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1、,教材同步复习,第一部分,Grade 8Book 1,Units12,2,中考考点 精讲,3, 活学巧练 词形转换 1The future seems _ (hope) for poor Mike,because he can go to school again. 单项填空 2WeChat seems _ the best way of communication. It is very popular among people. Abe Bto be Cbeing Dbeen 3There _ to be much luck for his final success. Aare seem

2、ed BSeemCseems Dis seemed,hopeful,B,C,4,5, 活学巧练 单项填空 4Dont worry! I can look after your baby _ . Acareful enough Benough careful Ccarefully enough Denough carefully 5My little brother is really an independent boy because he always says he is old enough _ care of himself. Atake Bto take Ctaking Dtake

3、n,C,B,6,7,注 意,8, 活学巧练 单项填空 6The skirt was too expensive for her,so she decided _ it. Ato buy Bbuy Cbuying Dnot to buy 7They have decided on _ a few trees on the hill to protect the environment. Aplant Bto plant Cplanting Dplanted 8Faced with these problems,we should decide _ . Awhere to do Bwhat to

4、do Cwhen to do Dwhy to do,D,C,B,9,10,wonder作名词,意为“奇观;壮举;奇才”。常见的固定搭配有: Its a wonder that “奇怪的是; 令人惊奇的是”。 Its no wonder that No wonder (that)“难怪; 不足为奇”。,拓 展,11, 活学巧练 词形转换 9One of the eight _ (wonder) of the ancient world is the Terra Cotta Warriors. 单项填空 10I wonder _ there is some time I could have a

5、word with you. Aif Bthough Cuntil Dafter,wonders,A,12,11Its a _ that she is still alive after the serious accident. Adream Bsecret Cmistake Dwonder 12He is always the first to come and the last to leave. _ is no wonder that he always takes the first in class. AThere BIt CThat DThis,D,B,13,14,15,He o

6、ften goes to bed at ten oclock. But sometimes he stays up until midnight.他经常10点钟上床睡觉。但是,有时候他熬夜到午夜。 Helen always gets to school on time,and she is never late for school.海伦总是按时上学,她从不迟到。,一 言 辨 异,16, 活学巧练 单项填空 13When you visit a Chinese family,the host _ makes tea for you. AseldomBusually CneverDhardly

7、14I will _ forget the class. It gave me an important lesson. Ausually Bsometimes Cnever Doften,B,C,17,15How often do you go to the concert? I _ go there,because Im interested in music very much. Aoften Bhardly Csometimes Dnever 16Would you like a cup of coffee? Sorry. I _ drink coffee in the evening

8、. Aalways Boften Chardly Dsometimes,A,C,18,17My grandmother has formed the habit of getting up early. She _ gets up at 6: 30. Aalways Bsometimes Cseldom Dnever 18Dreaming _ is good for us,but dreaming too much is bad for our health. Asometimes Boften Cseldom Dhardly,A,A,19,20,21, 活学巧练 单项填空 19 _ do y

9、ou usually have an English lesson? Almost every day. AHow many BHow much CHow often DHow soon 20 _ will you finish your homework? In half an hour. AHow longBHow far CHow soonDHow tall,C,C,22,21 _ does it take you to drive to work every day? About one hour and a half. AHow old BHow many CHow often DH

10、ow long 22Do you know _ that Tshirt is? Its only 45 yuan. Ahow much Bhow often Chow many Dhow old,D,A,23,23Excuse me. _ is it from here to the park? Let me see. Its about two kilometers. AHow long BHow soon CHow much DHow far 24 _ books are there in your bag? There are five books in my bag. AHow much BHow many CHow tall DHow often,D,B,

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