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1、2022年考博英语-辽宁大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The lost car of the Thompsons was found forsaken in the woods off the high way.问题1选项A.vanishedB.scatteredC.abandonedD.rejected【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。forsake意为“抛弃,遗弃”;vanish意为“消失”;scatter意为“驱散,散开”;abandon意为“放弃,抛弃”;reject意为“拒绝”。句意:汤普森一家丢失的汽车被发现遗弃在远离高速公路的树林里。2. 单选题Complacen

2、cy has led to some appalling ecological( ).问题1选项A.damagesB.tragediesC.catastrophesD.dangers【答案】C【解析】查名词辨析。damage意为“损害、毁坏”等时,是不可数名词,意为“价钱、费用”时,是可数名词,意为“赔偿费”时,必须用其复数形式。tragedy意为“悲剧,惨剧”;catastrophe意为“灾难,灾祸”;danger意为“危险”,泛指“危险”时,danger是不可数名词,指具体的“危险、危险物、可能造成损伤、疼痛等的人”时,是可数名词。句意:自满导致了一些可怕的生态灾难。3. 翻译题As ho

3、lidays go, Thanksgiving is in some ways the most philosophical. Today we try not to take for granted the things we almost always take for granted. We try, if only in that brief pause before the eating begins, to see through the well-worn patterns of our lives to what lies behind them. In other words

4、, we try to understand how very rich we are, whether we feel very rich or not. Today is one of the few times most Americans consciously set desire aside, if only because desire is incompatible with the gratitudenot to mention the abundancethat Thanksgiving summons.It is tempting to think that one Th

5、anksgiving is pretty much like another, except for differences in the guest list and the recipes. But it isnt true. This is always a feast about where we are now. Thanksgiving reflects the complexion of the year were in. Some years it feels buoyant, almost jubilant in nature. Other years it seems ma

6、rked by a conspicuous humility uncommon in the calendar of American emotions.And this year? We will probably remember this Thanksgiving as a banquet of mixed emotions. This is, after all, a profoundly American holiday. The undertow of business as usual seems especially strong this year. The shadow o

7、f a war and misgivings over the future looms in the minds of many of us. Most years we enjoy the privacy of Thanksgiving, but this year the holiday feels like a reminder for ourselves of what it means to be American.That means giving thanks for some fundamental principles that should be honored ever

8、y day of the year in the life of this nationprinciples of generosity, tolerance and inclusion. This is feast that no one should be turned away from. The welcome we feel makes sense only if we also extend it to others.【答案】【参考译文】在众多的假日中,感恩节可以说是最令人深思的节日。今天我们会把平时习以为常的东面看得很珍贵。我们试着,哪怕只是在吃饭前的片刻,去看透那一成不变的生活


10、的现状对美国人造成的影响在今年似乎特别大,战争的阴影,对未来的担忧,一直盘踞在我们许多人的脑海中。感恩节我们一般与至亲好友在一起,感受那种其乐融融的气氛,可是今年,我们似乎要借感恩节与国人一起重温身为美国人的意义。这就意味着,我们要为能有一些基本的原则而感恩,一些这个国家的生活中每日应该尊崇的原则,也就是慷慨、容忍、包容的原则。所以这一餐应该是来者不拒。我们感受的节日温馨,只有与他人分享才有意义。4. 单选题The eastern slopes of the Catskill Mountains are (precipitous), but the western slopes decline

11、 more gradually.问题1选项A.erodedB.snowboundC.heavily forestedD.extremely steep【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。precipitous意为“陡峭的,险峻的”;eroded意为“被腐蚀的,毁坏的”;snowbound意为“被雪困住的,被雪封住的”;heavily forested意为“被密集/高密度的森林覆盖的”;extremely steep意为“非常陡峭,极其陡峭”。句意:卡兹基尔山脉的东坡很陡峭,但西坡逐渐下降。5. 翻译题With the Armistice of 1918, and the peacemaking

12、of 1919 (and the 18th Amendment of the same year, that in theory made America a dry nation), the American prose-writer entered a new period of revolt. In some ways this was a continuation of earlier movements. But the writers themselves did not think so; they acknowledged no kinship with prewar writ

13、ers, except perhaps Theodore Dreiser. Henry Adams had said that the generations in American history were discontinuous: the younger did not learn from the older one, nor could it. Few of Adamss contemporaries would have agreed with him. However, his Education, when published in a popular edition in

14、1918, made an immediate appeal to young people who were convinced that if they knew none of the answers, at any rate they had clues of which their parents had no inkling. Since they learned from Adams, who was old enough to be their collective grandfather, it might seem that he disproved his own the

15、ory. Such an objection, though, would have been met with the argument that Adams could make contact with them because he was out of touch with his own era. The post-war generation, the Lost Generationwhen had any age-group been so self-consciously aware of itself?laid eager claim to lost souls from

16、the past. In reviving such figures as Melville it apologized for the stupidity of its ancestors.【答案】【参考译文】随着1918年第一次世界大战停战协定的签订和1919年调停的达成(同一年的第18版修正案在理论上让美国变成了一个“没有战事”的国家),美国散文作家进入了一个新的反叛时期。从某种程度上来说,这是早期反叛运动的延续。但这些散文作家自己并不这么认为。除了西奥多德莱塞之外,他们不承认与战前的作家有任何密切关系。享利亚当斯称,在美国历史上,代与代之间是没有延续关系的:年轻的一代既没有,也不能向年

17、长的一代人学习。亚当斯的同代人中很少有人赞同他的观点。然而,当他的教育一书在1918年以普及本被出版后,立刻引起了年轻人的兴趣。这些年轻人坚信,对于那些父辈们一无所知的问题,即便是他们也不知道答案,他们也至少知道一些相关的线索。由于他们向在年龄上可充当他们共同祖父的亚当斯学习,他似乎反驳了自己的理论。而这种反驳也早该和亚当斯做出的与之相关的言论符合,因为他与自己所在的时代没有联系。战后的一代,即迷惘的一代有哪个年龄阶段的人曾如此清楚地意识到自己?热切地声称有权拥有从过去迷失的灵魂。在让诸如梅尔维尔等人物振作起来的过程中,迷失的一代为祖辈的愚蠢行为进行了道歉。6. 单选题The guests w

18、ere in a jubilant mood as the wedding began.问题1选项A.exultantB.conciliatoryC.reverentD.receptive【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。jubilant意为“喜气洋洋的,欢欣鼓舞的”;exultant意为“欢欣鼓舞的,兴高采烈的”;conciliatory意为“调解的,安抚的”;reverent意为“恭敬的,虔敬的”;receptive意为“乐于接受的”。句意:婚礼开始时,客人们兴高采烈。7. 单选题Some old people dont like pop songs because they cant t

19、olerate so much noise.问题1选项A.resistB.sustainC.endureD.undergo【答案】C【解析】考查同义动词辨析。A选项resist“抵抗,抗拒”;B选项sustain“维持,支持,承担”;C选项endure“忍耐,忍受”;D选项undergo“经历,经受”。句意:有些老人不喜欢流行歌曲,因为他们受不了这么多的噪音。tolerate“忍受,容忍”,C选项与该词意思最相近,因此C选项正确。8. 翻译题中国的电影行业已经步入了一个新阶段,始于七年前的行业结构改革使国内票房以年均3%的惊人速度达到一个新的增长水平,这在世界上也是不多见的。更多的优秀电影展现

20、给了公众,这自然会吸引越来越多的观众走进电影院,也会激发投资商对该行业投资的热情,这的确是个良性循环。中央政府已经采取了新政策,帮助刺激国内市场的发展。随着国内与国际市场密切关系的建立,国产影片在海外的影响和竞争力一定会越来越大。中国也已经承诺,将按照WTO协议进一步开放娱乐市场。当前,中国的电影制作人主要是自筹资金,但是新的筹资渠道正在出现。随着中国金融体制的完善,越来越多的电影电视公司依靠金融机构筹集资金,同时以票房收入、版权转让以及演员的个人声望做保障。【答案】【参考译文】Chinas film industry has entered a new stage. The structur

21、e reform of film industry starting from seven years ago has increased the domestic box office astonishingly in an average annual speed of 3% to a new level of growth, and this is also rare in the world.An increasing number of good movies will naturally attract more and more audiences into cinema and

22、 also stimulate the investors enthusiasm for investing in this industry, which is indeed a positive circle. The central government has adopted a new policy to stimulate the development of the domestic market. With the establishment of a close relationship between the domestic and international marke

23、t, the influence and competitiveness of domestic films in overseas will certainly be increasing. China has also promised to further open its entertainment market in accordance with the WTO agreement.At present, the Chinas filmmakers mainly have funds raised by themselves, but the new financing chann

24、els are emerging. With the improvement of the Chinese financial system, more and more film and television companies are relying on financial institutions to raise funds and at the same time using the box office earnings, copyright transfer and the actors personal popularity as guarantees.9. 单选题The a

25、tmosphere contains water vapor, but there is a limit to how much water can be evaporated into a given volume of air, just as there is a limit to how much sugar can be dissolved in one cupful of coffee. More sugar can be dissolved in hot coffee than in cold. A given volume of air can hold more water

26、vapor at a higher temperature than at a lower temperature. The air is said to be saturated when it holds as much water vapor as it can at the temperature. At 20C a cubic meter of air can hold about 17 gram of water vapor; at 30 C it can hold about 30 gram. Usually the atmosphere is not saturated. Re

27、lative humidity (expressed in per cent) is the ratio of the mass of water vapor actually present in a given volume of air to the mass which would be present in it if it were saturated. For example, if a cubic meter of air at 20C contains 12 gram of water vapor, the relative humidity is 12 gm/17 gm x

28、 100 =71%. Hydrometers are instruments for measuring relative humidity. Readings on wet and dry bulb thermometers can be compared with the aid of a chart from which one can then read off the relative humidity. The basic principle of this is that evaporation is a cooling process. The rate of evaporat

29、ion from the wet-bulb thermometer will be high when the relative humidity is low, and therefore on such a day the wet-bulb thermometer will read considerably below the dry-bulb one. There is no simple formula for converting this temperature difference to relative humidity, and therefore a chart is u

30、sed.If unsaturated air is cooled, its relative humidity goes up. If the temperature of the air drops sufficiently, saturation is reached and excess moisture precipitates out. The dew point is the temperature to which the air must be cooled to become saturated and condensation will just form.1.When t

31、he readings on the wet-bulb thermometer and the dry-bulb thermometer are similar, we may assume that( ).2.When the temperature of the air rises above the dew point,( ).问题1选项A.we have relative humidityB.the air is saturatedC.the thermometer is inefficientD.the temperature is about to rise问题2选项A.dew w

32、ill formB.it will rainC.the relative humidity exceeds 100%D.evaporation is likely to take place【答案】第1题:B第2题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。由文章第一段中的Relative humidity is the ratio of the mass of water vapor actually present in a given volume of air to the mass which would be present in it if it were saturated.(相对湿度是给定体

33、积空气中实际存在的水蒸气质量与饱和时存在的水蒸气质量之比)和The rate of evaporation from the wet-bulb thermometer will be high when the relative humidity is low, and therefore on such a day the wet-bulb thermometer will read considerably below the dry-bulb one.(当相对湿度较低时,湿球温度计的蒸发率将很高,因此在这一天,湿球温度计的读数将大大低于干球温度计)可推测当干湿球温度中的度数相近时,则说明

34、相对湿度高,故相对湿度越高说明空气中实际水蒸气含量越接近饱和,因此选B。2.推理判断题。由文章最后一段中的If the temperature of the air drops sufficiently, saturation is reached and excess moisture precipitates out. The dew point is the temperature to which the air must be cooled to become saturated and condensation will just form.(如果空气温度下降到足够的程度,就会达到

35、饱和,多余的水分就会沉淀出来。露点是指空气必须冷却到的温度,以达到饱和,然后才会形成冷凝)可推测当空气中的温度上升到高于露点温度时,空气中水汽将不会达到饱和,就会产生蒸发,因此选D。10. 单选题The surgical instruments have to be ( )before use to prevent infection.问题1选项A.heatedB.scaldedC.sterilizedD.burned【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。heat意为“加热,变热”;scald意为“烫伤”;sterilize意为“消毒,灭菌”;burn意为“燃烧”。由句中后面的目的状语to prev

36、ent infection(为了预防感染)可知The surgical instruments(手术器械)应该消毒,因此选C。句意:手术器械使用前必须消毒,以防感染。11. 单选题This product is( )to change without notice.问题1选项A.despiteB.evilC.subjectD.crust【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。be subject to“受支配,从属于;常遭受;有倾向的”。A选项despite的常用搭配有in despite of / despite of不管,不顾;B选项evil的常用搭配有speak evil of 说坏话;诽谤/

37、do evil 作恶;为非作歹;干坏事;造孽;D选项crust“地壳,地表,坚硬外壳”,常用固定搭配很少;句意:本产品( )更换,恕不另行通知。根据句意可知C选项更符合句意,因此C选项正确。12. 翻译题Translate the following into ChineseMany people question the stability of international marriages. This has always puzzled me, because if you stop to think about divorce in the US for a moment, you

38、will recall that most of the marriages that break up are between native-born Americans. Certainly I am not aware of any statistics showing a higher propensity to divorce in bi-national marriages than in the more conventional sort. I seriously doubt that there is any meaningful relation between marit

39、al instability and differences in nationality inside marriages.During each of these passages, how we feel about our way of living will undergo subtle changes in four areas of perception. One is the interior sense of self in relation to others. A second is the proportion of safeness to danger we feel

40、 in our lives. A third is our perception of time. Last, there will be some shift at the gut level in our sense of aliveness or stagnation. These are the hazy sensations that compose the background tone of living and shape the decisions on which we take actions.There are lots of reasons to be concern

41、ed. When leading policy-makers and economists speak about the booming global economy and the benefits of free trade, they too often ignore the people who are losing out. The CEOs of Microsoft and Boeing, co-chairs of the Seattle Host Committee for the WTO meeting, are among the winners. But the form

42、 globalization has taken has increased the gap between rich and poor nations.【答案】许多人质疑跨国婚姻的稳定性。这种质疑让我觉得疑惑,因为如果你停下来想一想美国的离婚问题,你会想到大多数破裂的婚姻都是土生土长的美国人之间的。当然,我并不认为有任何统计数据可以表明,跨国婚姻比传统婚姻更容易走向离婚。我对婚姻的不稳定和婚姻中的国籍差异之间是否有任何有意义的关系是十分怀疑的。在这些变化和转折中,我们对生活方式的感受会经历四个感知领域的细微变化。第一,是我们内心对自己和他人的看法。第二,是我们在生活的各种威胁面前所具有的安全

43、感。第三,是我们对时间的感知。最后,是我们对自己的精力和活力的直觉变化。这些都是朦胧的感觉,它们构成了我们生活的基调,并影响着我们采取行动前的各种决定。这里有很多因素值得关注。当主要的决策者和经济学家们谈到蓬勃发展的全球经济和自由贸易的好处时,他们往往忽视了那些失败者。微软和波音的首席执行官都是赢家,他们将联合担任这次世界贸易组织西雅图会议接待委员会的主席。但已经形成的全球化形式增加了贫富国家之间的差距。13. 单选题The corporation expects only( )increases in sales next year despite a yearlong effort to

44、revive its retailing business.问题1选项A.modestB.predictableC.dynamicD.expanding【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项modest“适度的,谦虚的”;B选项predictable“可预言的”;C选项dynamic“动态的,动力的,有活力的”;D选项expanding“扩大的,扩展的”。句意:尽管用过去一年的时间去努力恢复零售市场,但是公司仅仅期盼业绩( )增长即可。题干中的despite表转折,因此空格所填单词应该与despite所引导的句子产生的结果相反,正常情况下,付出了努力必然期盼有回报,所以这里应填与increa

45、se意思相反的词汇。因此A选项正确。14. 单选题Your excuse that an elephant fell on you and made you late is just( ).问题1选项A.inevitableB.incredibleC.indispensableD.incurable【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。inevitable意为“不可避免的”;incredible意为“不能相信的,难以置信的”;indispensable意为“不可或缺的,必不可少的”;incurable意为“无法治愈的”。由“an elephant fell on you(一只大象落在你身上)”导致

46、迟到这样的借口,通常会让人觉得这是难以置信的,因此选B。句意:你找的借口说一只大象落在你身上,使你迟到了,这根本是不可信的。15. 翻译题Hong Kong is held in high regard and there is a deep reservoir of goodwill for Hong Kong around the world. Hong Kongs strongest supporters internationally are those who know it well, and those who have visited Hong Kong since the H

47、andover. There is wide recognition that Hong Kongs proximity to the Mainland of China and the experience the Hong Kong business community has in doing business there represent tremendous advantages for Hong Kong. Hong Kong business community must move fast if it is to fully leverage those advantages

48、.Another challenge faced by Hong Kong is the perception that it must do a better job of publicizing the significant added value it offers in face of what is seen as the high cost of doing business and living in Hong Kong. Hong Kongs people, and their reputation for hard work and entrepreneurship, ar

49、e seen as one of its greatest assets. However, there is concern expressed by some in the community that sufficient steps are not being taken to maintain high standards of English language capability, particularly with the young people entering the workforce.【答案】【参考译文】世界对香港的评价很高,有关香港的溢美之词不胜枚举。香港在国际上最

50、坚定的支持者是那些很了解它的人,和那些自香港回归以来踏足香港的外地朋友。人们普遍认为,香港与中国大陆毗邻的地理位置以及香港商界的经商经验对香港来说都是巨大的优势。如果香港商界想要充分利用那些优势,那么必须快速地行动起来。香港面临的另一个挑战是,在面对看似高昂的商业和生活成本时,需要认识到更好地宣传其所提供的重要附加值的必要性。香港人,以及他们努力工作和拥有创业精神的声誉被看成是香港最主要的资产之一。然而,香港商界的一些人担心,政府现在没有采取足够的措施去维持高水平的英语语言能力,尤其是进入职场的年轻人的英语能力。16. 翻译题In the process of the on-going nat

51、ionwide campaign launched to consolidate the market order, punishments have been meted out in accordance with laws against with crimes that do harm to peoples lives and health, including production and sale of counterfeit and substandard foods and medicines, and other crimes such as tax evasion and

52、defraud, financial swindling, smuggling and pyramid selling. This has effectively protected the peoples legitimate rights and interests. Work has been intensified to investigate and prevent on-job crimes, with special focus on investigating and punishing those convicted of serious bribery and corrup

53、tion offenses, bringing to justice those proven to have acted as behind-the-scene leaders of Mafia-like gangs or as their “protective umbrellas” by taking advantages of their powers and influence.【答案】【参考译文】在全国范围内开展的整顿市场秩序活动中,依法惩治了生产、销售假冒伪劣食品、药品等危害人民生命健康的犯罪和偷税、诈骗、金融诈骗、走私、传销等其他犯罪。这有效地保障了人民的合法权益。加大查办和预

54、防职务犯罪工作力度,重点查处严重受贿、腐败犯罪分子,将那些被证明是黑社会性质组织的幕后领导人或利用其权力和影响力充当其“保护伞”的人绳之以法。17. 单选题The show that we watched was so ( )that we laughed loudly.问题1选项A.comicalB.laughableC.animatedD.attractive【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。comical意为“好笑的,滑稽的,有趣的”;laughable意为“可笑的,荒谬的,值得当真的”,含有贬义;animated意为“活跃的,生气勃勃的”;attractive意为“诱人的,吸引人的”。

55、由we laughed loudly(我们大声笑)可推测the show(演出、节目)好笑,因此选A。句意:我们看的表演太好笑了,我们大笑起来。18. 翻译题3.正是因为不停地追求进取,我们才感到生活幸福。一件事完成后,另一件随之而来,如此连绵不绝,永无止境。对于往前看的人来说,眼前总有一番新天地。虽然我们蜗居于这颗小行星上,整日忙于琐事且生命短暂,但我们生来就有不尽的希望。只要生命犹在,希望便会不止。【答案】【参考译文】3.We live in an ascending scale when we live happily, one thing leading to another in a

56、n endless series. There is always a new horizon for onward-looking men, and although we dwell on a small planet, immersed in petty business and not enduring beyond a brief period of years, we are so constituted that our hopes are inaccessible, like stars, and the term of hoping is prolonged until th

57、e term of life.19. 单选题The Malaysian administration ruled that the evidence about the missing MH370 was inadmissible on the grounds that it was impertinent.问题1选项A.irrationalB.unreasonableC.invalidD.irrelevant【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。impertinent意为“不相干的,不恰当的;粗鲁的”;irrational意为“不合理的,荒谬的”;unreasonable意为“不合理的,荒唐的”

58、;invalid意为“无效的”;irrelevant意为“无关紧要的,不相关的”。句意:马来西亚政府裁定,关于失踪的MH370的证据是不可接受的,因为它是不相关的。20. 单选题Her heart was filled with compassion for the motherless children.问题1选项A.sympathyB.regretC.wistfulnessD.sorrow【答案】A【解析】考查同义名词辨析。A选项sympathy“同情,怜悯,同情心”;B选项regret“后悔,歉意”;C选项wistfulness“渴望,伤感,沉思”;D选项sorrow“悲伤,哀伤,痛苦”。句意:她对那些没有母亲的孩子充满同情。Compassion“怜悯,同情,同情心”,A选项的意思与该单词最相近,因此A选项正确。

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