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1、2022年考博英语-厦门大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题A completely new situation will_when the new examination system comes into existence.问题1选项A.riseB.raiseC.ariseD.arouse【答案】C【解析】句意:当新的考试制度出现时, 将会出现一个全新的局面。rise提高, 上升; raise筹集, 养育; arise出现, 上升; arouse引起, 唤起。只有选项C有出现, 产生的意思。所以本题选C。2. 单选题Since the early 1990s, conserv

2、ationists have_protecting the Amazon in part because of its abundance of plant and animal species.问题1选项A.called forthB.called backC.called upD.called for【答案】D【解析】called forth引起, 唤起; called back召回; called up召集,提出; called for呼吁, 提倡。句意:自从1990年起, 环保人士一直呼吁保护亚马逊, 因为该地区有着丰富的动植物物种。选项D符合句意。3. 单选题Before start

3、ing my own business, I had to_my bosss peculiar working plan.问题1选项A.play the devil withB.play along withC.play checkmate withD.play the bear with【答案】B【解析】play the devil with搞糟, 使失败; play along with参与; play checkmate with把 将死; 使一败涂地; play the bear with破坏。句意:在开始自己的事业之前, 我必须参与老板独特的工作计划。选项B符合句意。4. 单选题So

4、me anthropologists claim that a few apes have been taught a rudimentary sign languages, but skeptics argue that the apes are only_their trainers.问题1选项A.imitatingB.condoningC.instructingD.acknowledging【答案】A【解析】imitating模仿, 效法; condoning宽恕, 赦免; instructing指导, 教; acknowledging承认, 答谢。句意:一些人类学家声称, 一些猿类已经

5、学会了基本的手语, 但持怀疑态度的人认为, 猿类只是在模仿它们的驯兽师。选项A符合句意。5. 单选题The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City_shock and anger throughout the world.问题1选项A.temptedB.provokedC.summonedD.enveloped【答案】B【解析】tempted引诱, 诱导; provoked激起, 引起; summoned传唤, 召集; enveloped包围, 包封, 遮盖。句意:纽约双子塔的毁坏在全世界引起了震惊和愤怒。选项B符合句意。6. 单选题To

6、 survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must_the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world market demand.问题1选项A.improveB.enhanceC.guaranteeD.gear【答案】D【解析】improve改善, 增进; enhance增加, 提高; guarantee保证, 担保; gear适合。句意:为了在国家间激烈的贸易竞争中生存, 我们必须使我们生产的产品的质量和品种适应世界市场的需求。gear

7、 to使适应, 所以选项D正确。7. 单选题The bureau develops and implements US foreign economic policy and tries to_Americas economic interests with its foreign policy.问题1选项A.undertakeB.resolveC.obeyD.reconcile【答案】D【解析】undertake承担,保证; resolve决心; obey服从; reconcile使和解, 使一致。句意:该局制定和实施美国的对外经济政策, 并努力使美国的经济利益与其外交政策相协调。选项D符合

8、句意。8. 单选题The chances of infection of BSE or mad-cow disease may be slight, but that does not stop people_beef en masse.问题1选项A.shunningB.ignoringC.disregardingD.affronting【答案】A【解析】shun避开, 避免; ignore不理睬,忽视; disregard漠视; affront公开侮辱,冒犯。句意:感染疯牛病的概率是很小的,但这并不能阻止人们大量食用牛肉。选项A符合句意。9. 单选题He fears this months

9、increased violence may harm Kenyas vital tourist industry,much of which centers on _to see its exotic animals.问题1选项A.sahibB.shambleC.severityD.safaris【答案】D【解析】sahib先生, 阁下, 大人; shamble蹒跚, 摇晃的脚步; severity严肃,严重; safari旅行, 狩猎远征, 旅行队。句意:他担心这个月暴力事件的增加可能会损害肯尼亚至关重要的旅游业, 肯尼亚的旅游业主要是以在旅行中观赏野生动物为主。选项D符合句意。10. 单

10、选题A person who is_typically has anxious thoughts and difficulty concentration or remembering.问题1选项A.stressedB.exploitedC.preventedD.conquered【答案】A【解析】stressed紧张的, 有压力的; exploited利用, 剥削; prevented阻止, 避免; conquered战胜, 征服。句意:压力大的人通常有焦虑的想法, 难以集中注意力或记忆。选项A符合句意。11. 单选题Scientists are searching for the olde

11、st tree_because it can leach them a great deal about many issues related with climate change.问题1选项A.livelyB.aliveC.livingD.live【答案】B【解析】lively活泼的, 生动的; alive活着的, 现存的, 可作后置定语; living活的, 活跃的, 只作前置定语; live活的, 生动的; 实况转播的。句意:科学家们正在寻找现存的最古老的树, 因为它可以让他们了解许多与气候变化有关的问题。选项B符合句意。12. 单选题Euthanasia is a practice

12、 of mercifully ending a persons life in order to_the person from an incurable disease and intolerable suffering.问题1选项A.liberateB.confineC.releaseD.apprehend【答案】A【解析】liberate解放,解脱; confine限制; release释放; apprehend理解,逮捕。句意:安乐死是一种仁慈地结束一个人的生命, 从而使病人从不可医治的绝症和无法忍受的痛苦中解脱出来的做法。选项A符合句意。13. 单选题Language, cultur

13、e, and personality may be considered_of each other in thought, but they arc inseparable in fact.问题1选项A.indistinctlyB.separatelyC.irrelevantlyD.independently【答案】D【解析】indistinctly不清楚地, 分不清地; separately分别地, 分离地; irrelevantly无关地, 不相干地; independently独立地。句意:语言、文化和人格在思想上可以相互独立, 但实际上是不可分割的。选项D符合句意。14. 单选题So

14、me people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to_wonderful bargains in the market.问题1选项A.pick upB.bump intoC.pile upD.bring back【答案】A【解析】pick up捡起, 获得, 买到; bump into偶然碰上, 猛撞, 猛击; pile up堆集, 相撞; bring back拿回来, 使.恢复; 使.回忆起。句意:有些人喜欢在星期天购物, 因为他们希望能在市场上买到物美价廉的东西。选项A符合句意。15. 单选题Despite

15、almost universal_of the vital importance of womens literacy, education remains a dream for far many women in far too many countries of the world.问题1选项A.confessionB.identificationC.acknowledgementD.compliment【答案】C【解析】confession忏悔, 供认;identification鉴定, 识别;acknowledgement承认, 认知;compliment恭维, 称赞。句意:尽管几乎

16、普遍承认妇女识字的至关重要性, 但对世界上许多国家的许多妇女来说, 教育仍然是一个梦想。选项C符合句意。16. 单选题In most peoples mind, growth is associated with prosperity. We judge how well the economy is doing by the size of the Gross National Product (GNP), a measure, supposedly, of growth. Equally axiomatic, however, is the notion that increased pr

17、essure on dwindling natural resources must inevitably lead to a decline in prosperity, especially when accompanied by a growth in population. So, which is correct: growth means prosperity and no growth means adversity, or growth means adversity and no growth meanswhat?What growth advocates mean, pri

18、marily, when they say growth is necessary for prosperity is that growth is necessary for the smooth functioning of the economic system. In one arena the argument in favor of growth is particularly compelling and that is with regard to the Third World. To argue against growth, other than population g

19、rowth, in light of Third World poverty and degradation seems callous, if not cruel, the pompous postulating of the comfortable and the secure. But is it? Could it be that growth, especially the growth of the wealthier countries, has contributed to the impoverishment, not the advancements of Third Wo

20、rld countries? If not, how do we account tor the desperate straits these countries find themselves in today after a century of dedication to growth?To see how this might be the case we must look at the impact of growth on Third World countries - the reality, not the abstract stages-of-economic-growt

21、h nostrum propounded through rose-colored glasses by academicians of the developed world. What good is growth to the people of the Third World if it means the conversion of peasant farms into mechanized agri-businesses producing commodities not for local consumption but for export, if it means the s

22、tripping of their land of its mineral and arboreal treasures to the benefit of foreign investors and a handful of their local collaborators, if it means the assumption of a crushing foreign indebtedness, the proceeds of which goes not into the development of the country but into the purchase of luxu

23、ry cars, the padding of Swiss bank accounts, and the buying of condominiums in Miami?Admittedly, this is an oversimplification, which applies to no country in its entirety and to some countries not at all. But the point, I believe, remains valid: that growth in underdeveloped countries cannot simply

24、 be judged in the abstract; it must be judged based on the true nature of growth in these societies, on who benefits and who is harmed on where growth is leading these people and where it has left them. When considered in this way, it just might be that in the present context growth is more detrimen

25、tal to the well-being of the wretched of the earth than beneficial.So, do we need growth for prosperity? Only the adoption of zero growth can provide the answer. But that is a test not easily undertaken. Modern economies are incredibly complex phenomena, a tribute to mans ability to organize and a c

26、hallenge to his ability to understanding. Anything that affects their functioning, such as a policy of zero growth, should not be proposed without a wary prudence and a self-doubting humility. But if the prospect of leaping into the economic unknown is fear-inspiring, equally so is the prospect of l

27、etting that fear prevent us from acting when the failure to act could mean untold misery for future generations and perhaps environmental catastrophes which threaten our very existence. 1.Which of the following statements does the author support?2.It is implied in Paragraphs 2 and 3 that( ).3.With r

28、egard to the economic development in Third World countries the author is actually saying that( ) .4.The author seems to believe that prosperity( ).5.The answer of the author to the question Do we need growth for prosperity is ( ).问题1选项A.Gross National Product is a safe measure for economic growth.B.

29、Diminishing natural resources will prove harmful to the well-being of humanity.C.A decline in prosperity will inevitably lead to a growth in population.D.Growth in population will be a chief threat to economic prosperity.问题2选项A.the smooth functioning of the economic system is dependent on sustained

30、prosperityB.economic growth has not contributed to the poverty of the Third World countriesC.growth in richer countries is achieved at the expense of the Third World countriesD.the stages of economic growth cannot be superseded or modified by social mechanisms问题3选项A.the people in these countries hav

31、e not actually benefited from itB.inadequate investment has seriously affected the developmentC.deep debt virtually makes further growth in these countries impossibleD.agriculture in these countries should have been left intact问题4选项A.can be achieved without economic growthB.can only be achieved with

32、 economic growthC.is a tribute to mans ability and creativityD.is fragile in face of environmental catastrophes问题5选项A.negativeB.positiveC.vagueD.inconclusive【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A第5题:A【解析】第1题:1.根据文章第一段第三句Equally axiomatic, ., especially when accompanied by a growth in population.同样不言自明的是, 对日益减少的自然

33、资源施加越来越大的压力必然导致繁荣的衰落, 特别是在伴随人口增长的情况下。选项B符合原文。2.根据原文二三段的内容可知, 作者在第二段提出问题:富裕国家的增长是否导致了第三世界国家的贫困, 而不是进步?如果不是这样的话, 那么又怎么解释这些国家为什么在致力于增长的一个世纪之后, 今天仍处于绝望而不可自拔的境地呢?作者在第三段给出了答案, 这种增长并没有给这些国家的人们带来好处, 而是让外国投资者及少数本地合作者获益。 选项C符合原文。3.根据第三段的内容可知:经济增长对第三世界国家的人们并无好处, 因为他们的农产品是为了出口, 矿产和其他资源被剥夺, 而他们却要背负沉重的外债, 这只会让国外投

34、资者和少数本地人获益。所以选项A符合原文。4.根据第五段的一二句So, do we need growth for prosperity? Only the adoption of zero growth can provide the answer.我们需要增长来实现繁荣吗?采用零增长也可以保持社会经济的繁荣。选项A符合原文。5.结合文章内容可知, 作者对增长持否定的态度, 因为增长给第三世界国家以及环境带来了种种危害, 所以本题选A。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:17. 单选题In writing his account of these important events, he wil

35、l not_his experiences in the order in which they happened.问题1选项A.classifyB.compareC.composeD.arrange【答案】D【解析】classify分类;compare比较;compose构成;arrange排列。句意:在记录这些重要事件时, 他不会按照事件发生的顺序来对其进行排列。选项D符合句意。18. 单选题President Bush warned Congress on Wednesday that inaction on his push to_Social Security could breed

36、 political repercussions.问题1选项A.accustomB.formulateC.overhaulD.dismantle【答案】C【解析】accustom使习惯于; formulate用公式表示,明确地表达;overhaul检查, 革新; dismantle拆除,取消。句意:布什总统于星期三对国会发出警告,如果不支持他推动社会保险的全面改革可能会产生政治影响。选项C符合句意。19. 单选题He acknowledged that the_of financial support in the election took long hours of persuasion.

37、问题1选项A.gestationB.enlistmentC.establishmentD.temperance【答案】B【解析】gestation怀孕, 酝酿;enlistment征募, 获得; establishment确立, 制定; temperance节欲, 戒酒。句意:他承认在选举中获得财政支持需要长时间的劝说。选项B符合句意。20. 案例题As researchers learn more about how childrens intelligence develops, they are increasingly surprised by the power of parents

38、. The power of the school has been replaced by the home. To begin with, ail the factors which are part of intelligence the childs understanding of language, learning patterns, curiosityare established well before the child enters school at the age of six. Study after study has shown that even after

39、school begins, childrens achievements have been far more influenced by parents than by teachers. This is particularly true about learning that is language-related. The school rather than the home is given credit for variations in achievement in subjects such as science.In view of their power its sad

40、 to see so many parents not making the most of their childs intelligence. Until recently parents had been warned by educators who asked them not to educate their children. Many teachers now realize that children cannot be educated only at school and parents are being asked to contribute both before

41、and after the child enters school.Parents have been particularly afraid to teach reading at home. Of course, children shouldnt be pushed to read by their parents, but educators have discovered that reading is best aught individually一and the easiest place to do this is at home. Many four and five-yea

42、r-olds who have been shown a few letters and taught their sounds will compose single words of their own with them even before they have been taught to read.1.What have researchers found out about the influence of parents and the school on childrens intelligence?2.What do researchers conclude about c

43、hildrens learning patterns?3.In which area may school play a more important role?4.Why did many parents fail to make the most of their childrens intelligence?5.The author suggests in the last paragraph that parents should be encouraged to .【答案】1.Parents have greater influence than school.2.They are

44、established well at the age of six.3.Subject such as science.4.They were warned by educators not to educate their children.5.teach reading at home.【解析】1.根根据第一段第四句 Study after study has shown that even after school begins, childrens achievements have been far more influenced by parents than by teache

45、rs. 一项又一项研究表明, 即使在开学后, 孩子们的成绩也更多地受到父母的影响, 而不是老师的影响。2.根据第一段第三句To begin with, all the factors . are established well before the child enters school at the age of six.在儿童六岁入学之前, 所有与智力相关的因素, 如儿童对语言的理解力、学习模式、好奇心都已经确定。3.根据第一段最后一句 The school rather than the home is given credit for variations in achievemen

46、t in subjects such as science. 在诸如科学这类科目中取得成就时, 受到称赞的是学校而非家庭。4.根据第二段的第二句Until recently, parents had been warned by educators who asked them not to educate their children.直到最近, 教育学家还告诫父母不要教育他们的孩子。5.根据最后一段的第二句.children shouldnt be . to do this is at home. 当然, 父母不应该强迫孩子阅读, 但教育工作者发现, 阅读是最好的个别化教学, 而最容易的地方是在家里。作者其实是鼓励父母在家里教孩子阅读。

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