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1、2022年考博英语-上海交通大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题( ) in their island community, the various tribes used languages which became more and more similar to each others.问题1选项A.ManagedB.ShrunkC.AssumedD.Isolated【答案】D【解析】动词辨析题。manage经营, 管理; shrink收缩, 退缩; assume假设,猜想; isolate使隔离, 使孤立, 使脱 离。句意:在与世隔绝的岛上,各个部落使用的语言越来越相似。选

2、项D符合句意。2. 单选题The brain drain of experts away from developing countries will greatly influence these countries development of ( ) industry.问题1选项A.complicatedB.sophisticatedC.primitiveD.collective【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析题。complicated复杂的,难懂的;sophisticated精密的,尖端的;primitive 原始的, 早期的; collective 集体的, 共同的。句意:发展中国家髙技

3、术人才的外流, 将会严重影响这些国家尖端工业的发展。选项B符合句意。3. 单选题In the professions where women ( ) numerically, it would be reasonable to expect them to hold senior positions.问题1选项A.tolerateB.integrateC.predominateD.accumulate【答案】C【解析】动词辨析题。tolerate忍受,容忍;integrate使.完整;predominate支配,主导,在.中占优势;accumulate 累积,积聚。句意:在妇女数量上占优势的职

4、位中,期望她们担任高级职位也是合情合理的。所以选项C符合句意。4. 单选题How many things can you see in the night sky? A lot! On a clear night you might see the Moon, some planets, and thousands of sparkling stars,You can see even more with a telescope. You might see stars where before you only saw dark space. You might see that many

5、stars look larger than others. You might see that some stars that look white are really red or blue. With bigger and bigger telescopes you can see more and more objects in the sky. And you can see those objects in more and more details.But scientists believe there are some things in the sky that we

6、will never see. We wont see them with the biggest telescope in the world, on the clearest night of the year. Thats because theyre invisible. Theyre the mysterious dead stars called black holes.You might find it hard to imagine that stars die. After all, our Sun is a star. Year after year we see it u

7、p in the sky burning brightly, giving us heat and light. The Sun certainly doesnt seem to be getting old or weak. But stars do burn out and die after billions of years.As a stars gases burn, they give off light and heat. But when the gas runs out, the star stops burning and begins to die.As the star

8、 cools, the outer layers of the star pull in toward the center. The star squashes into a smaller and smaller ball. If the star was very small, the star ends up as a cold, dark ball called a black dwarf. If the star was very big, it keeps squashing inward until its packed together tighter than anythi

9、ng in the universe.Imagine if the Earth were crushed until it was the size of a tiny marble. Thats how tightly this dead star, a black hole is packeD.What pulls the star in toward its center with such power? Its the same force that pulls you down when you jumpthe force called gravity. A black hole i

10、s so tightly packed that its gravity sucks in everythingeven light. The light from black hole can never come back to your eyes. Thats why you see nothing but blackness.So the next time you stare up at the night sky, remember: theres more in the sky than meets the eyes! Scattered in the silent darkne

11、ss are black holesthe great mystery of space.1.According to the article, what causes a star to die?2.Which of the following statements is NOT a fact?3.What happens AFTER a star dies?4.Why cant you see light when you look at a black hole?5.What is the main idea of the article?问题1选项A.As its gases run

12、out, it cools down.B.It collides with other stars.C.It can only live for about a million years.D.As it gets hotter and hotter, it explodes.问题2选项A.Black holes are dead stars.B.Black holes have gravity.C.Black holes are invisible.D.There is nothing as mysterious as a black hole.问题3选项A.It becomes invis

13、ible.B.It falls to Earth.C.It burns up all of its gases.D.It becomes brighter and easier to see.问题4选项A.Because most black holes are so far away.B.Because the gravity of a black hole is so strong that it sucks the light inward.C.Because as the stars gases burn, it stops giving off heat and light.D.Be

14、cause as a star cools, its outer layers pull in toward its center.问题5选项A.The future of our Sun billions of years from now.B.The difference between our Sun and a dead star.C.The mystery of black holes in the universe.D.The sparkling and dying stars in the sky.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。

15、根据笫五段的第二句when the gas runs out, the star stops burning and begins to die.当气体耗尽时, 恒星停止燃烧并开始死亡。选项A符合原文。2.细节事实题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知, 选项A, B, C均是对黑洞正确的描述;选项D描述太绝对, 所以不正确。3.判断推理题。根据六七段的内容可知, 当恒星死亡后, 重力使其向内挤压, 最后可能形成黑洞。而黑洞是看不见的, 所以选项A正确。4.判断推理题。根据倒数策二段的倒数二三句A black hole is so tightly packed that its gravity suck

16、s in everythingeven light. The light from black hole can never come back to your eyes.黑洞是如此的紧凑以至于它的重力吸收一切甚至光。黑洞发出的光永远不会回到你的眼睛里。选项B符合原文。5.主旨大意题。结合全文内容, 本文主要是讲黑洞的形成与影响, 所以选项C正确。5. 单选题We didnt want to displease our most ( ) supporters, therefore, we have provided them with the opportunity of getting ex

17、tra tickets to any game this year, said the manager of the football club.问题1选项A.acuteB.ardentC.sheerD.fantastic【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析题。acute严重的,急性的,敏锐的;ardent热情的,激烈的;sheer绝对的;fantastic奇妙的,极好的。句意:“我们不想让最热情的球迷不高兴,因此,我们为他们提供了今年任何一场比赛的额外门票。”足球俱乐部的经理说。选项B符合句意。6. 单选题I dont say that to persuade you, but merely to(

18、 ) my conscience.问题1选项A.revolveB.relieveC.retrieveD.revive【答案】B【解析】词义辨析题。revolve旋转;循环;relieve解除,减轻;retrieve恢复,取回;revive复活,复兴。四个选项中只有relieve更符合句意。句意:我说这个不是为了劝你,只是为了让我的良心好受些。所以本题选B。7. 单选题The Foreign Ministry holds weekly press conferences to ( ) reporters ( ) the latest development in diplomacy.问题1选项A

19、.confer. uponB.burden. withC.fill. in onD.adjust. to【答案】C【解析】固定搭配辨析。fill sB.in on为固定搭配, 意为详细告诉某人。句意:外交部每周举行新闻发布会, 详细向记者介绍外交的最新发展。选项C符合句意。8. 单选题The kitchen was small and( )so that the disabled woman could reach everything without difficulty.问题1选项A.complexB.completeC.compactD.composite【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析题。

20、complex复合的, 复杂的; complete 完整的, 彻底的; compact 紧凑的, 简洁的; composite 混合的, 综合的。句意:厨房小而紧凑,残疾妇女可以毫不费力地够到任何东西。选项C符合句意。9. 单选题When he left high school, he ( ) to go to college and study for a degree, rather than get a job straight away.问题1选项A.optedB.forwentC.indulgedD.excelled【答案】A【解析】词义辨析题。opt选择,opt to do sth

21、.指选择做某事;forwent摒弃,放弃;indulge沉溺,放纵,后面一般接介词in;excelled超过,一般与at或in搭配。句意:高中毕业后,他选择上大学攻读学位,而不是直接找工作。选项A符合句意。10. 单选题The medicine was supposed to cure all kinds of ( ) , ranging from colds to back pains.问题1选项A.complimentsB.ailmentsC.implementsD.commitments【答案】B【解析】名词辨析题。compliment恭维,称赞;ailment疾病,多指小病;imple

22、ment工具,器具;commitment 承诺,保证。句意:据说这种药可以治疗各种各样的疾病,从感冒到背痛都可以。选项B符合句意。11. 单选题If you want to ( ) a pleasant visit,find out as much as possible about the manners and customs of your host country.问题1选项A.secureB.ensureC.assureD.restore【答案】B【解析】动词辨析题。secure保护,使安全,secure sb./sth.使某人或某物安全;ensure后面一般接 sth. 或that

23、从句,指“确保”;assure使相信,使确信,assure后面一般接sb. 指向某人保证;restore归还,修复。句意:如果你想确保一次愉快的旅行,尽可能多地了解东道国的风俗礼仪。所以选项B正确。12. 单选题To maintain a leading position in the market, companies have to develop products which are cheaper, more( ) and more reliable than those of their competitors.问题1选项A.innovativeB.commensurateC.enl

24、ighteningD.legitimate【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析题。innovative创新的,革新的;commensurate相称的,同量的;enlightening富有启发的;legitimate合法的,合理的,正当的。句意:为了在市场上保持领先地位,公司必须开发出比竞争对手更便宜、更创新、更可靠的产品。选项A符合句意。13. 单选题The French education system is very different from the English one in its aims, its organization and its results. The French ch

25、ild too, the raw material of this education is unlike the English child and differences in the raw material may well account for differences in the processes employed.The French child, boy or girl, gives one the impression of being intellectually more precocious than the product of the chillier Engl

26、ish climate. This is encouraged by his upbringing among adults, not in a nursery. English parents readily adapt their conversation to the childs point of view and interest themselves more in his games and childish preoccupation. The English are, as regards national character, younger than the French

27、, or, to put it another way, there is in England no deep division between the life of the child and that of the grown man. The art of talking to children in the kind of language they understand is so much an English art that most of the French childrens favorite books are translations from the Engli

28、sh.French parents on the other hand, do their best to develop the childs intelligence as rapidly as possible. They have little patience with childish ideas even if they do not go so far as to look upon childhood as an unfortunate but necessary prelude to adult life. Not that they need to force the c

29、hild, for he usually lends himself willingly to the process, and enjoys the effect of his unexpectedly clever remarks and unusual sayings and of his bright judgment of men and things. It is not without significance that the French mother instead of appealing to the childs heart by asking him to be g

30、ood appeals to his reason by asking him to be wise. Reasonableness is looked for early in France, and the age of reason is fixed at seven years.1.In comparing French and English education the author indicates that( ) .2.The passage suggests that the French child ( ) .3.The word prelude in the phrase

31、 ,but necessary prelude to adult life ( in the 2nd sentence of Paragraph 3) probably means ( ) .4.In comparison with French children, English children ( ) .5.French mothers ( ) .问题1选项A.a great deal can be learnt by both countriesB.differences should not be looked for only in the methodsC.the French

32、child needs far more trainingD.the main differences are in the children问题2选项A.is as he is because of the climateB.only associates with adultsC.is not treated as a childD.is forced to behave like an adult问题3选项A.introductory stageB.consequent eventC.inevitable resultD.acceptable reason问题4选项A.are less

33、intelligentB.can stand chillier climateC.receive more care from their parentsD.have shorter childhood问题5选项A.know how to appeal to what is best in their childrenB.are the most significant influence in their childrens livesC.their childrens unexpectedly clever remarksD.lack patience in everything【答案】第

34、1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.细节推断题。根据第一段的内容可知, 英国和法国在教育体系方面有着很大的差别。同时,作为教育的原材料,两个国家的孩子们也存在着区别。教育所采取的方法不同是因为原材料不同, 即因人而异。由此可推断,教育上的差异,不仅是教育方法不同,原材料也存在差异。所以选项B正确。2.细节推断题。根据二三的的内容可知, 法国的父母总是以成年人的思维对待和要求孩子, 所以选项C符合原文。3.introductory stage引入时期; consequent event随之而来的事情; inevitable result 必然结果; acceptable

35、reason可接受的原因。根据上下文的内容, 儿童时期是成人生活的前奏,选项A符合原文。4.细节推断题。根据原文第二段的第三句English parents readily adapt their conversation to the childs point of view and interest themselves more in his games and childish preoccupation. 英国父母很容易根据孩子的观点调整他们的谈话, 并且使自己能够对孩子们的游戏和关注的一些幼稚的东西感兴趣。说明英国的孩子比法国孩子受到父母更多的关爱, 选项C正确。5.细节推断题。根

36、据题干关键词 French mothers定位到最后一段的倒数第二句It is not without significance that the French mother instead of appealing to the childs heart by asking him to be good appeals to his reason by asking him to be wise.法国母亲不是通过要求孩子做个好人来打动孩子的心, 而是通过要求他做个聪明的人来打动他的理智, 这并非没有意义。选项A符合原文。14. 单选题Some cultures have customs th

37、at ( )the clothing fashions of people in certain social classes.问题1选项A.modifyB.alterC.regulateD.revise【答案】C【解析】动词辨析题。modify修改,更改;修饰;alter 改变,更改;regulate 控制, 管理,调节;revise修订, 修改。modify 是指略微的修改, alter范围较广, 指任何的改变, revise通常指修订课本, 制度的管理和规定经常用regulate。句意:某些文化有一些习俗, 这些习俗规定了某些社会阶层中人们的穿衣时尚。所以选项C正确。15. 单选题Tho

38、ugh this book was written more than 50 years ago, it has a relatively contemporary appeal, and its ( ) plotting will amuse mystery lovers.问题1选项A.intricateB.disparateC.compassionateD.passionate【答案】D【解析】形容词辨析题。intricate错综复杂的;disparate不同的,迥异的,不相干的;compassionate慈悲的,富有同情心的;passionate热情的,充满激情的。句意:虽然这本书是50

39、多年前写的,但它具有相对现代的吸引力,其错综复杂的情节会让神秘爱好者感到有趣。选项D符合句意。16. 案例题Use it or lose it is the new approach to back pain. In the last few years, there has been a (1) change in the way doctors treat this most common disease. Weeks or months of rest in bed 一the (2) method of treatment for so long are now thought to b

40、e surely harmful. Muscles become soft, joints become (3) and what started out as a (4) acute condition quickly turns into a continuing disability. Far better, according to current thinking, is to put up with a little pain and get moving.The change has not happened overnight. For years, some speciali

41、sts have had an (5) feeling that bed rest was not the answer. But what finally put an end to (6) bed rest was a study of more than 200 patients who were treated for back pain in a clinic in Taxes. Not only did patients who had two days bed rest do totally as well as those given seven days, they (7)

42、only half as much time altogether (8) work.As a result of the study, experts now recommend that (9) anyone with acute back pain should spend more than a few days (10) down. After that should come a program of gradually (11) exercise, probably accompanied by some (12) treatments such as massage, heat

43、 or ultrasound.Because of hospital waiting lists, most people have to wait several weeks before receiving the treatment they neeD.Unfortunately this wait is often spent in bed or inactive for (13) of doing further damage to the back. It has been estimated that for every day an injured muscle is rest

44、ed it loses at least one per cent of its (14) . Stay in bed for two or three weeks and it will be far (15) to rebuild a damaged muscle.Directions: Choose one appropriate word from the following word bank to fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 15 in the passage below, Change the word form where nec

45、essary. Remember the bank contains some extra words that may not be used in filling any of the blanks. Write the words in their correct forms with the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.temporary fear extend passive r equiresubstantial count instinctive increase liepermanent hardly stiff stic

46、k adopthard current strength off standard【答案】1.substantial。 2.passive 3.stiff 4.temporary 5.instinctive6.lie 7.require 8.hard 9.current 10.adopting11.strength 12.standard 13.fear 14.count 15.permanent【解析】1.结合上下文及句意可知, 既然是新方法, 那么治疗这种疾病的方式自然是有了很大的变化。故答案为substantial。2.根据前面的Weeks or months of rest in be

47、d可推断, 这种治疗方法是被动的。故答案为passive。3.结合上文可知填空处应填入与soft相对的形容词, stiff 呆板的;坚硬的, 符合原文句意。故答案为stiff。4.根据下文的continuing可知, 填空处应指暂时的急性症状, 故答案为temporary。5.instinctive与feeling搭配意为直觉, 符合语义。故为答案为instinctive。6.根据原文句意可知, 这里指结束卧床休息的研究。lie bed rest指卧床休息。故答案为lie。7.根据原文句意:两天卧床休息的病人不仅和七天卧床休息的病人完全一样, 而且他们总共只需要努力工作时间的一半。故答案为re

48、quire。8.hard与work构成固定搭配, 意为努力工作。9.分析句子的结构和语义, 填空处应填入与now意思相近的形容词, 故current(目前)符合要求。10.根据原文可知, 这里指花时间适应背疼的情况, spend后接doing形式。故答案为adopting。11.此处指力量运动。故答案为strength。12.根据下文的such as massage, heat or ultrasound可知, 这里是对治疗的具体举例, standard treatments表述合理。故答案为standard。13.for fear of为固定短语, 意为生怕, 以免。14.根据上下文及句意可

49、知, 这里指总数的百分之一。故答案为count.15.根据关键词far推断, 填空处应填入的形容词表示需要很长的时间, permanent符合原文。故答案为permanent。17. 单选题Because of the massive oil spillage in the gulf, both the plant and animal lives in the area are in( ) .问题1选项A.destinyB.amenityC.jeopardyD.tragedy【答案】C【解析】名词辨析题。destiny命运, 天命;amenity 娱乐设施;jeopardy危险, 危难;in

50、 jeopardy指处于危险境地;tragedy灾难,悲剧。句意:由于海湾大量石油泄漏,该地区的动植物都处于危险之中。选项C正确。18. 单选题We shall never be able to ( ) ourselves truly unless we are working for the welfare of our fellows.问题1选项A.realizeB.spotC.accomplishD.fulfill【答案】D【解析】近义词辨析。realize着重指把过去的计划或意愿变成现实; spot为动词时指的是沾上污渍; accomplish是正式用词, 强调一个过程的完成, 也可指

51、依靠努力达到一定目的, 或取得一定的结果; fulfill强调梦寐以求, 强调满足。句意:除非我们为他人的福利而工作, 否则我们永远不可能真正实现自我。选项D更恰当。19. 单选题The doctor was in a ( ) as to whether to tell the patient the truth or a lie.问题1选项A.prudenceB.dilemmaC.secrecyD.psychology【答案】B【解析】名词辨析题。prudence谨慎;dilemma困境,进退两难;secrecy保密;psychology心理学。句意:医生陷入进退两难的困境,不知该告诉病人真相还是谎言。选项B符合句意。20. 单选题Can you explain this ( ) of ten years in your job history which you have not accounted for?问题1选项A.interruptionB.gapC.splitD.paring【答案】B【解析】名词辨析题。interruption中断, 干扰;gap缺口,差距,间隔;split劈裂,裂缝;paring削皮。选项中只有gap可以表示时间的间隔。句意:你能解释一下在你的工作经历中你没有解释的十年空白期吗? 选项B正确。

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