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1、Unit 21 Body Talk,大庆实验中学 英语组 孙婧姝,全国英语教师教学设计大赛作品,Body Talk,大庆实验中学孙梅,Body Talk,Making a circle with a thumb and an index finger,Interpretation,Vary,Universal,Task 1Individual work,Read the passage and try to get the main idea of the whole passage. Pay more attention to the first sentences of each para

2、graph.,We use both words and body language to communicate Body language varies from culture to culture The gestures for the use of “yes” or “no” are different around the world. Some gestures seem universal. Smile is a universal language,Body language varies from culture to culture,Some gestures seem

3、 to be universal.,We use both words and body language to communicate,Part 2,Part 1,Part 3,Task 2- Pair work,Read parts 2 and 3 and try to answer the following questions: 1.What examples are given to show body language varies from culture to culture? 2. What examples are given to show some gestures a

4、re universal?,a way to show interest,rude or disrespectful,OK,money,zero,rude,great or good job,rude,the number one,crazy,You have a phone call,Bulgaria, parts of Greece, Iran,France,Russia,pressing ones palms,moving the hand in circles over the stomach,pat ones stomach before a meal,smile,Im full,a

5、lmost any emotion,Task 3 - class work,A smile is universally understood. It can help us a lot in life. Think of a time when you give a smile to make somebody feel better. For example: One day, my friend failed the exam, I gave him an encouraging smile. So he cheered up again.,Functions of smile, Hel

6、p us get through difficult situation, Find friends in a world of strangers, Open doors and tear down walls, Express almost any emotion, ,Body Talk,Making a circle with a thumb and an index finger,Interpretations,Vary Universal,summary,expressions,interpretations,content,Read the article carefully an

7、d decide if the following are true or false.,3. We can get information about a persons feelings and thoughts only by words.,F,1. Thumbs-up gesture is to say “ Great” or “good job” all around world,2.Shaking ones head means “Yes” but nodding is to say “No” in some countries.,F,T,6. Patting his or her

8、 stomach usually means “ I am full”.,7. If one of our friends is feeling down or lonely, we should laugh at him and comfort him.,4.There are many different interpretations of our body language.,5.A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers,T,F,F,T,Ta

9、sk 4-Group work,As a group, think of as many gestures as possible. Practice doing these gestures together Then ask another group to guess what your gestures mean.,Task 5-Group work,Choose one of the following situations, make up a dialogue and act it out by using proper expressions of body language

10、as many as possible.,4.You are on the sports field. Your team are playing hard.,3.You take part in your foreign fiends birthday party.,2.You have been chosen to receive a group of foreign students and show them around the school.,1.You and some foreign students meet in the restaurant, they need your

11、 help to order the meal.,On the sports field,At a birthday party,In a restaurant,Situation,In your school,Thank those who love you because they make you confident Thank those who help you because they make you wise Thank those who hated you because they make you determined Thank those who insulted y

12、ou because they make you perfect,Thank you for your attention,Folding ones arms Moving ones hands Making eye contact Looking into ones eyes Thumbs up Shaking ones head,Nodding ones head A kiss on the cheek A firm handshake A loving hug A bow A nod of the head,Expressions of body language,Moving the

13、hand in circles over the stomach after a meal Patting ones stomach before a meal Making a circle with ones thumb and index finger Moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear Pressing ones palms and resting ones head on the back of ones hand while closing the eyes,Expressions of body lang

14、uage,Interpretations,Rude Disrespectful Great Crazy Firm Tired,Sleepy Hungry Full Lonely Happy Feel down,You have been chosen to receive a group of foreign students and show them around the school. Communicating may be difficult , so recognizing and interpreting their body language and gestures will be very important.,Task 5Group work,First form a group of six. Then create a dialogue using as many expressions and interpretations as possible.,

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