八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room(第7课时)Self Check课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 3Could you please clean your room?,第七课时Self Check,一、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1Dont throw the _(垃圾) everywhere.We should keep the environment clean. 2My pen is on the sofa.Please _(递给) it to me. 3I think now students have lots of _(压力) from school. Yeah!Teachers give them so much homework and are s

2、o strict with them. 4Look at your _(手指)!How dirty they are! 5Your room is in a _(杂乱)Please clean it up now.,rubbish,pass,stress,fingers,mess,B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6I didnt know the idea of _(fair) 7I think two hours of TV _ (be) enough for you. 8“Why are you late again?” my teacher shouted at me _(angry)

3、9Can you tell me how _(work) on the computers? 10I spent all the morning _(help) my mother clean the house.,fairness,is,angrily,to work,helping,二、单项选择。 11Uncle Wang often borrows things _ others,but he hardly ever lends anything _ anybody. Afrom;fromBto;from Cfrom;to Dto;to 12Shall we climb the moun

4、tain tomorrow,Mom? It _ the weather.If its rainy,well stay at home. Awaits for Blooks for Cagrees with Ddepends on,C,D,13In this competition,its _ to give each student fifteen minutes to talk. AsadBfairCdangerousDdelicious 14Linda is doing her homework _ her brother is watching TV. Awhile Bif Cbefor

5、e Duntil 15Susan,please _ your quilt after you get up in the morning. Amake Bfold Ctake Dsweep,B,A,B,16Would you like to come to my birthday party tomorrow evening? Sorry.My mother is ill in hospital,so I have to _ my sister at home. Atake part in Btake over Ctake care of Dtake away 17Would you mind

6、 _ your clothes on the floor,Mike? Im sorry.I wont do it again. Adont drop Bnot to drop Cnot drop Dnot dropping 18_ of the plans works well.We need to come up with a new one. AEach BNeither CEither DBoth,C,D,B,19The _ we do for other people,the _ we will be. Amuch;happier Bmore;happy Cmore;happier D

7、most;happiest 20Could you please take the dog for a walk,Peter? _ AHere you are BYoure welcome CI am sorry to hear that DSure,Id love to,C,D,三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 21你没必要和他们生气。 _ for you to be angry with them. 22为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。 We set off early _ arrive before dark. 23他摔断了腿,不得不一直躺着。 He broke his leg and h

8、ad to lie _ 24万物生长靠太阳。 All on the earth _ the sun for their growth. 25我们一到那儿,电影就开始了。 The movie began _ we got there.,There is no need,in order to,all the time,depend(s) on,as soon as,四、完形填空。 At the age of six,our kids began to help us with the housework.They helped _26_ their pets and clean the hous

9、e.Now my daughter Cindy can do many _27_ of housework.Last week,she even helped me _28_We were happy because it was very delicious.I think doing housework is a good way for them to learn a lot of life skills (技能) I like getting kids to start doing housework early for a few _29_First,it is fun for ki

10、ds to help.Kids like to _30_ together with their parents.They dont want their parents to get everything ready for them.Sometimes they like to do things by themselves.Its a good idea to _31_ them help you when you are busy.Second,its never too _32_ for them to learn some things.However,having kids do

11、 chores doesnt _33_ taking away their play time.Its to let them feel the _34_ of working together with family._35_,it works well.Now our children always help me with the housework and they feel happy about it.,( )26.A.look after Blook at Cget back Dworry about ( )27.A.differences Bkinds Cways Dboxes

12、 ( )28.A.sweep the floor Bdo the dishes Cdo the cleaning Dcook dinner ( )29.A.words Breasons Clessons Dideas ( )30.A.work Bplay Csit Dbring ( )31.A.borrow Blet Cdrive Dinvite ( )32.A.early Bpopular Cimportant Deasy ( )33.A.raise Bteach Cmean Dthink ( )34.A.sadness Bjoy Ctime Dteam ( )35.A.Finally BH

13、ardly CFirstly DLonely,A,B,D,B,A,B,A,C,B,A,五、阅读理解。 Sometimes,it is not easy to get your kids to help with chores.Here are some ways to deal with kids who dont want to help with chores. First,let them help with chores.Make it very clear that you need their help,and make sure that there are consequenc

14、es (后果) for not doing chores. Second,follow the consequences you said to them.For example,your childs chore is to do the dishes each evening after dinner.If they dont do it,they cant watch TV for a week.This will help your child know that youre serious. Third,give some incentives (激励) to help your c

15、hild do chores.For example,an incentive could be one day off from doing chores in a month. Fourth,make a chore list.Write down the chores your child did and those he or she is going to do in a notebook.,36_ ways are mentioned (被提及) in the passage. ATwo BFour CFive DSix 37The main idea of the passage

16、 is how to get kids to _ Ado homework Bwatch TV Chelp with homework Dhelp with chores 38Follow the consequences if your child doesnt do _ Ahis or her chores Bthe dishes Chomework Din a notebook,B,D,A,39Incentives can make _ Achildren lazy Byour child do chores Cus happy Dthem sad 40Let your child kn

17、ow what chores he or she _ Acan say Bis going to write Cis going to do Dcould watch,B,C,六、根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。 sweep,the minute,stress,chore,make,provide,throw,easy,what,until Some children dream of becoming adults (成年人)So they wont have to do homework or take exams.That is to say,they wont ha

18、ve 41._ from school any more.But are things really like 42._ they think? Wang Juns mother is a cleaner.Her job is to clean the park.Lets see what she does every day.In order to 43._ a clean environment for everyone,she has to get up at 5 am. to 44._ the streets and collect rubbish in the park.45. _s

19、he finishes her work,she goes home to make breakfast.Then she does some 46._ at home.After that,she goes to the park to work again,because someone is always 47._ rubbish everywhere.She doesnt come back home 48._ 3 pm. Its not easy for Wang Juns mother 49. _money.His mother never wastes money. Being an adult is not as 50._ as you think.So enjoy your school life.,stress,what,provide,sweep,The minute,chores,throwing,until,to make,easy,

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