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1、2022年考博英语-武汉理工大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题(1) Science fiction can help to explain what science and scientist are all about to the non-scientists. It is no accident that several hundred universities and public schools are now offering science fiction courses and discovering that these classes are a meeti

2、ng ground for the scientist-engineers and the humanists. Science and fiction. Reason and emotion.The essence of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe. By taking thought, men can move mountainsand have. In this sense, science is an utterly humanistic

3、 pursuit.Much of science fiction celebrates this spirit. (2) Very few science fiction stories picture humanity as a passive species, allowing the tidal forces of nature to flow freely. The heroes of science fiction storiesthe gods of the new mythologystruggle manfully against the darkness, whether i

4、ts geological doom for the whole planet or the evil of grasping politicians. They may not always win. But they always try.Perhaps, however, the most important aspect of science fictions role in the modern world is best summed up in a single word. Change.After all, science fiction is the literature o

5、f change. Each and every story preaches from the same gospel: tomorrow will be different from today, violently different perhaps.(3) Science fiction very clearly shows that changeswhether good or badare an inherent Dart of the universe. Resistance to change is an archaic, and nowadays dangerous, hab

6、it of thought. Humanitys most fruitful course of action is to determine how to shape these changes, how to influence them and produce an environment where the changes that occur are those we want.Perhaps this is the ultimate role of science fiction: to act as an interpreter of science to humanity. T

7、his is a two-edged weapon, of course. It is necessary to warn as well as evangelize. (4) Science can kill as well as create; technology can deaden the human spirit or lift it to the furthermost corners of our imaginations. Only knowledgeable people can wisely decide how to use science and technology

8、 for humankinds benefit. In the end, this is the ultimate role of all art: to show ourselves to ourselves, to help us to understand our own humanity.【答案】(1)科幻小说可以帮助解释科学和科学家都是关于非科学家。几百所大学和公立学校现在开设科幻课程,并发现这些课程是科学家、工程师和人文主义者的聚会场所,这并非偶然。(2)很少有科幻小说把人类描绘成一个被动的物种,任由大自然的潮汐力自由流动。科幻故事中的英雄新神话中的神勇敢地与黑暗抗争,无论是对整个

9、地球的地质毁灭,还是贪婪的政客的邪恶。(3)科幻小说非常清楚地表明,变化不管是好是坏是宇宙固有的飞镖。抵制改变是一种过时的、在今天也是危险的思维习惯。人类最富有成效的行动方针是决定如何塑造这些变化,如何影响它们,并产生一种环境,在这种环境中发生的变化是我们所希望的。(4)科学可以创造,也可以杀人;技术可以麻木人类的精神,也可以把它提升到我们想象的最遥远的角落。只有有知识的人才能明智地决定如何利用科学技术造福人类。最后,这是所有艺术的终极角色:向自己展示我们自己,帮助我们理解我们自己的人性。2. 单选题All over the world, your chances of success in

10、school and life depend more on your family circumstances than on any other factor. By age three, kids with professional parents are already a full year ahead of their poorer peers. They know twice as many words as many words and score 40 points higher on IQ tests. By age 10, the gap is three years.

11、By then, some poor children have not mastered basic reading and math skills, and many never will: his is the age at which failure starts to become irreversible.A few school systems seem to have figured out how to erase these gaps. Finland ensures that every child completes basic education and meets

12、a rigorous standard. One Finnish district official, asked about the number of children who dont complete school in her city, replied,” I can tell you their names if you want. “In the United States, KIPP charter schools enroll students from the poorest families and ensure that most almost every one o

13、f them graduates high school80 percent make it to college. Singapore narrowed its achievement gap among ethnic minorities from 17 percent to 5 percent over 20 years.These success stories offer lessons for the rest of us. First, get children into school early. High-quality pre-schooling does more for

14、 a childs chances in school and life than any other educational intervention. One study, which began in the 1960s, tracked two groups of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Some were given the opportunity to attend a high-quality pre-school; others were not. Thirty-five years later, the kids wh

15、o went to pre-school earned more, had better jobs, and were less likely to have been in prison or divorced.Second, recognize that the average kid spends about half his waking hours up until the age of 18 outside of schooldont ignore that time. KIPP students spend 60 percent more time in school than

16、the average American students. They arrive earlier, leave later, attend more regularly, and even go to school every other Saturday. Similarly, in 1996, Chile extended its school day to add the equivalent of more than two more years of schooling.Third, pour lots of effort to train teachers. Studies i

17、n the United States have shown that kids with the most effective teachers learn three times as much as those with the least effective. Systems such as Singapores are choosy about recruiting; they invest in training and continuing education; they evaluate teachers regularly, and they award bonuses on

18、ly to the top performers.Finally, recognize the value of individualized attention. In Finland, kids who start to struggle receive one-to-one support from their teachers. Roughly one in three Finnish students also gets extra help from a tutor each year. If we can learn the lesson of what works, we ca

19、n build on it.1. What can we infer from the Finnish district officials reply in Paragraph 2?2. Why is it important for kids to attend a high-quality pre-school? Which of the following is NOT true?3. The most important educational factor for a child to achieve success in school and life is to _.4. Wh

20、y does Singapore lay so much emphasis on the role of teachers?5. What does the passage mainly discuss?问题1选项A.She expresses a desire to show off her good memory.B.She is willing to offer the information at any time.C.Her job requires her to remember all the students names.D.The basic education is pai

21、d much attention to in Finland.问题2选项A.Kids can learn better and more.B.Kids tend to be psychologically healthy when they grow up.C.Kids can have a brighter future.D.When they grow up, the kids wish to earn more money.问题3选项A.receive a good and early pre-schoolingB.prolong his or her learning time in

22、schoolC.get instruction from more excellent teachersD.get person-to-person help from the teachers问题4选项A.Kids like serious teachers.B.Kids can have better chances to learn more and better.C.Good teachers can create a happy and relaxed environment.D.Kids want to keep a good relationship with teachers.

23、问题5选项A.The importance of family economic conditions to kids success in study and life.B.The achievement gap between children from wealthy families and poorer ones.C.Some countries have achieved success in erasing the gap between children completely.D.How to narrow the achievement gap between kids fr

24、om different family backgrounds.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干,可以定位到文章第二段第二句Finland ensures that every child completes basic education and meets a rigorous standard.(芬兰确保每个孩子完成基础教育,并达到严格的标准)。D选项“芬兰非常重视基础教育”,根据文章内容,芬兰非常重视基础教育,未接受基础教育的孩子屈指可数,D选项正确。A选项“她想要炫耀她的好记性”, 文章并不是想要表明

25、她的记性好,A选项可排除。B选项“她愿意随时提供信息”,文章没有提到此内容,B选项可排除。C选项“她的工作要求她记住所有学生的名字”,她的工作内容并不是要记住孩子的名字,C选项可排除。因此D选项正确。2.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干我们可以定位到文章第三段。D选项“当他们长大了,孩子们希望赚更多的钱”,文章第三段提到the kids who went to pre-school earned more, had better jobs, and were less likely to have been in prison or divorced.(上过学前班的孩子收入更高,

26、有更好的工作,入狱或离婚的可能性更小。),可推测上过学前班的孩子挣得更多,有更好的工作,但并不是他们希望能够挣到更多的钱,D选项符合题意,因此选择D。A选项“孩子们可以学得更好、更多”,可以定位到文章第三段High-quality pre-schooling does more for a childs chances in school and life than any other educational intervention.(高质量的学前教育比任何其他教育干预都更有助于孩子在学校和生活中的机会)。A选项可排除。B选项“孩子们长大后心理往往是健康的”,可以定位到文章第三段and we

27、re less likely to have been in prison or divorced.(孩子们长大后入狱的机会小),因此可推测,接受学前教育的孩子们长大后心理更健康,B选项可排除。C选项“孩子们可以有一个更光明的未来”,文章第三段the kids who went to pre-school earned more, had better jobs(孩子们有更好的工作,更高的收入),因此推测,接受高质量学前教育的儿童,可能有一个更光明的未来,C选项可排除。因此D选项正确。3.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文中第三段第一、二句These success st

28、ories offer lessons for the rest of us. First, get children into school early. High-quality pre-schooling does more for a childs chances in school and life than any other educational intervention.(这些成功的故事为我们其他人提供了教训。首先,让孩子们早点上学。高质量的学前教育比任何其他教育干预都更有助于孩子在学校和生活中的机会)。A选项“接受良好和早期的学前教育”,符合文章所说的内容,儿童接受早期教育

29、越早,越有助于获得成功,A选项正确。B选项“延长在学校的学习时间”,文章第四段提到KIPP students spend 60 percent more time in school than the average American students.(KIPP学生在学校的时间比普通美国学生多),这不是孩子成功的主要原因,可排除B选项。C选项“得到更多优秀教师的指导”,文章倒数第二段提到pour lots of effort to train teachers.(只是培训教师),可排除C选项。D选项“从老师那里得到面对面的帮助”,文章最后一段提到kids who start to strug

30、gle receive one-to-one support from their teachers.(开始有困难的会获得老师一对一的支持),但这不是孩子获得成功的根本原因,可排除D选项。因此A选项正确。4.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文中第五段第二句Studies in the United States have shown that kids with the most effective teachers learn three times as much as those with the least effective(美国的研究表明,拥有最高效教师的孩子

31、学到的东西是低效教师的三倍)。B选项“孩子们可以有更好的机会学到更多更好的东西”,符合文章内容,高效教师使孩子学得更多,B选项正确。A选项“孩子们喜欢严肃的老师”,文章没有提到此内容,排除A选项。C选项“好的老师可以创造一个快乐和轻松的环境”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除C选项。D选项“孩子们想要和老师保持良好的关系”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除D选项。因此B选项正确。5.【试题答案】A【试题解析】主旨大意题。通读全文。A选项“家庭经济条件对孩子学习和生活成功的重要性”,文章第一段提到All over the world, your chances of success in school a

32、nd life depend more on your family circumstances than on any other factor(在世界各地,你在学校和生活中取得成功的机会更多地取决于你的家庭环境,而不是其他任何因素),因此文章的主要内容,便是家庭环境对孩子成功的重要性,且围绕此观点展开,A选项正确。B选项“富裕家庭和贫困家庭孩子之间的成就差距”,文章只是部分内容提到这个观点,B选项可排除。C选项“一些国家在完全消除儿童之间的差距方面取得了成功”,文章只是说让孩子接受基础教育方面取得较大的进展,并不是完全消除差距,C选项可排除。D选项“如何缩小不同家庭背景的孩子之间的成绩差距

33、”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除D。因此A选项正确。3. 单选题The mystery of the expansion of sea ice around Antarctica, at the same time as global warming is melting swaths of Arctic sea ice, has been solved using data from U.S. military satellites.Two decades of measurements show that changing wind patterns around Antarctica h

34、ave caused a small increase in sea ice, the result of cold winds off the continent blowing ice away from the coastline. “Until now these changes in ice drift were only speculated upon using computer models,” said Paul Holland at the British Antarctic Survey. “Our study of direct satellite observatio

35、ns shows the complexity of climate change.” The Arctic is losing sea ice five times faster than the Antarctic is gaining it, so on average, the Earth is losing sea ice very quickly. There is no inconsistency between our results and global warming.”The extent of sea ice is of global importance becaus

36、e the bright ice reflects sunlight far more than the ocean, meaning temperature rises still further. This summer saw a record low in Arctic sea ice since satellite measurements began 30 years ago. Holland said the changing pattern of sea ice at both poles would also affect global ocean circulation,

37、with unknown effects. He noted that while Antarctic sea ice was growing, the Antarctic ice capthe glacier and snow pack on the continent was losing mass, with the fresh water flowing into the ocean.The research on Antarctic sea ice, published in Nature Geoscience, revealed large regional variations.

38、 In places where warm winds blowing from the tropics towards Antarctica had become stronger, sea ice was being lost rapidly. “In some areas, such as the Bellingshausen Sea, the sea ice is being lost as fast as in the Arctic,” said Holland.But in other areas, sea ice was being added as sea water left

39、 behind ice being blown away from the coast froze. The net effect is that there has been an extra 17,000 sq km of sea ice each year since 1978about a tenth of a percent of the maximum sea ice cover.Antarctica is a continent surrounded by an ocean, whereas the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by a conti

40、nent. For that reason, said Holland, sea ice was not able to expand by the same mechanism in the Arctic as at the southern pole, because if winds pushed the ice away from the pole it quickly hit land.Holland did the research with Ron Kwok at Nasas jet propulsion laboratory in California, where maps

41、of sea ice movements were created from more than 5m individual daily measurements collected over 19 years. The maps showed, for the first time, the long-term changes in sea ice drift around Antarctica. Kwok said: “The Antarctic sea ice cover interacts with the global climate system very differently

42、than that of the Arctic, and these results highlight the sensitivity of the Antarctic ice coverage to changes in the strength of the wind around the continent.”1. The contradiction of changes in sea ice coverage at both poles has been made clear by_.2. According to what Holland said, we can draw the

43、 conclusion that _.3. Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?4. According to the passage, what is to be blamed for the melting sea ice?5. Which of the following statement is NOT true?问题1选项A.data collected from satellitesB.twenty-years measurementsC.computer modelsD.the Bri

44、tish Antarctic Survey问题2选项A.we can rely on satellite to estimate changes in ice driftB.his research results conflict with global warmingC.the location of Bellingshausen Sea is around the AntarcticD.the Antarctic ice coverage is sensitive to changes in wind strength问题3选项A.The Arctic is losing sea ice

45、 as quickly as the Antarctic.B.The Antarctic is losing sea ice much faster than the Arctic.C.While some regions of the Antarctic are gaining sea ice, other regions of it are losing sea ice.D.Sea ice is being lost in the Arctic, not the Antarctic.问题4选项A.The wind from the north.B.The global warming.C.

46、Ecological unbalance.D.Unknown factors.问题5选项A.Effective measures to curb global warming are not discussed in the passage.B.The military satellites play a very important role in investigating the rise of sea level.C.The Arctic sea level is at a record low.D.The author finds a solution to the losing s

47、ea ice.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文中第一段第一句The mystery of the expansion of sea ice around Antarctica, at the same time as global warming is melting swaths of Arctic sea ice, has been solved using data from U.S. military satellites.(在全球变暖导致北极海冰融化的同时,南极洲周围海冰的扩张之谜已经通过美

48、国军事卫星的数据得到了解决。)A选项“从卫星收集的数据”,文章第一段提到,南极洲周围海冰扩张,美国卫星的数据解决了这个问题,因此A选项正确。B选项“20年的测量”,文章所说,20年来的测量表明,南极洲周围不断变化的风模式导致了海冰的小幅增加,B选项可排除。C选项“计算机模型”,文章所说,冰川漂移的变化只是通过计算机模型推测出来的,而不是海冰覆盖范围,可排除C选项。D选项“英国南极考察队”,文章没有提到这个内容,可排除D选项。因此A选项正确。2.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。D选项“南极冰的覆盖范围对风力强度的变化很敏感”,文章最后一段提到Antarctic ice coverage t

49、o changes in the strength of the wind around the continent.(这些结果突出了南极海冰覆盖对大陆周围风力强度变化的敏感性),D选项正确。选项A“我们可以依靠卫星来估计冰漂移的变化”,可以定位到文章第二段第二句Until now these changes in ice drift were only speculated upon using computer models.(到目前为止,这些冰川漂移的变化只是通过计算机模型推测出来的),这些冰川漂移的变化只是通过计算机模型推测出来的,没有提到卫星可以估计冰漂移情况,A选项可排除。选项B“

50、他的研究结果与全球变暖相矛盾”,文章第二段最后一句There is no inconsistency between our results and global warming.(我们的研究结果与全球变暖并不矛盾),研究结果与全球变暖并不矛盾,可排除B选项。C选项“别林斯高森海位于南极附近”,文章并没有提到此内容,可排除。因此D选项正确。3.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。C选项“南极一些地区的海冰正在增加,而另一些地区的海冰却在减少”,可以定位文章第二段第一句Two decades of measurements show that changing wind patterns ar

51、ound Antarctica have caused a small increase in sea ice.(20年来的测量表明,南极洲周围不断变化的风模式导致了海冰的小幅增加),可推测南极洲周围不断变化的风模式导致了海冰的小幅增加,以及文章第四段最后一句In some areas, such as the Bellingshausen Sea, the sea ice is being lost as fast as in the Arctic.(在一些地区,比如别林斯高森海,海冰的消失速度和北极一样快)。因此可知南极地区的海冰正在增加,其他地区的海冰正在减少,C选项正确。A选项“北极的

52、海冰正在以和南极一样快的速度消失”,文章第二段倒数第二句The Arctic is losing sea ice five times faster than the Antarctic is gaining it, so on average, the Earth is losing sea ice very quickly.(北极海冰融化的速度是南极海冰融化速度的五倍,所以平均而言,地球海冰融化的速度非常快),A选项可排除。B选项“南极海冰的融化速度比北极快得多”,文章第二段倒数第二句The Arctic is losing sea ice five times faster than t

53、he Antarctic is gaining it, so on average, the Earth is losing sea ice very quickly.(北极海冰融化的速度是南极海冰融化速度的五倍,所以平均而言,地球海冰融化的速度非常快),B选项可排除。D选项“海冰正在消失的是北极,而不是南极”,可定位到文章倒数第四段第二句In places where warm winds blowing from the tropics towards Antarctica had become stronger, sea ice was being lost rapidly.(在从热带吹

54、向南极洲的暖风变得更强的地方,海冰正在迅速消失),可排除D选项。因此C选项正确。4.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。通读全文。B选项“全球变暖”,文章第二段最后一句There is no inconsistency between our results and global warming.(我们的研究结果与全球变暖并不矛盾),研究结果与全球变暖并不矛盾,可推测海冰的消失与全球变暖脱不开关系,B选项为正确答案。A选项“来自北方的风”,文章所说,风会造成海冰的减少,也会造成海冰的增加,A选项可排除。C选项“生态不平衡”,文章没有提到此内容,C选项可排除。D选项“未知因素”,文章已经有研究

55、结果,不存在未知因素,D选项可排除。因此B选项正确。5.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。D选项“作者找到了解决海冰融化的办法”,作者并没有找到解决海冰融化的办法,海冰的消失作用于环境变化,作者不可能找到办法,D选项正确。A选项“文章没有讨论遏制全球变暖的有效措施”,文章没有提到解决全球变暖的办法,可排除A选项。B选项“军事卫星在调查海平面上升方面起着非常重要的作用”,文章第一段最后一句has been solved using data from U.S. military satellites.(南极洲周围海冰的扩张之谜已经通过美国军事卫星的数据得到了解决),B选项正确,可排除。C选项

56、“北极海平面处于历史最低水平”,文章第三段第二句This summer saw a record low in Arctic sea ice since satellite measurements began 30 years ago.(今年夏天,北极海冰数量创下了30年前卫星测量以来的新低),可排除。因此D选项正确。4. 单选题A generation of e-mailing, followed by an explosion in texting, has pushed the telephone conversation into serious decline, creating

57、new tensions between baby boomers and millennial-those in their teens, 20s and early 30s.Nearly all age groups are spending less time talking on the phone; boomers in their mid-5Os and early 60s are the only ones still yakking as they did when Ma Bell was Americas communications queen. But the fall

58、of the call is driven by 18-to-34-year-olds, whose average monthly voice minutes have plunged from about 1,200 to 900 in the past two years, according to the research by Nielsen. Texting among 18-to-24-year-olds has more than doubled in the same period, from an average of 600 messages a month two ye

59、ars ago to more than 1, 400 texts a month, according to Nielsen.Young people say they avoid voice calls because the immediacy of a phone call strips them of the control that they have over the arguably less-intimate pleasures of texting, e-mailing, or Face booking. They even complain that phone call

60、s are by their nature impolite, more of an interruption than the blip of an arriving text. The bias, against unexpected phone calls stems in good part from the way texting and e-mail have conditioned young people to be cautious about how they communicate when they are not face to face, experts, say.

61、Deborah Tannen, a linguistics professor at Georgetown University who studies how people converse in everyday life, said older generations misinterpret the way younger people use their cellphones. “One student told me that it takes her days to call her parents back and the parents thought she was int

62、entionally putting them off.” she said. “But the parents didnt get it. Its the medium.”The difference in communications preferences has created a palpable perception gap between young adults and their parents. Jane Beard, who coaches business leaders on public speaking, said that when her niece, Lin

63、dsay Spencer, 20, “is in classes at the University of Maryland, Ill never hear from her until she comes over to do the laundry. We text multiple times a day.”But Beard is understanding about the change in ways of conversing. Not all parents are quite that open to new ways. “My mom gets offended,” sa

64、id Muggaga Kintu, 32, an administrative assistant at Walter Reed Army Medical Center who prefers texting or calling on his own time when hes not around patients. “She thinks I dont want to hear from her, and thats not the case. One day she called me when I was at work, and I told her, Instead of calling me, can you text me? What? You dont like to hear from me? You dont like the sound of my voice? She said.”1. Who drives the decline of telephone conversation according to the research by Nielsen?2. Why do the young people avoid phone calls?3. What do experts say about young peoples bias against

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