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1、2022年考博英语-华南师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题As civilization( )in the direction of technology, it passes the point of supplying all the basic essentials of life- food, shelter and clothes.问题1选项A.processesB.precedesC.proceedD.exceeds【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A: process “加工,处理” ;B: precede “领先”;C: proceed “行进”;D: exce

2、ed “超过”。句意:随着文明朝着科技的方向前进,它改变了生活最基本的要素食物、住所和衣服。结合此处题干:朝着科技的方向,判断出C选项为正确答案。2. 单选题Today chemicals are used to destroy crop insects, to preserve food and to purify our water among many other( ).问题1选项A.mattersB.thingsC.businessesD.accounts【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在的化学用品被用于杀死害虫,保护庄稼食物,还用于净化水源,还用于许多其他的事项。根据句意

3、,空格处并列前文提及的化学剂的用途,则A 项“事件;事情”最符合用法。3. 单选题The dilemma I was caught in several years ago bears a close( )to the one you are involved in today, so perhaps I can give you some advice.问题1选项A.likenessB.resemblanceC.analogyD.familiarity【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A: likeness “相像;相似物;样子”;B: resemblance “相似性”;C: analo

4、gy“类比,类似”;D: familiarity “熟悉,精通”。句意:几年之前我经历的困境和你现在所处的困境是极其相似的,所以也许我能给你一些建议。结合此处语境,谈及到两者具有相似性,因此B为正确答案。4. 单选题Last year, the government asked the University of Nottingham to carry out research on the skills of university students. The findings confirm the disquiet of employers at the lack of basic ski

5、lls they observe in some graduates. British universities have usually admitted only the best students, so it is surprising to read about these findings.The research showed that less than one university student in five achieves the levels expected of bright 18-year-olds in all three of the key skills

6、 of communication, the application of number, and information technology (IT).Some have argued that there are two other key skill areas where students might be expected to show some ability-improving their own learning, and working with others. If we add in these skill areas, the research shows that

7、 only about a dozen students among nearly two hundred tested across ten universities scored top marks.Not many universities focus on these general, basic skills. Indeed, many universities assume that their highly-qualified if incoming students have all these skills. But are they right to assume that

8、? If they are not, then university educators may have to start paying more attention to developing such skills than they have in the past.It is of course possible to get a good degree, even from a top class university, and not necessarily if have all-round skills necessary for operating in employmen

9、t and everyday situations. Some graduates are not good at IT; others have difficulty in the application of number skills. Many are poor in communication skills in speech, or writing, or both. For example, many employers note that even highly-qualified graduates have difficulty in giving a clear expl

10、anation of something they understand to a group of people listening.Achievement of these skills is not normally required in high school; however, one might expects students to be better in these skills than they are.The results from the University of Nottingham survey need to-be treated with some ca

11、re: the sample was small, and we only assessed students who could be present at certain times of the day; we were not able to assess every aspect of every skill. ( But even if we doubled the number of students tested who achieved level 3 on our tests- just below the minimum level required by employe

12、rs- two thirds of first year students would not nut achieve these minimum levels.Each of the students took part in a two-and-a-half hour assessment session. During this session they completed pencil and paper tests. They also did a group exercise and presentation, during which they had to work with

13、others, and then each in turn present an oral report. In addition, they were asked to complete a self-report questionnaire covering their knowledge and experience of IT.Many would argue that being brilliant in any one or two of these skills is not enough, students should really have an all-round abi

14、lity in all these skill areas. The story is much less encouraging when we look at success in a combination of skills. Only about five percent of those sampled achieved acceptable levels in all five skill areas.The fact is that university courses vary a great deal. In some instances, they allow stude

15、nts to do very well at certain things that are highly valued within their academic fielD.However, these qualities may not transfer easily to other situations. Many employers go to particular institutions, and particular degree subjects hoping to find the kind of graduate they want. The government is

16、 now considering ways in which training in these skills can be built into every degree programmed offered.This may strike fear into the hearts of many university lecturers, who are already having to cope with much greater demands on their teaching and research skills. However, there is reason to bel

17、ieve that some institutions are already dealing with the problem, and with some success. For example, the University of Loughborough (near Nottingham) has an excellent programme in study and IT skills, and the University checks on students skills as they proceed through their courses. These universi

18、ties now realize that basic skills not only help their students to learn more effectively, they also make them more employable once they have left the university.1.What are the basic skills of the university graduates?2.Some argued that other basic skills like( )are also expected.3.Usually, achievem

19、ent of these basic skills is not normally required in( ).4.Why should the results from the University of Nottingham survey be treated with some care?5.How much percent of the sampled achieved acceptable level in all five skills areas according to the passage?问题1选项A.CommunicationB.Application of numb

20、erC.Information technologyD.All of the above问题2选项A.the ability to improve their own learningB.the ability to make independent decisionC.the ability to explain something clearlyD.the ability of passing paper tests问题3选项A.collegesB.high schoolsC.communicationD.graduate问题4选项A.The survey is not accurateB

21、.The survey is not accepted by the publicC.Most of the students are top students in the universityD.The survey only assessed a small part of the students.问题5选项A.6%B.5%C.30%D.44%【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由题干关键词basic skills可以定位到文章第中 “The research showed that less than one university stu

22、dent in five achieves the levels expected of bright 18-year-olds in all three of the key skills of communication, the application of number, and information technology (IT).” 中文翻译为:研究表明, 在沟通、应用数字和信息技术这三项关键技能方面,只有不到五分之一的大学生 达到了18岁聪明学生的期望水平。可以得知这三项都是大学生的基本技能。因此D选项符合题意。2.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第三段中 “Some have

23、 argued that there are two other key skill areas where students might be expected to show some ability _improving their own learning, and working with others.” 中文翻译为:些人认为,在其他两个关键技能领域中,学生可能会表现出一定的能力,提高自己的学习能力,以及与他人合作。可以得知A选项符合题意。3.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章中 “Achievement of these skills is not normally require

24、d in high school” 中文翻译为:高中通常不要求取得这些技能。以及 “however, one might expects students to be better in these skills than they are.”,中文翻译为:然而,人们可能会期望学生在这些技能上比他们更好。可以得知B选项符合题意。4.细节事实题。由题干关键词“be treated with some care”可以定位到文章中 “The results from the University of Nottingham survey need to be treated with some ca

25、re: the sample was small, and we only assessed students who could be present at certain times of the day; we were not able to assess every aspect of every skill.” 中文翻译为:诺丁汉大学的调查结果需要谨慎对待:样本很小,我们只对一天中可能出现在某一时间的学生进行评估;我们无法评估每项技能的每个方面。可以得知D选项符合题意。5.细节事实题。由题干关键词achieved acceptable level可以定位到文章中 “Only abo

26、ut five percent of those sampled achieved acceptable levels in all five skill areas” 中文翻译为:在所有五个技能领域中,只有大约5%的样本 达到了可接受的水平。可以得知B选项符合题意。5. 单选题After completing the big dictionary which was popularly received by readers, this famous scholar set out to compile a( )to it.问题1选项A.complementB.supplementC.acc

27、essoryD.helper【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A: complement“补足物” ;B: supplement “增补,补充”;C: accessory “附件”;D: helper“助手”。句意:在完成了这部被读者普遍接受的大字典之后,这位著名的学者打算对其补充。根据句意判断出B为正确答案。6. 单选题He spoke so( )that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.问题1选项A.bluntlyB.convincinglyC.emphaticallyD.determinedly【答案】B【解析】考查副

28、词词义辨析题。A选项 bluntly “坦率地,率直地”;B选项 convincingly “使人信服地,有说服力地”;C选项 emphatically “坚决地,断然地”;D选项 determinedly “决然地,断然地”。句意:他讲得如此有说服力,以至于他的对手都被他的辩论所折服。结合此处句意,B选项正确。7. 翻译题Translate the following passage into Chinese.The reward of foresight for this nation is great and easily foretolD.But there must be the l

29、ook ahead, there must be a realization of the fact that to waste, to destroy, our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness, will result in undermining in the days of our children the very prosperity which we ought by right to hand down to t

30、hem amplified and developed.Optimism is a good characteristic, but if carried to an excess it becomes foolishness. We are prone to speak of the resources of this country as inexhaustible; this is not so. The mineral wealth of the country, the coal, iron, oil, gas, and the like, does not reproduce it

31、self and therefore is certain to be exhausted ultimately; and wastefulness in dealing with it today means that our descendants will feel the exhaustion a generation or two before they otherwise would.【答案】对这个国家来说,远见的回报是巨大的而且很容易预测。但是,我们必须向前看,而且必须认识到一个事实:如果浪费、破坏我们的自然资源,挖掘和消耗我们的土地,而不是增加土地的利用率,那么,这将破坏我们理

32、应传给后代的成熟且发展的繁荣。乐观主义是一个好的性格特征,但是如果过于乐观就是愚蠢。我们喜欢说我国的资源取之不尽、用之不竭,但是情况并非如此。国家的矿藏如煤、铁、石油、天然气等都不能再生,因此终将枯竭。现在浪费将意味着我们的后代比正常情况提前一或二代就感到资源的枯竭。8. 单选题For centuries animals have been used as( )for people in experiments to assess the effects of therapeutic and other agents that might later be used in humans.问题1

33、选项A.benefactorsB.companionsC.precedentD.surrogates【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A: benefactor“捐助者”;B: companion“同伴”;C: precedent “先例”;D: surrogate“代理;代用品,代替”。 句意:几个世纪以来,动物在实验中被用作人类的替代品,用来评价那些以后会用在人类身上的医疗制剂和其他制剂的效果。根据语境和句意可知D为正确答案。9. 单选题Her generosity is one of her most pleasing( ).问题1选项A.characteristicsB.attrib

34、utesC.traitsD.peculiarity【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A: characteristics “特性,特征” ;B: attributes “属性;特性”;C: traits “人的个性, 显著的特点”;D: peculiarity “特性;特质”。句意:为人慷慨是她最讨人欢喜的个性。结合此处语境,C为正确答案。10. 翻译题In contrast to the science of classical antiquity, modern science is basically unfinished whereas ancient science had the

35、 appearance of something completed to which the notion of progress was not essential. Modern science progresses into the infinite.Modern science has realized that a finished and total world-view is scientifically impossible. Only when scientific criticism is crippled by making particulars absolute c

36、an a closed view of the world pretend to scientific validityand then it is a false validity. Those great new unified systems of knowledgesuch as modern physicshave grown up in the scientific times only with single aspects of reality. And reality, as a whole, has been fragmented as never before; when

37、ce the openness of the modern world is contrast to the closed Greek cosmos.【答案】和古典时代的科学相比,现代科学基本上是未完成状态,然而古老科学有完成某样东西的表象,而且进步的概念对此非常重要。现代科学进入无限境地。现代科学已经知道,完美无缺的世界观在科学上是不可能的。只有当科学批评因为细节变成绝对而被削弱的时候,僵化自守的世界观才会妄称科学有效性一一然后,这个有效性也是虚假的。那些科学时代中伟大且新统一的知识体系一一比如现代物理只在现实生活的某方面已经逐渐发展。整体来看,现实已经前所未有的支离破碎。于此,现代世界的开

38、放性与封闭自守的希腊世界形成鲜明对比。11. 翻译题Directions: Put the following paragraph into Chinese. Write your Chinese version in the proper space on Answer Sheet.Under the impact of modern science, the very conception of the task of philosophy has undergone a radical reorientation. In very broad historical perspective

39、 it may be said that the philosophers throughout the ages have been engaged in three major endeavors: they have been searching for absolute truths regarding basic reality, and for absolute standards of morality; they have tried to construct a synthesis, a view of the universe and of mans place in it

40、, i.e., a perspective that would integrate the various contributions of the sciences into an intelligible and harmonious whole; finally, philosophers have attempted to clarify the meaning and the validity of the fundamental concepts, assumptions, and methods of knowledge and of evaluation.In the lig

41、ht of modern science, i.e., not only of its results and conclusions but especially of its open-minded attitude and critical approach, the search for absolute truth is largely being abandoned as fruitless, if not as meaningless. The spirit of contemporary science is critical in the sense that all its

42、 conclusions are considered sound or tenable only until further notice. In other words, neither of the extremes-dogmatism or skepticismis acceptable. The police of the open mind indicates that while we should keep all our convictions in principle open for criticism and revision, it is perfectly reas

43、onable to reply on well-confirmed assumptions until strong evidence forces us to modify or to replace them by other assumptions that are more strongly supported by relevant evidence.【答案】在现代科学的冲击下,哲学任务这个概念已经发生了彻底的再定位。从更广泛的历史角度来看,可以说,哲学家们自古以来都在从事三大事业:他们一直在寻找关于基本现实的绝对真理和绝对的道德标准。他们试图构建一种综合的观点,一种对宇宙及人类在宇

44、宙中所处位置的看法,是一种将科学的各种贡献整合成一个明白易懂的和谐整体的观点。最后,哲学家们试图澄清知识和评估的基本概念、假设和方法的意义以及有效性。根据现代科学,不仅根据其结果和结论,而且特别是其开放的态度和批评方法,对绝对真理的探索在很大程度上被放弃,即使不是毫无意义,也是徒劳无益的。当代科学的精神是“批判性的”,因为它的所有结论直到“进一步注意”才被认为是合理的或可成立的。 换句话说,这两个极端教条主义或怀疑主义都是不可接受的。持开放态度的警方表示,虽然,原则上,我们的所有信念都应公开接受批评和修改,但是,在有力证据迫使我们修改 或用因相关证据而得到更有力支持的其他假设来代替它们之前,回

45、应已充分证实了的假设是完全合理的。12. 单选题The boys smoked( )because they feared they would be scolded by the parents.问题1选项A.on the slyB.on the sideC.to the pointD.on the spot【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。A: on the sly “秘密地;暗地里”;B: on the side “作为副业;秘密地;非法地” ; C: to the point “中肯,扼要”;D: on the spot “当场;现场;在现场”。 句意:因为他们害怕父母责骂,所以这些男孩

46、偷偷抽烟。根据后文:because they feared they would be scolded by the parents.可知A符合语境,为正确答案。13. 单选题A conservative man always( )hostility to the changes that take place in the contemporary world.问题1选项A.cherishB.embraceC.embodyD.harbour【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: cherish “珍爱”;B: embrace “包括;拥抱”;C: embody “表现,象征”;D: har

47、bour “隐匿;怀着;包含,藏有”。 句意:一个保守的人总是对当今世界发生的变化怀有敌意。根据语境和句意可知D为正确答案。14. 单选题This countrys development of science was greatly undermined for large numbers of scientific( )were ejected from their motherland since the dictator came into power.问题1选项A.galaxyB.eliteC.personnelD.swarm【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A: galaxy “

48、银河” ;B: elite “精英”;C: personnel “全体人员”;D: swarm “一大群”。句意:这个国家的科学发展受到严重破坏,因为自从独裁者掌握政权,大量的科学精英就离开了故乡。由句意可知B为正确答案。15. 单选题Im( )on going to that flower show. I believe there are some specimens of Caration that Im interested in.问题1选项A.keenB.acuteC.shrewdD.enthusiastic【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。be keen on doing sth.表

49、示“渴望;热切;热衷于”。句意:我非常想要去看花展,我相信有一些我感兴趣的标本。结合句意,A为正确答案。16. 单选题The story is told that in the, medieval University of Paris the professors were disputing about the number of teeth in a horses mouth. They agreed that the number could not be a multiple of three, for that would be an offense to the Trinity;

50、 nor could it be a multiple a seven. Neither the records of Aristotle nor the arguments of St Thomas enabled them to solve the problem. Then a shocking thing happened. A student who had been listening the discussion went out, opened a horsed mouth and counted the teeth.I want to draw two conclusions

51、 from this parable. The first is that our present perplexities about universities derive from the act of this medieval student. He symbolizes the beginning of objective inquiry, the revolt against authority, the empirical attitude, the linking of academic study with the facts of life. His act introd

52、uced research into the university. After the horses mouth was opened knowledge became an open system. The second-conclusion is that we must think twice before we become nostalgic about the traditional university ideal. Not everything about the traditional university is worth preserving. The medieval

53、 university was hostile to what we now call academic freedom. To stay outside the corpus academicism set books even to interpret them in novel ways was to court heresy. The traditional university was not much interested in discovery: it was preoccupied with transmission of a crystallized culture. It

54、 was at certain periods not even interested in knowledge for its own sake. Many scholars pursued knowledge. If nor for preferment then as a means of spiritual and intellectual health, just as a man plays, golf not for the sake of golf but to keep down weight.I want to follow these two lines of thoug

55、ht by raising three question. The first is what do we want to perpetuate from the universitys long tradition? What, in other words, is the content of our loyalty to the university ideal? Secondly what obligations does the university have_what loyalties ought it to fostertowards contemporary society?

56、 And thirdly, what are the prospects that these two loyalties one to a traditional university ideal the other to the society in which we live can be reconciled?1.The passage mainly discusses( ).2.The author uses the parable to show that( ).3.The passage states that( ).4.The author would probably agr

57、ee with( ).5.The word “novel” in paragraph 2 is a synonym to( ).6.It could be inferred that the author mentions all the following except( ).问题1选项A.the most important function of a universityB.the differences between modern and medieval universitiesC.the content of the university idealD.the authors o

58、pinion on education问题2选项A.scientific research should be based on factB.the traditional university ideal is acceptableC.one should always observe animals carefullyD.one must listen carefully to what others say问题3选项A.The relationship between teacher and student is very simpleB.Many scholars pursue kno

59、wledge for spiritual and intellectual healthC.The realization of the university ideal depends on several important factorsD.The universitys long traditional is preferred by many scholars问题4选项A.Theories must be combined with practice.B.Science is not related to imaginationsC.The teaching environment

60、is the most important in achieving the university idealD.The medieval university had little merits.问题5选项A.cleverB.braveC.newD.interesting问题6选项A.the traditional teaching methodsB.objective inquiryC.the linking of academic study with the facts of lifeD.revolt against authority【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C第

61、5题:C第6题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。作者通过寓言引出传统教育理念,并对此做出两个结论:第一,我们目前对大学的困惑源于这位中世纪学生的行为,即客观探究、反抗权威等;第二,对传统大学理念要三思后再考虑践行。最后,作者提出三个疑问,一是我们应该延续传统大学的什么内容?大学有什么义务?这两种忠诚(一种是对传统大学理想的忠诚,另一种是对社会的忠诚)的前景是什么?这些内容都是和教育有关,因此答案为D选项“作者对教育的看法”。2.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段中 “I want to draw two conclusions from this parable.”,中文翻译为我想从这个寓言中得

62、出两个结论。以及后文“The first is that our present perplexities about universities derive from the act of this medieval student. He symbolizes the beginning of objective inquiry, the revolt against authority, the empirical attitude, the linking of academic study with the facts of life. His act introduced rese

63、arch into the university.”,中文翻译为:第一,我们现在对大学的困惑源于这个中世纪学生的行为。他象征着客观探究的开始、对权威的反抗、经验主义的态度、学术研究与生活事实的联系。他的行为把研究引入了大学。和 “The second-conclusion is that we must think twice before we become nostalgic about the traditional university ideal”,中文翻译为:第二个结论是,在我们对传统的大学理想产生怀旧情绪之前,我们必须三思而后行。可以得知B选项“传统大学教育理想是可以接受的”符合题意。3.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段中 “The second-conclusion is that we must think twice before we become nostalgic about the traditional university ideal.”,中文翻译为:第二个结论是,在我们对传统的大学理想产生怀旧情绪之前,我

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