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1、模块基础知识过关八,基础知识清单,基础知识迁移,Module 8Sports life,模块基础知识过关八,基础知识清单,重点单词,根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词 1记忆;回忆(n.)_ _ (复数) 2比分(n.)_ 3决定(n.)_ _ (v.) 4(辩解的)理由;借口(n.)_ 5中午;正午(n.)_,memory,memories,point,decision,decide,excuse,noon,模块基础知识过关八,6座椅;座位(n.)_ _ (adj.) 7公平的;合理的(adj.)_ _ (反义词) 8踢(v.)_ 9生气的;恼火的(adj.)_ _ (比较级) _

2、(最高级) 10能力(n.)_ _ (复数) _ (adj.) 11赛跑;比赛(n.)_ _ (n.比赛者) 12记录;最佳纪录(v.& n)_ _ (n.录音机;记 录员),fair,unfair,mad,madder,maddest,ability,abilities,able,race,racer,record,recorder,kick,seat,seated,模块基础知识过关八,13方法;办法(n.)_ _ (近义词) 14日本(n.)_ _ (n.日本人;日语) 15打破(纪录);打碎(v.)_ _ (adj.) _ (过去式) 16亚洲的;亚洲人的(adj.)_ _ (n.) 1

3、7勇气;胆量(n.)_ 18自豪感;骄傲(n.)_ _ (adj.),method,way/idea,Japan,Japanese,break,broken,broke,Asian,Asia,courage,proud,pride,模块基础知识过关八,根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语 1是的缩写;代表 _ 2创办;设立 _ 3放弃 _ 4占用 _ 5和比赛 _ 6同意 _ 7返回 _,stand for,set up,give up,take up,play against,agree with,return to,重点短语,模块基础知识过关八,8为做准备 _ 9把与相比较 _ 10受(某种病

4、痛)折磨 _ 11为欢呼;为加油 _ 12参加 _ 13为感到自豪 _ 14同时 _ 15在中午 _ 16起初 _,comparewith,suffer from,cheer for,take part in,take pride in,at the same time,at noon,at first,prepare for,模块基础知识过关八,17决不;不可能 _ 18跳高 _ 19事实上 _ 20许多 _ 21生某人的气 _ 22鼓励某人做某事 _ 23继续做某事 _ 24阻止某人做某事 _ 25建议某人做某事 _,no way,high jump,in fact,a number of

5、,be mad at/with sb.,encourage sb. to do sth.,continue to do sth.,stop sb.(from) doing sth.,advise sb. to do sth.,模块基础知识过关八,I. 根据汉语意思完成句子 1你最好马上向李老师道歉。 You _ _ apologise to Mr Li right now. 2托尼看起来不高兴,因为他没入选校篮球队。 Tony looks unhappy because he _ _ _ _ _ the school basketball team.,had better,has been l

6、eft,重点句型,out of,模块基础知识过关八,3玲玲对大明错打开她的信件很恼火。 Lingling _ _ _ Daming for opening her letter by mistake. 4当我经过操场时,迈克正在为明天的比赛训练。 When I passed by the playground, Mike _ _ _ the match tomorrow.,was training for,is mad at/with,模块基础知识过关八,5那个鞋厂建于二战前。 The shoe factory _ _ _ before the World War .,was set up,模

7、块基础知识过关八,.连词成句 根据括号内的中文提示,将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子,每个句子首字母需大写,句末需加标点符号。 1Harry, gold medal, we, has, so, a, him, all, won, take pride in(哈利得了一枚金牌,因此我们都为他感到自豪。) _,Harry has won a gold medal, so we all take pride in him.,模块基础知识过关八,2Juliet, stop, why, you, from, did, going upstairs, him(朱丽叶,你为什么阻止他上楼?) _ 3thin

8、ks, too, Betty, thin, practise, shes, to, taekwondo(贝蒂觉得自己太瘦,不能练习跆拳道。) _,Juliet, why did you stop him from going upstairs?,Betty thinks shes too thin to practise taekwondo.,模块基础知识过关八,基础知识迁移,.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出正确的单词 1My grandpa is 70 years old, but he has a good m_. 2Rice is the main food in all East A_

9、 countries. 3Who made the d_ to go fishing? 4Liu Xiang is the p_ of our country. 5Ladies and gentlemen, please take your _(座位),emory,sian,ecision,ride,seats,单词回顾,模块基础知识过关八,She has kept the worlds _(记录)for years for the high jump. 7The boys were _(踢) a ball around in the yard. 8He has the _ (勇气) to s

10、peak out what he thinks right. 9Who won the running_ (比赛)? 10Almost everyone has a musical _(能力),record,kicking,courage,race,ability,模块基础知识过关八,.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,1My mother was _ at me because I made some mistakes. 2The new _ is perfect. Thank you very much, Linda! 3His _ for forgetting her birthday wa

11、s that he had lost his dirary. 4I enjoy watching _ movies a lot. 5Its not _ on the students to keep changing the timetable.,mad,method,excuse,Asian,fair,模块基础知识过关八,用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空,1. She_ me for being late. 2My uncle is rich now and he is planning to_ a new company. 3None of us know what the sign_ 4M

12、ay I copy your homework? _!,is/was mad at,set up,stands for,No way,短语运用,模块基础知识过关八,5My mother often _ toothaches. 6_ I didnt know what had happened. 7If you really want that job, _ it! 8_, I get dressed, next I brush my teeth and wash my face, then I have breakfast. 9He _ himself for not giving up. 1

13、0Please_ your photos _his carefully.,suffers from,At first,go for,First of all,is/was proud of,compare,with,模块基础知识过关八,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1UK代表什么? What does UK _ _? 2妈妈真的很生吉姆的气,因为他打破了窗户。 Mum was really _ _ Jim because he broke the window. 3那个俱乐部是去年建立的。 That club _ _ _ last year.,stand for,mad at/with,was se

14、t up,句型突破,模块基础知识过关八,4他总是被拿来与学校最好的学生作比较。 He _ always _ _ the best students in the school. 5在办事方面,她有非凡的能力。 She has got a remarkable _ _ get things done.,is,compared with,ability to,模块基础知识过关八,.按要求完成下列各题,每空一词,1John found the lost dog yesterday. (改为被动语态) The lost dog_ _ by John yesterday. 2Will you invit

15、e Lucy to have a picnic next Sunday? (改为被 动语态) Will Lucy_ _to have a picnic next Sunday? 3The little boy would like another two oranges. (改为同义句) The little boy would like_ _oranges.,was,found,be,invited,two,more,模块基础知识过关八,4To take off our shoes is necessary when we enter the lab. (改为同义句) _ necessary_ take off our shoes when we enter the lab. 5The girl didnt know how she should do it. (改为简单句) The girl didnt know how_ _ it.,Its,to,to,do,

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