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1、8A Unit 6 知识梳理一. 重点单词1. natural形,自然的nature名) 2. lightning名,闪电light名.形) 3. shake动,摇动shaking名) 4. direction名,方向direct动,director名) 5.wild形,疯狂的wildly副) 6. trap动,被陷trapped形) 7. loud形,大声的loudly副) 8. cloud名,云cloudy形) 9.wind名,风windy形) 10. fog名,雾foggy形) 11. frost名,霜frosty形) 12. discuss动,讨论discussion名) 13.ter

2、rible形,可怕的terribly副) 14. call动,打 caller名) 15. arrival名,到达arrive动) 16. serious形,严重的seriously副) 17. cause 动,引起because连) 18. nearly副,几乎near形,介) 19. warn动,警告warning名) 20. break动,打破broken形)二. 重点短语1. start to rain 开始下鱼 2. half an hour later 半小时以后 3. lose the game 输了比赛 4. 4. kill thousands of people导致几千人死亡

3、 5. a car accident一场车祸 6. 6. wash the village away冲走了村庄 7. start a big fire 引起一场大火 8. 8. fall from a tree 从树上跌下来 9. mop all the water up把所有的水拖干净 10. 10. crash into a tree撞倒了树 1 do some shopping 购物 2 12. a big noise like thunder 像雷一样的噪声 1、 look at each other in fear互相害怕的看着 2、 14. under the ground在地下

4、15. start to shake 开始晃动 16. 16. run in all directions到处乱跑 1 try my best to do尽我最大努力 2 18. run wildly疯狂的跑 1 fall down跌倒,跌落 2 20. calm down平静下来 3 21. say to myself自言自语 1. go through my mind掠过头脑 2. 23. stay alive还活着 24. a packet of chocolate 一袋巧克 25. 25. hear shouts from excided people 听到人们兴奋的喊叫声 1. in

5、 a great hurry 急忙 2. 27. move away the bricks and stones 搬开砖头和石块 28. scream for help大声呼 29. 29. a slight shaking through my body一阵轻微的震动传过我的身体 30. survive the earthquake 在地震中幸存 31. 31. be trapped陷入困境 32. drop a little下降了一点 33. 33. become worse 更糟 34. the weather today今天的天气 35. 35. search the Internet

6、上网 36. discusswith和讨论 37. 37. plan a trip to Tangshan方案去唐山旅行 38. on the side of the road 在路的一侧 39. 39. drive you to school 开车送你去 1、 as usual像往常一样 2、 41. break down 损坏 42. a terrible snowstorm一场可怕的暴风雪 43. weather conditions 天气情况 44. cover the whole road 覆盖了整个路 45. time of arrival 到达的时间 46. get worse变

7、得更糟 47. crash into 陷入,撞到 48. catch fire 着火 49. send the victims to把受害人送到50. sharewith和分享/分担 51. look out of the window 向窗外看 52. forget to bring my keys 忘记带我的钥匙 53. continue to fall around us 继续在我们周围飘落 54. come from behind 从后面来 55. fall over 跌倒 56. weather report 天气预报 57. snowstorm warning 暴风雪警报 58.

8、the noise of traffic 交通的吵闹声 59. remove the snow除去积雪 60. typhoon signal number台风警告指数 61. the terrible situation恶劣的情形 62. social workers社会工作者 63. the people in need 需要的人们 64. give out food 吩咐法食物 65. clean drinking water干净的饮用水三. 重点语句及讲解1. Lighting started a big fire in a house. 闪电引起一座房屋着火.1 start a fir

9、e意思是 “引起火,词组 on fire (着火),指状态;catch fire (着火),强调动作,如:The house caught fire last night . 昨晚房屋着火了。 The shop has been on fire for two hours. 那家店铺被火烧了两小时。 (2) fire 一词在表示具体的火灾实例时用作可数名词;当fire 用作物质名词时为不可数名词。如: There was a big fire in the forest last year. 去年森林里起了一场大火。 Its so cold! Lets start a fire in the

10、room. 太冷了,让我们在房间里生个火吧。 Paper catches fire easily. 纸易着火。2. I was doing some shopping when it started. 地震开始时我正在买东西. 过去进行时的结构为 “ were/was + V-ing,表示过去的某时正在发生的动作。 此处when 引导的从句表达了过去的一个点时。如: I was doing my homework at 7pm last night. 昨晚7点时我正在做作业。3. Some people screamed because they were very frightened.有些

11、尖叫是因为他们太害怕. frightened意思是 “害怕的,恐惧的,和afraid 意思相近,都可以组成be afraid/frightened of,be afraid/frightened to do,如: I am afraid/frightened of dogs. 我怕狗。 He is afraid/frightened of going out at night. 他害怕在晚上出门。 They are afraid /frightened to fail the exams. 他们害怕考试失败。4. People were running wildly while pieces

12、of glass and bricks were falling down. 人们疯狂的跑者而同时玻璃和砖头的碎片也在往下落.1 while 连接两个同时发生的动作,如: He was listening to music while he was doing his homework. 他边听音乐边做作业。 She is singing while she is dancing now. 她边唱边跳。 2while 还可连接有比照意思的句子,如: I like apples while my sister likes pears. 我喜欢苹果而我的妹妹却喜欢梨。 My father is r

13、eading newspapers while my mother is cooking. 我爸爸在看报而我妈妈在做饭。5. I thought someone could hear me but no one came for a very long time.我以为会有人听到我的声音但是好长时间都没有人来. could 在这里有推测的意思,意思为 “ 可能,还有些词可用于推测,如: must, may, can, might , 可能性最大的是must, 但用于否认推测的常用can/could. 如: He must be in his office, because I saw him

14、go in just now. 他肯定在他的办公室里,因为我刚刚看到他进去的。 He cant be a student now, because he left school two years ago. 他现在不可能是个学生,因为两年前他辍学了。 6. I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.我正在找出路,突然我听到在我的上方有嘈杂的声音. 在一个长动作发生的过程中又发生了一个短动作,这时的引导词when可以译为 “突然。 如: We students were doing our

15、homework in the classroom when the lights went out. 我们学生正在做作业时突然电灯灭了。 I was walking in the street when I met an old friend of mine yesterday. 昨天我在大街上走时突然遇到了我的一个老朋友。7. I could not see anything at all and I did not know if anyone was around me.我什么也看不见,我也不知道我周围是否有人.1 not at all 意思是 “ 根本不,如; He cant dan

16、ce at all. 他根本就不会跳舞。 We dont know him at all. 我们根本就不认识他。2if 引导的句子充当宾语,此时没有主将从现,如: I dont know if he has known the secret. 我不知道是否他已经知道了秘密。 Do you know if the famous singer will come to our school next week? 你知道那个明星下个星期是否会来吗? (3) if 引导条件状语从句时有主将从现,如: If he writes to me ,Ill let you know. 如果他写信给我,我会让你知

17、道的。 I dont know if he will come tomorrow. If he comes, Ill call you. 我不知道明天他是否会来。如果他来,我打 给你。8. A moment of fear went through my body but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧,但我告诉自己要镇定下来,因为我仍然还活着.1 go through 意思是 “ 从通过,一般指从内部通过,如: They were afraid of going through the forest.

18、他们害怕从森林中通过。2tell sb to do / tell sb not to do 告诉某人干/告诉某人不干My parents often tell me to study hard. 我父母经常告诉我要好好学习。 Our teachers tell us not to make a lot of noise in the classroom.9. Then I heard shouts from excited people. 然后我听到了冲动的人群的叫喊声. excited是形容词,表示 “兴奋的, 冲动的; exciting 也是形容词, 但它表示的是 “令人兴奋的,令人冲动的

19、, 如: Children are very excited when they open their Christmas presents. 当孩子们翻开圣诞礼物时他们非常兴奋。 The end of the story about the Taiwan earthquake is really exciting. 那个关于台湾地震的故事的结尾确实另人冲动。10. They were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.人们迫不及待地移开转块和石头. be in a great hurry to do 表示 “急忙做某事=

20、do in a great hurry He is in a great hurry to go to school every day. = He goes to school in a great hurry every day. 他每天急急忙忙地去上学。11. Now, I know that bad weather can be dangerous.现在,我知道坏天气可能是很危险的. dangerous 是形容词,它的名词是 danger, 可组成词组in danger,如: Playing in the street is very dangerous. 在马路上玩耍很危险。 The

21、 wounded bird is in danger. It is dying .那只受伤的鸟很危险了,它快死了。12. Her school caught fire because lighting hit it. 她的着火是因为闪电击中了它. Catch fire 意思是 “着火,侧重动作;on fire 意思是 “ 着火,侧重状态。13I am very interested in playing volleyball. 我对打排球非常感兴趣。 be interested in sth / doing sth 表示 “ 对感兴趣,如: I hope all my students are

22、 interested in English.我希望我所有的学生都对英语感兴趣。 I hope all my students are interested in learning English.我希望我所有的学生都对学英语感兴趣。14When we arrived at the bus stop ,we could see many people there . 当我们到达车站时, 我们看到有很多人在那儿。 arrive in /at 意思为 “到达,大地点用arrive in ,小地点用 arrive at ;get to / reach 意思也是 “到达, 没有地点大小之分;当后面没有

23、地点作宾语时,用arrive.如:He will arrive in Beijing in two hours . 他将在两小时后到达。The plane arrived at the airport five minutes ago. 飞机是五分钟之前到达机场的。When did you get home last night? 昨晚你何时到家的?When did they arrive? - One hour ago. 他们什么时候到的? -一小时前。 四. 话题作文1 写一篇关于自然灾害的作文,可以写大火, 地震, 洪水,台风,暴雪等。见课本106页;2请根据以下内容,写一篇短文,要求要

24、点全部写出。昨夜,一场可怕的洪水袭击了我村,冲走了许多房屋。洪水到来时我和我父母仍在睡觉。我们急忙到屋外,看到四周都是水。我们将餐桌从屋内移到了屋外,但它的大小只够两个人 坐在上面。屋前有颗大树,于是我快速爬上了那颗树并在上面待了好几个小时。 A flood_范文 A floodLast night, a terrible flood hit my village. It washed away many houses. When the flood came, my parents and I were still sleeping. We hurried out of our house and saw water all around us. We moved the table out of the house, but it was only large enough for two people to sit on. There was a big tree in front of the house. So I quickly climbed up the tree and stayed in it for several hours.

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