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1、,教材同步复习,第一部分,Grade 8Book 2,Units56,2,中考考点 精讲,3,4,while,when,when,while,5,单项填空 5_ she arrived at the theater,the movie had been on for 30 minutes. AAlthoughBWhen CSinceDWhile 6My father was preparing for his speech _ my mother was doing some washing last night. Aif Bwhile Cunless Duntil,B,B,6,7,sleep

2、,asleep,sleepy,sleeping,8,单项填空 11My grandmother often falls _ when she watches TV. Asleep Bsleeping Casleep Dsleepy 12He didnt _ well before the exam because he was too nervous. Asleep Bsleepy Csleeping Dasleep,C,A,9,10, 活学巧练 单项填空 13My mother reminded me _ I must go home before dark. Athat Bwhich Cw

3、hat Dhow 14This picture reminds me _ my teacher. Afor Bwith Cof Dby,A,C,11,15Ive been busy these days. Please remember to remind me _ the meeting on Friday morning. Aattend Battending Cto attend Dattends,C,12,13, 活学巧练 单项填空 16The kindhearted girl married _ the prince at last and they lived a happy li

4、fe. Ato Bwith Cfor D/ 17She wants to marry her daughter _ a lawyer. Ain Bto Con Dwith,D,B,14,18How long _ you _ ? For more than five years. Ahave; been married Bdo; get married Cdo; marry to Dhave; got married,A,15,16, 活学巧练 单项填空 19If you listen carefully,all the _ in the forest together are like a beautiful song. Avoices Bnoises Csounds Dshouts 20There is so much _ in this restaurant. I can hardly hear you. Avoice Bnoise Csound Dshout,C,B,

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