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1、2022年考博英语-对外经济贸易大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 问答题But sacrificing ambition so as to guard against its potential excesses, is to (A) go at things wrongly. To discourage ambition is to discourage dreams of grandeur and greatness. All men and women are born, live, suffer and die; (B) what distinguishes us one fr

2、om another is our dreams, (C) may they be dream about worldly or unworldly things, and what we do to (D) make them come about.【答案】C;改成whether they be dreams about。2. 问答题Amid the multiple violent incidents, a crackdown on terrorism in all forms has been added to A BChinas top priorities. The governme

3、nt called on improved intelligence collection, integrated Cprevention and control measures, and better early-warning and emergency response capabilities Dso as to leave no loopholes for terrorists to exploit.【答案】试题答案:D; controlling【解析】考查非谓语动词。句中已有谓语动词且and连接的为并列成分,需用一个形容词来修饰名词measures,因此用control的现在分词

4、形式controlling作定语。3. 单选题Scarcely had they settle themselves in their seats in the theater ( )the curtain went up.问题1选项A.thanB.whenC.beforeD.as【答案】B【解析】考试固定搭配。scarcely.when.意为“一就,刚刚就”。句意:他们刚坐在剧院的座位上,幕布就升起了。4. 填空题Men cannot manufacture blood as efficiently as women can. This makes surgery riskier for m

5、en. Men also need more oxygen because they do not breathe as often as women. But men breathe more deeply and this exposes them(1)another risk. When the air is polluted, they draw more of it(2) their lungs.A more recent and chilling finding is the effect of automobile and truck exhaust fumes(3) child

6、rens intelligence. These exhaust fumes are the greatest(4) of lead pollution in cities. Researchers have found that the children with the highest concentration of lead in their bodies have the lowest scores on intelligence tests and that boys score lower than girls. It is possible that these low sco

7、res are connected to the deeper breathing that is typical(5) the male.Mens bones are larger than womens and they are arranged somewhat differently. The feminine walk that evokes so many whistles is a matter of bone structure. Men have broader shoulders and a(6) pelvis, which enables them to stride o

8、ut with no waste motion. A womans wider pelvis, designed for childbearing, forces her to put more movement into each step she takes with the result that she displays a bit of a jiggle and sway as she walks.If you think a man is brave because he climbs a ladder to clean out the roof gutters, dont for

9、get that it is(7) for him than for a woman. The angle(8)which a womans thigh is joined to her knees makes climbing awkward for her, no matter(9)it is a ladder or stairs or a mountain that she is climbing.A mans skin is thicker than a womans and not nearly as soft. The thickness(10 )the suns radiatio

10、n from getting through, which is why men wrinkle less than women do.Women have a thin layer of fat just under the skin and there is a plus to this greater fat reserve. It acts as an invisible fur coat to keep a woman (11)in the winter.Women also stay(12 )in summer. The fat layer helps insulate them

11、(13) heat.Mens fat is distributed differently. And they do not have that layer of it underneath their skin. In fact, they have considerably(14 ) fat than women and more lean mass. Forty-one percent of a mans body is muscle compared to thirty-five percent for women, which means that men have more mus

12、cle power. When it(15 ) to strength, almost 90 percent of a mans weight is strength(16)to about 50 percent of a womans weight.The higher proportion of muscle(17 )fat makes it easier for men to lose weight. Muscle burns up five more calories a pound than fat does just to maintain itself. So when a ma

13、n goes(18 ) a diet, the pounds roll off much faster.For all mens muscularity they do not have the energy reserves women do. They have more start-up energy, but the fat tucked away in womens nooks and crannies provides a rich energy reserve that men lack.Cardiologists at the University of Alabama who

14、 tested healthy women on treadmills discovered that over the years the female capacity for exercise far exceeds the male capacity. A woman of sixty who is(19) good health can exercise(20) to 90 percent of what she could do when she was twenty. A man of sixty has only 60 percent left of his capacity

15、as a twenty-year-old.【答案】1.考查介词搭配。由前面内容可知,男性造血功能不如女性,使得其外科手术风险更大;男性呼吸评率不如女性而需要更多的氧气,因此深呼吸会让他们遭受另一种风险。expose to意为“使遭受,使面临”。试题答案:to2.考查介词搭配。此句意为:当空气被污染时,他们会把更多的空气吸入他们的肺部。draw into意为“吸入”。试题答案:into3.考查介词搭配。此句意为:最近一个令人毛骨悚然的发现是汽车和卡车尾气对儿童智力的影响。the effect of sth. on sth.意为“某事对某事的影响”。试题答案:on4.考查上下文语义。此句意为:这些

16、废气是城市铅污染的最大来源。source意为“来源,起源”。试题答案:source5.考查介词搭配。由文章第一段内容可知男性在呼吸上比女性更深,此处根据调查数据进一步证实这个结论,表明低分数可能与男性的深呼吸特征有关。 typical of意为“是的典型特征”。试题答案:of6.考查上下文语义。由本段句首的“Mens bones are larger than womens and they are arranged somewhat differently.”和空格后的“A womans wider pelvis”可知表示对比,女性盆骨更宽,那么男性的盆骨更窄,因此填narrow的比较级na

17、rrower。试题答案:narrower7.考查上下文语义。由后面的“makes climbing awkward for her”攀登对女性而言是笨拙的,可推测攀登梯子对男性来说是容易的,根据居中的than可知用easy的比较级easier。试题答案:easier8.考查介词搭配。at an ankle意为“成一个角度”。试题答案:at9.考查固定句型。no matter whether.or意为“不管是还是”。试题答案:whether10.考查上下文语义。由后面的“which is why men wrinkle less than women do”这就是为什么男性比女性皱纹少的原因,可

18、知此处表示这层厚度可以防止太阳辐射通过。prevent.from意为“阻止”。试题答案:prevents11.考查上下文语义。由空格前“It acts as an invisible fur coat to keep a woman.in winter”它作为一件无形的毛皮大衣让女人在冬天,毛皮大衣在冬天的作用是保暖的,使女性保持温暖,根据前面文章的内容可知此处有与男性对比的含义,因此填warmer。12.试题答案:warmer考查上下文语义。此句意为:女性在夏天也会保持凉爽。根据前面文章的内容可知此处有与男性对比的含义,因此填cooler。试题答案:cooler13.考查介词搭配。此句意为:

19、脂肪层有助于隔热。insulate against意为“与隔绝”。试题答案:against14.考查上下文语义。由本段句首“Mens fat is distributed differently. And they do not have that layer of it underneath their skin.”男性的脂肪分布方不同,他们自己的皮肤下面没有那一层脂肪,说明男性比女性脂肪少,填less。试题答案:less15.考查上下文语义。refer to意为“涉及”,主语it为单数形式,主谓一致原则,故填refer第三人称单数形refers。试题答案:refers16.考查上下文语义。

20、compare to意为“与相比”。试题答案:compared17.考查介词搭配。the proportion of sth. to sth.意为“某物与某物的比例”。试题答案:to18.考查介词搭配。go on a diet意为“节食”。试题答案:on19.考查介词搭配。be in good health意为“身体健康”。试题答案:in20.考查固定搭配。up to意为“多达”。试题答案:up5. 翻译题Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.Its raining again. As I lie awake in

21、bed, listening to the sound of those razor-sharp drops pounding on the pavement, my mind goes reeling down dark corridors teeming with agonizing flashbacks, and a chill from within fills me with dread. Its raining, again.It does this year in Southern California; at least thats what they told me last

22、 year when I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain. There seem to be two seasons here. During the rainy season, sometimes the storms drench the area nonstop for days. Sometimes the storms come and go. Often property damage and disrupted lives result. Its hard to predict the intensity

23、of the patterns from year to year. Then there is the fire season. That takes care of the property that managed to survive the deluge, again disrupting lives. The days connecting these seasons are monotonous, with some sun, some smog and some more sun. This is nothing like back home in Colorado.【答案】又

24、下雨了。我醒着躺在床上,听着那些犀利的的雨点掉落在人行道上的声音。我的思绪陷入了黑暗的走廊,充满了痛苦的回忆,内心的寒意让我充满恐惧。又在下雨了加利福尼亚南部,今年也如此。当我对雨无情地下个不停感到惊奇时,至少,去年他们是这样告诉我的。这里似乎只有两个季节。在雨季,有时暴风雨连续几天不停地浸透这个地区。有时暴风雨来去不定。往往造成财产损失和生活混乱,每年都很难预测这种模式的强度。然后是火灾季节,从洪水中幸存下来的财物就落到它手里了,再一次扰乱人们的生活。连着这些季节的日子是单调的,仅有一些太阳,一些雾和一些更多的太阳。这和回科罗拉多的家完全不同。6. 翻译题Translate the foll

25、owing sentences into Chinese.1. The idea was a powerful variable in explaining why some countries fared far better than others: to promote income growth over many years, heavy investment in schooling was necessary. And it helped explain the shrinkage of families in wealthy countries: if increasing v

26、alue is placed on human capital, parents must invest more in each child, making large families costly. Many critics bristled at Beckers market-driven logic, which seemed to reduce people to cold, calculating machine.2. Which is it? The home of free speech, the rule of law and the rich worlds most dy

27、namic economy? Or a land of social decay, septic politics and the rich worlds worst roads and schools? America divides foreign observes. It divides foreign firms, too. Some bosses fall head over heels for its insatiable consumers and dazzling technology. Other executives are put off by its insuffera

28、ble lawyers and hypocritical protectionism. Donald Trump promises to give foreign firms a rude awakening when he reaches the White House: last month he beat up Toyota for making cars in Mexico and selling them north of the border. But in truth many foreign firms fell out of love with America years a


30、乱的技术而神魂颠倒。其他高管则对其令人难以忍受的律师和虚伪的保护主义而感到厌恶。唐纳德特朗普承诺当他入主白宫后,会让外国公司如梦初醒:上个月,他严厉谴责了丰田在墨西哥生产汽车并向美国北部销售的行为。但事实上,许多外国公司在多年前就失去了对美国的兴趣了。7. 翻译题虽然美国总统奥巴马公开号召美国民众购买股票,但是由于投资者信心涣散,市场上难寻买家。3月5日,纽约股市三大股指跌幅全部超过4%,其中道琼斯指数自2日跌破7000点后又跌破6600点,创出自1997年4月以来的新低。导致当天纽约股市受重挫的直接原因是美国最大的汽车制造商通用汽车公司可能破产的消息。通用汽车公司在向美国证券交 易委员会提交

31、的报告中说,审计机构认为按照目前的状况公司很难继续生存下去。通用汽车公司表示,如果重组计划无法通过政府审核,公司将申请破产保护。由于通用汽车公司破产可能引发的连锁反应将严重打击美国经济,本以为奥巴马政府有望解决汽车业巨头困境的投资者纷纷抛售通用汽车公司的股票,导致该公司股票暴跌。【答案】Although the United States President Barack Obama publicly called on Americans to buy shares, its hard to find buyers in stock market because of the shaky c

32、onfidence of investors. On March 5, the three major stock indexes in New York stock market all fell over 4%, among which the Dow Jones Index again fell below 6600 points after falling below 7000 points on March 2, hitting a new low since April 1997. The direct reason which caused such great setback

33、of the New York stock market on that day is the news which said that General Motors Corporation (GM), the Americas biggest carmaker, could go bankrupt. In a report submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission GM said that the audit institution think it is very difficult to survive accord

34、ing to its current situation. GM said that if the restructuring plan was not approved by government, the company will file for bankruptcy protection. A chain reaction probably resulting from GMs bankruptcy will hit gravely the economy of U.S.,the investors who originally thought that the Obama admin

35、istration would hopefully rescue the auto giant from difficult position one after another sold the shares of GM, giving rise to slump of its shares.8. 翻译题Translate the following passage from Chinese into English礼仪之于社会犹如衣着之于个人。人若不穿衣服,就会一丝不挂,令人耻笑,必然导 致道德败坏;社会耍是没有礼仪,就会陷入可怕的境地,而社会成员之间所必需的交往就 会被无谓的冲突和纠纷所

36、干扰。假定社会是一列火车,礼仪就好比轨道,火车只能沿着它 隆隆前进。假定社会是一辆贵宾车,礼仪就好比轮子与轴,马车只有靠它们才能滚滚前进。 缺了礼节,最亲密的朋友会变成死敌,友好或结盟的国家会兵戎相见。我们可以从人类历史上找到许多这种例子。因此我劝你对于任何人都要讲礼仪,并且尽力不做违背礼仪的事,以免冒犯他人或者树敌。【答案】Etiquette to society is what apparel is to the individual. Without apparel men would go in shameful nudity which would surely lead to th

37、e corruption of morals; and without etiquette society would be in a pitiable state and the necessary intercourse between its members would be interfered with by needless offences and troubles. If society were a train, the etiquette would be the rails along which only the train could rumble forth; if

38、 society were a state coach, the etiquette would be the wheels and axis, on which only the coach could roll forward. The lack of proprieties would make the most intimate friends turn to be the most decided enemies and the friendly or allied countries declare war against each other. We can find many

39、examples in the history of mankind. Therefore I advise you to stand on ceremony before anyone else and to take pains not to do anything against etiquette lest you give offences or make enemies.9. 翻译题Translate the following into Chinese.Chinas long-running campaign to tighten monetary policy may have

40、 a little more life in it with economists expecting the Peoples Bank of China will raise interest rates at least one more time this year, a survey of economists by Dow Jones Newswires showed Wednesday.Six out of ten economists polled said they expected Chinas central bank will likely raise the bench

41、mark lending and deposit rates by a further 0.25 percentage point each this year to combat high inflation. The other four forecasters predicted between one and two hikes through the end of the year.The Peoples Bank of China is also likely to raise banks reserve requirement ratio by 50 basis points n

42、ext month, continuing its pattern of raising the ratio once a month so far this year, according to the survey. But economists expect the pace of such increases to slow later in the year. “With inflation staying relatively high, the authorities are unlikely to relax policy tightening in the short ter

43、m,” China International Capital Corporation Ltd, economist Peng Wensheng (彭文生) said.The latest inflation data showed that Chinas consumer price index rose 5.3% from a year earlier in April, down slightly from Marchs 5.4% rise but still well above the official full-year target of around 4%. Many econ

44、omists expect inflation to peak in June.【答案】道琼斯通讯社周三对经济学家进行的一项调查显示,中国长期的货币紧缩政策可能会稍微放宽一点,同吋也有经济学家希望中国银行今年至少再提高一次利率。十分之六的经济学家投票支持中国中央银行在今年将基准利率和存款利率分别再提高0.25个百分点,以应对高通货膨胀率。其他四个预报员预计在今年年底还会有一到两次的提高。调查表明,中国银行将会延续其今年一个月提髙一次比率的态势,在下个月可能将银行存款准备进率提高50个基本点。但经济学家希望今年这种提高的幅度能够减缓。中国国际金融有限公司的经济学家彭文生表示,“在通胀率维持在较高

45、水平的情况下,当局不大可能在短期内放宽紧缩政策”。最新的通货膨胀数据显示,中国的消费者物价指数从去年四月份开始提髙了5.3个百分点,相比三月份的5.4个百分点有所下降,但仍远高于官方大约4个百分点的全年目标。许多经济学家预计通货膨胀率将在6月份达到峰值。10. 问答题Whenever you see an old film, you cant help being struck by the appearance of the women taking part.Their hair styles and make-up look date: their skirts look either

46、too long or too short; A Btheir general appearance is, in fact, slightly ludicrous. C D【答案】试题答案:B; dated【解析】考查形容词辨析。由“their skirts look either too long or too short”可知此处指的是不好的,look表示“看起来”的意思,后面接形容词,dated意为“过时的”。11. 翻译题Translate the following into English20年来,中国从工业化、城镇化加快发展的国情出发,不断丰富可持续发展的内涵,积极应对国内外环

47、境的复杂变化和一系列重大挑战,实现了经济平稳较快发展、人民生活显 著改善,在控制人口总量、提高人口素质、节约资源和保护环境等方面取得了积极进展。 同时,作为一个发展中国家,中国人口众多、生态脆弱、人均资源占有不足,人均国内生产总值尚排在全球百位左右,仍有1.22亿贫困人口,资源环境对经济发展的约束增强,区域发展不平衡问题突出,科技创新能力不强,改善民生的任务十分艰巨。【答案】Over the past 20 years, China, based on its national conditions of being in the accelerated industrialization a

48、nd urbanization processes, has enriched the connotations of sustainable development, actively responded to the complex changes in the environment at home and abroad and a series of major challenges, and achieved steady and rapid economic development, higher peoples living standards, and remarkable p

49、rogress in population control, population quality improvement, resources conservation and environmental protection. On the other hand, as a developing country with a large population, China is faced with ecological fragility and inadequate per capita resources. Its per capita gross domestic product

50、(GDP) is still ranked about 100th in the world and there are still 122 million people living in poverty. Moreover, given the severe resources and environment constrains on economic development, pronounced uneven development among regions, and weak scientific and technological innovation capacities,

51、China still faces and arduous task of improving peoples livelihood.12. 问答题This competition is good for the overall development of Chinas long-monopolizing banking Aindustry and is expected to intensify by the end of the year or early next year as more private B C Dbanks are established.【答案】试题答案:A; m

52、onopolized【解析】考查非谓语动词。banking industry与monopolize的关系是被动的,故用其过去分词做定语修饰。13. 翻译题Translate the following passage from Chinese into English美国的一位顶尖心理学家说,如果人们关注于六个具体要素就会感到幸福。这六个要素分别是:活在当下(M),有好奇心(C),做喜欢的事(L),为他人着想(T),培养关系(N),照顾身体(B)。公式就是:感觉很棒=(活在当下x16+好奇心+做喜欢的事x2)+(为他人着想x5+培养关系x2+照顾身体x33)。弗吉尼亚州乔治梅森(Mason)大

53、学的托徳-卡什丹博士(Dr Todd Kashdan)对英国人 幸福程度的全国性研究结果进行了评价。他说:“感觉幸福没有单一的诀窍,但当这六种成分都添加进来并正确配比后,你就会感觉人生很幸福。这六种成分的每一种都需要付出一点努力,你只要知道你的努力会给你带来极大的回报。”委任这次研究的整形外科手术营销总监史蒂芬泰勒(Stephen Tayler)说:“我们无比高兴 地看到与卡什丹博士的合作创建了幸福感的真正公式:我们希望幸福公式将继续帮助提振精祌,让全英国人民的脸上都有笑容。”【答案】If people focus on the six specific factors identified,

54、 they will feel good, according to a top US psychologist. The factors are live in the moment (M), be curious (C), do something you love (L), think of others (T), nurture relationships (N), and care of your body (B). And the formula is Feeling Good = (MxI6 + C + Lx2) + (Tx5 + Nx2 + Bx33)。Dr Todd Kash

55、dan, of George Mason University in Virginia, reviewed the results of nationwide research into how British feel. He said: “There is no single secret to feeling good, but when these six ingredients are carefully attended to, in the right doses, you will be on target for a happy life. “Each of the ingr

56、edients requires a bit of work. Just know that your hard work will lead to the greatest rewards possible.”Steven Taylor, marketing director of Transform Cosmetic Surgery, who commissioned the research, said: “We couldnt be more pleased that the partnership with Dr Kashdan led to the creation of an a

57、ctual formula to Feel Good, We hope that the Feel Good Formula will continue to help boost spirits and put a smile on faces across the UK.”14. 翻译题Translate the following into ChineseA complex adaptive system (CAS) is a system comprised of heterogeneous agents that interact locally with each other ba

58、sed on local schema, such that the behavior of the system arises as a result of feedback relationships between the agents, and the system evolves as the schemata of the agents adapt based on the feedback.The actual nature of agents will depend on the kind of system under consideration. For example,

59、in chemical systems, the agents may be molecules, while in the case of a colony of ants, the agents are the individual ants. In social systems, the agents are usually taken to be individual human beings or groups of human beings. Since the agents are able to adapt their schemata and their behaviors

60、based on feedback through their interactions with other agents, the system has an adaptive capability.The heterogeneity of agents is important as it accentuates the diversity and plurality that make up the richness of CAS, and is especially important when applying CAS to social systems. It is import

61、ant to note that no agent can understand the whole system, nor does any single agent or small group of agents direct the behavior of the system. The behavior of the system emerges from the interaction of agents through multiple, nonlinear feedback relationships.【答案】复杂自适应系统(CAS)是一个包括各种各样的要素所组成的系统,这些要

62、素局部地基于局部模式相互作用,以致该系统的行为由于要素之间的反馈关系而出现,并且该系统随着要素模式基于反馈的改变而演化。要素的本质将取决于在考虑中的系统种类。例如,在化学系统中,要素可能是分子,而就一群蚂蚁来说,要素是单个的蚂蚁。在社会系统中,要素通常被认为是人类个体或团体。由于要素能基于通过它们与其它要素的相互作用而产生的反馈来改变它们的基模,因此该系统有一种自适应能力。要素的异质性是重要的,因为它强调构成自适应系统丰富性的多样性和多元性,且当将自适应系统用到社会系统上时,它尤其重要。需要注意的是,没有要素能够理解整个系统,或没有任何单个的要素或小的要素群体管理该系统的行为。该系统的行为来自于要素通过多个非线性反馈关系而进行的相互作用。15. 问答题A conflict (A) waged to ensure the survival of th

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