高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module6 The Tang Poems课件 外研版选修8

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1、1_ n相识的人;泛泛之交 2_ v. 分手;分离 3_ adj. 宽容的;容忍的 4_ n. 影子,阴影 5_ v. 分享,共享 6_ n. 进步;进展 7_ adj. 内心的;精神上的 8_ v. 证明是;被发现是 9_ n. 魅力,吸引力,acquaintance,part,tolerant,shadow,share,advance,mental,prove,appeal,10_ v. 一瞥;迅速看一眼 11_ n. 费用 12_ n. 关卡 13_ n. 启程;上路 14_ n. 周年纪念日 15_ v. 更新;刷新 16_ v. 反映,显示;表达 17_ n失败者_ vi.失败;不及

2、格 18_ v提供;捐_ n捐赠物 19_ v赞成;同意_ n赞同,glance,expense,barrier,departure,anniversary,update,reflect,failure,fail,donate,donation,approve,approval,20_ n独立_ n依靠;依赖 21_ v警告;劝小心_ adj.小心谨慎的_ adv.小心地 22_ n(肉体或精神上的)痛苦;苦难_ vt.&vi.遭受 23_ v装点;美化_ n装饰;装饰物_ adj.装饰的 24_ n想象;空想_ vt.想象_ adj.富有想象力的_ adj.想象的,虚构的,independe

3、nce,dependence,caution,cautious,cautiously,suffering,suffer,decorate,decoration,decorative,imagination,imagine,imaginative,imaginary,2All the readers cant _ how he can be so _ and write so many _ stories.We are all amazed about his rich _(imagination) 3The students usually _ their classroom with pap

4、er flowers and balloons.But this year they intend to buy some _ lights and special _.(decorate),cautious,caution,imagine,imaginative,imaginary,imagination,decorate,decorative,decorations,1_ 抓住 2_ 赞成,满意 3_ 瞥见,迅速看一眼 4_ 满足的要求 5_ 与通信 6_ 突然 7_ 重新考虑后 8_ 呈现,take hold of,approve of,glance at,cater for,corre

5、spond with,all at once,on second thoughts,take on,2_,I noticed that my wife appeared to be filled with alarm. 3I used to _ him regularly for three years,but later I lost touch with him. 4He _ the clock and found it was time to pick up his son from school. 5People who_the reform urged that education

6、resources should be distributed among the members of society equally.,on second thoughts,All at once,correspond with,glanced at,approved of,not so/as easy as,It is said that the building will be completed,If only I could go to,复习情态动词 单句语法填空 1(2015福建高考单项填空)Sorry,Mum!I failed the job interview again.

7、Oh,its too bad.You _ have made full preparations. 2(2016江西省六校联考)Mum,can I go on a holiday with my classmates this summer vacation? OK.You _ have a chance if you get along well with your studies.,should,shall,3(2016福建莆田八中月考)If you will stay here longer,you may.But you _ leave before this weekend. 4(2

8、016四川石室中学一诊)Wheres Lily,Lucy?I cant find her anywhere. She _ have been off long.I saw her clean the window just now. 5(2016北京海淀区期中考试)Wheres Amy? Im not sure.She _ be in the laboratory.,must,cant,might/may,prove him/he is innocent,完成句子 现已经证明你刚才所说的话是正确的。 _what you said just now is right. 她的表现已证明她是一个正直

9、善良的姑娘。 She has _ an honest and kindhearted girl. 只要给我个机会,我会证明这个理论给你看。 Just give me a chance and Ill _,It has been proved that,proved herself (to be),prove the theory to you,2 approvev赞同,核准;证实 佳句背诵 The government approved the plan of building a park in the suburb of the city. 政府批准了在城市的郊区建一个公园的计划。,try

10、ing,approval,完成句子/句式升级 黄金周应该被取消。大约只有10%的学生赞同这个主意。 The Golden Week holiday should be abolished.Only approximately 10% of the students _ the idea. 用同位语从句改写句: _,approve of,Only approximately 10% of the students approve of the idea that the Golden Week holiday should be abolished.,3reflectv反映,表现;反射;思考,反

11、省 佳句背诵 Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,his house reflects his personality. 就像一个人穿的衣服,吃的食物,一起打发时间的朋友一样,他住的房子也同样反映他的性格。,on,reflection,reflecting,is lost in reflection,is reflecting on,are reflected in,4cater for满足的要求;顾及;为提供所需 佳句背诵 The un

12、iversity started some new language programs to cater for the countrys Silk Road Economic Belt. 这所大学为了满足国家的“丝绸之路经济带”战略的需要,开设了一些新的语言项目。(2015江苏高考单项填空),for,完成句子/句式升级 为了满足人们的需求,去年我们开设了一家健身房并制订了一些健身计划。 Last year,_,we opened a gym and made some workout plans. 这些健身计划能迎合不同顾客的需求。 The workout plans could _ dif

13、ferent customers needs. 用非限制性定语从句连接句: _,to cater for people,cater to,Last year,to cater for people,we opened a gym and made some workout plans,which could cater to different customers needs.,5 correspond with和通信;与相一致;相符合 佳句背诵 The written record of our conversation doesnt correspond with what was act

14、ually said. 我们谈话的书面记录和实际谈话内容不符。,和通信,与相一致;相符合,单句语法填空 His expense doesnt correspond _ his income. We have been in _ (correspond) with each other for many years.,to,correspondence,佳句背诵 If only the whole family could/would be united during the 2017 Spring Festival! 要是2017年春节全家能团圆就好了!,had,had listened,co

15、uld be,写作佳句 要是她能来参加我的生日聚会就好了。 _ 只有人们之间和睦相处,我们才能拥有一个和谐 (harmonious) 社会。 _ (用倒装句),If only she could come to attend my birthday party.,Only if people live in harmony with each other can we have a harmonious society.,分析这是个主从复合句。句中governed by their own laws是一个过去分词短语作_; which influenced the development of Tang culture是一个_从句; 修饰前面的_。 翻译_,定语,非限制性定语,their traditional forms of entertainment,他们被允许住在由他们自己法律管辖的社区里, 保留他们自己的传统娱乐方式,比如音乐和舞蹈,这些影响着唐朝文化的发展。,

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