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1、2022年考博英语-外交学院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题He knew at( )level that he was guilty.问题1选项A.SpiritB.gutC.soulD.eye【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项spirit“精神,心灵,情绪,志气,烈酒”,专指人的内在品质、意志和精神或者某事物的主要目的、含义、代表的精神;B选项gut“勇气,胆量,肠子”;C选项soul“灵魂,心灵,精神,鬼魂”;D选项eye“眼睛,视力,眼光,见解,观点”。句意:他知道他在精神上是有罪的。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题Thomas Jeffersons achievements

2、 as an architect rival his contributions( )a politician.问题1选项A.suchB.thanC.asD.more【答案】C【解析】考查固定句式。Asas“与一样”。句意:托马斯杰斐逊作为建筑师的成就与他作为政治家的贡献不相上下。因此C选项正确。3. 单选题When he won the prestigious Cultural Prize in Germany in 1994, “it was reported nowhere in Britain,” he says, sounding rather piqued.问题1选项A.annoy

3、edB.satisfiedC.excitedD.humiliated【答案】A【解析】考查同义形容词辨析。A选项annoyed“恼怒的,烦闷的”;B选项satisfied“感到满意的”;C选项excited“兴奋的,激动的,活跃的”;D选项humiliated“蒙羞的,感到自惭的”。句意:当他1994年在德国获得享有盛誉的文化奖时,“英国没有任何报道,”他说,听起来相当愤怒。Piqued“赌气的,不满的,激怒的”,A选项与该词意思最相近,因此A选项正确。4. 单选题Americas Congress passed a housing bill that includes measures to

4、 shore up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two troubled mortgage giants.问题1选项A.censureB.imprecateC.upbraidD.bolster【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项censure“严厉斥责,正式谴责”;B选项imprecate“诅咒;祈求”;C选项upbraid“责骂;训斥”;D选项bolster“支持,支撑;给(座位)加软垫;改善,巩固;增强,激励”。句意:美国国会通过了一项住房法案,其中包括支持房利美和房地美这两个陷入困境的抵押贷款巨头的措施。shore up“支持,支撑;加固”。D选项与该词意思

5、最相近,因此D选项正确。5. 单选题She didnt( )matters; she just told him he was useless.问题1选项A.worsenB.complicateC.decideD.mince【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项worsen“更坏的;更差的;更糟,更坏”;B选项complicate“使复杂化;使恶化;使卷入”;C选项decide“决定;解决;判决;决定,下决心”;D选项mince“切碎;矫揉造作地说;装腔作势;碎步走”。句意:她没有把事情复杂化;她只是说他没用。因此B选项正确。6. 单选题While he was in Beijing, he

6、spent all his time( )some import art museums and buildings.问题1选项A.visitingB.travelingC.watchingD.touring【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项visit“访问,拜访,看望,参观,访问”,指短期行为,更多用于动作,目的性较强;B选项travel“长途旅行,经过(某地区),(非正式)经受得住旅行,(物体,放射线)移动,行进,传送”,强调从某处过到另一处,或者已经完成的旅行;C选项watch“观看,注视,守候,看守”,强调专注地看/注视移动着的物体,如看电视,看球赛等;D选项tour“旅行,旅游,

7、作巡回演出”,常用来形容整个旅行,强调旅行的过程。句意:当他在北京的时候,他把所有的时间都花在参观一些重要的艺术博物馆和建筑上。7. 单选题Get him to sign the contract before he has second( ).问题1选项A.ideaB.ideasC.thoughtD.thoughts【答案】C【解析】考查固定短语搭配。second thought“(单数)重新考虑”;second thoughts“(复数)反复考虑”。句意:在他犹豫之前让他签合同。因此C选项正确。8. 单选题What is most important to the monkeys in t

8、he sanctuary is that they are a group; this is so because primates are inveterately( )and build their lives around each other.问题1选项A.independentB.proprietaryC.socialD.stable【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项independent“独立的;单独的;无党派的;不受约束的”;B选项proprietary“专卖的,专营的;所有的,所有权的”;C选项social“社会的,社交的;群居的”;D选项stable“稳定的,牢固的;稳

9、重的,沉稳的;持久的”。句意:对于禁猎区的猴子而言,最重要的一点是它们是一个群体;这之所以如此,是因为灵长目动物具有一种根深蒂固的群居习性,均围绕着对方而营造其生活。9. 单选题Would such a deal fly? One source close to House Republicans tells me: “I think theyd take it; theyre holding no cards at the momentThe capping of deductions would be very magnanimous and a good way to lay the g

10、roundwork for negotiating real tax reform.”问题1选项A.magnificentB.benevolentC.prodigiousD.favoring【答案】B【解析】考查同义形容词辨析。A选项magnificent“高尚的,壮丽的,华丽的,宏伟的”;B选项benevolent“仁慈的,慈善的,亲切的”;C选项prodigious“惊人的,异常的,奇妙的,巨大的”;D选项favoring“有帮助的”。句意:这样的交易会成功吗?一位亲近众议院共和党人的消息人士告诉我:“我认为他们会接受”,他说:“他们现在手头没有任何筹码对税收减免设定上限将是非常宽宏大量的

11、,这是为谈判真正的税收改革奠定基础的好办法。”Magnanimous“宽宏大量的,有雅量的,宽大的”,B选项与该词意思最相近,因此B选项正确。10. 单选题Looking back, its hard to comprehend how the Tasmanian settlers could have been so cavalier about the tigers biological uniquenessso heedless of the consequences.问题1选项A.extemporeB.offhandC.infunctionateD.disconcerting【答案】B

12、【解析】考查近义形容词辨析。A选项extempore“当场的,即席的”;B选项offhand“随便的;即时的;无准备的;即席的”,C选项infunctionate不存在;D选项disconcerting“令人不安的;打扰人的”。句意:回顾过去,很难理解塔斯马尼亚的定居者怎么会对老虎的生物独特性如此漫不经心如此无视后果。cavalier“傲慢的;漫不经心的;无忧无虑的”,B选项与该词词意最相近,因此B选项正确。11. 单选题Archaeology as a profession faces two major problems. First, it is the poorest of the p

13、oor. Only paltry sums are available for excavating and even less is available for publishing the results and preserving the sites once excavated. Yet archaeologists deal with priceless objects every day. Second, there is the problem of illegal excavation, resulting in museum-quality pieces being sol

14、d to the highest bidder.I would like to make an outrageous suggestion that would at one stroke provide funds for archaeology and reduce the amount of illegal digging. I would propose that scientific archeological expeditions and governmental authorities sell excavated artifacts on the open market. S

15、uch sales would provide substantial funds for the excavation and preservation of archaeological sites and the publication of results. At the same time, they would break the illegal excavators grip on the market, thereby decreasing the inducement to engage in illegal activities. You might object that

16、 professionals excavate to acquire knowledge, not money. Moreover, ancient artifacts are part of our global cultural heritage, which should be available for all to appreciate, not sold to the highest bidder. I agree. Sell nothing that has unique artistic merit or scientific value. But, you might rep

17、ly everything that comes out of the ground has scientific value. Here we part company. Theoretically, you may be correct in claiming that every artifact has potential scientific value. Practically, you are wrong.I refer to the thousands of pottery vessels and ancient lamps that are essentially dupli

18、cates of one another. In one small excavation in Cyprus, archaeologists recently uncovered 2,000 virtually indistinguishable small jugs in a single courtyard. Even precious royal seal impressions known as melekh handles have been found in abundancemore than 4,000 examples so far.The basement of muse

19、ums are simply not large enough to store the artifacts that are likely to be discovered in the future. There is not enough money even to catalogue the finds; as a result, they cannot be found again and become as inaccessible as if they had never been discovered.Indeed, with the help of a computer, s

20、old artifacts could be more accessible than are the pieces stored in bulging museum basements. Prior to sale, each could be photographed and the list of the purchasers could be maintained on the computer. A purchaser could even be required to agree to return the piece if it should become needed for

21、scientific purposes.It would be unrealistic to suggest that illegal dicing would stop if artifacts were sold on the open market. But the demand for the clandestine product would be substantially reduced. Who would want an unmarked pot when another was available whose provenance was known, and that w

22、as dated stratigraphically by the professional archaeologist who excavated it?1. The primary purpose of the passage is to propose( ).2. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a disadvantage of storing artifacts in museum basements?3. The authors argument concerning the effect of the o

23、fficial sale of duplicate artifacts on illegal excavation is based on which of the following assumptions?4. The author anticipates which of the following initial objections to the adoption of his proposal?5. The author implies that which of the following would occur if duplicate artifacts were sold

24、on the open market?I. Illegal excavation would eventually cease completely.II. Cyprus would become the primary source of marketable duplicate artifacts.III. Archaeologists would be able to publish the results of their excavations more frequently than they currently do.问题1选项A.an alternative to museum

25、 display of artifactsB.a way to curb illegal dicing while benefiting the archaeological professionC.a way to distinguish artifacts with scientific value from those that have no such valueD.the governmental regulation of archaeological sites问题2选项A.Museum officials rarely allow scholars access to such

26、 artifacts.B.Space that could be better used for display is taken up for storage.C.Artifacts discovered in one excavation often become separated from each other.D.Such artifacts often remain uncatalogued and thus cannot be located once they are put in storage.问题3选项A.Prospective purchasers would pref

27、er to buy authenticated artifacts.B.The price of illegally excavated artifacts would rise.C.Computers could be used to trace sold artifacts.D.Money gained from selling authenticated artifacts could be used to investigate and prosecute illegal excavators.问题4选项A.Museum officials will become unwilling

28、to store artifacts.B.An oversupply of salable artifacts will result and the demand for them will fall.C.Artifacts that would have been displayed in public places will be sold to private collectors.D.Illegal excavators will have an even larger supply of artifacts for resale.问题5选项A.I onlyB.III onlyC.I

29、 and III onlyD.II and III only【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:D第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。由题干定位到文章第二段“I would like to make an outrageous suggestion that would at one stroke provide funds for archaeology and reduce the amount of illegal digging.(我想提出一个令人发指的建议,政府应为考古学提供资金,并减少非法挖掘的数量。)”。A选项“博物馆文物陈列的替代品”;B选项“在有益于考古行业的同时遏制

30、非法挖掘的方法”;C选项“区分有科学价值和没有科学价值的文物的方法”;D选项“政府对考古遗址的管制”。联系全文可知B选项更符合题意。2.细节事实题。由题干可定位到文章第四段“There is not enough money even to catalogue the finds; as a result, they cannot be found again and become as inaccessible as if they had never been discovered.(甚至没有足够的钱来整理这些发现;结果,它们再也找不到了,变得像从未被发现过一样难以接近。)”。A选项“博物

31、馆官员很少允许学者接触这些文物”;B选项“占用了可以更好地用于展示的空间用于存储”;C选项“在发掘中发现的文物往往彼此分离”;D选项“这类工件通常保持未编目状态,因此一旦放入存储中就无法定位”。因此D选项正确。3.细节事实题。由题干可定位到文章第二段“I would propose that scientific archeological expeditions and governmental authorities sell excavated artifacts on the open market. Such sales would provide substantial funds

32、 for the excavation and preservation of archaeological sites and the publication of results.(我建议,科学的考古考察和政府当局在公开市场上出售发掘出来的文物。这种销售将为挖掘和保存考古遗址以及公布结果提供大量资金。)”。A选项“潜在购买者更愿意购买经过认证的文物”;B选项“非法挖掘文物的价格会上涨”;C选项“计算机可以用来追踪出售的文物”;D选项“出售经过鉴定的文物所得的钱可以用来调查和起诉非法挖掘者”。因此D选项正确。4.细节事实题。由题干可定位到文章最后一段“But the demand for t

33、he clandestine product would be substantially reduced.(但对这种秘密产品的需求将大大减少。)”由此可知复制的工件会供过于求,于是这些工件会大量涌现,最终会导致对这些畅销品的需求下降。因此B选项正确。5.判断推理题。由题干可定位到文章第三段“In one small excavation in Cyprus, archaeologists recently uncovered 2,000 virtually indistinguishable small jugs in a single courtyard(在塞浦路斯的一次小型发掘中,考古学

34、家最近在一个院子里发现了2000个几乎无法辨认的小陶罐。)”,由此可推断出塞浦路斯可能会成为复制品的主要市场来源。A选项“非法挖掘最终将完全停止”说法太过绝对化,文章并未提到完全终止。B选项“考古学家将能够比现在更频繁地公布他们的发掘成果”,如果复制工件合法化,考古学家会更愿意公开他们的挖掘成果。因此D选项正确。12. 单选题It is fashionable in the sixties but definitely passe in the eighties.问题1选项A.clivoseB.demodeC.abrimD.xenial【答案】B【解析】考查近义形容词辨析。A选项clivose

35、“小山的,丘陵的”;B选项demode“陈旧的;老式的”;C选项abrim“充满着的”;D选项xenial“主客关系的;款待的”。句意:那在六十年代是时髦的,但在八十年代肯定是过时了。passe“已过盛年的;过时的;凋谢的”,B选项与该词词意最相近,因此B选项正确。13. 单选题Corporations as a group offer a variety of jobs. Most large companies send people to colleges to colleges to interview graduating students with the required aca

36、demic training. A large university may have more than 500 companies a year knocking on its doors. Big firms are your best place for a job because their normal growth, employee retirements, and turnover create thousands of jobs nationwide each year.Corporations, however, illustrate the rule that the

37、biggest isnt always the best. Many small firms with just a few hundred employees have positions that may correspond with your profession goals, too. Such firms may not have the time, money, or need to send people around to your college; youll probably have to contact them yourself either directly or

38、 through an employment agency. Dont ignore these little companies. Their salaries are usually competitive and the chances for advancement and recognition even stronger than those of a big firm. You could become a big fish in a small pond, reaching a high-level position more quickly than you would if

39、 you had climbed the most competitive ladder of a corporate giant.For example, a small company may need a bright engineering, accounting or management graduate who would report directly to the senior vice-president of engineering, the company controller, or the general manager. In larger firms it ma

40、y take years to reach level and accumulate similar in-depth experience. In addition, responsibilities may come faster in a small firm with less specialization and fewer lower-level employees to receive delegated authority.1. The purpose of the passage is( ).2. Which of the following is TRUE of large

41、 corporations?3. The word “Their” (paragraph 2, line 6) refers to( ).4. Which of the following is NOT true of small firm?5. With whom is the passage most probably concerned?问题1选项A.to define corporations and firmsB.to show the relation between firms and collegesC.to inform the job-seeker of the emplo

42、yment requirementsD.to give a description of corporations for college students问题2选项A.They only employ college graduates.B.They can offer many job opportunities.C.They have many sub-companies nationwide.D.Their requirements are very competitive.问题3选项A.corporationsB.graduating studentsC.small firmsD.e

43、mployers问题4选项A.It may be unnecessary for them to send people to colleges.B.Their employees may be promoted more quickly.C.They may offer positions which you demand.D.They cannot afford to send people to college.问题5选项A.StudentsB.EmployersC.EmployeesD.Engineers【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。


45、都不符合题意,D选项“为大学生描述公司”正确,因此D选项正确。2.细节事实题。由题干可定位到文章第一段“Big firms are your best place for a job because their normal growth, employee retirements, and turnover create thousands of jobs nationwide each year.(大公司是最适合工作的地方,因为它们的正常增长、员工退休和人员流动每年在全国范围内创造了成千上万的工作机会。)”可知大企业工作机会很多。A选项“他们只雇佣大学毕业生”说法错误;B选项“他们可以提供

46、很多工作机会”正确;C选项“他们在全国有很多子公司”和D选项“他们的职位需求很有竞争力”文中没有提到。因此B选项正确。3.语义推测题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段第五句话“Their salaries are usually competitive and the chances for advancement and recognition even stronger than those of a big firm.(他们的薪水通常很有竞争力,晋升和认可的机会甚至比大公司还要大。)”。由此可知这里是拿大公司的薪水与小公司的薪水相比。A选项“公司的”;B选项“毕业生的”;D选项“老板的”都不符

47、合题意,C选项“小公司的”符合题意,因此C选项正确。4.细节事实题。由题干可定位到文章第二段最后一句“You could become a big fish in a small pond, reaching a high-level position more quickly than you would if you had climbed the most competitive ladder of a corporate giant.(你可以成为一个小池塘里的大鱼,比你爬上一个公司巨头竞争最激烈的阶梯更快地到达另一个高层位置。)”可知小公司提供的职位比你想要的还高。A选项“他们可能没有

48、必要送人上大学”;B选项“他们的员工可能会升职更快”;D选项“他们供不起员工上大学”文章都有提到,C选项“他们可能提供你需要的职位”说法错误,因此C选项正确。5.主旨大意题。从文中第一段说很多大企业去校园进行招聘并述说了你在大或者小企业里各自所获他们各自的工作优势,可知本文是想给那些学生尤其是即将毕业的学生介绍一些有关大企业和小公司的特点,为他们就业提供更多参考。A选项“学生”;B选项“雇主”;C选项“员工”;D选项“工程师”。因此A选项正确。14. 单选题Ill try to get in touch with him but hes( )ever at home when I phone.

49、问题1选项A.rarelyB.almostC.hardlyD.occasionally【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项rarely“很少地;难得;罕有地”;B选项almost“差不多,几乎”;C选项hardly“几乎不,简直不;刚刚”;D选项occasionally“偶尔;间或”。其中hardly带否定意义,hardly ever含never的意思,可当作固定搭配,意为“几乎从不,几乎不”。句意:我尽量和他联系,但我打电话时他几乎不在家。因此C选项正确。15. 单选题The commission would find itself( )at every turn if its membe

50、rs couldnt reach an agreement.问题1选项A.collidedB.savagedC.crumbledD.hampered【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项collided“(偶然)碰撞,冲突,(不同的观念、想法等)碰撞(而产生有趣结果)”;B选项savaged“乱咬,粗暴的对待,凶猛地攻击”;C选项crumbled“弄碎,破碎”;D选项hampered“阻碍,限制”。句意:如果委员们不能达成一致意见,该委员会将处处受阻。因此D选项正确。16. 单选题All his plan for starting his own business fell( ).问题1选项A

51、.inB.throughC.downD.away【答案】B【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项fell in“塌陷,跌入,集合,到期”;B选项fell through“落空,失败”;C选项fell down“跌倒,倒塌”;D选项fell away“消失,背离,离开,疏失”。句意:他所有的创业计划全落空(告吹)了。因此B选项正确。17. 单选题It would appear that Kennedy pursued a policy at times more rigid than that of Eisenhower, that he feared China more intensely and t

52、hat he placated Chiang Kai-shek more assiduously.问题1选项A.provascularlyB.arbitrativelyC.formidablyD.sedulously【答案】D【解析】考查近义副词辨析。A选项provascularly和B选项arbitratively形式的副词不存在;C选项formidably“强大地;难对付地;可怕地”;D选项sedulously“孜孜不倦地;勤勉地”。句意:肯尼迪奉行的政策有时似乎比艾森豪威尔的更为严格,他更害怕中国,更积极地安抚蒋介石。assiduously“刻苦地;勤勉地”,D选项与该词词意最相近,因此

53、D选项正确。18. 单选题The funny looking man whom the girl met on the street of Princeton was( ) Albert Einstein.问题1选项A.none butB.none other butC.no other butD.nobody but【答案】B【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项none but“仅有;无;只有才”;B选项none other but与none other than意思相同,意为“不是别人,正是”;C选项no other but没有这种用法;D选项nobody but“除了没有人”。句意:那个女孩在普

54、林斯顿大街上遇到的长相滑稽的男人不是别人,正是阿尔伯特爱因斯坦。因此B选项正确。19. 单选题Crediting all good to Mr. Obamas leadership and all bad to Republican obstructionism, as Mr. Cassidy does, may not be entirely honest, but it does have the considerable virtue of freeing Mr. Obama of the burden of running as a feckless wimp stymied by R

55、epublican bullying.问题1选项A.obstructedB.quippedC.grungeD.wrecked【答案】A【解析】考查同义动词辨析。A选项obstructed“阻塞,妨碍,遮住”;B选项quipped“嘲弄,讥讽”;C选项grunge“(仅为名词)蹩脚货,乏味的东西,难看的东西”;D选项wrecked“破坏,毁灭,(使)船舶失事,(使)遭遇沉船,毁船打劫,遭遇(船舶)失事,拆除”。句意:像卡西迪那样,把所有的好事都归功于奥巴马的领导,把所有的坏事都归功于共和党的阻挠,这可能不是完全诚实的,但它确实有相当大的好处,让奥巴马摆脱了竞选时被共和党的欺凌所束缚的软弱无能的负

56、担。Stymy“阻挠,妨碍”,A选项与该词意思最相近,因此A选项正确。20. 单选题It is necessary that an efficient worker( )his work on time.问题1选项A.accomplishesB.can accomplishC.has accomplishedD.accomplish【答案】D【解析】考查虚拟语气。本句句首的It作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句,即:that an efficient workeron time。that引导的主语从句采用了虚拟语气,其完整的 形式为 It is necessary that an efficient worker (should) accomplish his work on time. 本句省略了主句从句中的should。虚拟语气与不定式同时出现时,在It is necessary + that.的结构中,that引导的主语从句的谓语要用虚拟语气,即should +动词原形,其中的should可省略。在不定式作形容词的主语的句式中,用It is necessary +不定式。因此D选项正确。

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