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1、2022年考博英语-中国社会科学院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题You may have seen this when you tried to open a new bank or credit card account and you were presented with some multiple choice questions asking you to verify where you got your ( )or car loan.问题1选项A.complicationB.revenueC.mortgageD.chasm【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项com

2、plication“并发症;混乱;复杂化”;B选项revenue“税收收入;收益”;C选项mortgage“抵押;按揭”;D选项chasm“峡谷;分歧”。句意:当你尝试开立一个新的银行或信用卡账户时,你可能已经看到了这一点。你会被问到一些选择题,要求核实你的汽车贷款或是从哪里来的。C选项符合题意。2. 单选题About one and a half million years ago the climate of the world became much colder. This led to the caps of ice around the North and South APoles

3、 spreading to cover Bmuch North America and Northern Europe. Such periods of cold climate are called ice ages. The woolly mammoth lived in northern parts of the world Cbetween 300, 000 and 100,000 years ago. It was a favourite prey of Stone Age hunters, Dwho used its coat for clothes, and the meat a

4、s food.问题1选项A.PolesB.muchC.betweenD.who【答案】B【解析】考查形容词用法。B选项much不能直接修饰地名,应改为much of。3. 单选题Good writers are often also ( )readers who enjoy equally fiction and nonfiction, prose and poetry, philosophy and science.问题1选项A.carnivorousB.omnivorousC.herbivorousD.prestigious【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项carnivorous“食

5、肉的;肉食性的”;B选项omnivorous“杂食的;无所不吃的;无所不读的”;C选项herbivorous“食草的”;D选项prestigious“有名望的”。句意:优秀的作家通常也是的读者,这些人同样喜欢小说和非小说、散文和诗歌、哲学和科学。根据句意,此处选择B选项更为合适。4. 单选题Chicagos segregation of minorities is as old as the city itself. The African-American neighborhoods of todays South and West sides are located in exactly

6、the same parts of the city as the African-American neighborhoods of 1910. And from 1930 to today, these African America neighborhoods have been represented in Congress and in the state house by African-American politicians, who have done very little (other than pass Federal benefit programs) to lift

7、 African-Americans out of poverty. In the 2000 Census, for example, of the ten poorest census tracts in the entire United States, nine were located in the South and West Side African-American areas ruled by African-American congressmen Bobby Rush and Jesse Jackson Jr. The concept of Western Imperial

8、 Colonialism is very popular in the literature of racial exploitation. The continent of Africa was divided up into “colonies” by the major European Imperial powers in a very short period of time: just seven years, from 1885 to 1892. Previously, Britain had seized vast territories belonging to other

9、cultures for hundreds of years. But in 20th century America a new type of colony was invented: American urban colonies in the large metropolitan areas from the Midwest and Northeast to Los Angeles. These were made possible by the Great Migration of African-Americans from the South to the North, whic

10、h began during WWI. As they moved north, African-Americans were immediately confined to ghettoes defined by racial boundaries. No one doubts that this segregation was done intentionally. But its important to realize that this segregation was not created by the racist attitudes of the residents of Ch

11、icago (Chicago never had slaves) but by the ruling political elite. As soon as the African-American population of Chicago began to expand, the Great Depression hit and put many persons out of work. FDRs response to this was to create the New Deal programs of welfare, food assistance, and subsidized

12、housing. While this greatly helped unemployed persons of all races, for African-Americans it began the ghettoization of their people into what can only be called urban colonies in the large cities of the north. The pattern seen in the20 largest cities of the United States from 1920 to 2010 is remark

13、ably consistent. In 1920 19 of the twenty largest cities were all located in the North. All of these nineteen cities were from 92.5% to 99% white. The one exception was Baltimore, MD and that was 85% white. It had a slightly larger black population only because it was a port of entry for the slave t

14、rade. Similarly, all of these cities saw great increases in their black populations starting in 1920. By 1990 these cities were from 26 to 76% black. These cities did not lose whites because African-Americans moved in. Rather, it is more accurate to say that Americans are a highly migratory group, a

15、nd the big cities were ports of entry for European immigrants. So as whites left, politicians wanted to maintain their population numbers.By the 2010 Census the cities with the highest black populations were Detroit, MI, which was 83%black, and Newark, NJ which was 52%. (Sources: Census paper No. 76

16、 and Census 2010 Quick facts).And since in all the major industrial cities of the North, the destinations of job-seeking African-American migrants were controlled by Democrats, it is overwhelmingly clear that these great pockets of urban poverty were created and maintained by that one political part

17、y. Tragically all of these cities have very high rates of segregation, poor education for African-Americans; high unemployment, single motherhood, and crime. In Chicago, “negro wards” as they were then called, were quickly drawn up: their boundaries reflected (and promoted) the racial segregation of

18、 the time. Their political representatives were African-American, and they were expected to deliver votes to the Democratic Party. Most Americans dont know that Chicago is the center for black politics.Furthermore, since Lincoln freed the slaves, African-Americans in Chicago voted for Republicans, u

19、ntil a Democratic Mayor, Anton Cermak, took over; fired all the thousands of African-Americans who Republicans had given city government jobs, and took over the black vote. Since that time Chicagos African-Americans have been represented exclusively by black politicians, and always lived in poverty.

20、 What made the black submachine of Chicago possible was that Chicago already had in place a Democratic Machine. Exploitation is promulgated by urban Democrats as a way to manipulate residents and keep themselves in power. What makes the American Urban Colonialism plan so revolutionary and ingenious

21、is that it does not rely on agreements with foreign governments; the market price of iron ore, or cotton for profits; but on Federal benefit programs. These program dollars are infinitely more reliable and politically stable.1.According to the essay, American cities lost white residents due to ( ).2

22、.The essays convincingly demonstrates that( ).3.The Democratic Machine in Chicago provides incentives in the form of( ).4.Obama moved to Chicago because( ).5.According to the author, American urban colonialism is the result of( ).问题1选项A.white voters minority rule in the Republican partyB.the influx

23、of European immigrantsC.the migratory nature of AmericansD.ghettoization by African-Americans问题2选项A.power is more important than peopleB.white Americans are essentially racistC.the Civil War was fought for nothingD.slave trade determined the fate of ethnic minorities in American cities问题3选项A.segrega

24、tion of minoritiesB.high unemployment, single motherhood, and crimeC.federal benefit programsD.negro wards问题4选项A.the black submachine already had in place a Democratic MachineB.Chicago is the center for black politicsC.the Great Migration of directed African-Americans from the South to the NorthD.Ch

25、icago is the most segregated city in America问题5选项A.the ghettoization of African-American people in American citiesB.the segregation of minoritiesC.the political clientelism of the black submachineD.western imperial colonialism in Africa【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:A第4题:B第5题:B【解析】第1题:1.推理判断题。由文中“These cities di

26、d not lose whites because African-Americans moved in. Rather, it is more accurate to say that Americans are a highly migratory group.这些城市没有因为非洲裔美国人的迁入而失去了美国白人。更准确地不如说美国人是一个高度迀移的群体 ”可知C选项“美国人迁移的本性”正确。第2题:2.推理判断题。由文中“Exploitation is promulgated by urban Democrats as a way to manipulate residents and k

27、eep themselves in power.开发被城市民主党人作为一种操纵居民且让自己掌权的方式来宣传。”可知A项“权力比人民更重要”正确。第3题:3.推理判断题。由文中“.it is overwhelmingly clear that these great pockets of urban poverty were created and maintained by that one political party. 非常明显的是这些巨大的城市贫困区是由那一个政党造成并保持的。”和“What made the black submachine of Chicago possible w

28、as that Chicago already had in place a Democratic Machine. Exploitation is promulgated by urban Democrats as a way to manipulate residents and keep themselves in power.让芝加哥黑人子机构成为可能的是芝加哥已有一个民主党机构。开发被城市民主党人作为一种操纵居民且让自己掌权的方式来宣传。”的对应可推知A项“对少数民族进行种族隔离”正确。第4题:4.推理判断题。由文中“Their political representatives w

29、ere African-American, and they were expected to deliver votes to the Democratic Party. Most Americans dont know that Chicago is the center for black politics.他们(即芝加哥黑人)的政治代表是非洲裔美国人,他们被期待去将自己的选票投给民主党。大多数美国人不知晓芝加哥是黑人政治中心。”可知B选项“芝加哥是黑人政治的中心”正确。第5题:5.推理判断题。题目询问“美国城市殖民主义是 的结果”。由文中“No one doubts that this

30、 segregation was done intentionally. But its important to realize that this segregation was not created by the racist attitudes of the residents of Chicago (Chicago never had slaves) but by the ruling political elite.没有人怀疑这种种族隔离(即American urban colonies美国城市殖民地现象)被有意地进行,但是认识到它不是由芝加哥(其从未有过奴隶)居民的种族主义态度

31、而是由执政的政治精英造成的却很重要。”可知B项“对少数民族的种族隔离”正确。5. 单选题AAlthough pearls maybe formed by any shelled mollusk, the most valuable pearls are obtained from Bthe oysters. Except for Cimitation pearls, which are entirely man-made, all pearls are formed a secretion around an irritating body that enters the soft tissu

32、e of a mollusk. DIf the irritating body enters the mollusk by accident, a natural pearl forms.问题1选项A.AlthoughB.the oystersC.imitation pearlsD.If the irritating body【答案】B【解析】考查冠词用法。B 选项处oysters是复数形式,表示泛指,前面不应加定冠词the。6. 单选题35. Voluntary and non-remunerated donation may be sufficient for a country or a

33、 region Ato cover all its blood product needs, but Brequire an efficient organization and the elimination of “spurious Altruism”, non-monetary forms of compensation Cthat harm the social image of voluntary donation and obstruct Dits further development.问题1选项A.to cover all itsB.requireC.that harmD.it

34、s【答案】B【解析】考查主谓一致。B选项的require主语是donation,单数名词,应把require改为requires。7. 单选题If early humans ( )as much as they did, they probably ( )to evolve into different species.问题1选项A.did not move and intermingle. would continueB.would not move and intermingle. had continuedC.had not moved and intermingled. would h

35、ave continuedD.were not to move and intermingle. could have continued【答案】C【解析】由题干句末“进化成不同物种可知”,本题考查虚拟条件句。题干中的主语是early humans“早期的人类”,说明这是对过去事实的虚拟。因此只有C选项符合题意。8. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into good English.(1)孔子被中国各阶层的民众所铭记的原因有很多,其中一个最主要的因素就是孔子所倡导的教育方法通过提问引导学生思考。他还坚持教育中最重要的是人格的塑造。从后人叙述的关于孔子

36、的故事可知,他所倡导的是因材施教。(2)多年来,中国共产党和中国政府从基本国情出发,把人民的生存权、发展权放在首位,致力于减贫脱贫,努力保障和改善民生,发展各项社会事业,使发展成果更多更公平地惠及全体人民,保障人民平等参与、平等发展的权利。(3)最近的争论是关于修改欧盟的宪章问题。欧盟明年要增加十个成员国,需要有新的宪章来自我约束。因此各国政府正在构思修订有关外交事务、税收、政治避难和司法政策等问题的法规,并赋予欧洲议会更多的权利。【答案】(1)There are many reasons why Confucius can be remembered by Chinese people fr

37、om all walks of life, one of the most important factors is the method of education advocated by him to guide students to ponder by asking questions. Moreover, he insisted that the shaping of personality was the most important thing in educational activity. The stories about Confucius told by later g

38、enerations shown that he proposed teach students in accordance of their aptitude.(2)Over the years, based on the prevailing national conditions, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government have remained committed to a development concept that puts peoples right to subsistence and t

39、o development first. Committed to reducing and eliminating poverty, China has endeavored to guarantee and improve peoples well-being, and developed a full range of social undertakings, so as to ensure that the results of development benefit all the people in a fairer way, and that all enjoy the righ

40、ts to equal participation and equal development.(3)The recent debate was about modifying EU Charter. Next year EU will have ten member states added to it and need a new Charter to restrain itself. Thus, each member state of EU is now thinking about how to revise the laws and regulations concerning f

41、oreign affairs, taxation, political asylum, judicial policies and son on, and give European Parliament more rights.9. 单选题The committee puts every effort into enabling women to speak out against sexual harassment, and to get help when they are victims of it. Because the harassment is( )by silence, wo

42、mens voices must be heard.问题1选项A.persistedB.impededC.divulgedD.sustained【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项persist“坚持;存留”;B选项impede“阻碍”;C选项divulge“泄露”;D选项sustain“维持;支撑”。句意:委员会尽一切努力使妇女能够公开反对性骚扰,并在她们受到性骚扰时得到帮助。因为性骚扰是由沉默的,所以必须倾听女性的声音。由句意可知,是沉默使骚扰持续。因此D选项符合题意。10. 单选题Rarely ( )a technological development ( )an impact on

43、 many aspects of social, economic,and cultural development as greatly as the growth of electronics.问题1选项A.has. hadB.had. hadC.has. hasD.have. had【答案】A【解析】考查倒装句。句首以否定词rarely“罕见地”开头,后面语句形成部分倒装。句意:很少有一项科技发展能像电子技术的发展那样,对方方面面比如社会、经济、文化等产生如此重要的影响。结合句意及由主语a technological development可知谓语动词应为has had。把has 提前后

44、可得A选项。11. 单选题Russias economy until recently one of the fastest growing in Europe is in dire straits. Traditional industries such as steel are hurting badly. The decade-long consumer boom has turned into a slump as unemployment soars. The government has cash to spend after years of sensible budget po

45、licies, but the central bank will be forced to keep interest rates high as long as inflation is stuck in double digits and trust in the ruble remains shaky.The reversal in Russias economic fortunes is particularly painful. Since 1998 the year of Russias last financial crisis the economy has expanded

46、 eight-fold. As oil prices rocketed, so did the countrys self-confidence. Not content with presiding over the economic boom, the President Vladimir Putin vowed to restore his countrys great power status. Talks about a partnership with the West gave way to belligerent statements about a new Cold War.

47、 In the summer of 2008, Russian tanks trundled into Georgia. In early 2009, a dispute with neighboring Ukraine led Russia to cut off gas flows, leaving people in some European Union countries freezing and factories idle. Most Europeans want to see Russia stable and well-off. But they also believe th

48、at the economic crisis might bring opportunities for a political rapprochement. Some hope that the recession might just make the Russian leadership a little more humble or at least trigger reforms that would make it easier for the E. U. to strengthen trade and investment links.But while Russias rela

49、tions with the U. S. have been thawing since Barack Obama took over the White House, E. U.-Russia relations remain frosty. Talks about a new bilateral treaty on political and economic cooperation have made little headway. Hopes for a free trade agreement between Brussels and Moscow have withered aft

50、er Russia put its application for membership in the World Trade Organization on ice. E. U. -Russia energy cooperation remains stuck, which increases the risk of yet another gas crisis. Europeans have responded to Moscows ideas about constructing a “new European security architecture” with a distinct

51、 lack of enthusiasm.Most importantly, perhaps, Russia is incensed about E. U. efforts to draw the countries that lie between the E. U. and Russia closer into its orbit. Russia has traditionally regarded Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and other former Soviet states along its border as its “privileged sphe

52、re of influence”,in the words of President Dmitry Medvedev. The E. U.s new “Eastern Partnership” initiative, launched in May, offers these countries economic integration and stronger political ties. Although the E. U. has shied away from talking about the prospect of membership,however distant, it h

53、opes to help its eastern neighbors to become richer, more stable and more democratic. This would leave them better equipped to withstand Russian meddling and bullying.Moscow is particularly unhappy about the E. U.s offer to include Belarus traditionally a staunch Moscow ally in the Eastern Partnersh

54、ip, albeit on the condition that Minsk improve its shoddy human-rights record. When the E. U. recently offered a multibillion-dollar loan to help modernize the Ukrainian pipeline system conduit for 70% of Russian gas sales to Europe 一 Russian leaders were furious. Moscow has also tried to foil Europ

55、ean attempts to build stronger energy links with Azerbaijan. Potential for conflict exists in Georgia, where E. U. observers are the only ones left after Russia force Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and United Nations monitors to leave Abkhazia and South Ossetia.Wary of ceding in

56、fluence to Europe, the Russians have stepped up efforts to maintain their traditional fighting weight in the region. They have given large loans to neighbors hit by the economic crisis and sought to strengthen regional security and economic organizations that tie their neighbors closer to Moscow. Th

57、ey have also taken a more hands-on approach to “frozen conflicts” in Moldova and the Caucasus to keep neighboring governments on their toes.E. U. officials like to insist that its eastern policy does not clash with Russian interests in their common neighborhood. They have asked Russia to take part i

58、n some regional initiatives such as an effort to strengthen energy security. So far, though, Russia has refused to play ball. But the E. U. cannot simply pull back and allow Russia to dominate Eastern Europe. It must stick firmly to its objective of helping its neighbors to decide their own destiny.

59、 If Europe is to remain credible, there is no other course worth pursuing.1.Which of the following titles would best describe this article?2.Which of the following words best describes the tone of the passage?3.For the author, which of the following adjectives best describes President Putins attitud

60、e?4.What does the phrase “on their toes” mean?5.For the author, which of the following should be considered a top priority to ensure peace and stability in Eastern Europe?问题1选项A.Europe and Russias Continental Rift.B.Russias Geopolitical Role.C.Financial and Economic Mayhem in Russia.D.Crisis Averted

61、 between Russia and E .U.问题2选项A.Argumentative.B.Satirical.C.Objective.D.Critical.问题3选项A.Diplomatic.B.Pugnacious.C.Pusillanimous.D.Infantile.问题4选项A.To render neighboring governments impotent.B.To weaken the resolve of the neighboring governments.C.To keep the neighboring governments on a state of con

62、stant alert.D.To gain the support of the neighboring governments.问题5选项A.The E.U. should acknowledge Russias pan European initiatives.B.Russias new security and energy initiatives will foster pan European cooperation.C.Russia must agree to promote bilateral, multilateral and regional economic coopera

63、tion.D.E.U. should acknowledge Russias pan European initiatives.B.Russias new security and energy initiatives will foster pan European cooperation.C.Russia must agree to promote bilateral, multilateral and regional economic cooperation.D.E.U. should acknowledge Russias pan European initiatives.B.Russias new security and energy initiatives will foster pan European cooperation.C.Russia must agree to promote bilateral, multilateral and regional economic cooperation.D.E.U. should acknowledge Russias pan European initiatives.B. Russias new security and

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