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1、2022年考博英语-黑龙江大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题最近的全球经济衰退表明了我们对经济增长的依赖。经济步履蹒跚的时候会发生什么情况?那时,金融市场会崩溃,房地产价格猛跌,就业率降低。这么一来,凯恩斯经济学就会重新兴起。政府投入大量资金,让经济重新运转,同时寄希望于减税和财政刺激来促进投资、生产和就业。【答案】The recent global recession has demonstrated our dependence on economic growth. What happens when the economy falters? Financial marke

2、ts would collapse, housing prices would plummet and employment would fall. Keynesian economics could be revived. The government poured money into getting the economy moving again, hoping tax cuts and fiscal stimulus would boost investment, production and employment.2. 翻译题The express way is not only

3、a bridge leading a country into modernization, but also an essential condition for the development of modern transportation. In recent years, Chinas express ways have experienced a flourishing development, with a total mileage of 96,000 kilometers by 2012, ranking the second in the world. The total

4、mileage will reach 108,000 kilometers after the construction of the national express way network is completed. By then, over 90% of the cities with an urban population of more than 200,000 will have been covered. Express ways create new development opportunities and space for road transportation, ad

5、ding vitality to the economic take-off along the way. Nowadays, it has become one of the most important factors in driving the domestic demand and fuelling the rapid development of economy.【答案】高速公路是一个国家走向现代化的桥梁,也是发展现代交通业的必要条件。近几年,中国高速公路蓬勃发展,截止到2012年,中国高速公路的总里程已经达到9.6万公里,位居世界第二。国家高速公路网建成后,通车里程将达10.8万

6、公里,届时将覆盖超过90%的拥有20万以上城镇人口的城市。高速公路为道路运输创造了新的发展机遇和空间,也为沿线的经济腾飞增添了活力。现在,它已成为拉动内需、促进经济快速发展的重要因素之一。3. 单选题This book is divided into five sections. Each section( )a different aspect of the problem.问题1选项A.deals withB.copes withC.solvesD.handles【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。deal with“处理,涉及”;cope with“处理,应付”;solve“解决,解答”;h

7、andle“处理”。句意:这本书分为五个部分,每个部分都涉及问题的不同方面。A项符合题意。4. 单选题Before the interview, each candidate had to have a( )medical examination.问题1选项A.porousB.vigorousC.thesaurusD.rigorous【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。porous“能渗透的,有气孔的”;vigorous“精力充沛的”;thesaurus“宝库,辞典”;rigorous“严格的,严厉的”。句意:在面试之前,每个候选人都必须进行严格的体检。D项符合题意。5. 单选题He faile

8、d to( )himself to the new environment.问题1选项A.adoptB.adaptC.attachD.abduct【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。adopt“采用,收养”;adapt“适应”;attach“使联系,使依附”;abduct“绑架,诱拐”。句意:他不能适应新环境。B项符合题意。6. 单选题After the election, a new situation is likely to( ).问题1选项A.riseB.raiseC.ariseD.arouse【答案】C【解析】考查形近词辨析。rise“上升,增强”;raise“提升,增加,养育”;ari

9、se“出现,上升,起立”;arouse“引起,唤醒,鼓励”。句意:选举之后,一种新形势可能要出现了。C项符合题意。7. 单选题The firemen( )the abandoned warehouse for potential fire hazards.问题1选项A.scannedB.inspectedC.scrutinizedD.audited【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。scan“浏览,扫视”;inspect“检查,仔细挑剔”;scrutinize“细看,仔细阅读,仔细挑剔地检查”;audit“审计,查账”。句意:消防员检查了废弃仓库是否存在潜在的火灾隐患。B项符合题意。8. 单选题S

10、ince you are unhappy with this job, I recommend that you_ as soon as possible.问题1选项A.resignedB.will resignC.could resignD.resign【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. resigned辞职 B. will resign辞职C. could resign辞职 D. resign辞职【考查点】固定搭配。【解题思路】这里考查recommend的用法。sb. recommend that sb. (should) do sth.表示建议某人做某事。这里的should可以省略。因此

11、D选项 resign正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项搭配错误。【句意】既然你对这份工作不满意,我建议你尽快辞职。9. 翻译题As one of the oldest civilizations of the world, China has a long history and brilliant culture. After entering the era of civilization in the Xia Dynasty, China created glorious science and culture. The compass, gunpowder, paper-making

12、and printing are considered to be the four great inventions of ancient China, which have contributed immensely to the civilization of the world and the progress of mankind. The Silk Road of China, the oldest trade route in the world, largely promoted the cultural exchange between the East and the We

13、st.【答案】中国是世界上最古老的文明之一,有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。中国在夏朝时开始进入文明时代之后,创造了辉煌的科技和文化。指南针、火药、造纸术、印刷术是中国古代的四大发明,对世界文明和人类的进步做出了极大的贡献。中国的丝绸之路世界上最古老的贸易通道极大地促进了东西方文化的交流。10. 不定项选择题President Arling has put his long-awaited economic restructuring program before the Congress. It provides a coordinated program of investment credi

14、ts, research grants, educational reforms, and tax changes designed to make American industry more competitive. This is necessary to reverse the economic slide into unemployment, lack of growth, and trade deficits that have plagued the economy for the past six years. The most liberal wing of the Pres

15、idents party has called for stronger and more direct action. They want an incomes policy to check inflation while Federal financing helps rebuild industry behind a wall of protective tariffs. The Republicans, however, decry even the modest, graduated tax increases in the Presidents program.They want

16、 tax cuts and a more open market. They say if Federal money has to be injected into the economy, let it through defence spending.Both these alternatives ignore the unique nature of the economic problem before us. It is not simply a matter of markets or financing. The new technology allows vastly inc

17、reased production for those able to master it.But it also threatens those who fail to adopt it with permanent second-class citizenship in the world economy. If an industry cannot lever itself up to the leading stage of technological advances, then it will not be able to compete effectively. If it ca

18、nnot do this, no amount of government protectionism or access to foreign markets can keep it profitable for long.Without the profits and experience of technological excellence to reinvest, that industry can only fall still further behind its foreign competitors.So the crux is the technology and that

19、 is where the Presidents program focused. The danger is not that a plan will not be passed, it is that the ideologues of right and left will distort the bill with amendments that will blur its focus on technology. The economic restructuring plan should be passed intact.If we fail to restructure our

20、economy now, we may not get a second chance.1. The focus of the Presidents program is on_.2. What is the requirement of the most liberal wing of the Democratic-party?3. What is the editors attitude?4. The danger to the plan lies in _.5. The passage is _.问题1选项A.investmentB.economyC.technologyD.tax问题2

21、选项A.They want a more direct action.B.They want an incomes policy to check inflation.C.They want to rebuild industry.D.They want a wall of protective tariffs.问题3选项A.Support.B.Distaste.C.Disapproval.D.Compromise.问题4选项A.the two parties objectionB.different idea of the two parties about the planC.its pa

22、ssageD.distortion问题5选项A.a reviewB.a prefaceC.an advertisementD.an editorial【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1. 【选项释义】The focus of the Presidents program is on _. 总统项目的重点是_。A. investment A. 投资B. economy B. 经济C. technology C. 技术D. tax D. 税收【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干信息focus of the Presidents program可定位到倒数第二

23、段第一句,该处讲到“所以关键是技术(the crux is the technology),这也是总统项目的重点所在”因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“投资”,是总统计划中涉及到的部分但并不是关键,属于本末倒置;B选项“经济”,范围太广,太笼统,属于本末倒置;D选项“税收”,是总统计划中的一部分但也不是关键,属于本末倒置。2. 【选项释义】What is the requirement of the most liberal wing of the Democratic-party? 民主党中最自由派的要求是什么?A. They want a more direct action. A.

24、他们想要一个更直接的行动。B. They want an incomes policy to check inflation. B. 他们想要一个收入政策来遏制通货膨胀。C. They want to rebuild industry. C. 他们想重建工业。D. They want a wall of protective tariffs. D. 他们想要保护性关税壁垒。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到Para. 1第四句,该处讲到“总统政党中最自由的一派呼吁采取更有力、更直接的行动(stronger and more direct action)”。因此A选项正确。【

25、干扰项排除】B选项“他们想要一个收入政策来遏制通货膨胀”,属于行动中的一部分,该选项以偏概全;C选项“他们想重建工业”,属于行动中一部分,该选项以偏概全;D选项“他们想要保护性关税壁垒”也是该行动中的一部分,以偏概全。3. 【选项释义】What is the editors attitude? 编者的态度是什么?A. Support. A. 支持。B. Distaste. B. 厌恶。C. Disapproval. C. 反对。D. Compromise. D. 妥协。【考查点】观点态度题。【解题思路】文中作者在Para. 4第二句中说到“如果一个行业不能把自己提升到技术进步的领先阶段,那么它

26、就不能有效地竞争”。也就是说作者赞同新计划,发展新技术。同时他还强调了新技术在未来发展的作用。作者在最后一段又提到“如果我们现在不能重组我们的经济,我们可能不会有第二次机会。”,综合理解可以推测出作者的态度是支持的。因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“厌恶”、C选项“反对”、D选项“妥协”不符合原文作者的观点,属于无中生有。4. 【选项释义】The danger to the plan lies in _. 这个计划的危险在于_。A. the two parties objection A. 双方的反对意见B. different idea of the two parties about

27、the plan B. 双方对这个计划有不同的看法C. its passage C. 它的通过D. distortion D. 扭曲;曲解【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息danger to the plan可定位到倒数第二段第二句,该处讲到“危险(The danger)不在于一项计划无法通过,而在于左右翼的理论家将通过修正案歪曲该法案(distort the bill with amendments),从而模糊其对技术的关注。”。比对选项,D选项恰好是此信息的同义转换,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“双方的反对意见”,属于无中生有;B选项“双方对这个计划有不同的看法”,属于

28、无中生有;C选项“它的通过”,通过解题思路可知文中明确提到“危险(The danger)不在于一项计划无法通过”,为反向干扰。5. 【选项释义】The passage is _. 这篇文章是_。A. a reviewA. 一篇回顾B. a preface B. 一篇前言C. an advertisement C. 一则广告D. an editorial D. 一篇社论【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据文章内容可知,该文章是作者对美国经济计划的客观描述。这是对大事件的报道。editorial表示报纸上的一篇重要文章,表达编辑对某条新闻或某一问题的看法, 因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“

29、一篇回顾”,指回想过去发生的事情。而该文章描述的是一个经济计划,因此属于无中生有;B选项“一篇前言”,指写在书或者文章前的序言或导言,该篇文章是一个陈述并非引导,属于无中生有;C选项“一则广告”,广告应该要宣传什么,不符合文章内容,属于无中生有。11. 翻译题Traditionally, the woman has held a low position in a marriage partnership. While her husband went his way she had to wash, stitch and sew. Today the move is to liberate

30、the woman, which may in the end strengthen the marriage union. Perhaps the greatest obstacle to friendship in marriage is the amount a couple usually see of each other. Friendship in its usual sense is not tested by the strain of daily, yearlong cohabitation. Couples need to take up separate interes

31、ts(and friendship) as well as mutually shared ones, if they are not to get used to the more attractive elements of each others personalities. Married couples are likely to exert themselves for guests-being amusing, discussing with passion and point-and then to fall into dull exhausted silence when t

32、he guests have gone. Once a man confessed, “The great question I have not been able to answer is: What does a woman want?” Many husbands wonder the same thing today.【答案】从传统上讲,女性在婚姻关系中处于较低的地位。丈夫出门时,她就得洗洗涮涮,缝缝补补。今天的趋势是解放妇女,这最终可能会巩固婚姻。也许婚姻中友谊的最大障碍是夫妻经常见面。通常意义上的友谊不会受到每天、常年的同居生活的压力的考验。如果夫妇们不想要各自性格中更有吸引力的

33、那些部分失去新鲜感,那么除了共同的兴趣外,他们还需要有各自的兴趣(和友谊)。已婚夫妇在来客人时很可能会竭尽全力地接待客人幽默风趣,谈话时充满激情,但是在客人走后陷入沉闷、疲惫的沉默。有一次一个男人坦白说:“我一直不能回答的一个大问题是:女人想要什么?”如今,许多丈夫都对同样的事情感到疑惑。12. 翻译题从一定角度上看,教育的目的实质上就是通过生存知识的获得和生存能力的提高而使受教育者为未来的生活做好准备;而社会教育就是通过社会方式来实现这一目的。对于任何人来说,生活可以有两个目标:一是达到或维持基本的生存水平,二是提高到更高层次。为达到这两个目标其实生活中它们是融合在一起的,一般不会有人把两者

34、割裂开来任何时代、任何区域和社会阶层都会对作为社会成员生活在这一时空与社会交叉点上的人有一个基本或起码的知识和能力客观要求。【答案】From a certain point of view, the purpose of education is to make the educated prepare for the future life through the acquisition of survival knowledge and the improvement of survival ability. Social education is to achieve this goal

35、 through social means. For anyone, life can have two goals. One is to achieve or maintain a basic level of survival, and the other is to improve to a higher level. In order to achieve these two goalsin fact, they are integrated in life, and generally no one will cut them apartany era, any region and

36、 social class will have a basic or minimum objective requirement of knowledge and ability for people living at the intersection of time, space and society as members of the society.13. 不定项选择题The establishment of the Third Reich influenced events in American history by starting a chain of events whic

37、h culminated in war between Germany and the United States. The compete destruction of democracy, the persecution of Jews, the war on religion, the cruelty and barbarism of the Nazis, and especially the plans of Germany and her allies, Italy and Japan, for world conquest caused great indignation in t

38、his country and brought on fear of another world war.While speaking out against Hitlers atrocities, the American people generally favored isolationist policies and neutrality.The Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1936 prohibited trade with any belligerents or loans to them. In 1937 the President was empow

39、ered to declare an arms embargo in wars between nations at his discretion.American opinion began to change somewhat after President Roosevelts “quarantine the aggressor” speech at Chicago (1937) in which he severely criticized Hitlers policies. Germanys seizure of Austria and the Munich Pact for the

40、 partition of Czechoslovakia (1938) also aroused the American people.The conquest of Czechoslovakia in March, 1939 was another rude awakening to the menace of the Third Reich. In August, 1939 came the shock of the Nazi-soviet Pact and in September the attack on Poland and the outbreak of European wa

41、r.The United States attempted to maintain neutrality in spite of sympathy for the democracies arrayed against the Third Reich. The Neutrality Act of 1939 repealed the arms embargo and permitted “cash and carry” exports of arms to belligerent nations. A strong national defense program was begun.A dra

42、ft act was passed (1940) to strengthen the military services. A Lend Act (1941) authorized the President to sell, exchange, or lend materials to any country deemed necessary by him for the defense of the United States. Help was given to Britain by exchanging certain overage destroyers for the right

43、to establish American bases in British territory in the Western Hemisphere. In August, 1940 President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill met and issued the Atlantic Charter which proclaimed the kind of a world which should be established after the war. In December, 1941, Japan launched the unpro

44、voked attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor. Immediately thereafter, Germany declared war on the United States. 1. One item occurring before 1937 that the author does not mention in his list of actions that alienated the American public was_.2. The Lend-Lease Act was designed to_.3. American p

45、olicy during the years 1935-1936 may be described as being _.4. The Neutrality Act of 1939 _.5. We entered the war against Germany_.问题1选项A.the burning of the ReichstagB.German plans for conquestC.Nazi barbarismD.the persecution of religious group问题2选项A.help the BritishB.strengthen the national defen

46、se of the United StatesC.promote the Atlantic CharterD.avenge Pearl Harbor问题3选项A.watchfulB.isolationistC.peacefulD.indifferent问题4选项A.permitted the selling of arms to belligerent nationsB.antagonized JapanC.permitted the British to trade only with the AlliesD.led to the Lend-Lease Act问题5选项A.because G

47、ermany declared warB.because Japan was an ally of GermanyC.after Germany had signed the Nazi-Soviet PactD.after peaceful efforts had failed【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.【选项释义】One item occurring before 1937 that the author does not mention in his list of actions that alienated the American publi

48、c was _. 有一件事发生在1937年之前,但作者在他的疏远美国公众的行为清单中没有提到的是 _。A. the burning of the Reichstag A. 国会大厦的焚毁B. German plans for conquest B. 德国征服计划C. Nazi barbarism C. 纳粹暴虐D. the persecution of religious group D. 宗教团体的迫害【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到Para.1第二句,该处讲到“对犹太人的迫害(the persecution of Jews)”“纳粹的暴虐(barbarism of t

49、he Nazis)”以及“德国征服计划(the plans of Germany for world conquest)”。B、C、D都有提到,只有A没有。因此选A。【干扰项排除】A选项国会大厦的焚毁,属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】The Lend-Lease Act was designed to _. 租借法案的目的是 _。A. help the British A. 帮助英国B. strengthen the national defense of the United States B. 加强美国的国防C. promote the Atlantic Charter C. 促进大西洋宪章

50、D. avenge Pearl Harbor D. 珍珠港报仇【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息词Lend-Lease Act可定位到倒数第二段1941处,该处讲到“这项法案的目的是为了保卫美国(for the defense of the United States)”。换言之,就是加强美国的国防。比对选项,B选项恰好是此信息的同义转换,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“帮助英国”,这个法案颁布后确实给英国提供了帮助,但是这不是美国的根本目的。A选项属于本末倒置;C选项“促进大西洋宪章”,文中没有提到,C选项属于无中生有;D选项“珍珠港报仇”,文中没有提及两者的关系,D选项属

51、于无中生有。3.【选项释义】American policy during the years 1935-1936 may be described as being _. 美国在1935-1936年间的政策可以被描述为 _。A. watchful A. 注意的;警惕的B. isolationist B. 孤立主义的C. peaceful C. 和平的,爱好和平的D. indifferent D. 冷淡的,不关心的【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词1935-1936与题干信息词American policy可定位到Para.3第一句,该处讲到“1935-1936的中立法案(The

52、Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1936)”。还讲到“美国人民普遍支持孤立政策(the American people generally favored isolationist policies and neutrality)”。比对选项,B选项恰好是此信息的同义转换,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“注意的”,属于无中生有;C选项“和平的”,属于无中生有;D选项“冷淡的”,属于无中生有。4.【选项释义】The Neutrality Act of 1939_. 1939年中立法案_。A. permitted the selling of arms to bell

53、igerent nations A. 允许向交战国家出售武器B. antagonized Japan B. 对抗日本C. permitted the British to trade only with the Allies C. 允许英国只与协约国进行贸易D. led to the Lend-Lease Act D. 导致了租借法案的出台【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干信息词The Neutrality Act of 1939可定位到倒数第三段第二句,该处讲到“废弃了武器禁运,允许向交战国家现购自运出口武器”。换言之,允许对交战国家出口武器。比对选项,A选项恰好是此信息的同义转换,

54、因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“对抗日本”,属于无中生有;C选项“允许英国只与协约国进行贸易”,属于无中生有;D选项“导致了租借法案的出台”,文中没有提及两者关系,D选项属于过度推断。5.【选项释义】We entered the war against Germany _. 我们参加了对德战争_。A. because Germany declared war A. 因为德国宣战了B. because Japan was an ally of Germany B. 因为日本是德国的盟友C. after Germany had signed the Nazi-SovietC. 在德国签署了纳

55、粹苏联条约之后D. after peaceful efforts had failed D. 在和平努力失败之后【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到最后一段,该处讲到“Germany declared war on the United States.”。因为前文一直讲到美国处于中立状态,所以德国宣战后美国才参加了对德战争。比对选项,A选项恰好是此信息的同义转换,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“因为日本是德国的盟友”,属于无中生有;C选项“在德国签署了纳粹-苏联条约之后”,文中没有提过,属于无中生有;D选项“在和平努力失败之后”,文中美国一直处于中立状态,没有进行和平努

56、力,属于无中生有。14. 写作题Directions: For this part, you are allowed to write a composition on the topic of “On the Aging Population”. You should write at least 160-180 words.【答案】略15. 单选题The two surfaces( )to each other and we couldnt get them apart.问题1选项A.stuckB.clungC.coheredD.adhered【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。stick“粘

57、住,贴有粘着剂而变得固定”,stick to 坚持;cling“紧抓”;cohere“凝结,粘着”;adhere to“粘附,指被吸力或胶水粘住”。句意:这两个面粘在一起了,我们不能把它们分离。故D项符合题意。16. 单选题He is struggling to move on after_ emotional and health problems.问题1选项A.a bundle ofB.a part ofC.a series ofD.a bunch of【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. a bundle of 一束 B. a part of一部分C. a series of 一系列的;一

58、连串的 D. a bunch of一群【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】这里的短语用来形容“情感和健康问题”, C选项a series of “一系列的”表示一系列的,符合句子逻辑。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均无法与空格前后构成相应逻辑关系。【句意】在经历了一系列情感和健康问题后,他正在努力向前看。17. 单选题In the early 1950s, historians who studied preindustrial Europe (which we may define here as Europe in the period from roughly 1300 to 1800)beg

59、an, for the first time in large numbers, to investigate more of the preindustrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent who comprised the political and social elite the kings, generals, judges, nobles, bishops, and local magnates who had hitherto usually filled history books. One difficulty, h

60、owever, was that few of the remaining 97 percent recorded their thoughts or had them chronicle by contemporaries. Faced with this situation, many historians based their investigations on the only records that seemed to exist birth, marriage, and death records. As a result, much of the early work on

61、the nonelite was aridly statistical in nature; reducing the vast majority of the population to a set of numbers was hardly more enlightening than ignoring them altogether. Historians still did not know what these people thought or felt.One way out of this dilemma was to turn to the records of legal

62、courts, for here the voices of the nonelite can most often be heard as witnesses, plaintiffs and defendants. These documents have acted as “a point of enter into the mental world of the poor”. Historians such as Le Roy Laduries have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups(these attitudes include, but are not confined to, attitudes toward crime and the law) and have revealed how the authorities administered justice. It has been societies that

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