unfortunately for coral reefs, however, a variety of human activities are causing worldwide degradation of shallow marine habitats by adding nutrients to the water. Agricu

16、lture, slash-and -bum land clearing, sewage disposal and manufacturing that creates waste by-products all increase nutrient loads in these waters. Typical symptoms of reef decline are destabilized herbivore populations and an increasing abundance of algae and filter-feeding animals. Declines in reef

17、 communities are consistent with observations that nutrient input is increasing in direct proportion to growing human populations, thereby threatening reef communities sensitive to subtle changes in nutrient input to their waters.1.The passage is primarily concerned with( ) .2.The passage suggests w

18、hich of the following about coral reef communities?3.The author refers to “filter-feeding animals” (line 17) in order to ( ).4.According to the passage, which of the following is a factor that is threatening the survival of coral reef communities?5.It can be inferred from the passage that the author

19、 describes coral reef communities as paradoxical most likely for which of the following reasons?问题1选项A.describing the effects of human activities on algae in coral reefsB.explaining how human activities are posing a threat to coral reef communitiesC.discussing the process by which coral reefs deteri

20、orate in nutrient-poor watersD.explaining how coral reefs produce food for themselves问题2选项A.Coral reef communities may actually be more likely to thrive in waters that are relatively low in nutrients.B.The nutrients on which coral communities thrive are only found in shallow waters.C.Human populatio

21、n growth has led to changing ocean temperatures, which threatens coral reef communities.D.The growth of coral reef communities tends to destabilize underwater herbivore populations.问题3选项A.provide an example of a characteristic sign of reef deteriorationB.explain how reef communities acquire sustenan

22、ce for survivalC.identify a factor that helps herbivore populations thriveD.indicate a cause of decreasing nutrient input in waters that reefs inhabit问题4选项A.The waters they inhabit contain few nutrient resources.B.A decline in nutrient input is disrupting their symbiotic relationship with zooxanthel

23、lae.C.The degraded waters of their marine habitats have reduced their ability to carry out photosynthesis.D.Waste by-products result in an increase in nutrient input to reef communities.问题5选项A.They are thriving even though human activities have depleted the nutrients in their environment.B.They are

24、able to survive in spite of an over-abundance of algae inhabiting their waters.C.They are able to survive in an environment with limited food resources.D.They are declining even when the water surrounding them remains clear.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。本文第一段讲了珊瑚礁是如何在清澈且无养料的海水中繁衍的。第二段开头开始

25、转折,作者指出人类活动是怎样对珊瑚礁的栖息地造成破坏的, 所以B选项解释人类活动如何对珊瑚礁群落构成威胁为正确答案。2.细节判断题。根据文章第一段“how do clear, and thus nutrient-poor waters support such prolific and productive communities? ” 用一个反问句表明珊瑚礁适合在低养料的清澈海水中生长。确定A选项符合题意。珊瑚礁很难在浅水滩边繁殖,所以B选项错误,排除。人类活动导致海水中的养料增加,而并非增加了海水的温度,从而破坏了珊瑚礁的 栖息地,C选项错误,排除。食草动物数量的不稳定并不是珊瑚礁生长造成

26、的,而是珊瑚礁遭到破坏的一种表现,D选项错误,排除。3.细节判断题。根据文章第二段“Typical symptoms of reef decline are destabilized herbivore populations and an increasing abundance of algae and filter-feeding animals. 珊瑚礁衰退的典型症状是食草动物种群的不稳定,以及藻类和滤食性动物数量的增加。”确定作者提到filter-feeding animals是为了说明珊瑚礁减少的特征。A选项正确。4.细节判断题。根据文章最后一段“Agriculture, slas

27、h-and-bum land clearing, sewage disposal and manufacturing that creates waste by-products all increase nutrient loads in these waters. 农业、刀耕火种、污水处理以及制造业向海水中排放了 大量的垃圾,从而增加了海水的营含量。”和“Declines in reef communities are consistent with observations that nutrient input is increasing in direct proportion to

28、 growing human populations, thereby threatening reef communities sensitive to subtle changes in nutrient input to their waters. 珊瑚礁对养料排入海水中发生的微妙变化很敏感,随着人口的增加,排放到海水的养料也随之増加,珊瑚礁的数量也就减少了。”可知人类排放的垃圾增加了海水的营养含量,从而威胁着珊瑚礁的生长。D选项符合题意。5.推理判断题。作者在第一段提到珊瑚礁之所以能在清澈并且少养料的海水中生长,是因为有一种叫虫黄藻的水藻与它共生。虫黄藻能够与珊瑚礁的粪便进行光合作用,

29、从而又为珊瑚礁提供食物。因此,尽管在食物资源极度缺乏的环境下,珊瑚礁也能够生长。所以C选项它们能够在食物资源有限的环境中生存符合题意。4. 翻译题我们的大多数感觉都是被动式的。以听觉和视觉为例,我们只是简单地接受和分析声音或光线。然而,触觉则有所不同:我们用双手主动地去探索和改变现实,因此我们在采集信息时的活动同样也可以改变世界例如用一块粘土塑模或按动某个按钮。 在提供人与人之间的直接接触中,触觉传递情感冲击;在提供人与世界的直接接触中, 触觉成为现实的确切标志,正如:“掐我一下-我是在做梦吗?”【答案】Most our senses are passive. Taking hearing a

30、nd vision as an example, we only simply receive and analyze the sound and light. Touch, however, is different. We explore and change reality with our hands voluntarily and therefore we can also change the world while collecting information, such as making a model with clay or pressing a button. As a

31、 means of direct contact between people, touch transmits emotional effect; in the direct contact between man and the world, touch becomes a sign of reality, such as “please pinch me, am I dreaming?”5. 单选题Childrens literature traces its beginnings to preliterate times, when ancient storytellers passa

32、ge tales and legends from generation to generation in the oral tradition. William Caxton, who established Englands first printing press, published books of etiquette, fables and legends. However, these didnt constitute a body of work that could be considered literature for children. Because children

33、 at that time were considered “miniature adults”, books were didactic in nature. The content for young readers consisted mainly of religious instruction, rules of behavior, ethical messages, and moral platitudes. In 1744 Englishman John Newberry changed childrens publishing when he began to create b

34、ooks with attractive formats, quality illustrations, and sturdy bindings, which were designed primarily for children to enjoy. The oldest, and most prestigious award given for childrens books published in America, is the Newberry Medal.In the following century, childrens literature began to bloom. H

35、ans Christian Andersen wrote wonderful stories like “ The Ugly Duckling”, and “ The Little Mermaid”, and Grimm brothers collected two volumes of German folktales that included stories such as “ Snow White” and “ Rumpelstiltskin Childhood came to be recognized as a joyful and carefree period of life,

36、 and books celebrating it began to be published, Charles Dodgson ( Lewis Carrol) wrote the fantast “ Alice in Wonderland”, the first book that was intended purely for childrens enjoyment without any pretense of instruction. Edwards Lears books of nonsense poetry delighted both young and old readers.

37、 In North America, books for a young audience were becoming popular as well. Kate Douglas Wiggin wrote “Rebecca of Sunny brook Fram”, Louisa May Alcott wrote “Little Women, and Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) created Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. By the end of the century, the pious and moralistic bo

38、oks of earlier times had been replaced by writing designed to amuse and entertain a young audience. In the 1800s color printing was introduced, and by the middle of the 19th century, the rough illustrations that characterized earlier childrens books had been replaced by works of art that captured th

39、e word and some of the story.1.According to the passage, the early books of etiquette, fables, and legends could not really be considered childrens literature because( ).2.According to the passage, what changed childrens publishing in 1744?3.The word “sturdy” in line 11 is closest in meaning to( ).4

40、.What does the author mean by the statement “childrens literature began to bloom” in line 15?5.According to the passage “Alice in Wonderland” was an example of ( ).6.The word “characterized” in line 32 is closest in meaning to( ) .7.What impact did color printing have on childrens books?问题1选项A.the c

41、hildren couldnt read themB.the early books were too heavy for children to useC.the stories were too difficult for children to appreciateD.the stories were for education rather than enjoyment问题2选项A.the Newberry MedalB.some books began to be produced mainly for children to enjoyC.some books had attrac

42、tive format, quality illustrations , and sturdy bindingsD.some books no longer contained religious instruction, rules of behavior, ethical messages,问题3选项A.robustB.ornateC.softD.hard问题4选项A.quality illustrations and attractive formats made books more appealing.B.illustrations often included flowers.C.

43、Childrens literature became more varied and attractive.D.Childrens literature became more numerous and popular.问题5选项A.a fantasy storyB.a German folktaleC.a book celebrating childhoodD.a book of instruction问题6选项A.rejectedB.describedC.devaluedD.amused问题7选项A.sales increased by the middle of the 19th ce

44、nturyB.rough illustrations were now more appealingC.illustrations told more of the story and were more appealingD.books became more amusing【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:A第6题:B第7题:C【解析】1.细节判断题。文章第一段提到“.these didnt constitute a body of work that could be considered literature for children. ” 后面由 because

45、 引导的句子解释原因,当时孩子被看作“小大人”,因此书籍本质上以说教为主。直到1744年英国人John Newbeny 才出版了以娱乐为目的的儿童书籍。D选项正确。2.细节判断题。A “Newberry Medal”并不是1744年发生的改变,排除。C 符合文章意义,但是C项是B项的具体措施,目的是为了实现B的改变。所以答案为B。 D项在文章没有提及,排除3.词义推测题。此处“bindings”意为装订。后文提及书籍主要用于让孩 子享受阅读,因此必须是很稳固的装订,可以让孩子们一读再读。B “华丽的”、C “柔 软”以及D “坚硬”明显与上下文不符。所以B选项稳固正确。4.语义理解题。文章第二

46、段开头“.children s literature began to bloom., 紧接着下文中描述了众多作家开始开创多种新的儿童文学体裁,并且广受好评。因此判断D选项儿童文学越来越多,越来越受欢迎符合文意。5.细节判断题。“Alice in Wonderland”作为前文“the fantast”的定语。此 处the fantasy意为“n.幻想小说”。所以A选项正确。B “德国民间故事”的作者是格林兄 弟,代表作是白雪公主。C和D与文章意思不符。6.词义推测题。文章中“.the rough illustrations”后接由that引导的定语 从句,修饰“the rough illus

47、trations”。由前文可以得知,简单粗糙的插画是早期儿童书籍的特色。因此,A “拒绝”、C “低估的”和D “使发笑的”不符合文意,排除,B选项“描述的”符合题意。7.语义推理题。文章并没有提19世纪儿童书籍的销量,A选项排除。19世纪中期,儿童书籍用文字讲述故事取代了早期粗糙插画的形式,与B 项内容意思相反, B选项排除。18世纪末,儿童书籍以取悦年轻读者为主要目的,因此这并不是彩印出现的影响, D选项排除。所以为C选项插图讲述了更多的故事,也更吸引人正确。6. 单选题The industrialization of Europe which started in the 18th ce

48、ntury produced urban slims which were swept periodically by epidemics of typhoid and typhus. While isolated geographically from the scourges of Europe, America was occasionally hit with epidemics of its own, especially in the growing east coast cities. Recognizing that disease may be coming from the

49、 ships that docked in their ports, cities instituted quarantines during outbreaks. Treatments for widespread disease, however, did not improve.In 1847, the newly-formed American Medical Association sponsored an investigation of large U.S cities and found that living conditions for many residents had

50、 become as bad as the worst slums of Europe. It concluded that without improvements in hygiene and living standards, European-type epidemics would soon hit American cities. It also advocated collecting vital statistics to track the countrys birth and death rates. Soon after this, many bureaus of vit

51、al statistics were organized. Including in Ohio, where birth and death statistics were collected at the country level beginning in 1867. Local sanitary commissions formed in cities and towns, spurred on by reform movements which stressed healthier living and clean water. The Massachusetts Sanitary C

52、ommission, for example, sought better venting of city homes to remove any noxious odors and fumes that might cause disease. To provide plentiful water, 32 waterworks were built in the country by 1825, and almost 600 were added by 1880. Unfortunately it was assumed that free-flowing water was pure, s

53、o the first filtration plant was not built until 1871. The first national convention to establish uniform quarantine laws, met in Philadelphia in May 1857, and four more such conventions to discuss public health issues were held before the Civil War disrupted the movement.The American Public Health

54、Association was founded in 1872 by some of those who attended these earlier conventions. The following year the number of boards of health in the U.S. Increased from 4 to 123. The most significant event in the public health movement, however, was the development of the germ theory and the realizatio

55、n that disease could be contagious.1.America was protected from the periodic epidemics of typhoid and typhus in Europe because of ( ).2.The word “hygiene” in line 13 is closest in meaning to( ) .3.What fear did the American Medical Association have?4.Which of the following actions does the author im

56、ply was done in response to the American Medical Association recommendations?5.The word “noxious” in line 22 is closest in meaning to .6.The first filtration plant was not built until 1871 because( ) .7.The word “contagious” in line 36 is closest in meaning to( ) .8.Throughout the passage, the autho

57、r implies that public health ( ).问题1选项A.better sanitationB.less urban slumsC.delayed industrializationD.geographical isolation问题2选项A.salaryB.SanitationC.protectionD.behavior问题3选项A.that living standards would not improveB.that American slums would be as bad as those in EuropeC.that American slums cou

58、ld lead to European-type epidemicsD.that without improvements,American cities would become like European cities问题4选项A.collecting vital statisticsB.quarantine facilitiesC.removing noxious odors and fumesD.geographical isolation of disease问题5选项A.harmfulB.unpleasantC.lingeringD.obvious问题6选项A.of disrupt

59、ion by the Civil WarB.uniform quarantine laws could not be agreed upon at the first national conventionC.it took a total of five national conventions to agree on uniform quarantine lawsD.free-flowing water was thought to be pure问题7选项A.seriousB.inheritedC.containedD.catching问题8选项A.was regarded as a E

60、urope problemB.was slower to develop in American than in EuropeC.treatments were not developed with an understanding of the threatsD.actions were usually uniformed and ineffective【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A第6题:A第7题:D第8题:D【解析】1.细节判断题。根据文章第一段While isolated geographically from the scourges of Europe,

61、 America was occasionally hit with epidemics of its own, especially in the growing east coast cities.由于美国的地理位置远离欧洲,所以是偶尔受到影响,避免了周期性的传染。所以D选项地理位置符合题意。2.词义推测题。上文提到美国医学会发现美国居民的生活环境十分恶劣, 急需提高 A “薪水”、C “保护”和D “行为”都与改善城市的居民生活环境没有关系,排除。文章第二段末尾处提到卫生委员会在各个城市及乡镇 中开始成立,出现了 Sanitaiy,所以B选项环境卫生符合题意。3.语义理解题。第二段开头提

62、到美国医学会通过调查发现大多数美国城市的生活环境和欧洲最差的贫民窟相差无几。如果不提高卫生和生活条件,欧洲的流行病会袭击美国。因为美国医学会担心美国恶劣的生活环境会引发类似欧洲的流行病,所以C选项美国的贫民窟可能会导致欧洲式的流行病符合题意。A “生活条件没有改善”、B “美国贫民窟生活条件会和欧洲的一样差”以及D“如果生活条件不改善,美国城市就会和欧洲城市一样”是美国医学会得出的结论,不是他们害怕的事情。4.细节判断题。第二段第三句的主语为“It”,指American Medical Association “advocated” v.主张,提倡,和题干中 “recommendationn.

63、提倡”意思基本一致。所以可以推断答案为A。B “检疫机构”在疫情爆发期间由城市建立。C “消除有害气体” 是Massachusetts Sanitary的任务。D “远离病源”是客观存在事实。因此排除B、C、D。5.词义推测题。.any noxious odors and fumes that might cause disease” 中that引导定语从句解释前面的“noxious odors and fumes”。只有A“Harmful”与“might cause disease”意思相同,所以A选项正确。6.语义理解题。因为B、C选项文章中都没有提及。文章第二段最后提到“不幸的是, 纯净的自来水厂到1871年才建成。”,D “自来水应该是纯净的”不符合文意。第二段最后一句提到“公共卫生领域运动由于内战而中断。”所以A选项正确。7.词义推测题。全文都在谈论美国意识到病源是从欧洲传染来的,为了降低疾病发生率,因此采取了一系列措施提高居民的生活环境,所以D选项“传染的”符合题意。8.根据文中第一段Treatments for widespread disease, however, did not improve 文中倒数第二段 Unfortunately it was assumed that f

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