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1、六级段落翻译(4),世博会 Exposition,举办世博会(Exposition)对中国的影响将是十分积极的。这不仅有助于中国吸收各国经验,进一步推进改革开放,还能够加强中国与各国间的友好交往。2010年上海世博会的主题确定为“城市,让生活更美好”。这个主题突出了三方面的特点:时代性、独创性和普遍性。城市是人类文明在生活空间上的结晶,越来越多的人,为了追求美好的生活而进入了城市。人类已经跨入了新世纪,世界城市化的进程将进一步加快,城市已经成为全世界政治家、经济家和社会活动家关注的焦点。,积极的: 推进: 革新: 突出特点 时代性: 结晶 :,positive boost, promote,

2、push forward, further innovation is characterized by, feature vt reflecting the spirit of our age a fruit of , a result of,举办世博会(Exposition)对中国的影响将是十分积极的。这不仅有助于中国吸收各国经验,进一步推进改革开放,还能够加强中国与各国间的友好交往。 Hosting the Exposition will have a positive impact on China, as China will be able not only to draw use

3、ful experiences of other countries to further its reform and opening up process, but also to strengthen its friendly relations with other countries. “这”最好译为 It。 注意逗号之间各部分的关系,可用and 连接,或把“进一步推进改革开放”作为目的状语。,2010年上海世博会的主题确定为“城市,让生活更美好”。这个主题突出了三方面的特点:时代性、独创性和普遍性。 If shanghai wins the bid, the theme of th

4、e 2010 world exposition will be “Better city, Better life”, which is characterized by three distinctive features: reflecting the spirit of our age, being original in concept and having universal significance. “确定为”如果没把握翻译,可简单译为“is” 时代性、独创性和普遍性”为并列成分,译成英语时,要求形式一致,要么三个名词,要么三个都译为分词短语。,城市是人类文明在生活空间上的结晶,

5、越来越多的人,为了追求美好的生活而进入了城市。 Cities are a fruit of human civilization in respect of living space. More and more people have made their way into the cities in pursuit of a better life. 注意句子的连接。断句也行(如参考译文),用“and”连接也行。,人类已经跨入了新世纪,世界城市化的进程将进一步加快,城市已经成为全世界政治家、经济家和社会活动家关注的焦点。 with the advent of(随着的出现) the new

6、century, urbanization will be further accelerated worldwide. Cities have already become the focus of attention of statesmen, economists and social activists around the world. 跨入”译成enter 亦可。 “已经或已经成为适合译成用现在完成时,Hosting the Exposition will have a positive impact on China, as China will be able not only

7、 to draw useful experiences of other countries to further its reform and opening up process, but also to strengthen its friendly relations with other countries. If shanghai wins the bid, the theme of the 2010 world exposition will be “Better city, Better life”, which is characterized by three distin

8、ctive features: reflecting the spirit of our age, being original in concept and having universal significance. Cities are a fruit of human civilization in respect of living space. More and more people have made their way into the cities in pursuit of a better life. with the advent of the new century, urbanization will be further accelerated worldwide. Cities have already become the focus of attention of statesmen, economists and social activists around the world.,翻译时可以灵活处理,尽量选用自己熟悉的词或句型,切忌“死翻”或“硬翻”。,

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