中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第15节 八下 Unit 5-Unit 6课件 牛津深圳版

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《中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第15节 八下 Unit 5-Unit 6课件 牛津深圳版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第15节 八下 Unit 5-Unit 6课件 牛津深圳版(42页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、第十五节 八年级(下) Unit 5Unit 6,第一部分 教材重点难点梳理,目录,contents,重难点梳理,重点单词 重点短语 重点句型,巩固练习,语法选择 完形填空 阅读理解 阅读填空 单词拼写 完成句子,重难点梳理,重点单词 重点短语 重点句型,目录,contents,Unit 5,1.自然环境;野生状态_ 2.竹子_ 3.成年人,成年动物_ 4.族群;人口_ 5.活动方式_ 6.肩膀_ 7.在中心的,中央的_ 8.菜单_ 9.残忍的,残酷的_,wild,bamboo,adult,population,behaviour,shoulde,central,menu,cruel,10.机

2、构,组织_ 11.危险,风险_ 12.面对_ 13.亚洲的_ 14.有重,重达_ 15.濒危的_ 16.档案_ 17.义务;责任_ 18.重量_,organization,danger,face,Asian,weigh,endangered,file,obligation,weight,19.千克;公斤_ 20.出生,诞生_ 21.色斑;斑点_ 22.(动物的)毛皮_,kilogram,birth,patch,fur,1.造成,引起_ 2.巧克力_ 3.原因;理由_4.可爱的_ 5.责任_ 6.喂养;喂食 _ 7.根据(所说)_ 8.吵闹的_ 9.几乎;差不多_ 10.陌生人_ 11.通常的;

3、普遍的_ 12.选择;抉择_,cause,chocolate,reason,cute,responsibility,feed,Unit 6,according,noisy,nearly,stranger,common,choice,13.躺_ 14.注意力;留心_ 15.相信_ 16.心脏病发作_ 17.直到为止_ 18.(口头或书面)回答_ 19.投诉;抱怨(n.)_ 20.海豚_ 21.使发出咔哒声_ 22.忠诚地_ 23.长沙发_ 24.使害怕;使恐惧 _,lie,attention,believe,heart attack,until,respond,complaint,dolphin

4、,click,faithfully,sofa,scare,Unit 5,1.濒危动物_ 2.小档案_ 3.在野生环境中_ 4.在深山里_ 5.出生时_ 6.黑白的_ 7.独自_ 8.保持健康_,endangered animal,fact file,in the wild,high up in the mountains,at birth,black and white,on ones own,stay healthy,9.生育_ 10.几乎;接近_ 11.亚洲象_ 12.蓝鲸_ 13.华南虎_ 14.丹顶鹤_ 15.对表示出极大的爱_ 16.自然保护区_ 17.失踪;走丢_ 18.纪念_ 1

5、9.大熊猫_,give birth to,close to,Asian elephant,blue whale,South China tiger,.red-crowned crane,show a great love for.,nature reserve,go missing,in memory of.,giant panda,1.抱住某人_ 2.照顾;照料_ 3.一小部分_ 4.更有甚者;更为重要的是_ 5.除了别无选择_ 6.(动物)四处自由走动;自由自在_,hold sb.in ones arms,care for,a small number of,whats more,have

6、 no choice but to do,run free,Unit 6,7.无所事事地混日子;懒散度日_ 8.阻止(或防止、阻碍)某人做某事_ 9.对忠诚的_ 10.出于这些原因_ 11.死于_ 12.心脏病_ 13.继续_ 14.某人的有生之年_,lie around,keep sb.from doing sth.,(be)faithful to.,for these reasons,die of,heart attack,keep on,the rest of ones life,1.They are strong enough to protect themselves.他们有足够的能

7、力保护自己。,句型:sb.+be (not)+adj.+enough+to do,意为“足够来做某事”。根据句子意思,可以和“so. that. 句型”以及“too. to do句型”转换。,翻译:她不够强壮去搬这么重的包。 She is not strong enough to carry the heavy bag.= (1)She is _ _ _ _ the heavy bag.= (2)She is _ _ _ she _ carry the heavy bag.,too weak to carry,so weak that,cant,2.It is cruel of them to

8、 do so.他们这样做真是残忍。,句型:It+be+adj.+of sb.+to do,意为“做某事某人是的”。 句中形容词一般用表示人物的性格和品格的词,如good,kind,nice,clever,foolish,right等。 比较句型:It+be+adj.+for sb.+to do,意为“对于某人来说,做某事是的”。其中it在句首是作形式主语,后面的to do 才是真正的主语,形容词是说明、描述to do 这个动作的。在这个句型中,常用的形容词有 interesting, exciting,nice, easy, difficult, hard, useful, wrong,rig

9、ht,important等等。,3.其他好用的常用句型: 1)Although they are big and heavy,it is not difficult for them to climb trees. 尽管他们又大又重,爬树对于他们来说并不是一件难事。 2)Her fathers job was to look after red-crowned cranes.他父亲的工作是照看丹顶鹤。 3)We can learn responsibility from keeping dogs.我们可以从养狗中学会负责任。 4)According to my mum,this helps u

10、s become more responsible people.据妈妈说,这有助于我们成为更有责任的人。,5)Whats more, its common for people to live in flats.更为重要的是,人们普遍住在公寓里。 6)They have no choice but to keep their dogs in small space.他们别无选择,只能让狗待在狭小的空间里。 7)Young people can learn how to care for others by keeping dogs.年轻人可以通过养狗来学会如何照顾其他人。 8)I want

11、to complain about. 我想要投诉 9)I am sorry to . Can you show me.? 我很抱歉你能够给我看看?,10)The dog did not know it and kept on waiting for his owner every day for many years,until he died. 这只狗对此(主人已死)毫不知情,多年来每天仍在等主人归来,直至去世。 11)When you are walking your dog,you are doing exercise.当你在遛狗时,你也在锻炼身体。,Only a miracle(奇迹)

12、 could save this black bear from falling off a 30-meter-high bridge. The bear was _1_ her way home after a long day in a Californias mountain.She _2_ across the bridge when,suddenly,two cars entered from both sides.There was nowhere to run,so the _3_ bear jumped onto the rail(护栏)and began to fall do

13、wn. Luckily,the bear pulled herself onto an arch(拱门) under the bridge,but she was trapped(困住) there.A driver saw the unbelievable scene and _4_ 911.Robert Brooks,an animal control officer from a nearby town,_5_ to investigate (调查).,“I _6_ it was a joke,” he said.But it wasnt a joke,so he called Dave

14、 Baker of the BEAR League,a group that _7_ bears in trouble. Unfortunately,the sky was getting dark,so the rescuers(营救人员) _8_ wait.Early the next morning,Brooks and Baker returned to the bridge with more volunteers._9_,the bear was still there.Then,Baker had _10_ idea:They should hang a net under th

15、e bear,push her into it,and then lower her to the ground. Police officers closed the road.Then Brooks _11_ a sleeping drug into the bears shoulder.When the bear was sleepy,,a volunteer rock climber used his feet _12_ the bear off the arch,right into the middle of the net. When the bear was _13_ lowe

16、red onto the ground,everyone cheered.The rescuers then cleared all the people from the area and left the bear _14_ so that she could sleep.Since then,no one _15_ the bear.“ I dont think shes going near the bridge any more,” Brooks said. ( ) 1.A.in B.on C.at D.for ( ) 2.A.was walking B.walks C.is wal

17、king D.walk,B,A,( ) 3.A.frightening B.frighten C.frightened D.frightens ( ) 4.A.call B.calls C.called D.will call ( ) 5.A.sends B.send C.sent D.was sent ( ) 6.A.was thinking B.thinks C.thought D.think ( ) 7.A.help B.helping C.helped D.helps ( ) 8.A.has to B.had to C.have to D.must ( ) 9.A.Surprising

18、ly B.Surprised C.Surprisedly D.Surprise,C,C,D,C,D,B,A,( ) 10.A.the B.an C.a D./ ( ) 11.A.shoot B.shoots C.shot D.shooted ( ) 12.A.push B.to push C.pushed D.pushes ( ) 13.A.gently B.gentle C.gentled D.gentling ( ) 14.A.lonely B.was lonely C.was alone D.alone ( ) 15.A.has seen B.have seen C.had seen D

19、.saw,B,C,B,A,D,A,One morning a fox was searching for his breakfast.He went down to the lake to _1_ some fish.Suddenly he saw a rabbit digging a hole on the bank of the lake and decided to eat it instead.Not wanting the rabbit to discover him,the fox moved _2_ towards his meal.As he got closer,he ste

20、pped on some dry leaves.The rabbit then _3_ in fear.When he saw the fox,he started to shout. “Quiet! Why do you rabbits shout so much?”asked the fox,slightly annoyed that he had lost his _4_.,“I am sorry,but you scared me.Your sharp teeth make me _5_,”replied the rabbit.“But I dont want to eat you,”

21、lied the fox,“I am only here to help with your_6_.I will be back tomorrow and help you dig your hole.” The next day,the fox returned to the _7_.There he saw a group of rabbits busily digging holes on the bank.He thought about catching one.At that moment the rabbit he had met the day before started j

22、umping up and down,making a _8_ noise to warn his friends.All the rabbits and even the fish quickly _9_.The poor fox could not find anything to catch for food and ended up _10_ fruit. ( ) 1.A.catch B.buy C.smell D.cook ( ) 2.A.noisily B.silently C.confidently D.angrily ( ) 3.A.looked down B.looked a

23、way C.turned off D.turned around,A,B,D,( ) 4.A.time B.place C.meal D.fish ( ) 5.A.sad B.excited C.nervous D.happy ( ) 6.A.food B.work C.story D.friends ( ) 7.A.breakfast B.house C.lake D.mountain ( ) 8.A.loud B.low C.usual D.dangerous ( ) 9.A.returned B.shouted C.entered D.disappeared ( ) 10.A.growi

24、ng B.eating C.picking D.selling,C,C,B,C,D,A,B,In todays world of modern science and medicine,a more traditional treatment is once again becoming popularanimal friendship. It is now well-known that people with problems such as heart disease or cancer live longer and get better more quickly if they ha

25、ve pets.Keeping pets lowers blood pressure and makes people less worried.Animals are increasingly important in treating older people who have memory loss and other brain problems.These people often feel nervous and upset.Activities with animals help them improve their physical condition and also giv

26、e them,joy,entertainment and loving friendship. Here is a case that shows the benefits of animals.John was a six-year-old mute.He had no physical problems.He just refused to talk.His older cousin,Ned,had a parrot called Sally,and John used to visit it.When he arrived,Ned used to say,“Hi,John!”We all

27、 know parrots copy what they hear.After a few visits,Sally began saying “Hi,John!”when John came into the room.Then,one day,John turned to the parrot and replied “Hi,Sally!”Staying with the parrot encouraged John to begin talking.,Another use of animal helpers is in schools.In some cases,animals are

28、 used to help children with physical or personal problems.In other cases,they are used to teach children to get on and share with others,and even to teach them about animals. If you want to know more about animal helper programmes,you can get in touch with organizations like Riding for the Disabled

29、or do a search under “animal therapy”on the Internet.You dont have to be an animal trainer or a doctor to join in.,( ) 1.Which is NOT mentioned as an illness that animals can help with? A.Heart disease. B.Cancer. C.Fever. D.Blood pressure. ( ) 2.The underlined word “mute”in Paragraph 3 is closest in

30、 meaning to “_”. A.a person who speaks slowly B.a person who does not speak C.a person who cannot hear D.a person who enjoys talking,C,B,( ) 3.The purpose of Paragraph 3 is to _. A.show how animals can help with illnesses B.discuss the problems of keeping pets C.describe how to train animal helpers

31、D.introduce some new medical research ( ) 4.How can animals help school children according to the passage?,A,D,A.They can improve childrens memory. B.They can make children more popular. C.They can increase childrens blood pressure. D.They can teach children to share with each other. ( ) 5.What is t

32、he best title of this passage? A.Be kind to animals. B.Talking to animals. C.The most dangerous diseases. D.Get healthy with animal helpers.,D,A,North American black bears are shy animals.They are afraid of people.1._ Because of this,it can be difficult for scientists to learn about these animals. I

33、n order to study black bears,researchers from New Jersey,USA,catch bears and use drugs to help them go to sleep.2._ They work out the size and the weight of the bear,take blood to test for diseases,,B,remove a tooth and take it to the lab to find out its age.3._ They can also learn how long they liv

34、e,and how many babies they produce. But in Minnesota,USA,researchers study bears that are completely awake.4._ With the help of some fruit to keep the bears busy,researchers can touch them to check their hearts,look at their teeth,and do other jobs.5._ During this time,they make videos to learn abou

35、t the black bearseveryday lives.,C,E,D,1.Lets see what is on the m_ today.You can order anything you like for our dinner. 2.Heavy traffic may c_ the air pollution. 3.There are some shopping malls in the c_ of Guangzhou. 4.Nobody knows the r_ why he gave up the good chance. 5.The tickets for a_ are 1

36、00 yuan and children only need to pay half.,enu,ause,entral,eason,dults,6.We have the r_ to protect the wild animals. 7.Guangzhou has a p_ of more than 14 million in 2013. 8.Youd better not f_ the fish too much.It may die. 9.We should not b_ the boy because he is not honest at all. 10.The baby w_ th

37、ree kilograms at birth.,esponsibility,opulation,eed,elieve,eighed,1.为了赶火车,我父亲一大早就动身了。 My father _ _ early to catch the train. 2.这么多小孩中,那男孩走得最快。 The boy walks _ _ of all the children. 3.每天锻炼半小时真的很重要。 It is _ _ us _ _ for half an hour every day.,set off,important for,the fastest,to exercise,4.你别无选择,只能

38、面对现实。You _ _ _ _ to face the fact. 5.人们太残忍,杀了那么多野生动物。 It is _ _ people _ _ so many wild animals. 6.你最好阻止你的儿子别用太长时间玩电脑游戏。 Youd better _ your son from _ computer games for so long. 7.这个书包够大,可以装很多玩具。 The bag is _ _ _ hold many toys.,have no choice but,cruel of,playing,to kill,keep,big enough to,8.汤姆做作业没露西认真。 Tom doesnt do his homework _ _ _ Lucy. 9.昨天小明很细心地照顾生病的妹妹。 _ was careful _ Xiaoming _ look after the sick sister yesterday. 10.晚上,女孩子就不应该单独外出了。 Girls should not go outside _ _ _ at night.,as carefully as,of,It,to,on their own,on their own,谢 谢 观 看 !,

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