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1、2022年考博英语-哈尔滨工业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题Virtual high schools, which allow students to take classes via PC, have emerged as an increasingly popular education alternative, particularly for on-the-go athletes. University of Miami Online High School (UMOHS) has more than 400 students enrolled, 56% of who

2、m are athletes. Accredited by the 100-year-old Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, UMOHS offers honors and advanced-placement classes. All course material is online along with assignments and due dates. For help, says principal Howard Liebman, “A student may e-mail, instant message or call

3、 the teacher.”Dallas mom Lori Bannon turned to another online school. Laurel Springs in Ojai, Calif, Bannon, Who has a medical degree from Harvard, didnt want to compromise the education of her daughter Lindsay, 13, an elite gymnast who spends eight hours a day in the gym. “Regular school was not an

4、 option, ” says Bannon, “but I wanted to make sure she could go back at grade level if she quit gymnastics.” Laurel Springs enrollment has increased 35% a year for the past four years to 1,800 students. At least 25% are either athletes or child entertainers.Educators are split on the merits of such

5、schools. Paul Orehovec, an enrollment officer for the University of Miami, admits, “I was somewhat of a skeptic, but when I looked into their programs and accreditation, I was excited. UMOHS is the first online school to be granted membership in the National Honor Society.” Kevin Roy, Elites directo

6、r of education, sees pitfalls and potential in virtual schools. “You will never have that wonderful teacher who inspires you for life,” says Roy. “But the virtual school offers endless possibilities. I dont know where educations imagination will take this.”【答案】虚拟高中允许学生通过电脑上学,现在已经成为了一个日渐流行的教育方式,那些忙碌的

7、运动员们尤其钟爱这种选择。迈阿密网络学校已招收400多名学生,其中56%是运动员。该校已获得拥有100年历史的南部大学和中学联合会的批准,提供荣誉和预修课程,授课过程与作业练习都在线上进行,并标注截止时间。校长霍华德利伯曼说,如果需要帮助,学生可以通过电子邮件,即时短信或电话联系老师。 达拉斯的母亲洛丽班农选择了另一所网络学校加州奥凯市的劳雷尔斯普林斯。班农拥有哈佛大学的医学学位,她不想让自己13岁的女儿林赛的教育受到影响。林赛是一名优秀的体操运动员,她每天在体育馆要待上8个小时。班农说:“我并非想让她接受常规学校教育,我只是想确保她在结束体操生涯后能跟上正常的学习。”在过去四年,劳雷尔斯普林

8、斯的入学率年增长为35%,学生人数达到了1800。其中至少25% 的学生是运动员或演员。 教育工作者对这些学校的优缺点看法不一。迈阿密网络学校的招生官保罗奥赫维克承认,“对此我曾经有点怀疑。但当我查看他们的项目和资格认证时,我很兴奋。迈阿密网络学校是第一所被授予国家荣誉协会会员资格的网络学校。”精英教育总监教育主管凯文罗伊看到了虚拟学校的缺陷和潜力。罗伊说:“你永远也不会有一个能激励你一生的好老师。但虚拟学校提供了无限的可能性。我不知道教育的想象力会把这种可能性发挥到哪种地步。” 2. 翻译题By doubling the resolution of existing liquid-cryst

9、al displays (LCDS), IBM has created a monitor which, when viewed from 18 inches away or farther, shows images that the human eye finds indistinguishable from the real thing. LCDS work by sandwiching a thin sheet of liquid crystalsin this case, thin-film transistors-between two narrowly separated pan

10、es of glass. Typically, small glass spheres have held the two panes of glass apart, impairing by refraction the performance of the display. IBM has replaced the spheres with small posts, which are located in the interstices between pixels, and so do not disturb the light as it leaves the excited liq

11、uid crystal. In the past, attempts to achieve such high pixel rates have been stymied by the build-up of electrical static, which caused problems with the brightness of the screens. The IBM groups have solved this by using a laser to scan back and forth across the glass, preventing the build-up of s

12、tatic electricity. The new screen could also help petroleum engineers to speed up their analysis of where to drill from one month to one day. Similarly, the higher fidelity will allow CAD (computer-aided design) systems, especially in the motor and aerospace industries, to work faster - because the

13、detail revealed by the new monitor can cut out costly prototype-building exercises. RAMS idea is that the new monitor will allow designers of all sorts to go straight from computer image to final product, eliminating many costly and time-consuming middle stages.【答案】IBM公司制造的显示器将现有液晶显示器的分辨率提高了一倍。如从18英


15、辅助设计)系统工作速度更快,发动机和航空航天工业尤为受益。因为新显示器显示的细节可以省去昂贵的原型构建工作。有关内存的概念是新的显示屏将使各类设计师免去许多昂贵且耗时的中间阶段,直接从计算机图像过渡到最终产品。3. 单选题There were two widely divergent influences on the early development of statistical methods. Statistics had a mother who was dedicated to keeping orderly records of government units (state a

16、nd statistics come from the same Latin root, status) and a gentlemanly gambling father who relied on mathematics to increase his skill at playing the odds in games of chance. The influence of the mother on the offspring, statistics, is represented by counting, measuring, describing, tabulating, orde

17、ring and the taking of censuses all of which led to modem descriptive statistics. From the influence of the father came modem inferential statistics, which is based squarely on theories of probability.Descriptive statistics involves tabulating, depicting, and describing collections of data. These da

18、ta may be either quantitative, such as measures of height, intelligence, or grade level variables that are characterized by an underlying continuum-or the data may represent qualitative variables, such as sex, college major, or personality type. Large masses of data must generally undergo a process

19、of summarization or reduction before they are comprehensible. Descriptive statistics is a tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to comprehensible form the properties of an otherwise unwieldy mass of data.Inferential statistics in formalized body of methods for solving another class of probl

20、ems that present great difficulties for the unaided human mind. This general class of problems characteristically involves attempts to make predictions using a sample of observations. For example, a school superintendent wishes to determine the proportion of children in a large school system who com

21、e to school without breakfast have been vaccinated for flu, or whatever. Having a little knowledge of statistics, the superintendent would know that it is unnecessary and inefficient to question each child, the proportion for the entire district could be estimated fairly accurately from a sample of

22、as few as 100 children. Thus, the purse of inferential statistics is to predict or estimate characteristics of a population from a knowledge of the characteristics of only a sample of the population.1.According to the first paragraph, counting and describing are associated with( ) .2.Why does the au

23、thor mention the “mother” and “father” in the first paragraph?3.Which of the following is not given as an example of a qualitative variable?4.Which of the following statements about descriptive statistics is best supported by the passage?5.According to the passage, what is the purpose of examining a

24、 sample of a population?问题1选项A.inferential statisticsB.descriptive statisticsC.unknown variablesD.qualitative changes问题2选项A.To point out that parents can teach their children statisticsB.To introduce inferential statisticsC.To explain that there are different kinds of variablesD.To present the backg

25、round of statistics in humorous and understandable way.问题3选项A.GenderB.HeightC.College majorD.Type of personality问题4选项A.It simplifies unwieldy masses of data.B.It leads to increased variability.C.It solves all numerical problems,D.It changes qualitative variables to quantitative variables问题5选项A.To co

26、mpare different groups.B.To predict characteristics of the entire population.C.To consider all the quantitative variablesD.To tabulate collections of data.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.根据第一段.counting, measuring, describing., all of which led to modem descriptive statistics, 计算、测量、描述都属于现化描述性统计学。

27、确定B选项描述性统计学正确。A选项推理统计学、C选项未知的变量和D选项质的变化不符合题意。2.第一段中的mother和father说明了统计学的起源,同时表现出作者的幽默,所以正确答案为D选项以幽默易通的方式介绍统计学的背景。A选项指出 父母可以教孩子统计学,完全不合文意。B选项介绍推理统计,表达不完全。C选项说明有两种不同变量表达不确切。3.第二段提及了 qualitative variables such as sex, college major, or personality types:性质变量,如性别、大学专业或性格类型。可见性质变量不包括height高度,所以B选项符合题意。4.

28、根据第二段最后一句话:Large masses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reduction before they are comprehensible. Descriptive statistics is a tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to comprehensible form the properties of an otherwise unwieldy mass of data. 大量的数据在被理解之前通常必须经过一个概括

29、或缩减的过程。描述性统计是一种工具,用于描述、概括或简化成可理解的形式,以形成大量数据的特性。确定描述统计学可以将宏大的数据简化成一种可以数据量的形式,所以A选项简化大量数据正确。B选项导致变量的增加、C选项解决所有数字的问题太绝对。D选项将性质变量变为数量变量文中未提到。5.根据文章最后一句Thus, the purse of inferential statistics is to predict or estimate characteristics of a population from a knowledge of the characteristics of only a sam

30、ple of the population. 因此,推理统计学的目的是通过对一个群体中某一样本的特征的了解来预测或估计该群体的特征。确定B选项估计人的总体特点正确。4. 翻译题You cant buy happiness. But it looks like you can at least inherit it. British and Australian researchers said.A study of nearly 1000 pairs of identical and non-identical twins found genes control half the person

31、ality traits that make people happy while factors such as relationships, health and careers are responsible for the rest of our well-being. We found that around half the differences in happiness were genetic, said Tim Bates, a researcher at the University of Edinburgh who led the study. It is really

32、 quite surprising.*The researchers asked the volunteers-ranging in age from 25 to 75 - a series of questions about their personality, how much they worried and how satisfied they were with their lives.Because identical twins share the same genes and fraternal twins do not, the researchers could iden

33、tify common genes that result in certain personality traits and predispose people to happiness.People who are sociable, active, stable, hardworking and conscientious tend to be happier, the researchers reported in the journal Psychological Science. What this study showed was that the identical twins

34、 in a family were very similar in personality and in well-being, and by contrast, the fraternal twins were only around half as similar, Bates said, That strong implicates genes.The findings are an important piece of the puzzle for researchers trying to better understand depression and what makes dif

35、ferent people happy or unhappy, Bates said.People with positive inherited personality traits may, in effect, also have a reserve of happiness to draw on in stressful times, he said. An important implication is that personality traits of being outgoing, calm and reliable provide a resource, we called

36、 it effective reserve that drives future happiness Bates said.【答案】快乐买不到,但英国和澳大利亚的研究人员称,快乐至少可以遗传得到。一项对近千对同卵及异卵双胞胎开展的研究发现,在快乐的性格特征中,有一半是由基因控制的,而另一部分则受到人际关系、健康、职业等因素的影响。研究负责人爱丁堡大学的蒂姆贝茨说:“我们发现,研究对象在快乐方面的差异约有一半受到遗传基因的影响。这个结果实在令人惊讶。”研究人员向年龄在25岁至75岁之间的志愿者提出了一系列问题,问题涉及他们的性格特点、焦虑程度以及对目前生活的满意度。由于同卵双生的双胞胎基因完全相

37、同,而异卵双胞胎不完全相同,所以研究人员可以分辨出决定某些性格特征及使人容易快乐的共同基因。研究报告在心理科学期刊上发表。研究人员指出,善于交际、活泼、踏实、勤 奋、有责任心的人更加快乐。贝茨说:“该研究表明,同卵双胞胎的性格特征和快乐程度十分相似,然而,异卵双胞胎仅有约50%的相似度。这充分说明了基因的作用。”贝茨说,研究人员一直在努力寻找有关“人为什么会郁闷”的更为合理的解释及影响不同的人快乐与否的因素,这一发现无疑为这一难题提供了一个重要解释。他说,具有积极遗传性格特征的人实际上同时拥有一种“快乐储备”,供他们在郁闷的时候“支取”。贝茨说:“这说明了很重要的一点,外向、冷静和可靠的性格特

38、点能形成一种“情感储备”,为将来的快乐提供保障。”5. 单选题A recent history of the Chicago meat-packing industry and its workers examines how the industry grew from its appearance in the 1830s through the early 1890s. Meat-packers, the author argues, had good wages, working conditions, and prospects for advancement within the

39、packinghouses, and did not cooperate with labor agitators since labor relations were so harmonious. Because the history maintains that conditions were above standard for the era, the frequency of labor disputes, especially in the mid-1880s, is not accounted for. The work ignores the fact that the 18

40、80s were crucial years in American labor history, and that the packinghouse workers effects were part of the national movement for labor reform.In fact, other historical sources for the late nineteenth century record deteriorating housing and high disease and infant mortality rates in the industrial

41、 community, due to low wages and unhealthy working conditions. Additional data from the University of Chicago suggest that the packinghouses were dangerous places to work. The government investigation commissioned by President Theodore Roosevelt which eventually led to the adoption of the 1906 Meat

42、Inspection Act found the packinghouses unsanitary, while social workers observed that most of the workers were poorly paid and overworked.The history may be too optimistic because most of its data date from the 1880s at the latest, and the information provided from that decade is insufficiently anal

43、yzed. Conditions actually declined in the 1880s, and continued to decline after the 1880s, due to a reorganization of the packing process and a massive influx of unskilled workers. The deterioration in worker status, partly a result of the new availability of unskilled and hence cheap labor, is not

44、discussed. Though a detailed account of work in the packing-houses is attempted, the author fails to distinguish between the wages and conditions for skilled workers and for those unskilled laborers who comprised the majority of the industrys workers from the 1880s on. While conditions for the forme

45、r were arguably tolerable due to the strategic importance of skilled workers in the complicated slaughtering, cutting, and packing process (though worker complaints about the rate and conditions of work were frequent), pay and conditions for the latter were wretched.The authors misinterpretation of

46、the origins of the feelings the meat-packers had for their industrial neighborhood may account for the historys faulty generalizations. The pride and contentment the author remarks upon were, arguably, fess the products of the industrial world of the packers-the giant yards and the intricate plants-

47、than of the unity and vibrancy of the ethnic cultures that formed a viable communit3r on Chicagos South Side. Indeed, the strength of this community succeeded in generating a social movement that effectively confronted the problems of the industry that provided its livelihood.1.The passage is primar

48、ily concerned with discussing( ) .2.The author of the passage mentions all of the following as describing negative conditions in the meat-packing industry EXCEPT( ) .3.The author of the passage mentions the social movement (underlined, generated by Chicagos South Side community primarily in order to

49、( ).4.According to the passage, the working conditions of skilled workers in the meat-packing industry during the 1880s were influenced by( ).5.The author of the passage uses the second paragraph to ( )6.The tone of the author of the passage in discussing the meat-packer community on Chicagos South

50、Side can best be described as one of ( ).7.The information in the passage suggests that the author of the history discussed in the passage made which of the following errors?问题1选项A.how historians ought to explain the origins of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industryB.why it is difficult

51、 to determine the actual nature of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industryC.why a particular account of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industry is inaccurateD.what ought to be included in any account of the Chicago meat-packers role in the national labor movement问题2选项A.data f

52、rom the University of ChicagoB.a recent history of the meat-packing industryC.social workersD.historical sources for the late nineteenth century问题3选项A.inform the reader of events that occurred in the meat-packing industry after the period of time covered by the historyB.suggest the historys limitati

53、ons by pointing out a situation that the history failed to explain adequatelyC.salvage the historys point of view by suggesting that there were positive developments in the meat-packing industry due to worker unityD.introduce a new issue designed to elaborate on the good relationship between the mea

54、t-packers and Chicagos ethnic communities问题4选项A.the workers determined complaints about the rate and conditions of their workB.the efforts of social workers to improve sanitation in the packinghousesC.the workerss ability to perform the industrys complex tasksD.improvements in the industrys packing

55、process that occurred in the 1880s问题5选项A.summarize the main point of the history discussed in the passageB.explain why the histor3t discussed in the passage has been disparaged by criticsC.evaluate the findings of recent studies that underline the premises of the history discussion in the passageD.p

56、resent evidence that is intended to refute the argument of the history discussed in the passage问题6选项A.appreciation of the communitys ability to cope with difficult conditionsB.admiration for the communitys refusal to cooperate with labor agitatorsC.indignation at the kinds of social conditions the c

57、ommunity facedD.annoyance at the communitys inability to abolish discrimination in the meat-packing industry问题7选项A.Failing to recognize the effect of the diversity of the South Side community on the meat-packers efforts to reform the industryB.Attributing good working conditions in the meat-packing

58、industry to the efforts of labor agitatorsC.Overemphasizing the importance of the availability of unskilled labor as an influence on conditions in the meat packing industryD.Interpreting the meat-packers* feelings for their community as appreciation of their industry【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C第5题:D第6题:

59、A第7题:D【解析】1.根据文章第一段 A recent history of the Chicago meat-packing industry examines how the industry grew from its appearance in the 1830s through the early 189Os.The work ignores the fact that the 1880s were crucial years in American labor history, and that the packinghouse workers effects were part

60、 of the national movement for labor reform. 芝加哥肉类加工业近代史考察了该工业从1830年出现到19世纪90年代初的发展过程。这项研究忽略了这样一个事实:19世纪80年代是美国劳工历史上的关键时期,而包装工人的影响是美国劳工改革运动的一部分。 和文章最后一段 The author s misinterpretation of the origins of the feelings the meat-packers had for their industrial neighborhood may account for the history s f

61、aulty generalizations. 作者对肉类包装工对他们的工业社区的感情的起源的误解可能是历史错误概括的原因。确定A选项历史学家应该如何解释芝加哥肉类加工业的起源正确。2.文章第二段,提到了芝加哥大学、社会工作者以及19世纪 后期的历史资料。并没有将包装业的历史作为消极条件提起。所以B选项符合题意。3.根据文章最后一段,The authors misinterpretation of the origins of the feelings the meat-packers had for their industrial neighborhood may account for t

62、he historys faulty generalizations Indeed, the strength of this community succeeded in generating a social movement that effectively confronted the problems of the industry that provided its livelihood. 作者对肉类包装工对他们的工业社区的感情的起源的误读可能解释了历史上错误的概括事实上,这个社区的力量成功地发起了一场社会运动,有效地解决了这个赖以为生的工业的问题。由此推断作者提到social m

63、ovement是为了说明肉类加工业的积极因素,C选项正确。4.根据文章第三段最后一句:While conditions for the former were arguably tolerable due to the strategic importance of skilled workers in the complicated slaughtering, cutting, and packing process (though worker complaints about the rate and conditions of work were frequent), pay and

64、conditions for the latter were wretched. 由于熟练工人在复杂的屠宰、切割和包装过程中的战略重要性,前者的条件可以说是可以忍受的(尽管工人经常抱怨工作的速度和条件),而后者的工资和条件却很糟糕。确定C选项工人完成行业复杂任务的能力符合题意。5.文章第一段作者对包装工人的工作条件感到满意,但实际情况是否这样。第二段给出了答案,提供了反驳的证据,所以D选项用来反驳文中所讨论的历史论点的现有证据符合题意。6.根据文章最后一句 Indeed, the strength of this community succeeded in generating a social movement that effectively confronted the problems of the industry that provided its livelihood. 的确,这个社区的力量成功地发起了一场社会运动,有效地解决了提供其生计的工业的问题。确定A选项赞赏社区处理困难情况的能力符合题意。7.

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