高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit1 Cultural relics课件 新人教版必修2

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《高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit1 Cultural relics课件 新人教版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit1 Cultural relics课件 新人教版必修2(58页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、话题:历史与地理(History and geography) 【词汇积累】 1.ancestor (n.) 祖先 2origin (n.) 起源; 起因 3altitude (n.) 海拔; 高度 4replace (v.) 取代; 替换 5account (v.) 认为; 说明 6defend (v.) 保护; 保卫 7announce (v.) 宣告; 宣布 8previous (adj.) 早先的,第一部分必修2Unit 1,9ancient (adj.) 古代的 10in the distance 在远处 11in return 作为回报 12at one time 一度; 从前 1

2、3to ones credit 值得赞扬 14tell apart 区别 15come into being 开始存在; 产生 16leave sth. to sb. 把某物留给某人,第一部分必修2Unit 1,第一部分必修2Unit 1,第一部分必修2Unit 1,第一部分必修2Unit 1,1_(n.)设计; 图案; 构思 (vt.) 设计; 计划; 构思 2_(adj.) 值得的; 有的价值 (n.) 价值; 作用 3_(vt.) 移动; 搬开 4_(adj.) 奇特的; 异样的 (vt.) 想象; 设想; 爱好 5_(adj.) 本地的; 当地的 6_(n.) 争论; 辩论 (vi.)

3、 争论; 辩论,design,worth,remove,fancy,local,debate,7_(vi.) 下沉; 沉下 8_(vi.)幸免; 幸存; 生还_(n.)生存; 幸存_(n.)幸存者 9_(vt.)使吃惊; 惊讶_(adj.)令人吃惊的_(adj.)吃惊的_(n.)惊奇 10_(vt.)挑选; 选择_(n.)选择; 选拔 11_(n.)怀疑; 疑惑(vt.)怀疑; 不信_(adj.)怀疑的 12_(n.)根据; 证据_(adj.)明显的; 清楚的,sink,survive,survival,survivor,amaze,amazing,amazed,amazement,selec

4、t,selection,doubt,doubtful,evidence,evident,13_(adj.)贵重的; 有价值的_(n.)价值, 价格; 重要性(vt.)评价; 估价; 重视, 看重_(adj.)极宝贵的; 极有用的_(adj.)无价值的; 无用的 14_(v.)装饰; 装修_(n.)装饰; 装潢; 装饰品 15_(vi.)爆炸_(n.)爆炸 16_(adj.)非正式的_(adj.)(反义词)正式的,valuable,value,invaluable,valueless,decorate,decoration,explode,explosion,informal,formal,ev

5、ident,evidence,2Luckily, I_the terrible car crash last week and I was the only_of the accident. (survive) 3As far as I know, the_who_all our bank cards is to make our life easier. (design) 4The_in our modern society is that time is the most_wealth that one can have. (value),survived,survivor,designe

6、r,designed,value,valuable,1_寻找 2_ 属于 3_ 作为报答; 回报 4_ 处于交战状态 5_ 少于 6_ 拆开 7_ 看重; 器重 8_ 调查 9_ 充当, 起作用 10_ 而不是; 与其倒不如,in search of,belong to,in return,at war,less than,take apart,think highly of,look into,serve as,rather than,think highly of,belong to,rather than,look into,In return for,cant have gone,th

7、ere is no doubt that we can master English,what to learn,nor could I,was decorated,to finish,as,reception,to,making,when,was stolen,mystery,have built,as,2Its helpful to put children in a situation _they can see themselves differently. 3Many people tried to leave the country, _there was much violenc

8、e and a serious shortage of food supply. 4There are nearly one hundred foreign students in our university, most of_are from America and Australia. 5(2016四川德阳四校联考)He was educated at the local high school, after_he went on to Peking University.,where,where,whom,which,on,Having survived,survivor,surviv

9、ed,survival,from,for,designed,designed to join,移走; 拿开,摘掉; 脱掉,消除,开除,is worth experiencing,is worthy to be experienced/is worthy of being experienced,it is worthwhile experiencing/to experience this festival,in search of,in their search for,to search for,which all belong to the college entrance examination subjects,in return,in turn,in return,whether,that,whether/if,that,that,was too nervous to know what to say,

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