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1、2022年考博英语-国防科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Traditionally, pollination (授粉) by wind has been viewed as a reproductive process marked by random events in which the vagaries of the wind are compensated for by the generation of vast quantities of pollen, so that the ultimate production of new seeds is assure

2、d at the expense of producing much more pollen than is actually used. Because the potential hazards pollen grains are subject to as they are transported over long distances are enormous, wind-pollinated plants have, in the view above, compensated for the ensuing loss of pollen through happenstance b

3、y virtue of producing an amount of pollen that is one to three orders of magnitude greater than the amount produced by species pollinated by insects.However, a number of features that are characteristic of wind-pollinated plants reduce pollen waste. For example, many wind-pollinated species fail to

4、release pollen when wind speeds are low or when humid conditions prevail. Recent studies suggest another way in which species compensate for the inefficiency of wind pollination. These studies suggest that species frequently take advantage of the physics of pollen motion by generating specific aerod

5、ynamic environments within the immediate vicinity of their female reproductive organs. It is the morphology of these organs that dictates the pattern of airflow disturbances through which pollen must travel. The speed and direction of the airflow disturbances can combine with the physical properties

6、 of a species pollen to produce a species-specific pattern of pollen collision on the surfaces of female reproductive organs. Provided that these surfaces are strategically located, the consequences of this combination can significantly increase the pollen-capture efficiency of a female reproductive

7、 organ.A critical question that remains to be answered is whether the morphological attributes of the female reproductive organs of wind-pollinated species are evolutionary adaptations to wind pollination or are merely fortuitous. A complete resolution of the question is as yet impossible since adap

8、tation must be evaluated for each species within its own unique functional context. However, it must be said that, while evidence of such evolutionary adaptations does exist in some species, one must be careful about attributing morphology to adaptation. For example, the spiral arrangement of scale-

9、bract complexes on ovule-bearing pine cones, where the female reproductive organs of conifers are located, is important to the production of airflow patterns that spiral over the cones surfaces, thereby passing airborne pollen from one scale to the next. However, these patterns cannot be viewed as a

10、n adaptation to wind pollination because the spiral arrangement occurs in a number of non-wind-pollinated plant lineages and is regarded as a characteristic of vascular plants, of which conifers are only one kind, as a whole. Therefore, the spiral arrangement is not likely to be the result of a dire

11、ct adaptation to wind pollination.62. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with discussing _.63. According to the passage, the “aerodynamic environments” mentioned in paragraph 2, when they are produced, are primarily determined by the _.64. The passage suggests that the recent studies c

12、ited in paragraph 2 have not done which of the following?65. It can be inferred from the passage that the claim that the spiral arrangement of scale-bract complexes on an ovule-bearing pine cone is an adaptation to wind pollination would be more convincing if which of the following were true?问题1选项A.

13、the current debate on whether the morphological attributes of wind-pollinated plants are evolutionary adaptationsB.the kinds of airflow patterns that permit wind- pollinated plants to capture pollen most efficientlyC.the ways in which the reproductive processes of wind-pollinated plants are controll

14、ed by random eventsD.a recently proposed explanation of a way in which wind-pollinated plants reduce pollen waste问题2选项A.presence of insects near the plantB.physical properties of the plants pollenC.shape of the plants female reproductive organsD.amount of pollen generated by the plant问题3选项A.Made any

15、 distinctions between different species of wind-pollinated plants.B.Demonstrated that the morphological attributes of the female reproductive organs of wind-pollinated plants are usually evolutionary adaptations to wind pollination.C.Indicated the general range within which plant-generated airflow d

16、isturbances are apt to occur.D.Included investigations of the physics of pollen motion and its relationship to the efficient capture of pollen by the female reproductive organs of wind-pollinated plants.问题4选项A.Such an arrangement occurred only in wind-pollinated plants.B.Such an arrangement occurred

17、 in vascular plants as a whole.C.Such an arrangement could be shown to be beneficial to pollen release.D.The number of bracts could be shown to have increased over time.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A【解析】62.【试题答案】D【试题解析】中心主旨题。题干意思是“这篇文章的作者主要是讨论”。文章首先提出风媒传粉这一个繁殖过程,随后提出风媒传粉植物的一些特征减少了花粉的浪费并对其特征做出了论述,第三段则举例证明风


19、These studies suggest that species frequently take advantage of the physics of pollen motion by generating specific aerodynamic environments within the immediate vicinity of their female reproductive organs.(这些研究表明,物种经常利用花粉运动的物理特性,在其雌性生殖器官附近产生特定的空气动力环境),结合第四句It is the morphology of these organs that

20、 dictates the pattern of airflow disturbances through which pollen must travel.(正是这些器官的形态决定了花粉必须通过的气流扰动的模式)可知,当空气动力环境产生时,雌性生殖器官的形态决定了这些气流的模式,所以C项“植物雌性生殖器官的形状”正确。A项“植物附近有昆虫”和D项“植物产生的花粉量”没提到,B项“植物花粉的物理特性”是空气动力环境的产生因素而并不是决定因素。因此,该题选择C项正确。64.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“这篇文章暗示了第二段中引用的最近的研究没有完成以下哪一项?”。文章第二段描

21、述了最近的研究得到的结果,而第三段对这个研究提出了问题,第一句指出A critical question that remains to be answered is whether the morphological attributes of the female reproductive organs of wind-pollinated species are evolutionary adaptations to wind pollination or are merely fortuitous.(一个有待回答的关键问题是,风媒传粉物种的雌性生殖器官的形态属性是对风媒传粉的进化适应还


23、是对风授粉的适应的这种主张将更有说服力?”。根据文章倒数第二句However, these patterns cannot be viewed as an adaptation to wind pollination because the spiral arrangement occurs in a number of non-wind-pollinated plant lineages and is regarded as a characteristic of vascular plants, of which conifers are only one kind, as a whole


25、出来。因此,该题选择A项正确。2. 单选题Marcy is _ by standardized tests, but she is learning to deal with her fears.问题1选项A.ponderedB.impoverishedC.disillusionedD.intimidated【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A项ponder“仔细考虑,衡量”,B项impoverish“使贫穷,使枯竭”,C项disillusion“使醒悟,使不再抱幻想”,D项intimidate“恐吓,威胁”。根据后面的fears(恐惧)可知,D项正确。句意:玛西被标准化考试吓倒了,但她正在学习

26、处理她的恐惧。因此,该题选择D项。3. 单选题Lodger: Im terribly sorry that I broke your precious vase. Ill pay for it.Landlady: _问题1选项A.Cant complain.B.Never mind.C.Relax yourself.D.Take care.【答案】B【解析】考查语义。句意:对不起,我打碎了你珍贵的花瓶,我会赔的。 。别人因损害了自己的利益或冒犯了自己而道歉时,客气的应答为never mind“没关系”,所以B符合;A项“(生活/工作)还行”,C项“放松点”,D项“保重”,都不符合对话场景。4.

27、 单选题Archaeological literature is rich in descriptions of pot making. Unlike modern industrial potters, prehistoric artisans created each of their pieces individually, using the simplest technology but demonstrating remarkable skill in making and adorning their vessels.The clay used in prehistoric po

28、t making was invariably selected with the utmost care: often it was traded over considerable distances. The consistency of the clay was crucial: it was pounded meticulously and mixed with water to make it entirely even in texture. By careful kneading, the potter removed the air bubbles and made the

29、clay as plastic as possible, allowing it to be molded into shape as the pot was built up, When a pot is fired, it loses its water and can crack, so the potter added a temper to the clay, a substance that helped reduce shrinkage and cracking.Since surface finishes provided a pleasing appearance and a

30、lso improved the durability in day-to-day use, the potter smoothed the exterior surface of the pot with wet hands. Often a wet clay solution, known as a slip, was applied to the smooth surface. Brightly colored slips were often used and formed painted decorations on the vessel. In later times. Glaze

31、s came into use in some areas. A glaze is a form of slip that turns to a glasslike finish during high-temperature firing. When a slip was not applied, the vessel was allowed to dry slowly until the external surface was almost like leather in texture. It was then rubbed with a round stone or similar

32、object to give it a shiny, hard surface. Some pots were adorned with incised or stamped decorations.Most early pottery was then fired over open hearths. The vessels were covered with fast-burning wood; as it burned, the ashes would all around the pots and bake them evenly over a few hours. Far highe

33、r temperatures were attained in special ovens, known as kilns, which would not only bake the clay and remove its plasticity, but also dissolve carbons and iron compounds. Kilns were also used for glazing, when two firings were needed. Once fired, the pots were allowed to cool slowly, and small crack

34、s were repaired before they were ready for use.54. What does the passage mainly discuss?55. The word “meticulously” in Para.2 is closest in meaning to _.56. Which of the following was a method used by some potters to give vessels a glassy finish?57. According to the passage, the advantage of kilns o

35、ver open fires was that the kilns _.问题1选项A.Why archaeologists study prehistoric pot making.B.How early pottery was made and decorated.C.The development of kilns used by early potters.D.The variety of decorations on Prehistoric pottery.问题2选项A.heavilyB.initiallyC.carefullyD.completely问题3选项A.Smoothing

36、them with wet hands.B.Mixing the clay with colored solutions.C.Baking them at a very high temperature.D.Rubbing them with a smooth hard object.问题4选项A.required less wood for burningB.reached higher temperaturesC.kept ashes away from the potsD.baked vessels without cracking them【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:

37、B【解析】54. 【试题答案】B【试题解析】主旨大意题。根据第一段第二句Unlike modern industrial potters, prehistoric artisans created each of their pieces individually, using the simplest technology but demonstrating remarkable skill in making and adorning their vessels.(与现代工业陶艺家不同的是,史前工匠们用最简单的技术制作了每一件陶器,但在制作和装饰器皿方面表现出非凡的技巧),可知本文的主旨是

38、B项“早期陶器的制作和装饰”,后文都是在讲早期陶器制作和装饰的过程。A项“考古学家为什么研究史前造壶”,文中并未提及;C项“早期陶艺家使用的窑炉的发展”,kilns只在文章最后提到,不是文章主题;D项“史前陶器上装饰的种类”,也只是在文中有提及,并不是文章的主旨。55. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】词义推测题。定位到第二段The consistency of the clay was crucial: it was pounded meticulously and mixed with water to make it entirely even in texture.(粘土的稠度至关重要:它被

39、仔细地捣碎,并与水混合,使其质地完全均匀)。meticulously“仔细地”。A项“大量地;沉重地”,B项“最初”,C项“仔细地;小心翼翼的”,D项“彻底地;完全地”,因此只有C项符合。56. 【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。题干:以下哪种方法是一些陶工用来给器皿玻璃般的饰面?文中第三段倒数第二句It was then rubbed with a round stone or similar object to give it a shiny, hard surface.(用一块圆石或者类似的东西打磨,可以得到一个光亮、坚硬的表面),因此正确选项为D“用光滑的硬物摩擦它们”。A项“用湿

40、手抚平它们”,这并不能得到一个玻璃般的饰面,而且接下来还有很多步骤;B项“将粘土与有色溶液混合”,文中未体现;C项“在很高的温度下烘烤”,这是glaze“釉料”的制作过程。57. 【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。最后一段第三句Far higher temperatures were attained in special ovens, known as kilns, which(在被称为窑炉的特殊烘箱中,温度要高得多,这种烘箱),是说用这种特殊的烤炉里可以得到高得多的温度,因此正确选项为B“达到更高的温度”。A项“燃烧所需木材较少”,C项“把灰从罐子里拿开”,D项“烘烤容器并且容器没有开

41、裂”,均在文中未体现。5. 单选题Despite the _ of her busy afternoonshomework, carpooling, dinner preparationshe strives to maintain an inner sense of order and calm.问题1选项A.enigmaB.turbulenceC.labyrinthD.precariousness【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A项enigma“谜,不可思议的东西”,B项turbulence“骚乱,动荡,混乱”,C项labyrinth“迷宫”,D项precariousness“不安全,不稳

42、定”。由后面的句子she strives to maintain an inner sense of order and calm(她努力保持内心的秩序和平静),结合despite(尽管)可知,“混乱”符合语境。句意:尽管下午很忙:家庭作业,拼车,准备晚餐,但她努力保持内心的秩序和平静。因此,该题选择B项。6. 单选题Once a picture is proved to be a forgery, it becomes quite _.问题1选项A.invaluableB.pricelessC.unworthyD.worthless【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项invaluable表

43、示“极有用的,极宝贵的”;B项priceless表示“无价的,极贵重的”;C项unworthy表示“不值得的,无价值的”,指某事物没有必要的品质,尤指尊敬;D项worthless表示“没用的,无价值的”,指人品质坏的,或者指某物没有实际价值或经济价值。根据前面的句子Once a picture is proved to be a forgery(一旦一幅画被证明是伪造的)可知,“没有价值的”符合语境。句意:一旦一幅画被证明是赝品,它就变得一文不值了。因此,该题选择D项正确。7. 单选题For some women, homemaking is _ to having a career, for

44、 others, raising a family and taking care of their homes is the most gratifying of lifes callings.问题1选项A.slavishB.fawningC.subservientD.subordinate【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项slavish表示“奴隶的,奴性的,卑屈的”,B项fawning表示“奉承的,恭维的,讨好的”,指通过谄媚和奉承来获得注意和赞赏,C项subservient表示“屈从的,奉承的,恭顺的”,指某人非常愿意服从别人,D项subordinate表示“从属的,隶属的,次要的”

45、。句意:对于一些女性来说,家政是比事业更重要的事情,而对于另一些女性来说,养家和照顾家庭是生活中最令人满足的召唤。因此,该题选择D项正确。8. 单选题A _ lifestyle is one that is going nowhere fast: no new employment, no new love interest, no volunteer work, and no new life-changing commitments.问题1选项A.soporificB.lethargicC.stagnantD.lassitude【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项“催眠的”,B项“慵懒的

46、;没精打采的”,C项“停滞的;不发展的”,D项“倦怠;疲乏”。根据冒号后的内容:没有新的工作,没有新的爱好,没有志愿工作,没有新的改变生活的承诺,可知是一种停滞的生活方式。本句句意:停滞不前的生活方式是一种没有任何进展的生活方式:没有新的工作,没有新的爱情兴趣,没有志愿工作,没有新的改变生活的承诺。所以选C项。9. 单选题Most members of the camel family are found in arid habitats.问题1选项A.dirtyB.dryC.sandyD.harsh【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项dirty“下流的,卑鄙的,肮脏的”,B项dry“干的,

47、口渴的,枯燥无味的”,C项sandy“沙地的,多沙的,含沙的”,D项harsh“严厉的,严酷的,刺耳的”。句意:骆驼科的大多数成员生活在干旱的栖息地。根据句意可知,arid在句中表示“干旱的”,四个选项中意思与之相近的是B项。因此,该题选择B项。10. 单选题The National Park System _ areas of natural beauty for preservation and public employment.问题1选项A.sets asideB.saves upC.arranges forD.reserves for【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A项set asi

48、de“挑出,留出”,B项save up“储蓄,贮存”,C项arrange for“安排,为做准备”,D项reserve for“为而保留”。由areas of natural beauty(自然风景区)可知,空格处填入“划出、留出”符合,A项正确。句意:国家公园系统为自然保护和公共就业划出了自然风景区。因此,该题选择A项。11. 单选题His _ mannerisms irritated many of us who had known him before his promotion.问题1选项A.aestheticB.adverseC.adroitD.affected【答案】D【解析】考查

49、形容词辨析。A项aesthetic表示“美的,美学的,审美的”,B项adverse表示“不利的,相反的,敌对的”,C项adroit表示“敏捷的,灵巧的”,D项affected表示“受到影响的,(人或行为)做作的,假装的”。根据irritated many of us(激怒了我们很多人)可知,“做作的”符合语境。句意:他装模作样的举止激怒了我们中很多在他升职前就认识他的人。因此,该题选择D项正确。12. 单选题The geologists all over the world make good use of many different techniques to probe the orig

50、in of the world.问题1选项A.proveB.retreatC.researchD.retrieve【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A项prove“证明,检验”,B项retreat“退(棋),使后退”,C项research“研究,调查”,D项retrieve“检索,恢复,重新得到”。句意:世界各地的地质学家很好地利用了许多不同的技术来探索世界的起源。根据句意可知,probe在句中表示“探索”,四个选项中意思与之相近的是C项。因此,该题选择C项。13. 单选题Scandinavian men were familiarize with hunting and receptive t

51、o learning the hunting methods of the local native Americans.问题1选项A.suspicious ofB.ready forC.dependent onD.new to【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。题干receptive“愿意倾听的,乐于接受的”。A项“怀疑”,B项“准备好”,C项“依赖,依靠”,D项“对不熟悉”。因此只有B项符合。句意:斯堪的纳维亚人熟悉狩猎,并乐于学习当地美洲原住民的狩猎方法。14. 单选题An electric are is a luminous current of electricity that leap

52、s from one electrode to another.问题1选项A.ludicrousB.magneticC.flickeringD.glowing【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。Luminous“发光的;发亮的”。A项“不合理的;不能当真的”,B项“磁性的;富有吸引力的”,C项“闪烁的”,D项“热烈赞扬的;热情洋溢的”,因此选C。句意:电流是从一个电极跳到另一个电极的发光电流。15. 单选题Some robots may _ apply these techniques to install a new network there in the near future.问题1选项

53、A.conceivablyB.unbelievableC.unimaginablyD.unthinkably【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。A项conceivably“可以想象的是,可以想得到的是”,B项unbelievable“难以置信的,不可信的”,C项unimaginably“难以想象地”,D项unthinkably“无法接受地”。句子的意思是“在不久的将来,一些机器人可能会应用这些技术来安装一个新的网络”,那么由此可知,这种情况是“不敢想象地”,C项符合。句意:在不久的将来,一些机器人可能会意想不到地应用这些技术来安装一个新的网络。因此,该题选择C项。16. 单选题Compassion

54、 is a great respecter of justice: we pity those who suffer _.问题1选项A.shamelesslyB.unwittinglyC.vicariouslyD.undeservedly【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。D项“不应得地,不当地”。A项“不知羞耻地”,B项“不知情地”,C项“代别人感受地”。结合句意:同情是对正义的极大尊重,我们同情那些遭受 的人,因此只有D项符合。17. 单选题The decrease of his fever was a benign sign.问题1选项A.unfavorableB.favorableC.ha

55、rshD.unharsh【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项unfavorable“不宜的,令人不快的”,B项favorable“有利的,良好的”,C项harsh“严厉的,严酷的”,D项unharsh“不苛刻的”。句意:他退烧了是一个好兆头。根据句意可知,benign在句中表示“好的”。因此,该题选择B项。18. 单选题Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people _ harm them.问题1选项A.more thanB.other thanC.rather thanD.much than【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。

56、A项more than“多于”,B项other than“除了,不同于”,C项rather than“而不是”,D项much than“比多”。根据空格前后的benefit the people(造福于人)和harm them(伤害他们)可知,前后是对比关系,填入rather than符合。句意:发展核科学应该造福人民,而不是危害人民。因此,该题选择C项。19. 单选题A liquid can be kept in an open container and fill it to the level of a free surface. A gas forms no free surface

57、but _ to diffuse throughout the space available.问题1选项A.tendsB.intendsC.inclinesD.contends【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项tend表示“趋向,倾向,照料”,tend to表示“趋向,注意,易于”,指朝着一个方向发展或者有某种品质;B项intend表示“打算,想要,意指”,intend to表示“打算做,想要”;C项incline表示“倾向于,(使)倾向于,赞同(某人或某事)”,incline to表示“倾向于,向倾斜”,指倾向于用某种方式思考或者表现,被要求做某事;D项contend表示“竞争,奋斗,斗

58、争”,不和to搭配。根据句子的主语gas(气体),结合but转折后面的动词diffuse(扩散)可知,A项“倾向于”符合语境。句意:液体可以保存在一个开放的容器中,并将其装满到一个自由面的水平;气体没有形成自由面,而是倾向于在整个可用的空间中扩散。因此,该题选择A项正确。20. 单选题Ken loves to argue just for the sake of arguing. With such a _ personality, hes sure to be a trial lawyer.问题1选项A.disputatiousB.captiousC.belligerentD.malicious【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A项disputatious“爱争辩的”,B项captious“挑剔的,吹毛求疵的”,C项belligerent“交战的,好战的”,D项malicious“恶意的,恶毒的”。根据前半句的意思“Ken喜欢为了争论而争论”可知,A项符合。句意:Ken喜欢为了争论而争论;有这样一个好争辩的性格,他一定会成为一名辩护律师。因此,该题选择A项。

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