广西2019年秋九年级英语上册 Module 3 Heroes自我综合评价三课件(新版)外研版.ppt

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1、,模块自我综合评价三,测试范围:Module 3时间:40分钟满分:100分,模块自我综合评价三,.单项选择(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 1Air pollution is becoming more and more serious, _ action must be taken to stop it. Aso Bbut Cor Duntil,2Can you help Peter? I dont think he can finish the work _ OK, I will. Aafter all Ball together Call the time Don his own

2、,解析 A句意:空气污染现在越来越严重,_必须采取措施阻止它了。前句“污染严重”是原因,后句“必须采取措施”是结果,前因后果。故选A。,答案 D,模块自我综合评价三,3.Although she didnt know Boston well, she made her way _ to the Home Circle Building. Aeasy enough Benough easy Ceasily enough Denough easily,4_ I am in trouble, my best friend Li Lei always helps me. AWhenever BWhat

3、ever CHowever DWherever,答案 C,答案 A,模块自我综合评价三,5I will try my best to win in the School Talent Show. If so, all of us will be _ you. Aproud of Bcareful with Cstrict with Dworried about,答案 A,模块自我综合评价三,6The girl, as well as her parents _ to the park, and all of them _ very happy. Ago; are Bgoes; feels Cw

4、ent; are Dgoes; feel,解析 D考查主谓一致。句意:这个女孩和她的父母去公园,他们都感到很开心。这是由and引导的并列句,前半句中as well as和“her parents”构成介宾短语,主语是“the girl”, 故谓语动词用单数形式;后半句中“all of them”是主语,谓语用复数形式,而且两个并列句的时态要一致,故选D。,模块自我综合评价三,7Nightingale started a school _ nurses. A. train Bto train Ctrains Dtraining,8Who _ the electric light bulb? Th

5、omas Edison. Aperformed Bdiscovered Cimagined Dinvented,解析 B考查不定式作目的状语。,答案 D,模块自我综合评价三,9The woman made her son _ finally after she told him some jokes. Alaughed Bto laugh Claugh Dlaughing,10I didnt accept his help _ I wanted to try it myself. Abecause Bthough Cuntil Dunless,答案 C,答案 A,.完形填空(共10小题;每小题

6、2分,满分20分) Doctor Seuss was born in 1904. He was one of the most successful _11_ book writers in the world. His books are very popular_12_ young readers. They enjoy the invented words and the pictures of funny animals and plants. In 1954, Life magazine published(刊登) a report _13_ school children. The

7、 report said many childrens books were boring. Doctor Seuss _14_hoped to help children. So he _15_ to write books that were interesting and _16_ to read. He used words with the same ending sound, like “_17_” and “wish”. He did not receive training in art. However, he _18_ the pictures for most of hi

8、s books.,模块自我综合评价三,He died at the age of 87, but his influence(影响) remains. _19_ his books have been sold worldwide. People say his books helped change the way American children learned to read. Yet, his books are loved by people of all _20_. Doctor Seuss once said, “I do not write for children. I w

9、rite for people.”,模块自我综合评价三,模块自我综合评价三,11A.old peoples Badults Cchildrens Dbabies 12A.with Bof Cin Dat 13A. as Babout Coff Dwith 14A.easy Bsadly Cstrongly Dquietly 15A.decided Blooked Cforget Dhated 16A.quick Beasy Cdifficult Dbad 17A. pick Bopen Cfish Dride 18A.danced Bsang Cdrew Dplayed 19A.Million

10、 of BMillion CMillions DMillions of 20A.colours Bages Ckinds Dlanguages,模块自我综合评价三,解析 11.C 12Abe popular with意为“受的欢迎”。 13B14.C15.A 16B由上下文可知,他决定写一些“容易”读懂的书。 17C18.C19.D 20Bof all ages意为“各年龄段的”。,模块自我综合评价三,.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) Eric Liddell was known as the flying Scotsman(苏格兰人) because he ran so fas

11、t. But he is most remembered as a man of honour and bravery. He was born in 1902 in Tianjin, northern China. In Chinese, he was known as Li Airui. Eric lived in China until the age of five. After that his parents sent him to school in England. In 1920, Eric went to the University of Edinburgh to stu

12、dy science.,模块自我综合评价三,Sports played a large part in his life and he became the fastest runner in Scotland. He was chosen to be part of Britains 1924 Olympic team. The games were in Paris. The 100metre race was his best event, but it was to be held on a Sunday. Eric,a strong Christian(基督教徒), refused

13、to run on Sundays because he believed that it should be a day of rest as the Bible(圣经) teaches. Although many people told him to run the race, he refused. Instead he started to train for other distances. At the Olympics he won a bronze medal in the 200metre race and then a gold medal in the 400metre

14、 race, setting a world record.,模块自我综合评价三,Though then famous in Scotland, Eric still loved and remembered China. He wanted to go back to the country where he was born. In 1925, he went to China and worked as a middle school teacher in Tianjin. Then he went to Hebei Province to help the poor people th

15、ere. After the Japanese invaded(入侵) China, Eric chose to stay. He wanted to help the sick and give hope to the Chinese people. In 1943, the Japanese sent him to a prison camp(集中营) in Weifang. Even in the camp, he continued to help the old people. He also arranged games for the children, and taught t

16、hem science.,模块自我综合评价三,In 1945, Eric was very ill. He was given a chance to leave the camp but he refused. Instead he gave this chance to a pregnant woman. The inspiring man died six months before the end of the war. Many people still remember his service to the Chinese people of that area.,模块自我综合评价

17、三,21Eric went to England to _ Ago to school Bhelp the Scottish people Ctake part in the Olympic Games Dvisit relatives 22Eric set a world record in the _ race. A100metre B200metre C400metre D800metre,模块自我综合评价三,23Eric returned to China in _ A1920 B1925 C1943 D1945 24Eric lived in China for _ years al

18、l together. A5 B20 C25 D30 25People remember Eric mainly because of his _. Arunning Breceiving Cteaching Dgiving,模块自我综合评价三,解析 【主旨大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了出生于中国的苏格兰短跑运动员Eric Liddell的生平事迹。 21A细节理解题。根据第二段第四句“After that his parents sent him to school in England.”可知选项A正确。 22C细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“At the Olympics he w

19、on a bronze medal in the 200metre race and then a gold medal in the 400metre race, setting a world record.”可知,他创造了男子400米跑世界纪录。故选C。,模块自我综合评价三,解析 23B细节理解题。根据第五段第三句“In 1925, he went to China and”可知,他在1925年回到了中国。故选B。 24C推理判断题。根据第二段第三句可知他童年在中国生活了5年;根据最后一段第一句和第五段第三句可知,他从1925年到1945年在中国生活了20年,所以一共生活了25年。故选C

20、。 25D细节理解题。根据短文最后一句“Many people still remember his service to the Chinese people of that area.”可知选D。,模块自我综合评价三,.用方框中所给词的适当形式完成短文(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) when; soldier; until; several; they; continue; tell; operate; on; work It was late on the night of October 20, 1939 when Dr Bethune was busy working in

21、a field hospital. An Eighth Route Army man came and 26._ Dr Bethune that the front was in great need of medical 27._Dr Bethune set off with a medical team at once. On 28._ way, they met a group of Eighth Route Army men. They took the injured 29._ into a small temple(庙) and Dr Bethune began to operat

22、e 30._ them.,workers,their,soldiers,on,told,模块自我综合评价三,Dr Bethune went on working day and night. The next day while an 31._was going on, a young man ran in and said to the doctors, “32._ hundred enemy(敌人) soldiers are coming.” Soon they heard the sound of guns(枪). But Dr Bethune still went on with hi

23、s work. Twenty minutes later, 33._ Bethune was operating on the leg of the last injured soldier, the guns sounded much closer. But Dr Bethune 34._ working. He and the other doctors didnt leave 35._ the operation was over. Dr Bethune was really a hero!,operation,Several,continued,when,until,模块自我综合评价三

24、,.书面表达(满分25分) 假设你刚刚看完电视剧江姐,请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇观后感。 江姐原名江竹筠,江姐是人们对她的爱称。 江姐1920年生于四川省自贡市,1939年加入中国共产党,1948年不幸被捕。在狱中,她始终坚贞不屈,1949年11月英勇就义。 要求:1.内容应包含所有提示信息; 280词左右。 参考词汇:Sister Jiang江姐;the Chinese Communist Party 中国共产党;be arrested 被捕; give in 屈服;prison 监狱,模块自我综合评价三,One possible version: I just watched the T

25、V play called Sister Jiang. And I was deeply moved by it. She is a hero in my heart. Jiangjies name is Jiang Zhujun. She was born in Zigong, Sichuan Province in 1920. In 1939 she joined the Chinese Communist Party. Unluckly, she was arrested in 1948. In prison, she was very brave. She would rather die than give in. In the end, she was killed in November 1949. She gave all her life to our country. I think we should learn from her, and remember her forever.,

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