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1、2022年考博英语-吉林大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题One cannot be really happy if( ) he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no value or importance.问题1选项A.thatB.howC.whatD.where【答案】C【解析】考查从句连接词的用法。句意:一个人如果喜欢做的事被社会认为没有价值而被忽略的话,他不会真的快乐。分析句子可知空格处要填入一个引导主语从句的连词,选项C符合题意。2. 单选题One of the responsibilities of the

2、Coast Guard is to make sure that all ships ( )follow traffic rules in busy harbors.问题1选项A.dutifullyB.cautiouslyC.faithfullyD.skillfully【答案】A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。dutifully “尽职尽责地,忠实地”;cautiously “慎重地,谨慎地”;faithfully “忠实地,忠诚地”;skillfully “巧妙地,精巧地”。句意:海岸警卫队的职责之一便是确保繁忙港口的所有船只都遵守交通规则。选项A符合题意。3. 单选题Its a pity tha

3、t we should stay at home when we have( )weather .问题1选项A.so fineB.such fineC.such a fineD.so fine a【答案】B【解析】考查so与such的用法。weather 是不可数名词,such + adj. + 不可数名词,所以选项B符合题意。 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE 4. 单选题The town square really looks magnificent at night when it is( )问题1选项A.il

4、luminatedB.decoratedC.furnishedD.inhabited【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。illuminated “被照明的”;decorated “装饰的,修饰的”;furnished “家具,有家具的”;inhabited “有人居住的”。句意:当灯光照亮时,夜晚的城市广场看上去真的很宏伟。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题Robert F. Kennedy once said that a countrys GDP measures “everything except that which makes life worthwhile.” With Britai

5、n voting to leave the European Union, and GDP already predicted to slow as a result, it is now a timely moment to assess what he was referring to.The question of GDP and its usefulness has annoyed policymakers for over half a century. Many argue that it is a flawed concept. It measures things that d

6、o not matter and misses things that do. By most recent measures, the UKs GDP has been the envy of the Western world, with record low unemployment and high growth figures. If everything was going so well, then why did over 17 million people vote for Brexit, despite the warning about what it could do

7、to their countrys economic prospects?A recent annual study of countries and their ability to convert growth into well-being sheds some light on that question. Across the 163 countries measured, the UK is one of the poorest performers in ensuring that economic growth is translated into meaningful imp

8、rovements for its citizens. Rather than just focusing on GDP, over 40 different sets of criteria from health, education and civil society engagement have been measured to get a more rounded assessment of how countries are performing.While all of these countries face their own challenges, there are a

9、 number of consistent themes. Yes, there has been a budding economic recovery since the 2008 global crash, but in key indicators in areas such as health and education, major economies have continued to decline. Yet this isnt the case with all countries. Some relatively poor European countries have s

10、een huge improvements across measures including civil society, income equality and environment.This is a lesson that rich countries can learn. When GDP is no longer regarded as the sole measure of countrys success, the world looks very different.So what Kennedy was referring to was that while GDP ha

11、s been the most common method for measuring the economic activity of nations, as a measure, it is no longer enough. It does not include important factors such as environmental quality of education outcomesall thing that contribute to a persons sense of well-being.The sharp hit to growth predicted ar

12、ound the world and in the UK could lead to a decline in the everyday services we depend on for our well-being and for growth. But policymakers, who refocus efforts on improving well-being rather than simply worrying about GDP figures could avoid the forecasted doom and may even see progress1.Robert

13、F. Kennedy is cited because he( ) .2.It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that( ) .3.Which of the following is true about the recent annual study?4.In the last two paragraphs, the author suggests that ( ).5.Which of the following is the best for the text?问题1选项A.praised the UK for its GDPB.identified

14、GDP with happinessC.misinterpreted the role of GDPD.had a low opinion of GDP问题2选项A.the UK is reluctant to remold its economic patternB.the UK will contribute less to the world economyC.GDP as the measure of success is widely defied in the UKD.policymakers in the UK are paying less attention to GDP问题

15、3选项A.It excludes GDP as an indicatorB.It is sponsored by 163 countries.C.Its criteria are questionableD.Its result are enlightening问题4选项A.the UK is preparing for an economic boomB.high GDP foreshadows an economic declineC.it is essential to consider factors beyond GDPD.it requires caution to handle

16、economic issue问题5选项A.High GDP but Inadequate Well-being, a U.K lessonB.GDP figures, a Window on Global Economic HealthC.Robert F. Kennedy, a Terminator of GDPD.Brexit, the UKs Gateway to Well-being【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.文章第一段第一句Robert F. Kennedy once said that a countrys GDP measures “ev

17、erything except that which makes life worthwhile”提到肯尼迪对于GDP的看法,他说一个国家的GDP可以衡量的是除了使生命变得有价值之外的每件事,言下之意就是GDP是没有意义的。可见他对GDP是持否定态度的。选项D符合题意。2.文章第二段以英国为例来说明GDP数值好并不代表国家的经济好,也不代表国民的生活好,不然为什么会有那么多人支持脱欧(If everything was going so well, then why did over 17million people vote for Brexit, despite the warnings

18、about what it could do to their countrys economic prospects?)选项C “GDP作为衡量成功的标准在英国不被广泛认同”符合题意。3.文章第三段第一句A recent annual study of countries and their ability to convert growth into well-being sheds some light on that question提到最近一项关于各国及其将经济增长转化为福利的能力的年度研究揭示了这个问题。选项D符合题意,“结果具有启发性”。4.文章倒数第二段再一次提到肯尼迪对GDP

19、的看法,他指的是尽管国内生产总值(GDP)是衡量各国经济活动的最常用方法,但作为衡量标准,这已经不够了。它没有把其他一些重要的因素比如环境质量或教育成果包括进来,由此可以推测选项C符合题意,“把GDP以外的一些因素考虑进来”。5.文章第一段通过肯尼迪对于GDP的消极观点引出原文,并通过英国脱欧这个案例来引出考虑GDP这个评价机制的好坏。接下来通过英国的例子指出GDP好并不代表国家发展好。最后指出这是每一个发达国家需要得到的教训。选项A “英国的教训高GDP,低幸福”符合题意。6. 单选题The greatest devastation of old age is the loss of men

20、tal faculties, and with the near doubling of life expectancy in the past century has come the mixed blessing of living longer and losing more. A few great thinkers and artists remained productive in their later years Galileo, Monet, Shaw, Stravinsky, Tolstoy but even they were not what they had been

21、 in their primes. In science, the boom falls sooner still:“ person who has not made his great contribution to science before the age of 30 will never do so,”said Einstein.Imagine if we could transplant old brains into younger bodies: would our minds stay young, or would we be senile teenagers, scali

22、ng mountains and skateboarding at 120, but forgetting where we put the car keys? Is the brain uniquely vulnerable to the ravages of time? Can anything be done?Incontrovertible evidence from many studies shows that a higher level of education and greater mental activity throughout life correlate with

23、 lower cognitive losses in old age. These benefits apply to all sorts of cognitive losses, including those associated with Alzheimers. Some researchers believe that mental application in early life produces complex neural connections that provide a reserve later onothers argue that education merely

24、gives people the means to cope with and compensate for their losses.K. Warner Schaie, a professor of human development and psychology at Pennsylvania State University, has studied age-related change in more than 5, 000 people, some for more than 40 years.Comparing earlier with later recruits, Mr. Sc

25、haie concludes that the rate of mental decline is slowing,a change he attributes to better education, healthier diet, lessened exposure to serious disease, and more mental activity. “Youve got to practice,” Mr. Schaie says, “If you dont solve problems, you no longer can solve problems. ” Retirement

26、can be particularly hard, he adds, because for many people, work is their most challenging activity. “Retirement is good for people who,ve had routine jobs they may find something more stimulating. But its disadvantageous for people in high-level jobs, who are less likely to find something as stimul

27、ating as the job they had. ”K. Anders Ericsson, a psychology professor at Florida State University, confirms Mr. Schaies emphasis on the virtue of practice. Initially interested in expert performers like musicians, he found that many ostensible geniuses arent really so different from everyone else t

28、hey just practice harder and longer, benefiting from sheer labor, rather than from some special gift. Professional musicians who continue to practice assiduously as they age continue to play well, while amateurs who just play for pleasure show age-related declines.Mr. Ericssons studies failed to sho

29、w significant generalized benefits from mental exercise. “If you play tennis, you improve your general fitness, but the greatest improvement is specific to tennis, not to other sports. Its the same with cognitive exercise. You have to look at your life and pick what you want to improve. ”1.According

30、 to the text, most great thinkers and artists( )2.The third passage tells us that higher levels of education( ) .3.In this text the authors main intent is to( ) .4.Retirement can be good for people who( ) .5.The last paragraph tells us that mental exercise( ).问题1选项A.were productive even in their lat

31、er yearsB.were most successful before the age of 30C.made contributions regardless of ageD.contributed the most before old age问题2选项A.can help prevent AlzheimersB.are related to greater mental awareness in youthC.are related to lower levels of mental decline in old ageD.are only of many factors that

32、can slow the rate of mental decline问题3选项A.underscore the difficulties related to agingB.critique different theories of mental decline in old ageC.argue that old age need not be a barrier to great accomplishmentsD.understand how people can counter the impacts of aging on mental faculties问题4选项A.have a

33、lways had very busy work livesB.can find more stimulating activities than they had through workC.have had high-level jobs or very stimulating work experiencesD.have previously had unsatisfying work experiences问题5选项A.offers benefits specific to that kind of exerciseB.should be paired with physical ex

34、ercise for maximum benefitC.is comparable to physical activities in terms of its importance to overall healthD.can counter age-related mental decline【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.文章第一段第二句提到很少的思想家和艺术家在他们晚年依然保持创造力,比如伽利略,莫内,肖恩等,但是远远不及他们的壮年时期。选项D符合题意。2.文章第三段第一句话Incontrovertible evidence from many s

35、tudies shows that a higher level of education and greater mental activity throughout life correlate with lower cognitive losses in old age。选项C的表述与之相近,所以符合题意。3.文章在第一段提出年老会使人智力下降,接着列举了几位研究人员关于这个问题的研究,主要关于老年脑力和认知能力衰退的情况,还有受教育程度和工作种类对智力衰退的影响。 A、C两个选项很容易排除;文章并没有将重点放在如何解决年老带来的问题,所以D选项也排除。选项B符合题意。4.文章第四段Re

36、tirement is good for people whove had routine jobsthey may find something more stimulating.选项B的描述与之相近,所以符合题意。5.文章最后一段第一句话提到研究并不能表明脑力锻炼能够产生全面的好处。之后举打网球的例子进一步说明脑力锻炼只能获得与此锻炼相关联的好处,选项A与此信息一致。选项A符合题意。7. 单选题Some of this meat came from Canada. How about ( )?问题1选项A.anotherB.othersC.the otherD.the rest【答案】D【

37、解析】考查不可数名词的指代。meat 是不可数名词,前面三个选项一般用来知道可数名词,所以不符合题意。选项D既可以指代可数名词,也可以指代不可数名词,符合题意。句意:这里一部分肉来自加拿大,那剩下的呢?8. 单选题Many young people take ( )radios to the beach with them.问题1选项A.liableB.portableC.purchasableD.cherishable【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。liable “有责任的,有义务的”;portable “手提的,便携式的”;purchasable “可买的,可买到的”;cherish

38、able “值得珍惜的”。句意:很多年轻人带着便携式收音机去沙滩。选项B符合题意。9. 单选题Some British universities are state-supported, others are privately( ) and still others are supported by religious origination.问题1选项A.ensuredB.attributedC.authorizedD.endowed【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。ensure “保证,确保”;attribute “归属,把 归于”;authorize “批准,认可”;endow “资

39、助,捐赠”。根据前半句句意“一些英国大学是政府创建的”,后半句“其他有些由宗教组织资助”,可以推出空格处要填入support的同义词,所以选项D符合题意。10. 单选题Many years ago, a lot of factories were( ) from big cities to the mountainous areas in case of war.问题1选项A.transferredB.transformedC.transmittedD.transported【答案】A【解析】考查形似动词词义辨析。transfer “转移;调任”;transform “改变,使 变形;转换”;

40、transmit “传输;传播”;transport “运输;运送”。句意:很多年前,如果有战争,大量的工厂就会从大城市被转移到山区。选项A符合题意。11. 单选题Relief organizations have contributed ( )money to famine in Africa.问题1选项A.both time andB.time butC.neither time andD.neither time nor【答案】A【解析】考查连接词的用法。句意:救援组织为非洲的饥荒出钱出力。选项A符合题意。12. 单选题You must remember not to( ) from t

41、he point when you write an essay.问题1选项A.go astrayB.wanderC.divergeD.go off【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组辨析、动词词义辨析。go astray “走入歧途;迷路”;wander “徘徊,漫步,迷路”;diverge “分化;分歧,相异;偏离”;go off “离开,进行;变质”。句意:你必须记住当你写论文的时候不要偏离主题。选项C符合题意。13. 单选题Who won the World Cup 2002 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How di

42、d the critics like the new play? (1)an event takes place; newspapers are on the streets(2)the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reporters are on the spot to(3) the news.Newspapers have one basic(4), to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to thos

43、e who want to(5) it. Radio, telegraph, television, the Internet and(6)inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication (7), this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of com

44、munication to improve the(8)and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are(9)and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out into many other fields. Besides keeping readers(10)of the latest news, todays newspapers(11)and influence readers about po

45、litics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers economic choices (12)advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very(13)Newspapers are sold at a price that(14) to cover even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main(15)of income for most news

46、papers is commercial advertising. The(16) in selling advertising depends on a newspapers value to advertisers. This(17)in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends(18)on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment(19)in a newspapers

47、 pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspapers value to readers as a source of information(20)the community, city, country, slate, nation, and worldand even outer space.问题1选项A.Just whenB.WhileC.Soon afterD.Before问题2选项A.to giveB.givingC.givenD.being given问题3选项A.gatherB.spreadC.car

48、ryD.bring问题4选项A.reasonB.causeC.problemD.purpose问题5选项A.makeB.publishC.knowD.write问题6选项A.anotherB.otherC.one anotherD.the other问题7选项A.HoweverB.AndC.ThereforeD.So问题8选项A.valueB.ratioC.rateD.speed问题9选项A.spreadB.passedC.printedD.completed问题10选项A.informB.be informedC.to be informedD.informed问题11选项A.enterta

49、inB.encourageC.educateD.edit问题12选项A.onB.throughC.withD.of问题13选项A.formsB.existenceC.contentsD.purpose问题14选项A.triesB.managesC.failsD.succeeds问题15选项A.sourceB.originC.courseD.finance问题16选项A.wayB.meansC.chanceD.success问题17选项A.measuresB.measuredC.is measuredD.was measured问题18选项A.somewhatB.littleC.muchD.so

50、mething问题19选项A.offeringB.offeredC.which offeredD.to be offered问题20选项A.byB.withC.atD.about【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C第6题:B第7题:A第8题:D第9题:C第10题:D第11题:C第12题:B第13题:B第14题:C第15题:A第16题:D第17题:C第18题:A第19题:B第20题:D【解析】(1)考查副词的用法。空格处所在句子的句意是:当一个事件刚发生的时候,报纸就会在街头进行转播事件的细节。空格处填写的单词或短语是用来形容事件一发生,就被报道了,just 在这里是副词,

51、意思是“刚刚”,符合题意。选项A符合题意。(2)考查不定式的用法。to give 来表目的,意思是来到街上的目的是为了报道事件的细节。选项A符合题意。(3)考查动词词义辨析。gather“收集”,spread“传播”,carry“携带”,bring“带来”。空格处所在的句子的句意:无论世界上哪里有事件,记者都会在现场收集新闻。选项A符合题意。(4)考查名词词义辨析。reason“理由”,cause“原因”, problem“问题”,purpose“目的”。空格处所在的句子的句意是:报纸有一个基本的目的,就是尽快从它的来源处获得新闻,并且将新闻从来源处传播给那些想要了解它的人。选项D符合题意。(

52、5)考查动词词义辨析。 空格处所在的句子的句意是:报纸有一个基本的目的,就是尽快从它的来源处获得新闻,并且将新闻从来源处传播给那些想要了解它的人。选项C符合题意。(6)考查 other 与 another的用法。空格处所在句子的意思是:广播、电视、电报和因特网以及其他发明为报纸带来了竞争。another指泛指三个或以上的其他事物;other 泛指别的人或物,所以other 符合题意。选项B符合题意。(7)考查连词的用法。空格的前后可以看出是一个转折关系,所以选项A符合题意。(8)考查名词词义辨析。空格处后面半句话的意思是提高自身运作的效率,可以判断出前文是提高速度,选项D符合题意。(9)考查动

53、词词义辨析。空格处所在句子的句意是:现在更多的报纸被印刷并被人阅读,选项C符合题意。(10)考查固定搭配。keep sb informed of 保持对知情。选项D符合题意。(11)考查动词词义辨析。entertain“娱乐,取悦”,encourage“鼓励”,educate“教育”,edit“编辑”。空格处所在句子的句意是:现在的报纸在政治或者其它重要并且严肃的问题上教育并且影响着读者。选项C符合题意。(12)考查介词词义辨析。influence through“通过.影响”,influence with“对有影响”,influence on“对影响”,influence of “某种影响”

54、。空格处所在句子的句意是:报纸通过广告影响读者的经济选择。选项B符合题意。(13)考查名词词义辨析。空格处所在句子的句意是:大多数报纸的生存都是依靠广告。选项B符合题意。(14)考查动词词义辨析。空格处所在句子的句意是:报纸出售的价格甚至不够支付生产成本的一小部分。选项C符合题意。(15)考查名词词义辨析。空格处所在句子的句意是:大多数报纸的主要收入来源是商业广告。选项A符合题意。(16)考查名词词义辨析。空格处所在句子的句意是:报纸出售广告能否成功取决于报纸对于广告商的价值。success in “在的成功”。选项D符合题意。(17)考查固定搭配。be measured in terms o

55、f “以为标准衡量”。选项C符合题意。(18)考查副词词义辨析。somewhat“多少有点”,little“几乎没有”,much“很大程度”,something “有点,大约”。这句讲的是报纸的流通受哪些因素制约,文章最后一句提到最重要的因素(for the most part),可以知道这里的因素不是最重要的。选项A符合题意。(19)考查非谓语动词。空格处所填的词与前面的service 和 entertainment 是被动关系,选项B符合题意。(20)考查介词词义辨析。information about “关于的信息”。选项D符合题意。14. 单选题That machine was ver

56、y useful; but he was definitely( ) when he said it was the greatest machine ever invented.问题1选项A.lyingB.bluffingC.exaggeratingD.overreacting【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。lie “躺”;bluff “虚张声势”;exaggerate “夸大”;overreact “反应过度”。句意:那台机器用处非常大,但是当他声称它曾经是最伟大的机器时,明显是在夸大。选项C符合题意。15. 单选题He spoke so ( )that even his oppone

57、nts were won over by his arguments.问题1选项A.bluntlyB.convincinglyC.emphaticallyD.determinedly【答案】B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。bluntly “率直地,迟钝地”;convincingly “令人信服的,有说服力的”; emphatically “强调地,明显地”;determinedly “坚定地,决然地”。句意:他说的是如此有说服力,以至于他的对手都被他的论述所说服。选项B符合题意。16. 单选题We cant understand Uncle George, for he always ( )wha

58、tever he says.问题1选项A.mastersB.mumblesC.molestsD.muzzles【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。master “控制;精通;征服”;mumble “含糊地说”;molest “骚扰,调戏;干扰”;muzzle “使 缄默”。句意:我们不能理解乔治叔叔说了什么,因为他总是含糊地说。选项B符合题意。17. 单选题( ) found four-leaf clover is considered a lucky sign.问题1选项A.It is rarelyB.RarelyC.The rarelyD.Despite its being rarely【

59、答案】C【解析】考查定冠词的用法。句意:罕见的四叶草被认为是幸运的象征。定冠词 the 放在单数名词前表示某一类事物。18. 单选题( ) is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.问题1选项A.ThatB.WhichC.AsD.It【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。as is know to 是一个固定搭配,意思是“众所周知”。选项C符合题意。19. 单选题The roof( ) under the weight of the snow.问题1选项A.fellB.submergedC.collapsedD.desc

60、ended【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。fall “跌下,掉落”;submerge “淹没,沉浸”;collapse “倒塌”;descend “下降,下去”。句意:在大雪的压迫下,房顶坍塌了。选项C符合题意。20. 单选题Art that endures often makes an initially disturbing impact: the profound experience that such art seeks to provoke necessarily engenders a certain( ) .问题1选项A.familiarityB.ennuiC.upheavalD.intimacy【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。familiarity“熟悉,精通”;ennui“厌倦,无聊,倦怠”;upheaval “剧变,动乱”;intimacy “亲密,亲昵行为”。句意:忍耐的艺术通常产生原发性地让人烦恼的冲击效果:这种艺术试图引起的深刻经验必然产生一种错乱。选项C符合题意。

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