八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents同步阅读训练课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 4Why dont you talk to your parents?,单元同步阅读训练,一、完形填空。 Do you want to be a good neighbor?The following advice may help you. When you come to your neighbors for the _1_ time,make a selfintroduction (自我介绍) first.Say hello,give them some small gifts or _2_ something about the life there.This is a go

2、od way for you to be close to your neighbors. Get to know your neighbors.Ask what they do in their _3_ time and try to find something in common._4_,if you both love to play soccer,you can play it together.You can also join the same _5_ to have fun.,Try to keep quiet.Although you are free to do anyth

3、ing you like in your _6_ home,you should still care about your neighbors.Dont let your _7_ influence (影响) their life.If you have pets,you need to keep them in _8_Some neighbors maybe dont like them. Be _9_ to them.Try to help them when they are in trouble.The _10_ things you do mean a lot to them.An

4、d if you help each other,you will find life around your neighbors more enjoyable.,( )1.A.first BsecondCthird Dlast ( )2.A.sell Bask Cbuy Denjoy ( )3.A.busy Bsad Cfree Dinteresting ( )4.A.For example BAs long as CAs for DFor the moment ( )5.A.party Bhome Cclub Dclass ( )6.A.common Bcrazy Cuncomfortab

5、le Down ( )7.A.competitions Bactivities Cgames Dshows ( )8.A.time Bneed Ccontrol Dtrouble ( )9.A.happy Bkind Csure Dcareful ( )10.A.small Bbeautiful Cexpensive Dupset,A,B,C,A,C,D,B,C,B,A,二、阅读理解。 A All students have bad times.What do they usually do when they get into trouble? My mom is like my frien

6、d.I talk about everything to her.Whenever I have some trouble,I can get good advice from her.I have another good friendmy diary.It knows all my secrets.Talking with my two friends always makes me feel better. Linda Laughing helps me when Im upset.I usually watch funny movies and TV shows.I also love

7、 spending my hard time with my best friend Dave.He is humorous and always makes me laugh. Peter,Every time I feel bad,I go climbing alone.The study says exercising can help cheer one up.And the beautiful view at the top of the mountain makes me forget all my troubles.Sometimes I shout at the mountai

8、n top.It feels fantastic. John,11Lindas _ knows all her secrets. Asister Bteacher Cdiary Dcomputer 12The underlined word “humorous” probably means “_” Aquiet Bfunny Ccareful Dshy 13John always _ when he feels bad. Agoes climbing Bwatches movies Ctalks with his friends Dreads books,C,B,A,14Which of t

9、he following is TRUE?_ ALinda often asks her teacher for advice. BDave often helps Peter with his homework. CJohn likes climbing mountains with his friends. DExercising can help people feel good. 15What is the passage mainly talking about?_ AWays to get out of trouble. BAdvice on making friends. CWa

10、ys to get on with parents. DAdvice on forgetting trouble.,D,A,B(2016,资阳),16.What does “rocking the boat” most likely mean in Kates letter?_ ADoing easy job. BTelling people what to do. CWorking without thinking. DStopping things going well. 17What does the underlined “this” mean in Kates letter?_ AS

11、peaking at the wrong time. BTalking too much about himself. CSaying something bad about the group. DMaking excuses for being late for group meetings.,D,C,18Who most probably is Ms. Lin?_ AKates mother. BGarys mother. CA teacher. DA student. 19What do we know from Aunt Taras letter?_ AKate is the bes

12、t student of the class. BGary has decided to change himself. CGary should be put in another group. DKate should let Gary know how she feels. 20Whats the problem about from Kates letter?_ ATeam work. BLanguage learning. CAfterschool activities. DHobbies and interests.,C,D,A,三、根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全短文。

13、Sometimes you may fight with someone in your family.You may feel angry,scared or sad.21._ Its natural for people to disagree and argue with others.People may argue sometimes,but it doesnt mean they dont love each other.22._ Just think of the last time you and your brother or sister argued.You said t

14、hat you would not talk to him or her anymore.23._ When youre in a family argument (争吵),try to keep cool.Go to your room,count (数) to 10 and breathe slowly.You can also go out for a walk.24._ For example,you can have a family meeting.In the meeting,everyone should talk about the problem and offer adv

15、ice.25._ But by discussing together,things will work out in the end.,D,C,A,E,B,ABut a few days later you made peace with him or her. BIts not always easy to stop family members from fighting. CAnd it doesnt mean theyre going to stay angry for long. DWhatever your feelings are,what you probably want

16、most is to stop fighting. ETry coming up with a good idea to solve the problem.,四、根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 push,instead,whatever,communicate,together,offer,nervous,argue,usual,relation Mom and Dad are two of the most important people in your life.26._ between you and your parents are important.Here ar

17、e some ways to help you stay close with them. Spend time together.Dont just watch TV alone. 27. _,you should ask your parents to watch TV with you.Take a walk and go to the movies 28. _If your parents live far from you,you can 29. _ with them by talking on the phone or sending emails. Share your fee

18、lings and ask for help.You may need your parents help when youre upset or 30. _But they may not know that youre having a problem.So tell them when youre sad.,Relations,Instead,together,communicate,nervous,Be kind.Little things may mean a lot to your parents.Before they 31._ you,it will be very lovel

19、y of you to 32._ to help fold the clothes or clean up your room.And if you try not to 33._ with your brothers or sisters,your parents will be happy. Show your care.A 34._ way is to kiss,hug (拥抱) and say “I love you”Your parents and you can understand each other better by showing love. Do your best at 35._ you do.You dont have to be prefect (完美的),but when you do your best,your parents will be happy to see youre turning into a great kid.,push,offer,argue,usual,whatever,

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