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1、2022年考博英语-四川大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Science has long had an uneasy relationship with other aspects of culture. Think of Gallileos 17th century trial for his rebelling belief before the Catholic Church or poet William Blakes harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of Isaac Newton. The schism

2、between science and the humanities, if anything, deepened in the 20th century.Until recently, the scientific community was so powerful that it could afford to ignore its criticsbut no longer. As funding for science has declined, scientists have attacked “antiscience” in several books, notably Higher

3、 Superstition by Paul R. Gross, a biologist at the University of Virginia, and Norman Levitt, a mathematician at Rutgers University: and The Demon-haunted World, by Carl Sagan of Cornel University.Defenders of science have also voiced their concerns at meetings such as “The Flight from Science and R

4、eason,” held in New York City in 1995, and “Science in the Age of Information,” which assembled last June near Buffalo.Antiscience clearly means different things to different people. Gross and Levitt find fault primarily with sociologists, philosophers and other academics who have questioned in scie

5、nces objectivity. Sagan is more concerned with those who believe in ghosts, creationism and other phenomena that contradict the scientific worldview.A survey of news stories in 1996 reveals that the antiscience tag has been attached to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated the el

6、imination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to Republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research.Few would dispute that the term applies to the Unabomber, whose manifesto, published in 1995, scorns science and longs for return to a pre-technological utopia. But surely that

7、does not mean environmentalists concerned about uncontrolled industrial growth are antiscience, as an essay in US News & World Report last May seemed to suggest.The environmentalists, inevitably, respond to such critics. The true enemies of science, argues Paul Ehrlish of Stanford University, a pion

8、eer of environmental studies, are those who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth.Indeed, some observers fear that the antiscience epithet is in danger of becoming meaningless. “The term antiscience can lump toge

9、ther too many, quite different thing,” notes Harvard University philosopher Gerald Holton in his 1993 work Science and Anti-science. “They have in common only one thing that they tend to annoy or threaten those who regard themselves as more enlightened.”1.The word “schism” (Paragraph 1) in the conte

10、xt probably means ( ).2.Paragraphs 2 and 3 are written to( ).3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?4.The author takes Paul R. Gross book Higher Superstition as an illustration to show that ( ).5.The authors attitude toward the issue of “science vs. antiscience” is ( ).问题1选项A.conf

11、rontationB.dissatisfactionC.separationD.contempt问题2选项A.discuss the cause of the decline of sciences powerB.show the authors sympathy with scientistsC.explain the way in which science developsD.exemplify the division of science and the humanities问题3选项A.Environmentalists were blamed for antiscience in

12、 an essay.B.Politicians are not subjective to the labeling of antiscience.C.The “more enlightened” tend to tag others as antiscience.D.Tagging environmentalists as “antiscience” is justifiable.问题4选项A.traditional culture would greatly affect the development of scienceB.science is no longer vulnerable

13、 to be attackedC.different people may have different interpretation on scienceD.scientific community has become powerful enough to defend any critics against science问题5选项A.impartialB.subjectiveC.biasedD.puzzling【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.根据第一段的第一句话“Science has long had an uneasy relationship

14、 with other aspects of culture. ”科学与文化其他方面的关系一直都很紧张, 以及后面的举例可知, 20世纪, 科学和人文之间的分歧加深了。confrontation对抗;dissatisfaction不满;separation分歧, 裂痕;contempt蔑视。选项A和选项C意思差不多, 但注意句子中的措辞用的是deepened, 所以选项C更符合语境。2.第二段指出, 科学界如此之强大以至于可以对批评者置之不理但现在不同了。由于科学经费减少, 科学家开始著书抨击“反科学”倾向;第三段指出, 科学的拥护者也在一些会议上表达了他们的担忧。根据第一段提到的科学和人文之

15、间的分歧加深, 由此推断第二段和第三段主要是举例说明科学和人文的分歧。选项D正确。3.根据第六段的第二句“But surely that.seemed to suggest.”, 当然, 这并不意味着, 对不加控制的工业发展表示担忧的环保主义者也是反科学的, 而去年5月份刊登在美国新闻和世界报导的一篇文章却似乎暗示是这么回事。选项A一篇文章指责环境保护者为反科学者, 正确;根据第五段的内容,反科学的标签也贴在了许多其他群体上, 从提倡消灭最后残存的天花病毒库的官方人士到倡议削减基础研究基金的共和党人。这里面包含了政党人, 所以选项B表述错误。选项C在文中没有提及。选项D给环境保护者贴上“反科学

16、”的标签是有道理的, 错误。4.根据第四段的一二句“Antiscience clearly means different things to different people. Gross and Levitt find fault primarily with sociologists, philosophers and other academics who have questioned in sciences objectivity.”反科学对不同的人有不同的含义。格罗斯和莱维特主要挑那些质疑科学客观性的社会学家、哲学家和其他学者的毛病。选项C符合原文。5.作者只是客观地叙述了科学和

17、人文学科之间的分歧, 在文中没有发表任何自己的看法或态度, 所以作者的态度是客观公正的。选项A正确。impartial公平公正的;subjective主观的;biased有偏见的;puzzling疑惑的。2. 单选题( ) , explorers could never have found the cave.问题1选项A.But for the fissure had been spottedB.If not the fissure had been spottedC.Had the fissure not been spottedD.Had not the fissure been spo

18、tted【答案】D【解析】本句为省略了引导词if的条件句, 所以需要倒装。在这种情况下, 如果从句是否定形式且从句主语是名词, 那么否定词not放在名词前面;而如果从句主语是代词, 则把not放在代词后面, 如“haditnotbeen.”。所以选项D正确。3. 单选题The police had difficulty in_ the fans from rushing on to the stage to take photos with the singer.问题1选项A.limitingB.restrainingC.confiningD.restricting【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨

19、析。limit限制,限定;restrain抑制,控制,制止;confine限制,禁闭;restrict限制,约束,限定。Restrict一般指限制某物的大小、数量等;limit一般指空间、时间或数量的极限;confine侧重于不可逾越的限制,比如束缚、囚禁。restrain指阻止, 抑制, 通常与from搭配, 指阻止某人做某事。句意:警察很难阻止歌迷们冲上台与歌手合影。所以选项B更符合本句语境。4. 单选题To be frank,Id sooner you ( ) a good review yesterday for the coming test.问题1选项A.hadnt doneB.d

20、idnt doC.couldnt have doneD.wouldnt do【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。would sooner表示宁愿,句子应用虚拟语气。从句是对过去事实的虚拟,所以应该用过去完成时。选项A正确。5. 单选题We are not on very good ( ) with the people next door.问题1选项A.friendshipB.relationsC.willD.terms【答案】D【解析】ongood/badtermswith为固定词组, 意思是“和.关系很好/不和”。句意:我们和邻居的关系不是很好。6. 单选题The changing image

21、 of the family on television provides ( ) into changing attitudes toward the family in society.问题1选项A.insightsB.presentationsC.revelationsD.specifications【答案】A【解析】insight洞察力, 洞悉, 直觉, 眼光;presentation报告, 赠送;revelation启发, 暴露;specification规格, 说明书。句意:电视上家庭形象的改变为社会中对家庭态度的改变提供了参考。选项A符合句意。7. 单选题a large part

22、 of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is_ conditions or events.问题1选项A.in response toB.in favor ofC.in contrast toD.in excess of【答案】A【解析】短语辨析。in response to响应,回答;in favor of有利于,支持,赞同;in contrast to与形成对照;in excess of超过。句意:人类活动的很大一部分,特别是与环境有关的活动,是对条件或事件的反应。选项A符合句意。8. 单选题He sa

23、id it would not be all that difficult to reach a peaceful conclusion to the( ) .问题1选项A.paradoxB.dilemmaC.prejudiceD.conflict【答案】D【解析】paradox似非而是的论点,自相矛盾的话;dilemma困境,进退两难;prejudice偏见,成见;conflict冲突,争执,矛盾。句意:他说并不是所有的冲突都很难达成和平解决的共识。选项D符合句意。9. 单选题Aldous Huxley was a most unfortunate man. When he died in

24、1963 he must have expired in the confident belief that the event would be given wide coverage in the press the next day. After all, his career had not been without distinction. Where he made his big mistake was in dying on the same day that John F. Kennedy was assassinated. As a result Huxley got ab

25、out three column inches at the bottom of page 27.In the same way the death of Victor Farris has gone widely unnoticed because he foolishly shuffled off this mortal coil at the same time as Mr. Konstantin Cherenkov. Now, as you all know, Victor Farris was the chap who invented the paper clip, the pap

26、er milk carton too. And paper clips and milk cartons will be in use long after everyone has forgotten the name of the comrade who came between Andropov and whatever this new bloke is called.The same goes for the inventor of the supermarket trolley who died in Switzerland a few months ago. Fell off h

27、is trolley, so to speak. For all i know, he may be a household name in his own canton and they are putting up a statue of home wheeling his trolley, and are going to commemorate him on one of those ever-so-tasteful Swiss postage stamps we used to collect when we were younger and wiser, but I doubt i

28、f his name will be remembered outside the borders of his small country. Personally i forgot it within minutes of reading of his decease.Not that it matters. Somehow it is hard to imagine things like paper clips and supermarket trolleys having had a named inventor. Its like discovering that at a part

29、icular moment of history a particular person invented the spoon, or the chair, or socks. One assumes that these everyday objects just happened, or evolved through natural selection.It isnt necessarily so. I read only the other day that Richard Li invented the handkerchief. Almost everything else was

30、 invented either by Leonardo da Vinci (scissors, bicycles, helicopters, and probably spoons, socks and the Rubik cube as well) or by Benjamin Franklin (lightning-conductor, rocking-chair, bifocals) or else by Joseph Stalin (television).Its quite possible that Leonardo or Benjamin Franklin or Stalin

31、also invented the supermarket trolley. Certainly it has been invented more than once. Hardly was Herr Edelweiss (or whatever the Swiss chap was called) in his grave than news came of the death of Sylvan N. Goodman at the age of 86. Sylvan also invented the supermarket trolley or, as the Los Angeles

32、Times report calls it, the shopping cart.Be that as it may, Herr Edelweiss or Sylvan Goodman, or both, did a grand job and made supermarket shopping far less hellish than it would otherwise be. The next step will be to get the trolleys out of the shops and into the streets. You could put an engine i

33、n the front and call it a car. Or give it big wheels and a canopy and call it a pram. The possibilities are endless.1.It can be inferred from the passage that Herr Edelweiss_.2.The author writes this article in order to illustrate that_.3.Who probably invented spoons?4.By stating that Leonardo da Vi

34、nci invented helicopters, the author means_.5.What can be inferred about Aldous Huxley?问题1选项A.was remembered by the people all over worldB.made a lot of money from his inventionC.was not very famousD.was a business partner of Sylvan Goodman问题2选项A.the names of the people who invented the most useful

35、things are usually forgottenB.everyday objects are invented and evolve through natural selectionC.many everyday objects are invented more than onceD.many famous people have passed away without being noticed问题3选项A.Leonardo da Vinci.B.Benjamin Franklin.C.Victor Farris.D.a person unknown.问题4选项A.he real

36、ly did itB.he is a military scientistC.he painted in one of his masterpieces a helicoptersD.people turn to ascribe inventions to him but they are wrong问题5选项A.His death was not reported by the press.B.He was a famous inventor.C.He made a very big mistake in his late years.D.He died on the same day as

37、 John F. Kennedy【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.根据关键词“Herr Edelweiss”定位到最后两段,这两段提到Herr Edelweiss和Sylvan Goodman都曾发明了手推车;再根据第三段倒数第二句“but I doubt if his name will be remembered outside the borders of his small country.”作者怀疑他的名字是否会在这个小国之外被人记住。也就是说,Herr Edelweiss并不出名,选项C符合原文。2.结合全文内容可知,本文主要讲很多发明了日常用品

38、的发明家们的名字却没有被人们记住。选项A符合原文。3.根据第四段的第三句“Its like discovering that at a particular moment of history a particular person invented the spoon, or the chair, or socks.”这就像发现在某个特定的历史时刻某个特定的人发明了勺子,椅子,或者袜子。虽然第五段第三句提到Leonardo da Vinci发明了剪子、自行车、直升飞机、勺子、袜子和骰子等,但事实上作者想表达的意思是:人们只记得一些有名的人物, 却根本不知道是谁发明了这些重要的日常用品。所以本

39、题选D。4.和上一题一样,作者意在说明:人们只记得一些有名的人物,喜欢把他想象成发明了很多东西的人。5.根据第一段的倒数第二句“Where he made his big mistake was in dying on the same day that John F. Kennedy was assassinated.”他犯的最大错误就是在约翰肯尼迪遇刺的同一天死去。可知选项D符合原文。第一段最后一句提到Huxley的死讯只出现在报纸第27版的末尾部分,并不是没有报道,只是篇幅很小,所以选项A错误;根据“his career had not been without distinction.

40、”可知他并不出名;选项C理解有误,所以本题选项D。10. 单选题“Youth”and “culture” have been a rather more familiar pairing within sociology than“old age”and “culture”. Young peoples spending on clothes, stereo equipment and cosmetics meant that the teenager became a vitally important consumer of leisure goods and services. Thes

41、e features of young peoples experiences, along with their increasing proportion within the total population, inevitably caught the attention of several influential sociologists who went on to describe and analyze the phenomenon of “youth culture”. In recent decades, the situation has changed somewha

42、t. With the aging of the population, it is older people who represent an incasing proportion within the total population, some of whom enjoy relative affluence with high levels of disposable income. Consequently, it is older people, rather than young people, who are increasingly regarded as importan

43、t consumers of leisure goods and services. Several sociologists have begun to analyze the cultural implications of population aging. Andrew Blaikie in his book first addressed the phenomenon of “gray culture” at length.Blaikie focuses in particular on the change in styles of growing old embodied in

44、notion of the third Age. This is the stage of the life course after retirement from paid work, where activity, leisure and pleasure are enjoyed before the onset of old age proper brings social dependency, physical infirmities and death. Blailies book is not about how individuals with an accumulation

45、 of chronological years actually experience later life, but is instead an examination of the changing discourses of growing old as these are expressed in popular culture.Blailies analysis is sensitive to issues raised by the reconstruction of old age as a leisure and pleasure filled life course stag

46、e, including its meaningfulness to those without the financial or other resources necessary to enjoy it. Importantly, he also discusses what the cultural reconstruction of the post-retirement phase of life course means for our understandings and representations of deep old ageand biological inevitab

47、ility of death.For a book so concerned with the analyses of visual representations of later life, there are few actual illustrations. This must be regarded as a weakness. More often than not, the reader is wholly reliant on Blaikies own description of visual sources and his interpretation of how the

48、se represent later life. The reproduction of a greater number of cartoons or photographs would have greatly improved the persuasiveness of his analysis. Nevertheless, this is a timely book which makes an important contribution to the literature on the cultural reconstruction of later life.1.Accordin

49、g to the first sentence of the article, you can conclude that ( ).2.What are the main contents of Blaikies book?3.What caused the appearance of the gray culture phenomenon?4.Which of the following statements about the Third Age in paragraph 2 is true?5.The significance of the cultural reconstruction

50、 of old age mainly lies in ( ) .问题1选项A.youth are more familiar with sociology than elderlyB.the elderly are more familiar with sociology than youthC.there are more researches on behaviors and life styles of youth than those of the elderly within sociologyD.there are more researches on behaviors and

51、life styles of the elderly than youth within sociology问题2选项A.The problems raised by the aging of population.B.The change in styles of growing old.C.The consuming tendency of the older people.D.The analysis of visual description of later life.问题3选项A.An increasing proportion of older people within the

52、 total population.B.Older people are regarded as important consumers of leisure goods and services.C.Some sociologists have begun to study the cultural implications of an aging population.D.All of the above问题4选项A.The elderly cant work in this stage.B.The elderlys lives are full of pleasure during th

53、e whole stage.C.For the elderly, depending on society and death are inevitably finally.D.The elderly are afraid of death very much.问题5选项A.helping old people in financial difficulties to enjoy their livesB.helping the elderly to communicate with youth easilyC.helping the elderly to improve their life

54、 standardsD.helping us to understand the elders and death【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.第一段第一句的原意是:在社会学中, “青年”和“文化”是比“老年”和“文化”更为熟悉的一对。下文给出了原因, 由于年轻人的特性和所占人口比重大, 吸引了社会学家对“青年文化”现象进行了描述和分析。所以选项C符合原文。2.根据关键词“Blaikies book”定位到第一段的最后一句“Andrew Blaikie in his book first addressed the phenomenon of“gray

55、culture”at length.”而这种“灰色文化”现象即下文提到的“Blaikie focuses in particular on the change in styles of growing old embodied in notion of the third Age.”所以, 选项B符合原文。3.根据第一段后半部分内容“In recent decades, the situation has changed.the cultural implications of population aging.”选项A,B,C都是“灰色文化”出现的原因, 所以选项D正确。4.根据第二段的第

56、二句“This is the stage.brings social dependency, physical infirmities and death.”这是退休之后的人生阶段, 这个阶段的人们在老年产生社会依赖, 感到身体不适, 甚至可能死亡之前, 就可以享受到活动、休闲和娱乐。选项B符合原文。5.根据第三段的最后一句“.means for our understandings and representations of deep old ageand biological inevitability of death.”意味着我们对“老年人”的理解和表达以及生物死亡的必然性。选项D符

57、合原文。11. 单选题Some people criticize family doctors for ( ) too many medicines for minor illnesses.问题1选项A.prescribingB.orderingC.advisingD.delivering【答案】A【解析】prescribing规定, 开药;ordering订购;advising建议;delivering发表, 投递。句意:有些人批评家庭医生为小病开的药过多。12. 单选题During the construction of skyscrapers, cranes are used to (

58、) building materials to the upper floors.问题1选项A.tossB.towC.hoistD.hurl【答案】C【解析】toss投掷, 摇晃;tow拉, 牵引;hoist升起,提起;hurl丢下, 用力投掷。句意:在摩天大厦的建设期间, 使用吊车把建筑材料提到上面的楼层。13. 单选题( ) a research student, I would at least master two foreign languages.问题1选项A.Should I becomeB.I should becomeC.Would I becomeD.Have I beco

59、me【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气和倒装。对将来的虚拟用should+动词原形。这里实际上是if引导的条件句(用了虚拟语气),当省略if时,句子须倒装,所以选项A正确。句意:如果成为一名研究生, 我至少会掌握两门外语。14. 单选题This ( ) girl is Marys cousin.问题1选项A.pretty little SwedishB.Swedish little prettyC.Swedish pretty littleD.little pretty Swedish【答案】A【解析】考查多个形容词修饰名词时的词序。通常顺序是:限定词表示说话人评价的形容词表示大小、形状、新旧的形

60、容词表示颜色的形容词表示国别、来源、材料的形容词表示用途或目的的形容词或分词, 名词等类别词名词中心词。根据规则, 选项A正确。15. 单选题The decline in moral standardswhich has long concerned social analystshas at last captured the attention of average Americans. And Jean Bethke Elshtain, for one, is glad.The fact the ordinary citizens are now starting to think se

61、riously about the nations moral climate, says this ethics professor at the University of Chicago, is reason to hope that new ideas will come forward to improve it.But the challenge is not to be underestimated. Materialism and individualism in American society are the biggest obstacles. “The thought

62、that Im in it for me has become deeply rooted in the national consciousness,” Ms. Elshtain says.Some of this can be attributed to the disintegration of traditional communities, in which neighbors looked out for one another, she says. With todays greater mobility and with so many couples working, those bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self.In a 1996 poll of Americans, loss of morality topped the list of the biggest problems facing the U. S

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