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1、2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题5.问题1选项A.Her daughter likes ball games.B.Her daughter is an excellent girl.C.She and her daughter are good friends.D.She and her daughter wont understand each other.【答案】D【解析】W: Ive been so worried about my daughter. Shes so different in temperament from me. We a

2、re not always on the same wheeling. M: Thats quite common with mothers and daughters. W: She is a further personality and very much on the ball, but she is an excitable child. Q: What does the woman mean? 【解析】常用习语。女士说:We are not always on the same wheeling,意思是他们经常无法达成一致。2. 单选题12.问题1选项A.He was unhapp

3、y.B.He was feeling a bit unwell.C.He went to see the doctor.D.The weather was nasty.【答案】B【解析】W: Why didnt you come to work yesterday? M: I was feeling a little under the weather. W: Did you go to see the doc? M: No, nothing serious. Q: Why didnt the man go to work yesterday? 【解析】固定词组。男士说:I was feeli

4、ng a little under the weather,即他没去上班是因为身体不适。3. 单选题16-20问题1选项A.Because he had difficulty swallowing it.B.Because it was upsetting his stomach.C.Because he was allergic to it.D.Because it was too expensive.问题2选项A.He cant play soccer any more.B.He has a serious foot problem.C.He needs an operation.D.He

5、 has cancer.问题3选项A.A blood transfusion.B.An allergy test.C.A urine test.D.A biopsy.问题4选项A.To see if he has cancer.B.To see if he has depression.C.To see if he requires surgery.D.To see if he has food allergy problem.问题5选项A.Relieved.B.Anxious.C.Angry.D.Depressed.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】W: Hi

6、, Patrick, how are you feeling today?M: A bit better.W: Thats good to hear. Are you still feeling nausea?M: No. (16) I havent felt sick to my stomach since you switched my medication.W. Great, say, your test result came this morningM: Its about time. Is it good news or bad?W: I guess its a bit of bo

7、th. Which do you want first?M: Lets get the bad news over with.W: OK. (17) It looks like you are going to need surgery to remove your tumor from your leg. After the operation youre going to have to stay off your feet for at least 3 weeks. That means no soccer.M: Well, I was afraid you were going to

8、say that.W: Now. For the good news. (18) The biopsy shows the tumor is benign which means it is not cancerous. Were going to take it out anyway, just to be on the safe side.M: (20) Wow, thats a load off my mind. Thanks doctor.W: Dont get too excited, we still need to get to the bottom of all this wa

9、y of loathing.M: I probably have just been so worried about stupid lump.W: These things often are stress-related, but were still going to do a few blood tests just to rule a few things out.M: Things like what? Cancer?W: (19) Actually, I am thinking more along the line of food allergy.16. What did th

10、e man have to switch the medication?【解析】病人说胃里很恶心(upset),因此医生考虑要换药(switch the medication)。故本题答案为B。17. What is the bad news for the man?【解析】医生说“That means no soccer”, 即不能踢球,但并非永远不能再踢球,而是3个星期没法踢球。导致这个结果的原因是该病人腿部需要做一个手术。因此本题正确答案为C。18. What medical procedures have the man already undergone?【解析】通过对话内容可知,病

11、人已经做了biopsy(活检)。因此本题答案为D。19. Why did the doctor ask the man to take a few blood tests?【解析】医生告诉病人还需要做几个血液化验,来排除过敏(allergy)的问题。因此本题答案为D。20. Which of the following can best describe the mans feeling in the end?【解析】医生说“The belt shows the tumor is benign which means it is not cancerous. Were going to tak

12、e it out anyway, just to be on a safe side.”病人排除了恶性肿瘤等问题,应该是比较放松的。因此本题答案为A。4. 单选题4.问题1选项A.He prefers to take pills to get antioxid.B.He prefers to get antioxidants from food.C.He doesnt mind eating a lot every day.D.He is overcautious sometimes.【答案】A【解析】W: We need anti-oxidants to prevent ourselves

13、from developing cancer, but I dont like taking pills to get it.M: But you need to eat a mountain of food every day to get all of the anti-oxidants you need.W: I drink a lot of green tea; I eat onion, garlic and citrous food. I also get nine different colors of vegetables everyday.M: All those have a

14、nti-oxidants, but I want to be on the safe side.Q: What does the man mean?【解析】固定词组。be on the safe side意为 “安全可靠,稳妥”。5. 单选题9.问题1选项A.Quit smoking.B.Go jogging every morning.C.Work out in the gym.D.Go on a diet.【答案】C【解析】W: Why dont you try smoking one cigarette less each day, as well as going jogging ev

15、ery morning?M: Good idea, but I dont want to go jogging in the street and a treadmill may be a better choice. Im sure trainers at the gym would be able to give me more professional advice.W: That sounds good. There is one near my company. I am its regular member.M: Really? I will go in to have a loo

16、k.Q: What is the man most likely to do?【解析】细节题。男士说:but I dont want to go jogging in the street and a treadmill may be a better choice(但我不想在街上慢跑,跑步机可能是更好的选择),后来决定去健身房找专业人士咨询。6. 单选题4.问题1选项A.Hes nearly finished his work.B.He has to work for some more time.C.He wants to leave now.D.He has trouble finish

17、ing his work.【答案】B【解析】M: How is your work going? W: I think I will be finished soon. M: Well, I wont be finished for a while. Q: What can be inferred about the man? 【解析】推断题。男士说:I wont be finished for a while,即还要做一会儿。7. 单选题26-30问题1选项A.Helplessness and worthlessness.B.Feeling like a loser.C.Suicidal f

18、eeling.D.All of the above.问题2选项A.It encourages the patient to be a top student at school.B.It motivates the patient to work better than others.C.It makes it easy for the patient to make friends.D.It helps the patient hold a positive attitude.问题3选项A.By encouraging the patient to do the opposite at sc

19、hool.B.By urging the patient to face any challenge in reality.C.By making the patient aware of his or her existence.D.By changing the patients perspective.问题4选项A.Those who stop taking antidepressants.B.Those who ask for more medications.C.Those who are on the medications.D.Those who abuse the medica

20、tions.问题5选项A.Anxiousness.B.Nausea.C.Fever.D.Insomnia.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A第5题:C【解析】“Most people think when they are depressed, it just means you feel sad”, says Doctor R, a psychiatrist with Cornell university medical college. In fact, the so-call commonest symptoms of depression are probably the

21、 most painful for a lot of people which are a feeling that you are useless, worthless, unlovable, no good or loser. (26) A commonest symptom and a most extreme symptom, of course, is a suicidal feeling where you feel so hopeless that you dont believe anything will get better and you are better off.C

22、ombined therapy challenges that kind of thinking. For example, say, you are a depressed teen, someone at school says something credible, typically that might lead you to think you are a completely loser. (27)(28)DoctorF says the Combined therapy help patients see all the time they have been successf

23、ul, both at school and with friends. It is completely the opposite of how you feel. So you challenge them with reality. And then you correct their dysfunctional release and that will actually change the way they feel, F says. Its a sort of personal reality check that will connect experience in conte

24、xt. (29) Once the combination of medication and therapy work, patient may decide to stop taking anti-depressants. But they should do so with caution because they may experience side effect. They can get rebound kind of symptoms. (30) It can grow things like feeling anxious, or having insomnia, very

25、dizzy and having Nausea.26. What is the most serious feeling for people who are depressed?【解析】根据录音可知,很多抑郁症的人会觉得自己无用、没有价值、爰无能或者有失败的感觉。但是,最严重的一种感觉是想自杀的感觉。故C为正确选项。27. From which angle can the combined therapy help?【解析】通过录音可知,这个疗法能使得抑郁症患者觉得自己很成功,由此推理可知,该疗法是通过让病人持有积极的态度来进行治疗的。故本题选D。28. How can people in

26、depression be changed after the treatment?【解析】通过上文的解析可知,D为正确答案。29. Who are more likely to suffer from some side effects?【解析】通过录音可知,一旦药物治疗和心理治疗起作用了,病人就可以停止服用镇静药物,但极有可能遭受一些副作用(side effect)。因此本题答案为A。30. Which of the following is not the side-effects of stopping medicine?【解析】从录音中可知,停药后的副作用可以是焦虑(anxiousn

27、ess)、呕吐(nausea)、 失眠(insomnia),但并未提及发烧(fever),因此本题答案为C。8. 单选题15.问题1选项A.Ten years ago.B.Five years ago.C.Fifteen years ago.D.Several weeks ago.【答案】A【解析】M: Now, Id like to ask you about any illnesses youve had in the past. Could you tell me about this? W: Let me think.I had my appendix out when I was 1

28、5. And I had a chest infection when I was on holiday in the USA 5 years ago. Thats all. M: Could you tell me if youve had any accidents or injured yourself at any time? W: Well yes, I slipped on the ice and broke my neck 10 years ago. Actually I was in hospital then for several weeks. Id forgotten t

29、hat. Q: When did the woman have a bone fracture? 【解析】细节题。女士说:I slipped on the ice and broke my neck 10 years ago(10年前我在冰上滑倒摔了脖子),故选A。9. 单选题21-25问题1选项A.The cause of COPD.B.Harmful effects of smoking.C.D.B.Harmful effects of smoking.C.D.B.Harmful effects of smoking.C.Men more susceptible to harmful ef

30、fects of smoking.D.Women more susceptible to harmful effects of smoking.问题2选项A.954B.955C.1909D.1955问题3选项A.On May 18 in San Diego.B.On May 25 in San Diego.C.On May 18 in San Francisco.D.On May 25 in San Francisco.问题4选项A.When smoking exposure is high.B.When smoking exposure is low.C.When the subjects

31、received medication.D.When the subjects stopped smoking.25.问题5选项A.Hormone differences in men and women.B.Genetic differences between men and women.C.Womens active metabolic rate.D.Womens smaller airways.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】(21) Woman may be more susceptible to the lung-damaging effect t

32、o smoking than men, according to new research by Inga-Cecilie Soerheim, M.D., and her colleagues from Chiming Laboratory, Brigham and Women Hospital and University of Bergen Norway. (22) They analyzed the data from the Norwegian case control study, including 954 subjects with chronic obstructive pul

33、monary disease (COPD慢性阻塞性肺疾病)and 955 controls, all the current or ex-smokers. And COPD subject had moderate or severe COPD. Overall analysis indicated the women may be more vulnerable to the effect to smoking, which is something previously suspected but not proven, said Dr.Soerheim. (23) The study r

34、esults would be presented on May 18, at the 105th international conference of American society in San Diego. Examining the total study sample, there were no gender differences with respect to lung function (FEVI) and COPD severity, but the women were on average younger and had smoked significantly l

35、ess than men.To explore these differences further; they also analyzed two subgroups of the study sample: COPD subjects under the age of 60 (early onset group) and COPD subjects with less than 20 pack year of smoking (low exposure group). In both subgroups, women had more severe disease and greater i

36、mpairment of lung function than men.“This means that female smokers in our study experienced reduced lung function at a lower level of smoking exposure and at an earlier age than men, said Dr. Soerheim.It has long been suspected that the effect of smoking on lung function may be modified by gender.

37、Interaction analysis confirmed that being female represents a higher risk of reduced lung function and severe COPD, (24) but this gender effect of was most pronounced when the level of smoking exposure was low.The gender difference in COPD susceptibility seems to be most important when smoking expos

38、ure is low. Women may tolerate small amounts of tobacco worse than men,” Dr. Soerheim explained.According to Dr. Soerheim, the reason why women may be more susceptible to the effects of cigarette smoke is still unknown, but there are several possible explanations: (25) “Women have small airways, the

39、refore each cigarettes may be more harm. Also there are gender differences in the metabolism of cigarette smoke, genes and hormones could also be important.”21. Whats the most likely the topic of this talk?【解析】从短文录音的第一句便可知道答案:Woman may be more susceptible to the lung damaging effect to smoking than

40、men。因此本题答案为D。22. How many subjects did Dr.Soerheim recruited in the study?【解析】根据录音中.including 954 subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 955 controls可知,总共招录的实验对象(subjects))为954+955=1909,故本题答案为C。23. When and where was Dr.Soerheim present their study results?【解析】根据录音中的.May 18,

41、at the 115 international conference of American directive society in Santiago,可知本题的答案为A。24. According to the talk, when is the gender difference most likely to be obviously in COPD sensibility?【解析】从录音中“But this gender reset was most pronounced womens level of smoking exposure was low”可知,当smoking exp

42、osure较低时,性别差异最明显。25. Which of the following is not the explanation for womens great susceptibility to the effect of smoking?【解析】从录音最后“Women have small airways, therefore eat cigarettes may do more harm. Also there are gender differences in the metabolism of cigarette smoke, genes and hormones could

43、also be important.”可知,男女的新陈代谢和荷尔蒙差异、女性狭窄的气道都是让女性更容易受到吸烟后果影响的因素,但其中并未说女性比男性的新陈代谢更活跃,因此C正确。10. 单选题14.问题1选项A.250 Yuan.B.450 Yuan.C.650 Yuan.D.850 Yuan.【答案】B【解析】W: Good morning. Would you like the private hot spring room today? For three people, it would be 250 Yuan per hour.M: Are there any discounts?W

44、: Yes, It is 50 Yuan cheaper for each additional hour.M: Then well have two hours.Q: How much will the man pay?【解析】对话指出私人温泉是三个人每小时250元。有折扣,每增加一个小时优惠50元,问题问的是两个小时多少钱。11. 单选题13.问题1选项A.It is only a cough.B.its a minor illness.C.It started two weeks ago.D.Its extremely serious.【答案】C【解析】M: How long could

45、 you have these symptoms? W: Oh, I have the cough for two weeks, but feeling ill just seem to past a few days. Q: What do we know about the womans illness? 【解析】女士说:I have the cough for two weeks,即咳嗽是两周前开始的。12. 单选题12.问题1选项A.He is having a good time.B.He is very much like his old bicycle.C.He will buy

46、 a new bicycle right away.D.He would rather buy a new bicycle later.【答案】D【解析】W: Carl, your bicycle is too old, its not safe to ride. M: Yeah! I think I need to buy a new one, but all in good time. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】男士说:I think I need to buy a new one, but it will go with time(我考虑买新车,但这需

47、要时间)。13. 单选题问题1选项A.MinorB.Moderate.C.Intense.D.Severe.【答案】A【解析】10. M: How strong is the pain exactly? On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you describe the intensity of the pain?W: Id say the pain is about one on a scale of 1 to 10. Like I say, its not really bad. It just keeps coming back.Q: Which of t

48、he following would best describe the womans pain?【试题答案】A【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:以下哪个最能准确描述这个女士的伤痛?由文中“Id say the pain is about one on a scale of 1 to 10. Like I say, its not really bad.(我想说痛感是1到10等级的第一级。就像我说的,并不算很痛)”,可知A选项“Minor(轻度)”符合原文。B选项“中等的”;C选项“强烈的”;D选项“剧烈的”不符合原文。14. 单选题Heavy metals can impair cogniti

49、ve development in children, who are especially at risk because of their size and( )to absorb more of these substances than adults do.问题1选项A.characterB.resistanceC.temperD.tendency【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. character 性格;品质 B. resistance 抵挡力;阻力C. temper 脾气 D. tendency 倾向;趋势【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】重金属会对儿童的认知发展产生伤害

50、,儿童的体型和比起成年人能吸收更多的重金属物质,所以他们特别危险。根据句意可知儿童的体型和抵抗力都比较弱,所以才会比成年人更容易吸收重金属物质,所以B选项“抵挡力,阻力”符合题意【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合句意。【句意】重金属会对儿童的认知发展产生伤害,儿童的体型和抵抗力比起成年人能吸收更多的重金属物质,所以他们特别危险。15. 单选题2.问题1选项A.Take a holiday from work.B.Worry less about work.C.Take some sleeping pills.D.Work harder to forget all her trouble.【答案

51、】B【解析】W: Is there anything else I can do to help me sleep tonight? M: Dont worry so much about things of work. I know, I know, easier said than done. W: Should I stay home from work? M: No, I dont think thats necessary, just remember to stay calm. Q: What did the doctor suggest the woman do? 【解析】细节题

52、。医生建议:Dont worry so much about things of work(少想工作),故选B。16. 单选题5.问题1选项A.A patient.B.A doctor.C.A teacher.D.A student.【答案】D【解析】W: When are doctor Petermans office hours? M: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to noon. W: Thats not very convenient for me. I have pathology class then. Q: What is

53、the man? 【解析】推断题。女士回答说:I have pathology class then(那时我有病理学课),据此推断他们为学生。17. 单选题8.问题1选项A.$60.B.$40.C.$360.D.$30.【答案】D【解析】M: Ok. So that would be 800 dollars plus 60 dollars in overtime, right?W: Right, so my paycheck should be 860 dollars, but only 830 dollars were put into my account.M: Sorry about t

54、hat. Ill record the mistake today and wire the money into your account first thing tomorrow morning.Q: How much will the man wire into the womans account?【解析】计算题。本应打入女士账户860美元,但实际只有830美元,因此还应打入30美元。18. 单选题He says that constant thirst is an undesirable effect of chemotherapy for which no remedy exist

55、s in Western medical practice, but certain herbs do provide relief for such patients.问题1选项A.protectionB.provisionC.theoryD.therapy【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. protection 保护 B. provision 条款C. theory 理论 D. therapy 治疗;疗法【答案】D【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】划线词前的句子意思为“他说,持续的口渴是化疗的不良效果(He says that constant thirst is an undesirabl

56、e effect of chemotherapy)”,划线词后的句意为“但某些草药确实可以缓解这类患者的症状”,由后半句句意“缓解这类患者的症状”可知西方医学是没有真正能解决化疗的不良效果的方法,即治疗方法,所以D选项“治疗,疗法”符合句意。划线单词remedy“补救措施”。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合句意。【句意】他说,持续的口渴是化疗的不良后果,在西方医学实践中没有任何补救措施,但某些草药确实为这类病人提供缓解。19. 单选题 Gianluca Vialli, manager of Chelsea Football Club, expressed it explicitly eno

57、ugh: “The foot is the tool of the trade of the footballer.” You might therefore expect footballers to take particularly good care of their feet. But results presented at a recent conference of dermatologists in Amsterdam suggest otherwise. Professional footballers seem as likely to suffer from funga

58、l infections of the foot as other people. One study, called Achilles Project, looked at 76, 475 pairs of feet belonging to people from 18 European countries. It found that 26% of the sample had Tinea pedis, better known as athletes foot, while 30% had Onychomycosis, an infection that causes toenails

59、 to become thickened, discolored and distorted. The results showed that East European countries have consistently higher rates of infection. On average, 30% of Britons, Germans and Belgians had some form of fungal infection, compared with 85% of Russians, and less than 10% of Spaniards. Furthermore,

60、 adults under the age of 40 who took regular exercise had a 40% greater risk of fungal infection than those who did not. Leisure centers and swimming pools were identified as potential health hazards to the very people who visit them to stay fit. Communal showers and changing rooms are perfect breed

61、inggrounds for the highly infectious fungi that spread foot and nail infection: up to 1,500 fungally-infected skin fragments per square meters have been found in some leisure facilities. Sweaty socks and warm, damp sports shoes provide equally hospitable environments. All of which goes some way to explaining the footballers. No doubt all that time spent in showers and changing-rooms is partly responsible. But Dr. Caputo, a dermatologist, also found another factor: footballers are often reluctant, for superst

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