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2019年牛津小学英语4A第一到第九单元测试卷(1-9)一、 写出下列英语单词 。(18%)圆珠笔 橡皮 铅笔袋 铅笔 尺 我 你;你们 给;为 是;是的 是 翻译下列词组。进来 一本笔记本 这块手表 那个男孩 二、 选出下列句子的最佳汉语意思,将序号填入括号内。(12%)( )1、May I have a book for Yang Ling?A.这本书是给杨玲的。B.我可以把这本书给杨玲吗?C.这本书是给杨玲的吗?( )2、This ruler is for your brother.A. 这把尺子是给你兄弟的。B. 这把尺子是给你的。C. 这把尺子是我的。( )3、Heres a card for you .A. 这个给你。B. 这是给你的小气车。C. 这是给你的卡片。( )4、Heres a little cap for your little sister.A.这给你的小妹妹。B.这是给你小妹妹的小帽子。C.这是给你的小帽子。( )5、Happy Teachers Day!A. 儿童节快乐!B. 祝你幸福。C. 教师节快乐!( )6、Whats in your pencil case?A. 你的铅笔里是什么?B. 你的铅笔袋里是什么?C. 你的铅笔袋上面是什么?三、 选择填空。(12%)( )1、-May I have a copybook? - A. Thank you.B. Sure. Here you are.C. Thanks.( )2.- -Yes, e in ,please.A. May I have a look?B. May I have a book for Helen?C. May I e in ?( )3.- -Thank you very much.A. What a nice book!B. May I have a look?C. Good morning, Mr Green.( )4.-Heres a rubber for you .- A. All right.B. Sure. Here you are.C. Thank you .( )5.-Goodbye, Miss Wang.- A. Good morning, Liu Tao.B. Good night, Liu Tao.C. Goodbye, Liu Tao.( )6. This ruler is for Yang Ling.- A. All right.B. Thats right.C. Thank you.四、 选择正确的应答,将标号填在括号内。(18%)( )1.May I have a notebook? A. Good morning, Ling Ling. ( )2.The pen is for Tom. B. Yes, e in, please. ( )3.Happy Teachers Day! C. Goodbye. ( )4.Good morning, Su Yang. D. Sure. Here you are. ( )5.May I e in ? E. All right. ( )6.Goodbye, Miss Li. F. Thank you .五、 将下列句子排成一段话。(15%)A Thank you .B Good morning, Miss Wang.C May I have a copybook for Yang Ling?D May I e in ?E Sure . Here you are.F Good morning, Su Yang.G e in , please.H Goodbye.I Goodbye, Miss Wang. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.( ) ( G ) ( ) ( F ) ( ) ( E ) ( ) ( H ) ( )六、 根据中文补充下列句子,每个空格内填入一个适当的词。(25%)1.我可以得到一个书签吗? May ?当然,给你。Sure. Here . 2.我可以得到这块橡皮吗? I rubber.是的,给你。 , .3.这辆自行车是给你的。 is .谢谢。 you.4.那顶太阳帽是给高山的。That is Gao Shan.好的。All right.5.这儿有一个热狗给你。Heres you.谢谢。Thank . 请家长检查后签字: 联系电话: 谢谢!牛津小学英语4A第二单元测试 姓名 七、 写出下列英语单词 。(18%)猫 老虎 狮子 猴子 熊猫 狗 兔子 那;那个 这;这个 它 翻译下列词组。我的自行车 你的馅饼 他的太阳帽 她的钢琴 八、 选出下列句子的最佳汉语意思,将序号填入括号内。(12%)( )1、Whats this on the desk?A.这是什么?B.在课桌上的这是什么?C.在课桌上的那是什么?( )2、Id like this rabbit.D. 我喜欢这只兔子。E. 我想要这只兔子。F. 我喜欢那只兔子。( )3、I like your little book.D. 我喜欢你的书。E. 我想要你的小书。F. 我喜欢你的小书。( )4、Thats Helens toy train.A.那是海伦的玩具火车吗?B.这是海伦的玩具火车。C.那是海伦的玩具火车。( )5、Is that his toy car?D. 那是他的玩具小汽车吗?E. 那是他的玩具小汽车。F. 那是他的小汽车吗?( )6、Can I have a look at her book?D. 我能看一看吗?E. 我能看一看她的书吗?F. 我能看一看他的书吗?九、 选择填空。(12%)( )1、- Whats this? - D. Its a toy.E. This is a toy.F. That is a toy.( )2.- -Yes, it is.D. This is a pen.E. This is a pen, I think.F. Whats that ?( )3.- -Thank you very much.D. May I have a look?E. I like my toy bear.F. What a nice toy bear!( )4.-What would you like?- D. I like that vest.E. Id like a vest.F. Yes, please.( )5.-Is this a clock?- D. Yes, its.E. Yes, it isnt.F. Yes, it is.( )6. Can I have a look at your puter?- D. Yes, it is.E. Sure.F. Thank you.十、 将下列单词连成一句话。(15%)1. have I a May Nancy crayon for ? 2. is you knife for This . 3. is your knife think This I , . 4. is that the on What table ? 5. is That school a nice bag . 十一、 选择正确的应答,将标号填在括号内。(18%)( )1.Can I have a look? A. Its a photo. ( )2.Thats an elephant. B. The red one.( )3.In which box? C. Sure, here you are. ( )4.I like my toy zebra. D. Thank you.( )5.Whats this in English? E. Oh, I see. ( )6.Your rabbit is very lovely! F. I like it, too.十二、 根据中文补充下列句子,每个空格内填入一个适当的词。(25%)1.这是什么? ?它是一只可爱的熊猫。 lovely . 2.这是什么? ?是一只玩具兔子。It toy .3.我想要那件蓝色的背心。Id like blue .给你。Here .4.我能看一下你的笔记本吗?Can a look at notebook?当然。Sure.5.我想那是她的钥匙。 , think.不,它不是。 , .请家长检查后签字: 牛津小学英语4A第三单元测试十三、 写出下列英语单词 。(40%)钱包 钥匙 扇子 改正带 蜡笔 他 她 在哪里 故事书 水壶 翻译下列词组。他的橡皮 她的兔子 一把伞 在课桌上 我的铅笔 你的尺子 一只熊 在盒子里 过来 进来 在那边 看一看 在我的课桌里 在你的包里 在他的自行车上 十四、 选出下列句子的最佳汉语意思,将序号填入括号内。(12%)( )1、Excuse me, is this his toy car?A.这是他的汽车吗?B.对不起,这是他的玩具汽车吗?C.对不起,这是她的玩具汽车吗?( )2、Is that your notebook?A.那是你的笔记本。B.那是你的笔记本吗?C.这是你的笔记本吗?( )3、Perhaps its Yang Lings.A.也许它是杨玲。B.它是杨玲的吗?C.也许它是杨玲的。( )4、Perhaps your umbrella is on the chair.A.你的伞在椅子上吗?B.我想你的伞在椅子上。C.也许你的伞在椅子上。( )5、Whats that over there?A.那是什么?B.在那儿的那是什么?C.在那儿的是什么?( )6、Can you see that crayon in the box?G. 你能看见在盒子里的那枝蜡笔吗?H. 你能看见蜡笔在盒子里吗?I. 你能看见在盒子里的这枝蜡笔吗?十五、 选择填空。(12%)( )1.-Thank you. - G. Thank you.H. All right.I. Not at all.( )2.- -No, it isnt.G. Wheres your cat?H. Do you like cats?I. Is that your cat?( )3.-Where is your toy tiger?- G. No, its on the desk.H. Yes, it is.I. Its in the desk.( )4.-Wheres Wang Bing?- G. Shes in the TV room.H. Hes in the TV room.I. Its in the TV room.( )5.-Is that Mikes dog?- G. Yes, it is.H. No, he isnt.I. Its Davids.( )6. e here, Yang Ling.- G. All right.H. Thats right.I. Thank you十六、 在横线上填入适当的词(I, you, he, she, my, your, his, her.)(18%)1.A: May have a notebook? B: Sure. Here are.2.A: The pen is for . B: Thank you.3.A: Wheres book? B: Look, my book is on the sofa.4.A: Thats Nancys hat, I think. B: No. hat is in the car.5.A: Wheres Liu Tao? B: is in the puter room.6.A:Wheres Helen? B: is in the TV room.7.A:Where is your bag? B: bag is on the desk.8.A:This is his vest, I think. B:No, it isnt vest.十七、 根据中文补充下列句子,每个空格内填入一个适当的词。(18%)1.这是你的钱包吗? your purse ?不,它不是。No, . 2.这是你的钱包。 your .3.你的钱包在哪里? your ?它在桌子上。 the table.4. .抄写本里的那是一把尺吗? that a ruler the copybook?是的,它是。 , .5.你能看见这些玩具吗?can see the toys?不,我不能。No, I .请家长检查后签字: 四年级英语Unit4复习卷 姓名_ 学号 _ 班级_一. 英汉互译.1.那个洋娃娃 2. 她的风筝3.他的自行车 4.没什么,不要紧.5.他的自行车 6.这辆公共汽车7.over there 8.in the classroom9.very much 10.Me, too.11.Its nice. 12.我的小轿车13看,朝看 14.colour it二单项选择( )1.- _ you like this car? - Yes , _ . A. Do; I do B. Are ; I do C. Do ;I dont( ) 2. I like _ . A. puzzle B. puzzles C. two puzzle( ) 3.- I like this toy plane. - _ . A. Me , two B. Me ,to C. Me ,too( ) 4.Whats that _ English? A. in B. on C. no( ) 5._ you like _ puzzles? A. Do ; a B. Do ;this C. Do ; / D. Is ; this( ) 6.Perhaps the tape is _ . A. Lilys B. Lilys C. Lily is D. Lily( ) 7.Whats that in English? - _ . A. Its bear B. Thats a bear C. Its a bear( ) 8.Do you like puppets ? - _ .A. Yes , I like B. Yes , I do C. Yes , I am ( ) 9.- _ Li Ling? Hes at home . A. Whats B. How C. Wheres ( ) 10._ her purse ? Its _ the classroom. A. Wheres , in B. Where , on C. Wheres ,on( ) 11.Look _ the orange puzzle. A. to B. for C. at( ) 12.Do you like kites ? No ,_ . A.I do B. I dont C. it isnt( )13. Do you like this _ ? Yes ,I do .like _ . A. kites ,kites B. kite, kites C. kite, kite三连词成句。1in what is English that (?)_2. for heres you a puzzle (.)_3. like I kite my new (.)_4. you like puppet do this (?)_5. balloons love do you (?)_四根据汉语完成句子。1-_ _ _ _ ? (那个用英语怎么说) -Its _ _.(一个洋娃娃)2-_ _ _(你喜欢) puzzles? - Yes , _ _ .(是的,我喜欢)3- I this _ _ ? (你的自行车) No, its Helens.4- _ _ Wang Bin? (王宾在哪里) -Perhaps he _ _ _ _ .(在教室里)5- _ do you _ ? (你喜欢什么) -I _ _. (我喜欢风筝)6我喜欢你的故事书,我能看一下吗? I like _ _ ,can I _ _ _?7.那是你的玩具熊吗?-不,是我弟弟的。-Is _ your _ _?-No ,_ my _.8.-在课桌上的那个是什么? 我不知道。也许是枝钢笔吧! -_ that _ the desk? - I dont know. Perhaps _ _ _.五选择正确的答句。 ( )1.May I have this red crayon? A. Thank you. ( ) 2.Heres a card for you . B. Sure. Here you are .( )3.May I e in ? C. Yes, I like dogs very much.( )4.Whats in your pencil box? D. e in, please.( )5.Do you like dogs? E. e in ,please.( )6.Wheres Wang Fang? F.OK. Lets go.( )7.Is this your fan ? G. No ,it isnt .( )8.Lets go skating. H. Its four yuan.( )9.How much is this tape ? I. Id like a toy bear.( )10.What would you like ? J. Ive got a ruler , a rubber and two ball pens六改错。 ( )1.Whats this for English ? A B C D _( ) 2.This is my a toy bus. A B C D _( ) 3.Thank to you very much. A B C D _( ) 4.Lets playing football now. A B C D _( ) 5.Do you like puppet? Yes , I do. A B C D _五根据情景选择相应的句子。( )1.你和朋友把汽车洗干净,你会说: A. What would you like?( )2.你想问你的果汁在哪儿,于是你问: B. Whats your name ( )3.你想知道这是不是对方的自行车,于是你问:C. How much is it?( )4.你想知道对方的姓名,于是你问: D. Whats this in English?( )5.你想知道一个东西用英语怎么说,于是你问:E. Lets clean the car.( )6.当你进商场买东西时,售货员会说: F. Where is my juice?( )7.当你问意见物品的价格时,你会问: G. Nice to meet you.( )8.当售货员想知道你喜欢什么时,他会问: H. Is this your bike?( )9.当你想表达你很高兴认识一个人时,你会说:I. Excuse me!( )10.当你想打扰别人一会儿时,你会说: J. Can I help you?六阅读对话,并根据对话内容选择正确选项。Liu Tao : e here, Nancy.Nancy: All right.Liu Tao: Is this your storybook?Nancy: No, it isnt. My storybook is blue. Its Yang Lings. Her storybook is red .Liu Tao : Wheres your storybook?Nancy: Its in my school bag.Liu Tao: Do you like storybooks?Nancy: Yes, I do .Liu Tao :Me ,too.( )1.The storybook is _ . A. Liu Taos B. Nancys C. Yang Lings( )2.Nancys storybook is _ . A. yellow B. blue C. red( )3.Wheres Nancys storybook ? A. Its on the chair. B. Its in the desk. C. Its in her school bag.( )4.Yang Lings storybook is _ . A. blue B. red C. yellow( )5.Does Liu Tao like storybooks? A. Yes. B. No. C. I dont know. 背出Unit4对话A、E部分,并默出四会单词。 签字:_.默写:四年级英语U6复习卷 姓名: 学号:一. 英汉互译.1.一件大的毛衣_ 2.我爸爸的夹克衫_3.太长 _ 4.如此小_5.苏阳的鞋子_ 6.try on _7.Dont worry_8.a pair of shorts_9.whose gloves _ 10.a short dress_11.some milk _ 12.一个大的_二单项选择 ( ) 1. Whose gloves _ ? A. is it B. are they C. they are ( ) 2. _ my bike. A. Look B. Look at C. Watch ( ) 3. My sweater is too small , but your sweater is too_. A. big B. long C. short ( ) 4. _ jacket _ that? A. Whose ; are B. Where ; is C. Whose ; is ( ) 5. _ shoes are under the chair . A. Helens B. Helens C. Helens ( ) 6. My mothers shoes are too _ for me . A. small B. big C. short ( ) 7. Helen _ so funny , her gloves are too big . A. look B. likes C. looks ( ) 8. Try this _ shoes on , please. A. my B. one C. pair of ( ) 9. My scarf is _ long , I dont like it . A. how B. so C. look( )10. This pair of _ is Nancys . A. jeans B. jacket C. short ( ) 11.- Whose sweater is this ? - _ . A. Its Su Yang B. Its Su Yangs C. Theyre Su Yangs ( ) 12.- _ T-shirt is this ? - Its Mikes . A. Where B. What C. Whose三连词成句1gloves , so , her , are , funny (.) _2. you , one , can , the , nice , have (.) _3. is , this , whose , scarf (?)_4. on , the , jeans , of , try , pair (.) _5. at , look , dress , Nancys(.)_四填空 A.用a或 an 、a pair of填空。 1. _ apple 2. _ shoes 3. _ green skirt 4. _ kite 5. _ socks 6. _ umbrella B.用 is ,are 填空 1The jeans _ too long , try this pair on. 2. The jeans _ too long .Try this pair on . 3 A: Whose shorts _ they ? B: They _ your brothers. 4. A: Whose sweater _ this ? B: It _ her fathers.5. My rubber _ too small .You can have this big one.五改错。( )1Look , he look so funny . _( )2. The jeans are too long .Let me try that pair up. _( )3.This dress are Yang Lings , I think . _ ( )4.That pair of sock is so nice . _( )5.That pair of shoes are so nice . _六根据上下文填空。 1A:Look _ the skirt. B: Its _ nice . _ skirt is it ? A: _ Helens . 2. A: Look at these _ . B: How nice! Whose gloves _ they ? A: _ my sisters. 3. A: The shoes _ too big . B: Sorry . _ my fathers . Try this pair _. A: All right. 七排列句子顺序。 A. Not at all. B. OK .But my coat is too big . C. You can try this long pair. D. Dont worry. Heres a jacket for you. Is it OK? E. Mum, my jeans are too short. F. Oh, its nice. Thank you, Mum. _八对话匹配。 ( )1.Is that Mikes shirt ? A. Its Li Leis.( )2.Whose shoes are they? B. Its my mothers dress.( )3.Whats that on the bed? C. Yes, I do.( )4.Whose scarf is this? D. They are Toms.( )5.Do you like my new coat? E. No, it isnt.( )6.My jacket is too big. F. They look so nice.( )7.My rubber is too small. G. Its so pretty.( )8.Look at my new sweater. H. Try this one on.( )9.Look at Nancys jeans. I. Dont worry. Heres a big on.九阅读。(用“T”或“F”表示) This is my bedroom. Look , that is my new dress on the bed. I like it very much .My shoes are under the bed. My shoes are under the bed. My jeans are on the chair .Theyre old .Theyre too small . Id like a new pair. ( ) 1. My dress is on the chair . ( ) 2. The dress is old . ( ) 3. I like my jeans very much.( ) 4. My shoes are under the bed.( ) 5. Id like a new pair of shoes.背出Unit 6 对话A、E部分,并默出四会单词。签字 四年级英语U7复习卷一 英汉互译 18点20分 2.在下午 3在7点15分 4. 六加九 5Go to school 6. e home 7.get up 8. watch TV 9. go to school 10. Its time to 11.shall we? 12. by bus二单项选择 ( )1. - _ ? _ Its seven thirty . A. Whats this B. Whats the time C. Whats that( ) 2. Its seven thirty in the morning .Shall we _ ? A. go to school B. go school C. to go school( ) 3. Lets go to _ . A. home B. cinema C. the cinema ( ) 4. I have _ at 6:30 a.m . A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper ( ) 5. Its eight. Youre late, Tom. - _. A. Im sorry B. Excuse me C. Its seventeen. ( ) 6.Is this your jacket ? - _ . A. Oh, yes , its my brothers B. Yes, this is C. No ,its my brothers ( ) 7.What time do you e home ? - _ four. A. Its B. On C. At ( ) 8.Whats thirty minus thirteen? - _ . A. Theyre seventeen B. Its forty-three C. Its seventeen ( ) 9. Shall we watch TV now ? - _ . A. Youre right B. All right C. Not at all ( ) 10. _ purse is that ? Helens . A. Who B. Whos C. Whose三.连词成句 1time , Its , play , to , football (.)2. what , time , the , is , now (?)3. time , do , watch , you , what


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